THE MONTANA LABOR NEWS August 3, 1944 Page Two I M Amo# * Andy 6:00 National Pur Shop Now is the time for statesmanship. a J0 KmU MaranJ Music 6:15 Pay ’n* Save STEAKS and CHICKEN Our Specialty EDDIE'S LOUNGE 8 «S National Speaker« I jo Schwarts' Soldier» of Ifco Proos Temptingly Served THE MONTANA LABOR NEWS These next months will reveal the men of 6 45 Youth Courageous THE CASINO 7 30 Alan Young Show A PLACE WHERE UNION PUBLalSHJCD EVERT THURSDAY AT l'é -tARRlF- ’ ai8 moral stature who will speak out fear­ 9 >0 Now» mn 7 30 Mr LMatriot Attorney 5 Miles South of Butte on Harrison Arw. 10:00 Mr Smith Goes to Town 8 00 Kay Kyaer Catering to Private Parties MEN MEET A Fearless Champion #f Hainan tLgnts De' .ed to the lessly to the people on the basic needs of 1# 30 Three Sons Trio • 00 OhoaterflaUl WINES and LIQUORS Interest and VoictLai' Hit Demsudv <>• • IS Texaco New» Phone 70229 for Reservations Trade Ln.ori Movement. America. Men who will bring ns all back SATURDAY, AUGUST 5 9 30 Beat the Band for B * W I E A SYLVAIN, Prop 1853 llArriaoti Arena# 10 00 Ur and Mrs North foe WoodfeueT« to the unchanging moral standards that 7 30 Pay W m»UMicxi V » Texaco New* 10:30 Bob Reese Orchestra made America a democracy. Men who 1 11 Radio Classified H#adlla### w 8:30 Babe Ruth won’t be swayed by pressure, by fear of 8:45 Program Previews 9:00 On Stage Everybody ECLIPSE STORES insecurity, or by appeals to self-interest. 9:30 Pay ’n' Save Orchestra I CLARENCE E. BLEWETT, Editor 10:00 Alex Drier for Morrell ENROLL NOW Men who say what they mean and mean 10:15 Texaco News AND MARKETS Grade work, all grades and high SUBSCRIPTION PRICE ......... $2 00 PER ANNUM 10:30 National Pur Shop ★ »IX STORES IN BUTTE what they say. Such statesmen will have 10:45 Atlantic Spotlight ALL HOME-OWNED school subjects. : he publishers reserve the right to reject or revoke ad- 11:00 Here's to Youth » rtlstng contracts at any t.me. Copy of the paper will the philosophy to unite America above U:30 Bavemore Market Program ve FULLY accredited be sent to the advertiser, 11:45 Plantone Serenade I i Communications of interest to Trades Unionists are soli­ everv difference, They will release into 12:00 Joe Oalllcluo Orchestra cited They should be briefly written on one side of 12:30 Sjmons Fur All departments ot our school are the life of the nation the dynamic force of 12:45 Texaco ews î paper and must reach this office not later than Tuesday Compliments in session both day and evening noon of each week. The right of revision or rejection a new spirit in homes, unions, industry l;o0 ‘'21 Stars” of all communications is reserved by the publisher 1:30 Saturday Dancing Party BOARD OF throughout the entire year. 2:00 Dance Time Address all communications tc The Montana Labor News, and government. 2:15 Feature Horse Race I Box 1989 Bub«, Montana. 2:30 Saturday Matinee TRADE ■ Names must be signed to items (not published, if so re­ “The time is ripe for an appeal, not to .1 oo America • ro» Union Pacific quested) as a guarantee of good faith. 3:30 Montana Boosters ★ self-interest, but to the hunger for great 16 East Park Street We do not hold ourselves responsible for the views or 4:00 Vegetables for Victory I * opinions of conespondents. living that lies deep in every man.” said 4:15 I Sustain Wings 4:30 Bcnutter Candy's Curt Massey Cukdlei, Clear#, Tobacco. Cigarette# RICE and SCOTT Subscribers who change their addresses, or fail to get their 4:45 Defense Bulletins paper, should immediately notify this office, giving both Senator Harry S. Truman after seeing a Owsley Block Phone 2-2391 5:00 American Story Pine WINES, LIQUOR and BEER I new and old addresses. 5:30 Noah Webster Says a >> Entered as second class mall matter May 23rd. 1925 special presentation of the Moral Re- 6:00 Texaco New.« I I Po« Office Butte. Montana, under the act of Mar. 3. 1879 8:15 Pay ’a’ Save 30 CLUB MODERN LUNCH COUNTER Armament industrial drama, “The For­ 6:30 Authors Playhouse I gotten Factor” for labor and management 7.00 Navy Salute 30 W. Park Street I Meal# at Popular Price# 7:30 Can You Top Thu for Colgav## leaders in Philadelphia. 