d -& & uss - i " Men in Service Uk. to Keep in Touch With Home., • • • The NEWS Can,Fol!ow Them Anywhere •. HQ11Ie of Ih, New! ~ws 99 Kercheval TU,-Z,:,IHO Call TUxedo. 2-6900, , I. , I J . .VOLUME. 13-NO. 7, Entered a. Second Clasa Matter , , ,at-the ,Poat .OWce at Detroit. M1ch. DEADLINES -Train Crub Pppular. with You~.gster5 Map. Battle Plans OCDUrges of Ib, Coopetation \VEEK A" Compilell by lb. For Fight Against Of Residents GrOSJ' Point, NtW1 Adults Requested to Consulf Thursday, February "J Dutch Elm Disease Schedule and Go to School JURY CONVICTS all 17 mem- Most Convenient for Them bers of Flint horse betting syndi •. cate before Circuit Judge Her- Representatives of All Local Municipalties and Experts are Grosse Pointe's' blood~typ. man Dehnke. ... .. Gue~ts of Pointe Property Owners' Association ing program gets underway PRINCESS ELlZABETH for- The battle against Dutch Elm disease entered a second next Monday morning, Febru-. mally proclaimed Queen Eliza- £hase this week when representatives of all the Pointe mu- ary)8. All residents are urged beth II in proclamation drafted by the Accession Council after nicipalities and the City of Harper Woods and of the Grosse to cooperate in this project death of King George VI. Pointe Garden Council and Garden Center, met with experts sponsored by the State of ... $; III iii on the subject to map out a campaign. The Grosse Pointe Michigan Civil Defense organ': Friday, February 8 Property Owners Association was host at the luncheon meet- ization and carried on here by Eisenhower silent while pres- ing held in Francois' Fireside restaurant on Monday. the officials of the Grosse sured to return to U. S. to cam- The meeting was a follow-up to<1)------------- paign for the Republican presi- the gEmeralmass meeting held the Pointe Civil Defense District., dential nomination. week 'before in the War Memor- Rabaut ..Gets Before a person can receiVe or . .. .. ial Center and attended by an give blood it must be determined Queen Elizatbeth II fulfilled overflow audience af residents B. d St 0 which of the four types he has, first grim duty as sovereign, ap- and .official representatives of the a eer' n 0, A, B, or AB, and the Rh factor. proving plans for traditional various Pointes and many local In the event of an emergency lying-in-state and funeral of her organizations .. It. had been sug- P. O. Locatl.On such as an atomic bombing;time father. King George VI, on Fri- ge"i ~d;at that meeting that a con- consumed in determining these day, February 15. -eel.i;ed effort, participated in joint- might be too great to save the life .. .. .. # ly by all the municipalities, was of the person in need of whole Saturday, February 9 , probably indicated. New Structure Serving Pointe blood. WEST GERMAN Bundestag Those Attending W II BEd k . ~o Proteet All Attending Monday's luncheon i e recte on Mac The typing program is for the \ approved . Chancellor K 0 n r a d , , -Picture by Fred Runnells meeting were Mrs. Harley Hig- At End of Warren protection of all residents. Those Adenauer's plan to recruit sol- . The Trai,n Club .whicJ;1meets every Friday 'night at the Neighborhood Club is growing byleaps and bounds since diers for Western defense. Some bie, chairman of the Dutch Elm typed will receive identification 300,000 to 400,000 Germans are Its InauguratIOn earlIer thIS year. Each week t~ members meet to hold time trials of their electric engines which race campaiglf; Mrs. Harold, B~iley, L C. tags which should be carried on expected to be signed up event- over a measured track. From left, to right back row, are m embers PETE CRONIN, LARRY BRUZZESE, NORMAN assistant chairman; Mrs. Donald ast week ongressman the person at all times. They will , ually for the German army. WEST, BOB WINTER, BERNARD STU~CHELI and JIMM Y BRUZZESE.Front row-. JIMMY BLISS, STEVEN STUE- -' Stevenson, president of the Louis C. Rabaut announced be mailed ,to all those typed and .. .. .. CHELl, JIMMY MAUCK, JULIUS DERAE:qT and DAVID MARKLE. '. Grosse Pointe Garden Council; that the Post Office Depart- I the same information will be on ' Everitt B. Lane, city manager of " . file in the Pointe for your doctor, . MICHIGAN BELL TELE- Grosse Pointe~ Park; Murray mf;nt planned constructIon of and at the Civil Defense Office; PHONE CO. to pay $14,033,000in Smith, city engineer and' public a new Grosse Pointe Post OiM No C~rge rebates to customers for y.ars 1946-48. Stems from order of the C.ity to Hold Open House to End All Open City Police works commissioner of the flee on the southeast co~ner There is no charge for this Michigan Public Service