16010 CONGRESSIONAL "RECORD--ROUSE. OcToBER 1, EhfERGRNeY REVI:NUE LEGISLATION. Arthur Freeman to be an assistant surgeon in the Medical 1\Ir. THO:UP 0~ submitted three RmPndruents intended to Re, ene Corps. be prormsed by biro to the bi!l (H. R .. IS: !n) to inc:rense the ~...,t·edric- L. Conklin to be an assistant surgeon Ln the l\Jedical inter-na I re,·enue. and for other ptu-po. e . which were referred Reserve Corps. to the· Committee on Finance and ordered to be printed. A. CoDtee Thompson to be an assistant surgeon in the Medical l\Jr. WII .. L1A~1S snbmitted six Rmendments intended to ·be Resel'Ve Corp . proposed by him to the bill (H. n:. 1 91) to increase the POSTMASTERS, internHl revenue. and for other purposes. which were referred ALABAMA. to the Collillilttee on Finance aud ordered to be prilited. C. N. Parnell, Maplesville. RECESS. GEORGIA. Mr. KF..llX. I move that the Senate take a recess until George G. Brinson. Millen. to-morrow nt 11 o'clock a:. m. Emma Pettis, Ca..ve Spring. The uwtiou was agreed· to; and (at 4 o'clock and 45 minutE:'.s MISSISSIPPI, p. m .. Thursday. O<:tuber 1, 1914) the Senate took a recess until Edga-r G. Harris, Laurel. to-~orrow, .Ii'riday~ October 2, 1914, at 11 o'c.lvc.k a . .m. MTSSOURI. J. Vance Bumbarger, Memphi . NO'MINATIOXS~ NEBRASKA. Execncti~e nomination recei<t:ed by the Senate- October 1 ( le'g­ H. C. Letson, Red Cloud. islu.ti re day of SeptemlJ~r 28). 191'4. NEW MEXICO. UNITED STATES ATTORNEYS. Charles M. Sftmford, Hagerman. George W. Anderson. of Boston. Mass_ to he United States J a me L. Seligman, Santa Fe. attorney. district of Ma&;achuset~. vice A.sa. P. French. whose terw bas expired. NEW YORK. Meh·iJ.1 A.. Hildreth, of Fargo. N. Dak., to be United States Elbddge J. Stratton, Theresa. attorney for the district of ~m:th Dakota.,. vice Edward .&ngerud, OKLAHOMA. reslgne.d. Preston S. Lester, McAlester. CO:\"FIRMA TIO ... S. .Anton Koch, IsabeL E:reclttive nominations confi.rmed by the .Senate October 1 (leg­ TENNESSEE. i8tatire day of September 28), 191-'f. John B. Dow. CookeY"ille. AMBASSADORS E.XTR.AORDlNA.RY A.ND PLENlPOTENTlABY. B. F. GrishHm, Newbern. Frederic Je ·up Stimson to be ambassador extraordinary and P. L. Harned, Clarksville. plenipotE>utiury to Argentina. Henry .P. Fletcber to be ambassador extraordinary and ple.ni­ potentiw-y to Chile. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. CHIEF oF BuREAU OF FoREION AND DoMEsTIC CoorMEBCE. THURSDAY, October 1, 1914- Edward Ewing Pratt to be Chief of Burenu of Foreign and Domestic Commerce in the Department of Commerce. Tbe House met at 12 o'clock noon. N. D. SUR\'EYOR OF CUSTOMS. The Chaplain. nev. Henry Couden, D., otl'ered the fol­ lowing pr;1yer: Cyrus W. Davis to be surveyor of customs in customs £ollec­ Our FH tber · who art in Hea ren, we ble s Thee for that sub· tion district :!'\o. 1. lime optiruisw. uuru of faith iu Thee auu iu hurnauits. which PROMOTIONS AND APPOINTMEN"TS IN THE NAVY. confideutly looks forward to the triumpb of t·i~llL uud trutll aud Lieut. Commander Da,·id W. Todd to be a commander. justice. and we most fervently 11ray tl11.1t we may work togetller Lieut. Willinw W. Galbraith to be a lieutenant comnmnder. with Thee to that entl, uuder the spi1·ituuJ le<~tlersllip of Tlly Lieut. Jobn V. Bnbcock to be a lieutenant commander. son Jesus Cllrist. For Thine is the kiugdoru, aud the vower, aud Lieut. (Jnnlor Gr11de) Damon E. CummiHJ/:S to be 11 lientenant. tlle glory fot·ever. Amen. Lieut. (Junior Grade) Warren G. Chiltl to be a lieutemlllt. The Jour·nal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and ap­ ThE' followiug-nHwed ensigns to he lieutenants (junior grade) : proved. Ward W. '\'nddell. QUESTION OF PERSON A.L PR.IVlLEGE. Je se D. OlrtE'ndorf. :Mr. GORDON. Mr. Speaker, I rise to a que tion ot persona:J. J<.~me B. Hutter. privilege. Midshipman Willinm E. l\Ia1loy to be an ensign. Tbe ::WEAKEn. The .gentleman will s.tnte it. Charles \V. Depping to be an assistant surgeon in the Medical Mr. GOltDOX On the last day this Hou ·e was in session Resene Corr1s. baYing under consiuemtion the Philippine bill this colloquy Ensign Stuart S. Brown to be a lieutenant (junior grade). occurred-- · Talmadge Wilson to be an assistant surgeon in the .Medical Mr. i\1.