8:00 Palmolive Party ! I 9 THE TIME IS RIPE FOR 8 30 Grand Old Opry “What Americans really want is not a 9 00 Dancellme all fOMKt-fir 9:15 Texaco News T STATESMANSHIP 9:30 The Cabin T vl ------- promise of getting something for nothing, 9:46 Hoosler Hop r } tor 1 0t—1 0 ter SO* With the political conventions over, 10:00 Thomas Peluso Orch. MATTRESSES RENOVAIT» Aîi# Itnri* Edge P*l»d**» but a elm nee to give everything for some­ 10:30 Three Sons Trio America starts out ou the decisive phase Repaired and Sterilized. Furniture LOAHS thing great. We want something we can Upholstered, repaired and rebuilt. of a campaign that will vitally affect the SUNDAY. AUGUST 6 TO WORKING PEOPLE fight for in war and peace—something 9:00 Rh»|>nuuj 04 Chicago Furniture future of the ordinary man and his family 9:30 Visiting Nurse not confined to combat areas or election 9:46 Carol Sisters and Mattress Factory —No Security for years to come. v 10:00 Pay ‘n’ Save 112 E. Broadway St. Phone 8287 —No Endorsers campaigns. We need this spirit ot 10:15 New# in Advertising SAVOY Whichever party wins, America must iu:au jusepuiue uuüi —Easy to Repay Moral Re-Armament in industry. We 10:45 Moylan Sisters dine, ntvrr cm brink at emerge from this election stronger and 11:00 Voice of Dairy Parmer Personal Finance and Harry and Lydia need it in the nation. With it there is 11.15 Finberg Furniture I -4 more united than ever to face the colossal 11:30 Chicago Hound Table I CLINTON DRUG CO. limit to what wo can do for America 12:00 The Church in Action ! Credit Co. problems i >f the post-war. With this no ignouse Pro#i TTVyTVTTTTVTVVVVVrVTVTTVr and America for the world.” 1:00 Sheaffer's News Parade 106 North Main St. 201 METALS BANK BLDG. country facing the possibility of mass is me 1 MERRILL MORTUARIES J America needs an incentive for tin 2:30 National Fur Shop j PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS I unemployment, labor has brought for­ 2: «5 Bible Story s “Service Above Alt” powerful as the will to win 3.00 General Motors Symphony 3 ward plans to meet it. But the problem post-war as 4:00 Catholic Hour 21J NORTH MONTANA ST the wag. rThat incentive lies in. every 4:30 Milwaukee Doad News Summary 1 is too gigantic to expect blueprints, new 4:45 Emil Marans Fashion Parade j For QUALITY PPONE 2239 American knowing America’s destiny and 5:00 Lucgy Strike Hit Parade BEN JO BAR legislation, and trade expansion alone to 709 Utah Ave. his part in it, and of creating a democracy 6:00 Grade Fields & Orch, Standard Brand# WINES - LIQUOR - BEER PRODUCTS jj miiiiiufi in i)i»i.#H|i|ii|iiai;iiia in solve it. 4:30 One Mu a » Km that will provide the pattern for all na­ Dan'mg Every Saturday Night I Candy Cigars We are not simply dealing with graphs 7:00 Sterling Products, Manhattan Merry-go- ERNIE HOWE and FINIS MATSON ! Round” i Ask for the and figures hut with the unpredictable tions. This must be the passion in the 7:30 Bayer’s “Album of Familiar Music" Musician# 8:00 General Electric Hour oi I JOE FOGARTY. Proprietor i CLIFFORD'S heart of every American. Whatever party 8:30 Bob Crosby for Old Golds human factors 130 million of them, and 9:00 Hi-Lltes of the Week » News. Studebaker 11 East Broadway w ins, this idea must win, and be the di- I«V millions more across the world. Hack of 9 16 Texaco Soit Drinks—Novelties—Boer ■ in the lives of millions. With 9:30 Schwartz Musical# Delicious Town Talk Bakery rvthing there must he the will, the rectmg turct 9:45 Ed Maran’# Music of the Masters FRIED CHICKEN evt it we can create a new spirit in the nation 10:00 Uncle’s Jewelry “Hollywood Radio SPAGHETTI heart, the spirit and the teamwork to cure Theater” Wines - Liquors LOOK FOB THE SION that will not only solve our post-war 10:30 Hy of Praise B-K Beers OF THE PAKKOT I the bitterness, antagonism und selfish­ 10:45 Francis Craig Orchestra Open Every Day problems, but usher in the new age of CLUB ness that threatens to sabotage the best MONDAY. AUGUST 7 Louis Bartoletti i-k that the world is waiting for. 1:30 Pay N Bevc Musical Clock 3544 Harrison I paper plans. _______________ miimvo 8:00 Texaco New» ?' UlMll'»' t#U#1,#H|I,#li§tWtt#lt%ll|Ui,tilt 8:15 Radio Classified Headliner» M & M I 30 Reveille roundup for CHrove'e Quiomm î to cooperate, so far as such cooperation Baseball 8:45 Music Room I After reading this dry issue of the ! y:uu itono ui l ,e for One Ask For was possible.
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