DU+rlbutten • X ? 5 MDBANK 17,650 . Ml tan* <«tl|M «. MBd west to Mulhwui SH 1.0010 linuo luij, Hudir uuouin mflw. I«wod Cliu Poiiai« 35c PER WEEK VOL. 64, NO. 2 Pali u lUd Binl m u AddlUoail lUUlni OBlna. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 196L 7c PER COPY BY CARRIER PAGE ONE Training Beaches OfPolice Buildup Farm Tax Is Cited Planned Haneman Talks Will Dump Sand Set Aside Court At Police Chiefs As Erosion Meeting Control Other SPRING LAKE —A New SEA BRIGHT — Mayor Jersey Supreme Court Thomas Farrell said last Justice told1 the state's po .night a state official has Sections lice chiefs last night they told him the federal gov- were unfaithful to therh- LIONS INSTALL-^John Warren, Jr., left, outgoing pres- rnraent will be asked to selves and their—duties if ident of Red Bank Lions Club, preienis gavel to Dr. C. dump quantities of sand, they don't insist upon Veil' Douglas Hoyt, incoming president, at club'i 40th anni- brought up in dredging opera- trained policemen. versary officer installation dinner last night in Molly ions off Long Branch, to build FREEHOLD -*- Preferen- Associate Justice yincent S. up Monmouth County beaches. tial treatment for farm Haneman told more than 600 Pitcher Hotel. This assurance, the mayor members and guests at die an said, was given by Kenneth H. owners in New Jersey's {null banquet of the 49th confer- In Little Silver "reveling, Planning Division di- 1960 tax assessment law ence of the State Association of rector, state Department of Con- was ruled unconstitutional servation and Economic Develop- Chiefs of Police at the Mon- yesterday by Superior mouth Hotel: ment. "You would be amazed at the Milk Station Noise The dredging, he said, is being Court Judge J. Edward Knight. clever and well informed papers done to clear New York's main But in .setting- aside the farm (reaching Hie Supreme Court in shipping chaonel in the area benefits the court also upheld appeals from convicted criminals around Ambrose Lightship. The Iparts'of the law allowing coun- In state prison) ... it behooves Draws Irate Pleas mayor said that all county ties to fix their own ratio of as- beaches from Long Branch north you to be a« weH prepared as ing, which is one existing unit sessment- as to true value of LITTLE SILVER - Mayor P. will benefit from the pumped-in they are .... if you are not you of a planned shopping center. real' estate, and to permit mu- Paul Campi and borough council- sand, just as they did in a simi- can make an awful fool of your- men promised angry residents A possible alternative to the ntcspaHties to' decide for them- «eh\" lar operation years ago. He said alves whether to collect per- last night to seek an end to ineffectual police warnings would he did not know why that pro- The Justice 'stressed a point sonal property taxes. noises coming from a Branch be the issuance of summonses to gram was stopped. made earlier by Assistant FBI Ave., milk substation during violators of borough disturbance The decision came in the sec- Director John Malone that the early morning hours. or nuisance ordinances, Mayor Wind Cuts Beaches ond of two history making tax evolution of law through court Mayor Campi said he and coun- Campi said. Need for the sand was stressed suits by Mra. Olivia Wrighteon decisions is ever tightening de- citmeo hope to meet with the The Borough has little evident by the mayor who said that re- Switr, Blossom Cove Rd., Mid,- mands upon police for dear cut means to press legally for the ent winds from the east have NUCLEAR GRANT— George J. Barrel, left, Monmouth Medical Center administra- dletown Township. The first suit owners of the partially completed 1 •vidence and direct prosecution. building now occupied by Sunrise completion of the building, he been removing sand from Sea tor, stands betide Dr. Vincent Whelan, director of the Long Branch center ! depart- led to the Supreme Court's de- He noted the recent U.S. Su- Dairies. The building is on the said, since there is no ordinance Brighfs beaches. On some, he ment of radiology, who has been named to direct the new department of nuclear termination that all real estate preme Qpurt decision prohibiting said, half the sand is gone. had to be assessed equally at east side of Branch Ave., near fining a time limitation for com- medicine. Monroe Eisner, lecond from right, president of the center's'board' of nse of illegally obtained evidence Sycamore Ave. pletion after Planning Board and Also to ease the erosion prob- full value, and later to the 1960 . In bhe prosecution of defendants. Complaints have been made of council approvals have been lem, council extended