<\. :'\~. What dRy? Re ene c·orr1s. Mr. GOllDO:N. Puge 1584-9. John D. Target to be an assistant surgeon in •the Medical l\lr. Hl!.:SHL .1\lr. ti)Je.tker, I make the point of order that Be en'e Corp . thet·e is no quorum pre ~eut. Walter W. Cress to be an assistant surgeon ln the Medical The SPEAKEll. The gentlemnn from Te.xns [:\lr. HENRY] Resene Corps. mnkes the !JOint of order that tllere is no quorum present. Tlle Boatswain Thomas Jnmes to be a chief bont w::~in. Chair will count. iA.fter couuting.J EvideutJy ther is uo Lieut. Jo eph L. Hileman to be a Heuterlllnt commander. qnorurn pl'eseut. LiE-ut. (Juniot· Grade) John W. W. Cumming to be a lieu- 1\Ir. GXDEinVOOD. Mr. Spenker. I ·move o CS111 of the Honse. tennnt. Tbe ..:'PEAKEH. Tbe gentleman frow Ahtbawa Plr. GNUER· The following-named lieutenants (junior grade) to be licu- woon J ruon•s a call of tile House. The question is on agreeing tennnts: to tb11 t motion. Amm tin T. Bennregard. A Cl.lll of the House was ordered. Herbert S. Rn bhitt. The SPEAKER The I>oorkeeper will clo. e tbe doors. the The followillg-narned ensigns to be lieutenants (junior grade) : Serge11ut Ht Arms wiiJ notify tbe ab eutees. and the Clerk will I..ee P. Jobnson. call the roll. Robert G. Comnn. 'l1he Clerk called the roll, and the following Members failed Rohert H. Bennett. tc aus~ver to tllelr nawes: V:mce D. Cbnpline. Ansuerry llrowolng Connolly, Iowa Elder Joseph A. 1\lurpby. Austin bryan Con t·y 'lt"al.'on Bat·r:bfeld Bmke, Pa. Copley Faknuer En in L. l\la tthews to be an assistant surgeon in the Medical Ba rklE-y BUJ·ke, Wls. Cuny Fent - Besene Cof}IS. Bell, Cal. Caldet· Dooling FJ(>Id Uohert L. Nattkemper to be an assJstant surgeon in the Medi- Bt·ock~on Caudler, Mla~:t. Il o11~bton 1•'1t ZJ.{t>t·ald Ht·odbPek Cantor Dt·isC'oU )•'t'IIDciS ' Cal lleHene Corps. · Broussn t•d Cm-r F.a~le Ft·ench Machinist John W. Merget to be a chief machinist. Brown, N. Y. Church Edmonds Ga1·d 1914. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 160111 Gardner Hughes, W. Va. Loft Scully The SPEAKER. Tile Chair did not decide, of as George Humphrey, Wash. McClellan Shreve course~ ~· I Gillett Humphreys, Miss. McCoy Slemp this particular language: It Is only a question of whether tt • Gilmore .Johnson, Wash. Mahan Smith, Md. reflects upon a Member in his representative capaeity. 1 Godwtni N. C. Keister 1\!a rtln Smith, N.Y. .Mt·. MANN~ Mr. Speaker, I do not think that is the point • Goldfog e Kelly, Pa. Merritt Sparkman Goulden Kent l\Ietz Stedman of order. The point of order is whether words spoken in de- ) Graham, Ill. Kless, Pa. Montague Stevens, N. H. bate and not taken down give rise to a question of personal I Gr·abam, Pa. Kindel Morin Stringer privilege hereafter. If the Speaker holds that they do--- Gregg J. R. Knowland Mott Sumners Guernsey Konop :Murdock Taylor, C()lo. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from IIIinois and myself Hamill Korbly O"Shaunessy Treadway both know, and so do a good many others, that there are 1 Hamilton, N.Y. La F'ollette Page. N.C. Walker many Members of the House who never investigate the rule I Hammond Langley Paige, Mass. Wallin Harris L'Engle Palmer Walsh about taking down words and do not know anything about it, I Helgesen Lenroot Parker Watkins · and they Jose their opportunity that would come up under that · Hensley Levy Patten, N.Y. Whaley rul~. The Chair is not passing upon this language in this par- · Hill Lewis, Pa. Powers Willis Hinebaugh Lindbergh Prouty Wilson, N.Y. ticular case in what he is going to say fn a general way, but Hobson Lindquist Hainey Winslow the practice by which one Member can stand up here and vilify: Howard Linthicum Reed Woodruff another about what be is saying in his representative capacity, Hoxworth Lloyd Sabath and because be does not understand that rule about taking A number of !\:fembers having appeared at the bar to have down words the complaining Member loses his opportunity to their names recorded, have the matter corrected-- Mr. CARTER. Mr. Speaker, am I recorded? .Mr. FESS. Mr. Speaker-- The SPEAKER. The Clerk will see if the gentleman from Mr. GORDON. Mr. Speaker, to save time I will ask nnani­ Oklahoma is recordea mous consent that I may be permitted to address the Honse for 1\Ir. CARTER. Am I recorded? five minutea The SPEAKER. The gentleman is not. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Ohio asks unanimous 1\!r. CARTER I wish to be recorded. consent to address the House for five minutes. Is there ob- I The SPEAKER. • The Clerk wilJ record the gentleman's name_ jection? 1\Ir. WHITACRE. Mr. Speaker, I wish to be recorded. Mr. FESS. Mr. Speaker, I hope there will be no objection The SPEAKER.
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