The official publication of the San Diego Region Porsche Club of America May 2014 Features and Pictures 16 ConcoursJulieann Prep School 21 Park and Party 24 Streets Departments On the Cover 02 Board of Directors, Witness Staff The official publication of the San Diego Region Porsche Club of America 03 Committees May 2014 05 Stay on Track 06 Calendar 08 Auto Museum 30 Board Meeting Minutes 32 Membership 33 Classifieds 36 Advertising Index, Rates, Policy Driver’s view of a 1956 Speedster Photo by Eric Hanauer Windblown Witness • Volume 55 Number 5• May 2014 San Diego Region 2014 Board of Directors [email protected] President Jim Binford Editor 760.728.6393 Susan Brown [email protected] [email protected] . Photo Editor Greg Phillips Vice President [email protected] Keith Verlaque 619.429.7700 Advertising 619.817.5446 Jim Binford [email protected] [email protected] Secretary Don Auten 619.537.1298 Billing Classified Ads [email protected] Tom Gould Ad2Ad [email protected] www.ad2ad.com 310.261.7535 [email protected] Treasurer Printing Proofreading Dan Carusillo GSG Print Group Angela Avitt 760.752.9500 Martha McGowan 858.967.6266 Tom Tweed [email protected] Director Jerry Bumpus 760.402.7760 [email protected] The Windblown Witness (USPS 361-790) is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, San Diego Region, Inc., and is published monthly. $14 of each member’s annual dues is for a subscription to the newsletter. Copies Director are also available by subscription to non-region members at $36 per year Paul Young, Jr. (Continental US). 619.277.9429 Any statement appearing in the Windblown Witness is that of the author and [email protected] does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the San Diego Region, Inc., its Board of Directors, the Windblown Witness editors, or its staff. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for Director publication. Mark Rondeau 858.864.3163 © 2013 by the Porsche Club of America, San Diego Region, Inc. All rights [email protected] reserved. Permission is granted to chartered regions of PCA to reprint articles in their newsletters if credit is given to the author and the Windblown Witness. Office of publication: 1805 Altamira Place, San Diego, CA 92103. Periodicals postage paid at Vista, CA and at additional mailing offices. Past President/Advisor Bev Gould POSTMASTER: Send address changes to PCA Executive Office, P.O. Box 6400, Columbia, MD 21045. 760.727.6068 [email protected] 2 Windblown Witness San Diego Region 2014 Committees Rally Martha McGowan Archivist Historian Policies/Procedures Paul Young Sr. Tom Brown John Straub Tom Brown Forum Mike Dougherty Rules Yearbook Auto Museum Event Insurance Russell Shon Greg Phillips Michael Harris Cathy Young Social Steve Grosekemper Victoria Varon Sponsor Liason Charity Legal Affairs Tom Tweed Jim Binford Martha McGowan Jim Ryan Content Katie Kinninger Terry Barnum Dallas Jones Lori Chesley Membership Bev Gould Susan Amundson Concours Javier Varon Keith Verlaque Katina Rondeau Steve Lopez Don Middleton Tech Sessions eMaster Military Liaison Martin Lipp Web Team Bev Gould Don Auten Tours Webmaster/Photos Marc Riesenberg Event Flyers Panorama Articles Keith Verlaque General Gary Burch Greg Phillips Vintage Racing Tom Brown Goodie Store Katie Kinninger Autocross/QDE Driver Education/Time Trials Chair Bruce Blumer Chairs Pre-registration/Registration Jerry Bumpus Safety Jack Miller Robert Baizer Dave Malmberg Safety Rodney Chandler Robert Baizer Mark Rondeau Gary Burch Chief Driving Instructors Chief Driving Instructor Tech Inspection Bill Behun Tech Inspection Jack Miller Mike Brown Jackie Corwin George Taylor Club Racing Dan Carusillo Chuck Sharp Greg Phillips Tech Advisor Tech Advisor Pre-registration CDI/DE Schools Steve Grosekemper Steve Grosekemper Debby Sharp Dan Chambers Timing Registration Jim Abbott Timing Tom Brown Katie Kinninger Equipment Chair Robert Baizer Martha McGowan Frank Powell Corner Working Herb Meeder Ian McIntyre Equipment Mark Curran Keith Rampmeier Adriano Bortolin Matt Sparks Logistics Jim Hicks Mike Brown To reach committee cornerworking panorama techsessions chairs, use the following coronadospeedfest photoeditor timingaway email addresses. All emails editor policy timingq end in @pcasdr.org de preregaway tours archivist emaster preregq treasurer automuseum equipment rally tt ax eventflyers registrar vintageracing cdiq forum-admin rules webmaster cdiaway historian safety witnessads charity insurance social witnessadvertiser delivery classifieds legal sponsor witnessbilling clubracing logistics store witnessbusiness concours membership techadvisor yearbook militaryliaison techinspection May 2014 3 4 Windblown Witness Stay on Track By Jim Binford, SDR President also thanks to the numerous other an informal caravan to the Parade as volunteers who made the CFOS a well as possibly provide a common I