Com- Farms; Philip Allard, city admin- of Mack and Roland avenues. service. All typing will be done istrator of the Woods; Norbert The announcement was pre- at the local schools. Permission mission to reduce Michigan Bell OpenHearing Houses Induces Parents To Report Full Neff, clerk of the City; Thomas city residential rates $3,500,000 Jefferis, superintendent of the mature and proved to be er- mu~t be given by the parents for a year starting January 1, 1946. Shores; W. T. Williamson, city roneous. Decision on the loca- typmg the students. Adults are .. .. .. On Saturday Offer Some Friendly Advice Yea.r In 1951 manager of Harper Woods, and tion had not been reached at urged to study the sched';11eand. Sunday, February 10 "- . go to any of the schools hsted at GOVERNMENT allotted extra Gordon Wood, president of the the tIme. any hour most convenient for Will Di.scuss. Amending:Zon- Daughter's Little Social~~atherin9 Le~ye~ .. tt()rne in Total of 175 Auto Accidents Grosse Pointe Property Owners' The new quarters for the Post them. No appointment is neces:, one million pounds of aluminum Shambles ,AfterJ:l0odlum __ 'Cra:sHers:{~'::' With One ..Ped~s.triar". Fa~ to the autom.oblIe, inql.\stry to ing Ordinance to' Permit: ' ~arty Association. pffice will be located on Mack sary. R' A ..f ---'_.':.'_.' ,- _._'"~'"..~?" '.--.----, , .. , ... '"~:. The Expert~, ;.'_ between Calvin. and Belal1ger. ,Ta.kes,Ljttle~Tlme .... ~.:" . help in reaching quota of 930,000 New Terrace Construction . un. mo hllitY:Repode~ by Chief The ex~erts, present mcluded Site Surveyed passenger cars 'and 220,000trucks Very 'little time -is fequi"l-ed, as Parents with teen-age ~hi1dren w~o have reached the In the annual report of the .Joseph Wlhver, Wayne County . for the April quarter. A public heating concerning forester and his assistant Frank Although no phYSIcal opera- about 40 cases are handled per .. .. .. party age, ~ay fi.nd a lesson ~n an expenence repor~ed by the City of Grosse Pointe Police a request to amend the city VaYdek; and. W..alter Me;ers, of tions, hav.e begun,. the Sh.efman hour. Next week's schedule ap- Farms polIce thIS week. It IS n~t necessary that names be Department, Chief of Police pears below. There will be a sec• A HOUSE COMMITTEE report zoning ordinance which.would .the Department of Parks and ConstructIon CO. 1S plannmg. to declares excessive number of Vet. use~ but both pa~e.nts'and the ~olIce are anXIOUSthat the, hap- Thomas V. Trombly, revealed Recreation of the City of Detroit. get ,the p1"o,lectunder way nn- ond week of typing, the schedule . permit the construction of ter- erans Administration employes p~nmgs be publICIzed ~s a gUIde-post t~ other parents who a total of 175 automobile acci- The need for fast action was mediately_The property was sur- for which will be publi5hed next -race buildings between Cadi": involved in graft. Hundreds of mIght :find themselves m the same predIcament. dents during 1951. The num~ emphasized. The only ~nown pro- veyed February 11. week. millions of 'dollars wasted in vo. eux and Notre Dame north of The 16-year-old daughter of<3> b' . teCtion against the disease is It has been suggested that the. cational training program under the Grosse Pointe Manor the family asked phmission to ". .' . ,er of people Injured, mclud,. proper spraying and it is vital building will be completed by . 't f f h f' d 'f deal of actIv)ty for the youngsters ing pedestrians was 22 There the GI Bill of Rights. Apartments, now fronting St. InVI e a ew 0 er rIen s In or. '. .. ,. that all the elms in the area re- November at the latest. If no Church Service .. Reml, will be conducted at a social evening. Mother was all gomg on m the PfJmte that mght. was one pedestrian fatality. ceive this spraying during March. I diffi~u!t~ arises concerning the .. '.. in favor of the idea, Father re- There were several basketball Three deaths by accident in the VILLAGERS OF SANDRING- 10:30 a. m. in the City of Opinion Divided acqUISitIonof the necessary mate- To Honor King HAM pay last respects to their monstrated but was outvoted, and games, and other eyents t? keep home were recorded. There was about an even divi- I rials, it is possible that the new Grosse Pointe D} un i c i pal the innoce t littl th' the young set occup~ed ~m:mg the Prowler calls answered by City "Squire." the late King George building, Saturday; February n e ga ermg was early hours of the evemng , sion of opinion as to whether the I office will be finished in Septem- Friday February 15 being the, VI, in church of St.
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