ESTABLISHED JUNE 1862-VOL 30. 23, PORTLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 15, 1891. l' AS* .UA llT il ATTKlc} PRICE THREE CENTS. _ _______ __ '_ _ ___ ___ _ __ __ ______ SPECIAL NOTICES. ill- THIS MORNING’S NEWS- aud expenditures of the executive depart- school, resigned today on account of ROUGH ON HILLS. ments. NORCROSS INSANE ? health. HEADED WAS Fire at Biddeford Fool. Page 1. Mr, Quay—Library,chairman; commerc; public and grounds; woman suf- J FOR^^JM buildings December 14 —The build- News of the missing Burton L. Kinney. frage. Biddeford, Bath built ships race through two oceans. Garments Cleansed Mr. Sanders—Enrolled bills, chairman; ings at Biddeford Pool owned by Irving .1. Maine wins ns suit against the Grand irrigation; claims; public lands; patents; Tarbox and occupied by Frank Loekrey Trunk. No for land claims. Had Been A from Barion to Protection the of private The Man Who Killed Sage burned yesterday, caused by a defective Hosage Kin»oy Edward M. Field Arrested. Apostle Mr offices ana post Sawyer—Post roads, chimney. insured fcr Was Norcross the bomb thrower? DYED Free chairman; commerce; pensions; Revolu- Demented. Loss, §3,000; .^2,000, Bin kmm Wifa Alimony ordered for Mary Nevint-Blalne. Trade, tionary claims; to investigate the condi- Violently Freedom Illuminated. R ekland Happenings. -AMD- tion of the Potomac river in front of N ate Grange in session in Skowheaan. Belfast. December 14.—The ban; of O. Washington. v Washington News: Springer likely to be Mr. Shernnn—Foreign relations, chair- B. Keene of Freedom, valued at §200, and chairman of the ways and means commit- rules; IT AS IF HE man; finance; quadro-centennial; DR. GRAYES HEARS OF HIS PECU- Clifford Wentworth’s four horses I HE MAS POOR 15 tee. LOOKS WIGHT BE OUT oi the United States; to inves- >jp)ued MISSING AUCC University at 8300, burned this Insured lor i Republican Senators to commit- the condition of the Potomac river LIAR IN DENVER. morning. assigned OF IT tigate ACTIONS Pl'RSK AND MIND. tees. K®. ISPreMe Street. ALTOGETHER. in front of Washington. §450. The G.-aves trial in Denver. Mr. Shoup—Indian depredations, chair- Opened by the Governor. man territories; Ihdian affairs. Page 2. ; pensions; Gardiher, December 14.—Gcverner E. Oapt. Couch entertains hfs friends. Mr. Squire—Transportation rentes to the J Foster’s chairman; coast im- Some Things Which May Explode the C. Burleigh, his staff and their ladies. Queer experience of two men in a board- Forest House Failing To Be Made Chairman of the seaboard, defences; EelieTfd To He W.vJkiuj; Tnvriud* Iflmue noY29 Oity Bye and 'ntr house. eodtf migration: fisheries; public buildings Boston Sensation—Teeth and Head of General Lutner .Stephenson, Jr., and offi- Ways and Means He of the United States. from New York—His ’Written Y. P. S. C. E. entertainment at Second Committee, May grounds; University cers of the National Soldiers’ Home, Toga?, Mccia;^ build n ;s and Sago’s Assailant Do Not Answer De- Parish. Beeline To Serve The Senate Com- Mr. Stanford—Public on a Postal Card—Mrs. education aud and S. L. Miller of Waldoboro, department ! Kinney Hope- City Government Committee views INSURANCE. grounds, chairman ; labor; of Norcross—A New the mittees—New Measures scription Snspect— ful Search in Rochester Presented—Mr. fisheries; naval affairs; civil service ana commander of the G. A. R. of Maine, at- ; Progress for Iho unfor- property. Witnesses at Denver Tell of Mrs. DCW & Manley and Mr. Blaine. retrenchment. tended the opening of the tenth grand fair tunate Mau, Page 3. PiNKHAM, Mr. Stewart—Mines and mining, chair- 35 Exchange St. Barnaby’s Suspicions. of Heath Post, No. 6, G. A. R., of this city Congress «t Work. [Special to the Press.] man; appropriations; territories; irriga- [Special to the Press.]; Agf m* for Kiending this evening. Addresses were made Wit and Wisdom. Washington, December 14 —While the tion ; claims; Nicaraguan claims. New Yoke, December 14 —Coroner Mes- by Lowell, Mass., December 14 —Mrs. Bur- The Home. C»uipnuie*. Mr. Stockbrtdge—Fisheries, chairman; Gov. and Commander chairmanship of the Ways and Means sener made public today the result ol the Burleigh Department ton Kinney received tbe first Intelligence Page 4. Sterling Dow. naval affairs; railroads; census; epidemic examination made him and other S. L. Miller. At the close of the entertain- Editorials. H. N. 1 INRHAM. committee has not yet been formally ten- diseases; Indian affairs. by physi- of her missing husbaDd Saturday, when decl cians ment, Gov. Burleigh stood in front of the Current Comment. eodttan dered to the irrepressible “Bill” Springer Mr. Teller—Privileges and elections, upon the brain of tne bomb thrower. she received a postal card from Bridgeport, chairman; five