permis- governors, announced that The John A. Hertford Foundation, Inc., New York, hat legislative act allowing counties "K i« vital," he said, "that banging bottles and cans, truck granted. sion to North Beach residents to granted the center $92,304 to establish the new department. At right' is Harry E, to vary the assessment ratio be- noise, loud voices as well as die Both mayor and council arc post signs to prohibit the removal tween 30 and 100 per cent (See POLICE, Page 2) of rocks from jetty areas. Whitalcer, first vice president and secretary of the board of governors. The nu- unsightliness of the "unfinished" hopeful the owners of the build- Special Benefit* building itself. ing will co-operate in their efforts Councilman John S. Forsman clear medicine department will be a clinical lerviee utilizing nuele«r advancements Mr*. Swto* attorney, Herbert Pipe Breaks On June 13, Councilman August to settle the problem. said he has received requests for for diagnosis and treatment. : < Hancock of Newark, said last E. Roomer said police had posted According to the plans, Mayor such authority. tta.t Judge Knight'* deci- warning notices at the building's Campi said, the building is to Council also: sion probably will be carried fo Bring Storm loading platform and that com- have brick facade and shrub 1. Approved a recommendation At New Shrewsbury the Supreme Court. - pany officials were to contact plantings in the front. In its un- by the Board of Adjustment that . Her contention i« that the 1960 each operator Who picks up miik finished state (the resident daim Thomas Longo be permitted to fax'tows give special benefits Of Complaint at the station in an attempt to it to be an ugfy eyesore to install a replacement sign for his wfitoh wiH result in an increase restaurant. MONMOUTH BEACH - Irate bait the unnecessary noises. the area. There are several piles in her own tax bill of $2,881 eitiiens reported Shrewsbury Dr, Apparently the plan had tittle of cement blocks in front of the 2. Heard from Councilman Wal- Nix All-Purpose Room Use on «. $125,300 assessment in Mio- a "complete mess," as a result ol effect, since residents were on structure. ter L. Johnson, fire chairman, ifietown as weH a* to the taxes recent water pipe breaks, it the hand at last night's meeting to Mr. Minogue commented after that the new American-laFrance NEW SHREWSBURY - The school district for several week). sion of the building proposal to of' other property owners. pumper had arrived end will go Board of Commissioners meeting renew their grievances. the meeting that the area is a Shrewsbury Township Board of Groups who worked for the voters. I will fight packed class Mr*. Swite Is a major stocst- Into service this week. last night. To Set Meeting business zone but many resi- Education last night defeated a recent defeat of a 12-classroom rooms with all my • might. But holder in- the AJfcP food store To Seek Bids Louaj Borrin, 19 Shrewsbury Borough Attorney James Min dences; are nearby. Certificates motion by member Bernard B. building program have actively I favor the u!;e of the all-purpose chain. 3. Decided to advertise for bids Dr,, complained of four water ogue is (o set the meeting within of occupancy, he presumed, have Schwartz to use two all-purpose advocated Such action, to cut rooms for claisrooms next year.'1 There was an Immediate re- for the resurfacing of South and action from farm interests. breaks during' the past month, two weeks between the council- been issued by the building in rooms as double classrooms next down the number of double ses- Staiidj Alone and-of trouble due to the water men and the owners of the build- spector. , ; i Surf Sts., to be opened at the year sions rieit year. They als favor Carjetoh E. Heritage, president July 11 meeting. 0 He was the only board mem- line since December. The question of the possible use increasing class sizes for the of the N. J. Farm Bureau, said 4. Confirmed David Clancy ber present, however, to take The breaks, combined with the of these combination gymnasium same purpose. Judge Knight's decision eUminat- Rumson. as a member of the this position. road work that Is being done on and assembly rooms to hold class- Last night Mr. Schwartz said: (See TAX, Page 2) special police force. Members Miriam I, Harris, Shrewsbury Dr., makes the road Begins New Drive es has been hotly debated in this "I will push for the resubmis- virtually impassable, Mr. Borrin 5. Voted for the renewal of 16 Emerson Platto, Anson W. Peck- stated. plenary consumption, three dis- ham, Russell G. Canfield and Name 4 New Mayor Sidney B.
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