Cake and Cockkorse, Volume 14 Subject Index Personal and family names, ondplaces. are included here, as well as in ihe Personal and Place Name Indexes. $forming the major subjeci of an ariicle Adderbury Ironstone Company (1 870) 29 Banbury continued Airspeed ‘Horsa’ gliders 126 Neithrop 235,245 Archaeology Red Lion 33 Adderbury House I 12- 1 19 Reindeer Inn and Globe Room 4-5 Castle Quay (Bridge Street and Mill Lane), St John Street (1 603) 20 Banbury Schools 1 st interim report (1 998) 82-92 Banbury County 257 2nd interim report (1999) 199-220 Miss Bromley’s 257-60 Marston St Lawrence, N’hants 97- I05 Dashwood Road 223-34 Artillery attack on Broughton Castle (1642) 67- South Parade, Grimsbury 233 75 Springfield Avenue 18 I, 223 Ranbury Stalcy’s warehouse 9 1 Beargarden Road 257 The Case is Altered 257 Bloxham Road 257 Tooley’s Boatyard 96, 20 1, 2 17- 19 Bridge Street 233 Wharf 233 see also under Castle Quay White Lion 246 Miss Bromley’s School in the 1930s-40s 257-60 Beaw, William (I6 17-1 705), Vicar of Adderbury ‘Cafe 54’ 227-24 and Bishop of Llandaff 134-48 Canal terminus 2 16- 17 Blackwell & Co., ironmasters at Dudley (1 859) Castle 67-68, 74, 82-92, 199-220 28 Castle Gardens 9 I, 2 1 1 Book reviews: Castle Quay (Bridge Street and Mill Lane), Banbury, The ‘Bawdy Court of 46-48 Banbury, archaeology at 82-92, 199-220 Banbury, The Changing Faces o/; Book I 76- Castle Street 91, 203, 213, 233 78 Church Lane Wesleyan Church 256 Banbury Pas/ und Preseni (oldphoios) 180-8 1 Cross, the original 189, 195 Correspondence re Springfield Avenue 223 Cuttle Brook and Mill 92, 207, 213,216-17 Eydon , ‘Grafiti,Pigs and Old Lace‘’ 183-84 Easington -see Dumbleton family Charlton and Newboiile. The His/ory of Two Factory Street 2 17 Villages 225 Grimsbury 179-80, 233, 244 Flora 7hompson, The World of 130 Historical Society Grimsbury. The Changing Faces of 179-80 AMUd Report and Accounts Helmdon, Aspecis of; no 1 49 1997 54-56 Aspecis of; no 2 106 1998 130-32 Aspecis of; no. 3 182-83 1999 227-28 Houses of the Gentry, 1480-1680 224 Cake & Cockhor.te 5-6 The Inns. Taverns and Beerhouses of Banbury, History of, after 40 years 3-7 The Licensees [sic] of 79-80 Inns, taverns, beerhouses 79-80 An Instance of the Fingerposi 50 Junction (railway)l60-63) Kineion in /he Greai War, 1914-1921 156 Lock 237, 246 Newbottle - see Charlton, above Mill Lane -see Castle Quay The Oxfirdshire Yeomanry. Queen ‘iOwn Museum, new 93-96 Oxfordshire Hussars, 1798- 1998. The Siory Rowlandson painting fo; 186-88 of I07 26 1 Subject Index Book reviews continued Lecture reports continued Prohare Records of the Coitrts of the Bishop and Victoria Counry History 128-29 Archdeacon of Oxford* 1733-1857, and ofihe Women in power, Images of 129 Oxfordshire Pecrrliars. 