THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF MERCYHURST COLLEGE SINCE 1929 ARTS& ~LAKER ENTERTAINMENT Jimmy Carter accepts Nobel Peace Prize SPORTS StarTrek : Nemsis' boldly Men's Basketball pounds goes . Nowhere Page 2 Point Park 102-68 PAGE 9 PAGE 12 Vol. B B S 10 H^^^^^Hffi^B wtm m HSBWH HBafi wmmmimm m mm ^ Happy Chanukah What signals are you sending? MSG lecture on sex signals brings awareness to students # *6&it By Kelly Rose Duttine News Editor More than 250 Mercyhurst students packed into the Dr. Barrett and Catherine Walker Recital Hall in the new Hirt Academic Center t o talk about sex. G wen Druyor and Christian Murphy from Bass/Schuler Entertainment presented a 90 minute long presentation on Dec. 12 as part of Mercyhurst Happy Kwanza Student Government's 2002** 2003 Lecture Series. The dynamic pair presented a lively and energetic lecture about the sex signals we send and receive from others. The presentation included stereo- types about what typical men and women want, sexual in- nuendoes, and reversed roles in relationships. Druyor and JodyM- :od photographer Murphy used many funny KWANZAA pickup lines, jokes, and skits JodyM that took place at typical bar w/iwiwjiiwv'av 1 Gwen Druyor and Christian Murphy get "friendly" during MSG's lecture "Sex Signals' receives positive audience and party scenes, familiar to feedback. Please see signals on page 3on e of their skits. Merry Christmas MNE going after $1 t o $2 Students receive awards millionfederal grant Community service and dedication honored at open reception By Scott Mackar // wasn 't like this Assistant news editor 44 By Kristin Purdy Being the third year for this rec- "I got an invitation [to the re- grant came out of the sky, Editor-in-Chief ognition ceremony, the criteria for ception] in the mail and I was Mercyhurst North East received we had to work really hard eligible students is wide, yet in- surprised. I didn't know that $2 million state grant for construc- to get to this point. ^ % Each year faculty, adminis- volving outstanding service to the this [award ceremony] existed," ion of a health and safety build- tration and staff nominates community. Students are recog- said Schmader. ng on its campus and is currently Gary Bukowski, Vice students who have been out- nized in various ways, with re- Sister Leap said that many stu- jerking with the federal govern- standing in their living out of gards for the activities they are dents are surprised to have been President of Institutional nent on an extra $ 1 to $2 millionAdvancement the College Mission Statement involved in both on campus and nominated, as Schmader was. ant for the project. The "Living the Mission off campus. Though students continue to The processes of these grants Award" recognizes students "We're looking for students give back to the surrounding ave been a work in progress over the health portion of this build- who "hold in highest esteem who have gone the extra mile... community with their services, he last few years with the first ing," Bukowski said. j. the qualities of excellence, students who are moved by dif- many are unaware that this rec- uccess coming on Nov. 21, when This is the college's first cam J compassion, creativity, and ferent manifestations this year. ognition ceremony exists. he college was awarded the state paign where the college went af- Happy New Year service to others.*' In celebra- I 'ni seeing students who look be- Jen Kons, a senior English t Vice President of I nstitution- ter private, state and federal morF tion of the Sisters of Mercy — yond what is immediately around major, is an ambassador and 1 Advancement Gary Bukowski ey to reach their goals becaus Foundation Day, an open re- them," said Sister Geri Rosinski. went to Honduras last year dur- aid friends and legislatures assist- the project is so large. Bukowsk ception was held in honor of Generally, students who are a ing spring break to build hous- d the college over the last 15 said that the grants are almost the Sisters of Mercy and those service to their community due es for the less fortunate. nonths in connection with the necessity because the alumni base] who follow their mission. ... e "1 think a lot of students do to their individual awareness of Irants. is only so big. "We look for students who need for service or are conscious stuff on campus and aren't rec- "It wasn't like this grant came out "Our alumni have been great] contribute to the community of the needs of the city of Erie ognized," said Kons. f the sky, we had to work really but there is only so much money on an everyday basis but not and the people are qualified to