write this column after having just huge success. From feedback I have recognition clothing item, car stick- attended the Zone 8 2014 California already received, it appears next year ers, and party, to facilitate a spirit of Festival of Speed in Fontana. I have will also be a huge success. togetherness for San Diego region actually been attending this annual members attending the Parade. We event as a driver since 2004. However Speaking of volunteers, I hope some should know by the next Board meet- this year I was able to experience the of you new members that I have seen ing the number/names of attendees event from a different view, in that attending our numerous San Diego so we can finalize plans and get the my duties entailed functioning as the region events are beginning to take word out to you PCA-SDR Parade Time Trial Race Steward. As such I more interest in our events and will attendees. spent the majority of my three days in start thinking of volunteering to help the race tower helping to coordinate us out in the second half of the year, In the meantime there are a lot of the Time Trial race sessions and inter- in order to become familiar with how events for PCA-SDR members to at- acting with race control and the other the event is conducted and to see if tend in May, including the Chuckwalla Club Race Stewards and track officials, you would like to join one of our com- Time Trial and Driver Education track as well as the Black Flag station, grid, mittees for next year. You will learn a event, an Autocross, Padres Game, and corner workers. Being in the race lot about how the club operates and X-Men movie, Rally School, Monarch control tower gave me a different meet more of our members. Remem- Dinner, and a special Tech Session perspective of the coordination re- ber it’s not just the cars, it’s the peo- introducing the new Macan SUV. So quired to conduct safe race sessions ple, and we have some great people keep scanning your Windblown Wit- at a major track facility such as Auto in our club, so volunteer and meet ness and website calendars so you Club Speedway, and an appreciation more of our current volunteers. don’t miss out on an event. I hope for all the volunteers working to make to see you soon at one of our many the race events a success, including It seems many of you like to go on events. Also don’t forget to thank the our Time Trial Chairs Jack Miller and tours, since we had over 160 people Chair/Committee persons who put on Robert Baizer. Special thanks also to attend the 23 March tour, which was the event for their time and efforts. Don Newton, who spent many hours an unexpected surprise. Thanks to functioning as the Time Trial Black Keith Verlaque and his tour team, and Cheers, Jim Flag station and whose only reward sponsor Hoehn Porsche, for adapting was a sunburn. to the large number of attendees and conducting an enjoyable tour. There As I mentioned, I definitely had a dif- will be another tour Sunday, 1 June, ferent view of the entire event from for you to exercise your Porsche and the race tower. While I wasn’t able to enjoy meeting other club members. personally meet many of you attend- ing as volunteers or spectators, I was Regarding Hoehn Porsche, I would able to observe the magnitude of the like to congratulate the dealership event from four stories up. I had a on their recent award by Porsche view of the entire track complex, and Cars North America as one of the top I was impressed by seeing the num- 25 dealers in the United States with ber of Porsches and exotic cars fill- the designation as a 2014 Premier ing the parking lots, and the number Porsche Dealership. Well done to of vendors participating in the event. Sean Conner (manager) and his entire Well done to Tom Brown Zone 8 Rep- team within the dealership of Hoehn resentative, CFOS Chairs Ron Mistak, Porsche. Vince Knauf, Michael Dolphin, as well as Martin Lipp, who marketed and ar- By now you should have registered ranged for the attendance of the nu- for the June National Parade in Mon- merous sponsors and vendors, and terey. We are making plans to have May 2014 5 May 2014 Place: Binford’s Home 03 Saturday 2180 Spring Flower Dr. 10 Saturday Monthly Breakfast Fallbrook, CA 92028 Krispy Kreme and Cars Social Details: Time: The monthly meeting provides an oppor- Time: 8:30 a.m. tunity to mingle with some of the club’s 9:00 a.m. most active leaders and to watch the Place: Place: Board of Directors in action. Food and 4180 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. Pit Stop beverages (BYOB) are provided before San Diego, CA, 92117 the meeting. All members are welcome. 3825 Mission Ave D1, Details: Oceanside, CA 92058 Join your Porsche friends for Krispy Details: 10 Saturday Kreme and Cars at the Clairemont Town This monthly social breakfast meeting is Square Shopping Center.
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