1517-1856, Index to 49 Mosquito aircraft I26 The Warwickshire Scandal (Lady Mordaiint) Museum - see Banbury 181-82 Obituaries Wychwaod Forest and its Border Places 184 Ayser, Dr Elizabeth 226 Brinkworth, E.R C. (Ted) White, Hugh 226 founding of Historical Society 3 Oxford Canal as teacher 223-24 and Ironstone Business 26-36 Broughton Castle Banbury terminus 2 16- 17 Artillery (royalist) in attack on, 1642 67-75 boatmen carrying ironstone 36 Historical Society at 7 Staffing c 1851 230-46 on cover of Wodehouse novel 24 Tooley’s Boatyard 96 Buckinghamshire Railway 23 I Oxfordshire Ironstone Company (I 882) 36 Canal -see Oxford Canal Probate records for Oxfordshire 49 Cherwell, River, at Trafford 189-97 Rai I ways, see also with Oxford Canal Banbury to Chcltcnham 3 l-33,36, 160-73 Decpfield Iron Company, Bilston (1 869) 29 Buckinghamshire 23 I Dumbleton family in Swalcliffe, Tadmarton and Edgehill Light Railway 36n Adderbury 17-22 Grcat Central Railway 49, 65 Edward, of Easington, 1603, will of 17-22 Great Western Railway at Kings Sutton 28-29, Easington - see Dumbleton family 35-36 Edgehill, Battle of (1 642) 67-75 ‘Kingham Stopping Goods’ 160-73 Eydon, field names 174-76 Romanies 158-59 stone 41 Rowlandson, Thomas, ‘A View near Ranbury’ Field names - see Eydon 186-88 Gliders 126 School, Miss Bromley’s, Banbury, in 1930s-40s Great Central Railway 49, 65 257-60 Great Western Railway (at Kings Sutton) 28-29, Stone family (of Banbury) 3 35-36 Stone’s (Henry Stone & Son Ltd.), Banbury 3 Ironstone mining -see Oxford Canal aerial view 120-121 Kingham Stopping Goods 160-73 employees living in Springfield Avenue 223 Kings Sutton Iron Stone Company (I 870) 29 war effort at, 1939-1945 122-127 Railway station (I 872) 34-35 Sulgrave, N’hants Lecture reports: history of 8-16, 37-45, 58-66 Archaeological finds in north Oxfordshire 22 I John Hodges’ Charity School 62 Bank note history 50-5 1 manor house 40-45 Bells and bell-ringing in Oxfordshire 221-22 Saxon halls and castle 9-1 5 Birmingham’s Jewellery Quarter 177 Stuchbury (in Sulgrave) 9-12, 39,44 Bletchley Park, wartime work 53 see also Place Name Index Bodleian Library 23 Trindcr, Barrie 5-7 Chastleton House 178 War effort (at Stone’s), 1939-45 122-27 Chipping Warden, R A.F. in W.W 2 52-53 Wellington bombers 124-25 County Archive Oftice, new Oxfordshire 222 Whately, William, Vicar of Banbury, 1610-1639. Customs and excisc 5 1-52 ‘The Conduct Books oT 149-55 ‘The Mary Rose’ 128 Woad in the Banbury area 247-56 262 Index of Personal Names and Families (OCC = Oxford Canal Company) Alexis, Czar (1645-76) 136 Clifton, Michael (fireman on Ranbury-Kingham Allcn, James (I 6 13) 2 1 train) 160-73 Astell, - , canal boatman 36 Cobh, Thornas (1 798) 107 Avice, Alice (1 61 5) 22n Sir William, of Adderbury (1642) 74 Baggat, Luke (1 577) 19 Coles, Edmund (d. 1603) 2 I Bailyes, Catherine (1603) 19 Compton, Sir William (C17) 50 Ball, Mary, mother of George Washington 61 Cook family, of Sulgrave 65 Barkcr, Rev William, vicar of Adderbury (1646) Cooper, Elirabeth (I 592) 22n 138, 141 Cope, Sir Anthony (1 585) 247 Barnes, Charlotte 244 Cowper, Edward (d. 1603) 2 I James, canal builder 241 Cox, William (C17) 255 Bartholomew, Rev Moses llodgcs (CI 8) 63 CraikerlCrocker, John, rector of ladmarton Berrilll, - , canal boatman 36 (1603) 20 Reaw, William (161 7-1 705), Vicar of Adderbury Creed, George, OCC labourer 245 and Bishop of Llandaff (and family) 134-48 Davies family, woad-growers 25 1 Betts, I Iorace (C20) 223 Dickens family, woad-growers 25 I, 253 Blason, Richard (1623) 45 Doyley, Bray, of Adderbury (C 17) 138 Blencow family, of Marston St Lawrence 146 Duggard, Thomas, agent to Addcrbury Ironstone Blomfield, Sir Reginald 41,65 Company (1 868) 35 Blunt, Charles, Cropredy wharfinger 235 Dumbleton family in Swalcliffe, Tadmarton and Bourchier family, of Southampton (Cl 7) 140 Adderbury 17-22 Brewer, Elizabeth (d 1848) 24 I Edward, of Easington, 1603, will of I, 17-22 Brinkworth, E R C. (Ted) Durell, David, OCC superiiitendaiit 245 founding of Historical Society 3 Edwards, Richard (1 577) 19 as teacher 223-24 Eglington, William, OCC labourcr 245 Uromley, Miss, School 257-60 Enoch, Richard, and family, of Swalcliffc (1 603) Bumford, Jane (I 706) 255 20 Burchill, - , canal boatman 36 Evesham, Wendy, pupil at Miss Bromley’s Burrows family, woad-growers 25 1-52 School 257-58 Burton, Francis, Aynho agent (C18) 106,225 Fiennes family, of Rroughton Castle 7, 67-75 Tommy, railway fireman 172 Fisher, Anne (C16) 43-45 Busby, Richard, Claydon lock-keeper. and family Joscph (1 848) 24 1 239 Flint, Charles, OCC boatman 244 Butler family, ofAston-le-Walls (C16-17) 189- Florkyn, Richard, of Marston 1374) 104 192 Ford, William, Somerton lock-keeper 239 Jane(C18) 61 Franklyn, Denis (1 606) 22 Button, Fulke, woad-grower 253 Frederick I1 of Denmark (C17) 136 Campbell, John, 2nd Duke of Argyll (of Freeman, Samuel, OCC mason 242-43 Adderbury, d. 1743) 1 14 Frost, Jacob, OCC labourer 245 Cartwright, William, of Aynho (C 18) 106 Gardner, George, engineman I72 Cave family, of Sulgrave 64-65 Garland, William (d. 16 10) 2 1 Chamberlain, William H., quarry owner (1 859) Golby, George, OCC mason 243 33 James (1 792) 2 17 Charles Augustus, King of Sweden (C I 7) I37 Gough, Elizabeth (I 530) 39 Cheny, Sir William, of Edgcote (1642) 74 Grantham, - , canal boatman 36 Cheney, John, pupil at Miss Bromley’s School Green, Bill (C20) 124-25,223 257,260 family, woad-growers 25 I, 253 Clifford-Smith, Hugh 65 Griffin family. of Chipping Warden (C 16) 189-97 263 Griffiths, G , OCC mason 244 Lines, Charles, OCC blacksmith 244 Harrison (nee White), Dorothy, pup11 at MISS John, Grant’s 1,ock-keeper 239 homley’s School 257 John, woad-grower 256 I larwood (l‘homson alias), Robert (I 603) 2 1 Lloyd, Samucl, quarry operator (1 870) 35-36 Hawtaine family, of Easington (1603) 1, 20 I.ockwood, FIcmy, glover, of Banbury (d.1610) Hawtyn, John, of Grimsbury (d.1634) 20-21 21 Hely-llutchinson, Col. the Hon llenry (of I-udyat, Agncs (1 550) I7 Weston Hall) 63 Makcpeace family (C17) 44-45, 61-63 Ifemmings, Wilhn, OCC carpenter 243 McCanna, Walter C , cabinet-niakcrs’ foreman at 1 lenn, Jeremiah. historian of Sulgravc (1 789) 16, Stone’s 122-27 63 Meacock family, woad-growers 25 1 de Hertburn (Hartburn). Williani (I 183) 42 Meritt, ‘Mr’ (1642) 70, 73 Ileydon, Sir John (1642) 68-69 Mole laniily, of Stuchbury (C16) 43 Hickman, Alfred (1890) 36 Morgan, William, OCC foreman 239 Hodges famil! (Sulgrave and Over h’orton) 62- Neal (c) fidmily, woad-growers 249, 25 I, 253 63 - , canal boatman 36 I lolland faniilq, woad-growers 251 Neighbour, Charles, wharfingcr at Banbury Ilolloway, Katc (teacher at Banbuq County (1859) 28.
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