MUShare The Carbon Campus Newspaper Collection 4-24-1987 The Carbon (April 24, 1987) Marian University - Indianapolis Follow this and additional works at: https://mushare.marian.edu/crbn Recommended Citation Marian University - Indianapolis, "The Carbon (April 24, 1987)" (1987). The Carbon. 278. https://mushare.marian.edu/crbn/278 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Campus Newspaper Collection at MUShare. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Carbon by an authorized administrator of MUShare. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The VOL. 4, NO. 27, APRIL 24, 1887 STUDENT PUBLICATION OF MARIAN COLLEGE FIELD DAY GREEK WEEK: by Kini Huckaby CLOSING PREPARATIONS As the end of the school year draws near, everyone thinks of by Lucinda Griner final exams, moving out, and saying good-bye for the sumner. The Theater Department has had !very year f le l d day offers a way a busy week preparing for the for students and faculty to unwind Spring Arts Festival. Events for and have fun before finals. The Greek Week started Tuesday and B009ter Club, sponsored by Dr. will wrap up Sunday night with the Appleby, hosts this annual event. f lnal presentation of ELECTRA and This year the All-School-Picnic the Greek Dinner preceding the dance will break a few traditions. play. Instead of the traditional Beth Tay 1or has been work 1ng Wednesday event, field day will be with several students, faculty, held on Friday, "ay 1. The events and special grants. Taylor's wl 11 also cover a whole day, Persuasion and Debate class has unlike the half day coverage of been working on publicity, hanging Kelly Jarvis nails Electra set, as past years. The Booster Club has posters, putting circulars on final preparations are made. been hard at !t'()rk to pl an events doors and mailboxes in and actlvltles for both faculty neighborhoods, and calling schools The Arts Festival will continue and students. The days events to advertise the events. in the coming years. Next year's Include: The Art Department has worked plans are to do a Medieval 9:30 am- Faculty/Staff -vs­ on designs for all of the posters Festival centering around the students ln volley­ and program covers as well as tragedy plays. Taylor sees these ball and softball making a mannequin into a statue events as enriching the entire 11:00 am- Little 500 Bike Race of Apollo for Electra. college conmunlty. 11-12:00 pm- Lunch in Cafeteria Jim McKean and Mary Ellen Healy Wendy Nixon, a freshman , 12:30 pm- Picnic at Eagle Creek worked on the schedule for Frank at tended the convocat 1on Tuesday by Li 1ly Lake Fowle, who was here on Wednesday on •Music in the Classical Greek 4:30 pm- Supper at Eagle Creek doing readings from the J~. Tradition• and found lt very 8:00 pm- Dance <location to be I 6 Fow e was on Channel News interesting. She said the announced) Wednesday, as well as giving three speaker, Wayne Wentzle, discussed The lunch wl l l be free to al I radio Interviews. Alan Lisle has the theory of the music and played board students, but c001Wters will worked on arrangements for the samples tor the audience. Taylor have to pay a !Illa 11 fee. The Greek Dinner this Sunday night. noted a funny thing that happened events are free to a I l students Preparations for the play before and once wring Wentzle's with expenses be Ing pi eked up by Electra have been going on all performance: the microphone the Student Board. Directions to week with set up, dress picked up CB signals. Other than Eagle Creek will be provided. rehearsals, fixing costumes, and that, the event went well. The idea of transportation various other tasks. The sets provided by the school is pending; were worked on throughout the week therefore, students wanting to go and a new power box was installed to Eagle Creek should try to outside to accoomodate the lights. GO arrange their own transportation. Janet Padgett and Mr. Ryan have Students and faculty are asked to been working on parking and other cane and participate in this full arrangements. GREEK!! day of fun, sun and relaxation. THE ARBON -- 24 April 1987 -- page 2 The vl ews expressed on th 1s page are not necessar 11 y the views of LETTERS TO THE EDITORS the~ or its staff. ALCOHOL · FRESHMAN ELECTIONS £Editors' note: the following As a resident of this campus. I letter was also sutnltted to the have realized a startling fact: Elections Ccmnlttee.1 more alcohol passes throu~ the In regard to the