THE CONCORDIAN VOLUME LIII THE CONCORDIA COLLEGE, MOORHEAD, MINNESOTA, FEBRUARY 16, 1962 No. 15 Week-end Whoopee Spotlights Royalty, Preps Flappers Reign Preps Star Bright red flapper costumes, The Four Preps, youngest vo- swinging music of the 20's, and cal group with a major record- talent of a by-gone era provided ing label, will bring smooth, the setting for last night's cor- mellow harmony and fresh style onation of the Winter Carnival to Winter Carnival "Makin' Flapper Queen. Whoopee" festivities tonight at 8 in Memorial Auditorium. During the talent portion of the coronation evening, Miss Don Clarke, high tenor; AKX-M, Julie Brown, a sopho- Bruce Belland, lead tenor; more art major from Moorhead, Glen Larson, baritone; and Ed interpreted the '20's with a mu- Cobb, bass, met and origin- sical solo, "Hard-Hearted Han- ated the quartet while singing nah." With interests leaning to- in the choir at Hollywood wards English and art history, High School in Los Angeles. Julie also displays a yen for By 1958, the four were chosen sewing, candy and the airforce. by the "Cash Box Disc Jock- ey Poll" as the Year's Most Debbie Bergeson, representing Promising Vocal Gfoup." Park Region, sang a medley of "26 Miles," their first record, a tunes entitled "Oh Johnny." top ten best seller, "Down By Debbie, a sophomore from the Station," "Big Man,"which Barnesville, Minn., is an ele- outsold "26 Miles," and "More mentary education major. Money for You and Me" are Miss South Hall, Rita Avoles, some of their hits that will be presented piano selections of heard. popular tunes from the flapper In addition to recording, the era. Rita, a native of St. Paul, group has appeared on televi- Minn., is a freshman music maj- sion wjth Lawrence Welk, Dick or. Clark, Tennessee Ernie and in oustanding clubs throughout the A violin solo was the contri- nation. bution of Vicki Slrandness, Miss Blending instrumental back- Pi Kappa Delta. Vicki, a Fargo ing with the vocal group will junior, is majoring in math. be the Pops Wakefield Orch- Miss Chi Zete-Chi Delt, Shar- estra of St. Paul, which has on Jordheim, performed a mon- played for the St. Paul Win- ologue and dance routine. Her ter* Carnival and Minnesota interests include interior decor- State Fair. ating, sociology and elementary Tickets will be on sale at the education, her major field. door for $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50. WONDERLAND BY DAY — Old man winter adds his magic touch to the campus early this week to set a perfect stage for 1962 Bowling Green Tourney Roaring '20's Era Assures Winter Carnival festivities. Lively All-School Party 'Port of Call' Invites Forensic Squad "Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes or a Pint of Love Is Worth National recognition was given the Concordia College foren- More Than a Case of Scotch," the latest silent movie release from Invites Diners sics program, as Professor John M. Burt received an invitation to LDS-AES, premieres tomorrow evening at 7:30 in the fieldhouse. Just for the halibut (Breaded Bowling Green University's first annual invitational debate tour- A barroom scene from ihe roaring twenties is the setting for New England White Fish) the ney, including 16 schools from coast to coast. the movie. Characters are Tom Christianson (Hero); Fay Jul- Alpha Zete - Athenians invite The reason for the invitation was given in a letter from son (Heroine); Virgil "Tankful" Christianson (Villain); Ethelyn you to "Port of Call," a seaside Dr. Otto F. Baurer, Director of Forensics at Bowling Green: Brandli (Barmaid) and Vern Tolo (Drunken Father). Motor- restaurant on San Francisco's "We are inviting Concordia on the basis of its membership in cycle cops and the Women's Christian Temperance Union save famous Fisherman's Wharf for Pi Kappa Delta, and because of the fine reputation it holds in the day for everyone. an all-school dinner tonight debate circles." All-school party goers can roll on miles of sidewalks in the from 5-7 in the cafeteria. David J. Olson and Paul E. Peterson will accompany Mr. Burt basement as they skate to live music by Gary Hunt and his Combo. Ham will be served for those on the 1,000-mile trip to Bowling Green in Ohio during the week- A unique feature of the evening will be a Speak Easy in who are not Friday fish eaters. end of March 2 and 3. the North gym. Spiloons, a bathtub and a brass rail blend to- Dinner-goers are urged to pur- Fresh from a Kansas City tournament, the debaters have gether to form an atmosphere for refreshments. chase tickets before 5 this eve- two more trips scheduled for the interim. Eight debaters will In the atmosphere of city streets and parks less enthusiastic ning as only a limited number be travelling to Eau Claire, Wis., this