be Following the Sisters commit- lard to get to this point," Bukowski in the well. That is why we had to] necessarily recognized," said named a Mercyhurst College Stu- ment to make society a better aid. go after these grants/' he said. Sister Kathleen Marie Leap, dent for "Living the Mission." place, Mercyhurst students With so many Pennsylvania col- The proposed construction date RSM. i '^ N Courtney Schmader attended share a common element of eges, many may wonder why the of the 10,000 square-foot library. Each faculty, administration the open reception on Dec. 11 in compassion. Sr. Rosinski not- state chose to give Mercyhurst the 16 offices, 10 classrooms/labs, a sSlM'm and staff member was limited the Mercy Heritage Room as a stu- ed that many students are Irant. Bukowski says he believes 250-seat auditorium and a comput- to three nominations; the re- dent recognized for "Living the touched deeply by their service here was a combination of rea- er lab is projected to be mid sum- sult was a cross-section of Mission." A senior marketing ma- experience. pns. He said that they believe mer if the college receives help about 90 student nominations jor, Schmader is involved in a wide "What I'm discovering is how hey worked hard and did their re- from the federal government covering both campuses and array of community services, in- much they receive in terms of [search about the grant. Bukowski said. various grade levels/The en- cluding the Habitat for Humanity personal growth. That's pro- There were over $178 million Mercyhurst North East is also tire women's hockey team trip to Honduras last year, and the found," said Sr. Rosinski. kvorth of efforts and Mercyhurst the recipient of a $ 1 million gram was nominated as well. Fellowship for Christian Athletes. was one of t h e few in Erie County from The Orris C. Hirtzel and Bea- |that emerged at the level that it did. trice Dewey Hirtzel Memorial Rotaract sponsors holiday blood drive I'm very proud that we emerged Foundation for creation of an in- at the level that we did, and to my stitute that will serve as a regional By Kelly Rose Duttine Red Cross blood drive on Thurs- cuses on International and knowledge we received the larg- resource in addressing the needs News editor day, Dec. 10 in the Mercy Heri- community service. est capital grant that was award- of an aging population. I tage Room. Over 85 members of the id," he said. The grant will establish the Hirt-j Mercyhurst students, facul- The blood drive was sponsored Mercyhurst community signed As for the federal grant, Bukows- zel Institute on Aging and Geriat- i said they would like to receive Index ty and staff participated in the by the Rotaract Club, which lb- up to participate and gave the ric Health on the Mcrcyhurd t least $1 million out of t h e 2003 North East campus, and will b News lifesaving gift ofblood this hoi deral budget. He said the pro-1 named in honor of t he North Eal News P-2 Sophomore id a y season. -Over 60 pints of cess is very complicated because family known for its legacy of gen* Dan Features blood were actually collected ill of t h e grants are inner-conned erosity, particularly. In support ol p.3,;| Oberdorf participated and went to help led. It has taken the college over Features its community.' helps the Erie community. •? j wo years to get to the point they " The Hirtzel Foundation has] Features others this Did you miss this blood drive? ire currently at with the federal been a tremendous partner in ad- Opinion p.6 holiday The Rotaract Club plans on govern in cut. * dressing health related issues in Opinion p.7 season by having another blood drive in Since Mercyhurst North East re* this region," Bukowski said. n A&E p.8 donating the spring. Jvce d the federal grant, he said it 'Through their benevolence Mer- p.9 blood last Anyone interested in joining ooks as good as it can, but there cyhurst is taking a major step for- A&E ward in addressing the needs of aj Tuesday. the Rotaract Club should con- 8 no guarantee, "We're currently Sports p.10 Jorking with two U.S. senators rapidly aging population." taci President Courtney Nicho- Sports p.ll ind our two representatives to se- Courtney Nicholas Contributing las at exl. 3154. Sports p.12 ;ure help with what would be for ! photographoi fbtfvfiM^- inf iift' lwA DECEMBER 19,2002 PAGE 2 THE M ERCI AD NEWS INTERNATI ONAL To contact: [email protected] U.S. Military base in Africa Carter accepts N o b e l Peace P r i z e is the main key in war on global terror gaven:1b«^l-#pBa? Former President warns the nation against use of w a r in Iraq The U.S.
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