recent students' bodies than you could freshmen elections. I would l lke imagine. I would bel leve that to foraai ly declare my objection upwards of 75% of the resident la 1 to the manner with which the students · consume alcohol on a eI ect i ng progess was dea It. The re9,!lar basis. fact that current officers who Considering approximately less were up for re-election were at than 40% of the students are of the voting table overseeing the legal drinking age, nearly 45% of votlng ls not rl~t and ls a clear the students on c~s consume case of conflict of i~terests. alcohol l llegal ly. However there Further, these officers were ls another rule which canes Into making caunents about who to vote play. Marian College has a rule for and making cooments about the which states that no student is cho Ices sane of the voters were perml tted to have al coho I on making. Young adults cane to JIMMY SWAGGART caq,us. '11\ls would seem to college to learn and act out roles T.V. Evangelist indicate that 75% of the total 1n a proper f ash ion • 'Ill Is ls WHAT HAIES NEWS? ml make news. student population ls breaking a clearly a case In which the roles law or rule! If you know of an event or of class officer, election happening, let us know too. When Marian College has this rule official, and candidate were acted for several reasons. One ls the you see news happen, call ext. 411 out improperly. I demand, or ext. 400. fact that college ls a place to therefore, that a special Ad ~ learn. One cannot learn if he/sie Comml ttee of Student Board ~ meetings are held each arrives ln class 'plastered,' investigate this affair and Thursday, 4:30 p.111., in the~ •hungover,• or as 1eep. Kost of teq,orarlly suspend the results of office in the basement of Clare the t lme however students do not this past week's election until Hall. Everyone ls welcane. arrive ln class; they are sti 11 the matter ls settled. THE CARBON Narlan College asleep fran a late ni~t at -- O\rls Beals Indlanapol ls, IN 46222 Georgetown. Others are start l ng Ka~gl~W~~dt ~Y Nicholas to gJZzle alcohol as the sun I only have one basic thing to Michel le Scheidt breaks across the horizon. cooment on: the Corruptness of Brad Landwerlen Still Pat Webb Another reason for the Marl an the Freshman Election!! I'm a Jenna Morrow She II y Leman Chr Is Bea Is Don Vogt rule lies with what college is to part of the freshman -class. I Corinne Col I lngs Sheri Bernat do for you. College is the start don't fee 1 that everyone l n the tt::a~~ ler ~ndyJopenec llnl Hucklbr 0efii1e ~~~I! of where you are gol ng in 11 fe. election was treated fairly. 'nle Angela Huck eberry Marcey Vl91a11 College ls the place after which unnecessary tactics were simply (Special thanks to Brother Jaaes Rinard, O.S.B.> you find a Joo. Marl an has thls chl Idish; l lke making, or better rule so that no one will becane yet, threatening people Into Dr. Ray Craig Nr. Ancrew llohaan dependent upon alcohol. This running for offlce; Inserting 'Dlc Carbon. a source of news and lnforaatlon as dependency w111 ru l n the rest of wel I as an open ton.a for the Marian College c~s candidates without their ca11111nlty, ls not an official publication of llarlan the person's life which Co 11 eoe and dots not necesear II y ref Iect the vI ewe knowledge; and better yet, of the college acalnlstratlon, faculty, or others. started at this college. i Readers are Invited to sutnlt timely and relevant quest Ion ng the dee is Ions of the letters of opinion to the editors. &.ch letters -- Scott Van Alst should not exceed 150 words and aist Include the voters. What's thls stuff aboot author's naae and phone number. Yor verification l?Urpoees the letter a.1st also be dated and signed. candidates sitting by the ballot Telephone numbers wl 11 not be publ Ished, nor wl 11 anon'(IIIOUs letters be published. Letters aay be NOTICE box . • . ? Where ar~ our eth l cs? edited for clarity and brevity. Editors have the authority to reJect any letter they feel to be LET'S GET REAL, People, AND YOU potent Ially I lbelous, obscene, lnflaaaatory or In poor taste. Ordlnarl ly such letters should aim to Ef feet l ve Monday, Apr 11 27, 1987, KNC7i WHO YOO ARE! Wake up! We address lltflues, clarity events, pr011ote understanding, or clearly Identify what Is going on the Business Office will no longer are not so stupid that we wouldn't In an event, Issue, or scene.
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