weekend. participants can view Charleston acts, vocal ensemble, 3 of a Kind, of tickets will be available at The following weekend Al Jerdee, Bruce E. Gronbeck, David and a quartette, "The Rakes." the door. J. Olson and Paul E. Peterson will journey to Lincoln, Neb. Julio Brown Debbie Bergeson Rita Avoles Vicki Sirandness Sharon Jordheim Flapper Royalty combined charm and talent in a reminiscent revival of the Roaring '20's, coronation night. Page 2 THE CONCORDIAN February 16, 1962 Cobbers Initiate Tutor Society A student tutoring plan will students who have missed class- which they may accept or re- be put into effect at Concordia es due to illness or for those ject. in early March by an association who are having temporary diffi- AH departments except six of faculty-recommended student culty in their courses. "It is em- have responded to the plan. tutors, according to co-chairmen phasized that it is not a guaran- Those not submitting recom- Marc Borg and Vern Hagen. tee for passing flunking students mendations are those depart- Present plans call for the but it is a help in the right dir- ments in which it would be program to start the second ection," remarked Vern Hagen. impractical or unreasonable to week in March and to termin- Student tutors will be enlisted have tutors, such as in ad- ate two weeks before final on a volunteer basis, as will the vanced courses. However, if tests in the spring. The aver- "tutees." Approximately 2 0 0 a demand should arise in a age tutoring period will be students who have been recom- department where there is no two weeks. mended by Concordia's faculty tutor listed, the association's Primarily, the program is for will receive invitations to tutor board will try to fill the need. An organizational meeting to elect officers, orient applicants and appoint duties will be held Solons Approve Stipends after the invitations have been received. The Senate unanimously re- in each academic department to The Concordia Chapter will solved to revise its foreign stu- evaluate his department's offer- be affiliated with a national * WflOOpee — Stan Torgerson and Bruce Gron- dent scholarship program at its ing . ." was withdrawn by its organization, Sigma Tau Sig- beck endure the slush, wet feet, and frozen hands, penalties for special meeting Tuesday eve- author before it came to a vote. ma. There is not a national sculpturing icy snow into transient figures and shapes. Some nick- ning. The senior evaluation and indi- organization as such, al- named the finished sculpture "the house that MSP-STP built". Eight scholarships of $500 vidual conferences with the re- though correspondence is car- each will be offered on the con- spective department heads were ried on between chapters for Current Comment dition that the Administration cited by Senator Jim Anderson the exchange of ideas. releases the recipients of tuition as more effective than such a The organization had its or- costs. resolution. igins on the campus of the Uni- Soviets Encounter Dilemma The Senate allocated $50 per Reports were given by Dave versity of Pennsylvania in 1954. by Joyce Monson car, not to exceed three cars, for Olson and Darroll Bryant, rep- This is spreading across the the purpose of sending delegates resenting the KOBB and Con- country, although the only Within the nucleus of the most advanced and brilliant Russian schools to adopt it in this area scientists some rather paradoxical ideas are being suggested. to the second annual American stitution committees respective- Lutheran Church Student Con- ly. A kOBB transmitter will are St. Catherines' and St. Ben- Some of these eminent scientists have intimated that within diets'. the universe there must exist a power or a force which tran- ference. Wartburg College, Wav- be completed within the next scends any man-made concepts. Perhaps either by reaching a erly, Iowa, will host the confer- week for better campus recep- Says Dean of Men, George scientific impasse or by realizing the limits of the human mind nce March 30 through April 1. tion. Peters, of the University of Pennsylvania: "We think this is and knowledge, they accept this supernal view. A $180 sum was allocated to Suggestions for changes in the a wonderful, unusual program." This is not to say that these men have adopted a formal relig- send 12 delegates to the Model Student Association Constitu- Concordia College hopes it will ion, but they have admitted the existence of a supreme power or United Nations Conference at tion must be submitted to the have the same enthusiastic re- being at work in the universe. the University of Minnesota Committee by March 15. ception. This development has posed a dilemma for the Soviet gov- April 13, 14 and 15.
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