civilized tribes of As the result of the stage and a large crowd passed him, each Page 5. of Illinois, there is very good reason for judiciary; examination, it is gen- Conn., containing the following: Indians; private land claims. one his hand. tin- will erally conceded by physicians that the shaking Sporting Topics; Kite-Shaped Track L! believing that snch be the case, as was Mr. Warren—Irrigation, chairman; en- “Am headed for home. Left New York The Season's 2 30 list of two-year olds anc intimated in the Press last week. If Mr. grossed bills; mines and mining; woman’s bomb thrower was of unsound mind for a several days siftce. Head all goue. Every- yearling. suffrage; agriculture and forestry. protracted period, and that his WON AT THE FINISH. thing gone. I found a cent and bought a The TFif Springer is made chairman, Mr. Mills will insanity Day Nursery and Free Kinder Mr. Washburn—Improvement of the postal to let you know something hap- probably not be a member of the commit- was not a sudden development. aSrtcn. To Any Smoker. Mississippi river, chairman; commerce; pened." [Sigued], “Burt." Wnen the Mu1 icionl Court. tee, he will be offered a civil service and re- brain was beiDg removed the Ship A. J. Fuller’s Chase of the M. F. Grace can although place education and labor: Mrs. Kinney's brother at once ieft for A Run of Scarlet Fever. Nothing Compare with a Box ot offices and coroner examined the teeth carefully, but with the expectation of bis declining it. trenchment; post post roads; Through Two Oceaus, Bridgeport, and is seeking for traces of the of the United States. did not discover an unsound tooth. Page 6. In that event, Mr. Mills will cease to cat University THE FRAGRANT Mr. of The left upper canine tooth was slightly missing man in the towns and cities trav- Christmas for Wilson—Revision laws, chairman; Presents Little Girls. E any figure In the present Congress, as, if deformed, having a groove across its front. uuiiiiuuiuoi juvwwijr t quauiu~ New York. DABAmhAr 14.—Two trim ersed by the railroad l nes between Boston Pace 7. xu wuum u»vo uceu uuuccauie at once to a he declines to serve on the ways and meaus, centennial; organization, conduct and ex- aad New York. It is that Mr. Marine dentist, yet the Boston dentist who exam- looking American presumed News. he would not other committee penditures of tbe executive departments. clipper ships passed accept any ined the teeth on no Kiuney is walking back from New York, Markets and Financial Reports. SLEEPER’S Mr. Walcott—Clvlk service and retrench- Saturday night made ■Sandy Hook at 8.10 o’clock yesterday EYE to assignment. District of in- reference it. but with bis mind so broken that he is un- Page 8. ment, chairman; Columbia; morning, after a race from San Francisco. It would be the of fate Chief Clerk Rickert said he bad exam- The Grand irony if, after all terstate commerce; post offices and post able to explain his condition to any one Army Fair. ined all the teeth with a One was the A. J. Fuller, commanded by Brief CIGARS. his work In the cause of tariff roads; library. magnifying glass, Jottings. reduction, excepting the extreme bacx molars. Not who could render him aid. Meantime, Personal iwention. The Mills should finally be ignored his own »he name of Senator Kyle does not ap- Captain Colcord, and tba other the M. P. acknowl- by one of them has ne Mrs. is under the afflic- party. It is understood that Speaker pear in the above list, although Seuator any filling, said. The Grace, which had for skipper Captain De Kinney bearing up edged leader by all Boston dentist said that many of Norcross's Crisp has practically decided upon the Peffer, his Alliance colleague, Is given four tion she has suffered, and since Saturday teeth were decayed and filled with Winter. The race was In the nature of a smokers. Uni- Democratic members of the wavs and assignments. It Is learned that Senator gold. Coroner Messener also De has felt encouraged to believe that her form means committee, who will be Messrs. Kyle was approached with a view of ascer- said that the handicap. Captain Water's sancey ship quality. board of the dynamite husband will some time return, as he Is Springer, Mills, McMillin of Tennessee, taining his preferences, but his responses tnrower must have having an advantage of full twenty days’ Sold been growing for three or four by all Dealers Wilson of West Virginia, Breckenridge of were noD-cnmmittal and be vaguely hinted months, start. this fact the A. J. Fuller parently neaded in tbe right direction, and while according to the friends of Norcross Despite Arkansas, Whitney of Michigan, Outh- that the Alliance senators would receive has sufficient left to know 10 cents each.
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