'VNIVERSITY OJ:lfAWAII LIBRARY arianas %riet.r,:;~ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 b&) e\VS By Zaldy Dandan traditionally, not been consistently Variety Mews Staff smooth, but it was markedly an­ the gradual phase-out of the Tenorio has vowed to resume con­ GOVERNOR-elect Pedro tagonistic in the past four years. CNMI's estimated 30,000 alien sultations with the federal° gov­ Pangelinan Tenorio, the CNMI's And among the dignitaries v<ll.o workers who now constitute more ernment, and is expected to enjoy chief executive from 1982 to 1990, · · than half of the islands' popula­ better ·relations with the CNMI will attend the inauguration are will be sworn in today to an un­ U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-Cali­ tion, Legislature whose members will precedented third term that will fornia) and the U.S. Interior . The Commonwealth's relations also be sworn in today, together be considerably different from his Department's Insular Affairs Di­ with the White House, moreover, with Lieutenant Governor-elect earlier two. rector Al Stayman-two of the have worsen over the past two Jesus R."Sablan and Resident Rep. ii As the CNMI's second gover­ most vocal critics of local immi­ ·: years. Juan N. Babauta. l nor 16 years ago, Tenorio inher­ gration- and labor practices. Still, in contrast to the outgoing Relations between the admin­ I ited a bankrupt government and a administration, the 63 year old istrationand the Legislature have, Continued on page 10 stagnant economy. · This time, government revenues. are at an all time high and, at least according to the outgoing admin­ Miller is here, sees 'good strut' istration, the economy is strong. Pedro P. Tenorio By Lalla C. Younis and we thought that was a way for But the effects of the ongoing emonies. We are very happy to Variety News Staff us to get off on a very upbeat Asian currency crisis on the is­ in Congress. be here." lands' tourism have yet to be fully Bo"th have recommended to CONGRESSMAN George fashion," said Miller in a brief Governor-elect Pedro P. Miller (D-California) arrived interview shortly after his arrival felt, whiletheCNMI'sothermain impose severe restrictions on the Tenorio, who was there to wel­ industry-garments manufactur­ Northern Marianas's multi-mil­ yesterday on Saipan and ex­ yesterday. come Miller, was equally ing-is under heavy criticism lion dollar garment exports to ihe pressed hopes of getting "a good "It was very kind of the Gover­ pleased. start"' with the incoming admin­ from no less than the Clinton ad­ mainland U.S., and the extension nor-elect and the Lt. Governor­ "I'm glad he accepted the in­ istration._ ministration and the Democrats of federal laws that will lead to elect to come and meet me. It was vitation for the inauguration and .,,,,,., . ..,,._·· ''The Governor-elect was nice a very nice gesture," he said. at the same time, we are happy enough to extend an invitation "We are scheduled for a whole he is here to personally see the ~ay hikefoi{~l~~;a ... for his inauguration ceremony series of meetings after the cer- Continued on page 1 O NMI. officials vetoed By Zaldy Dandan I! Variety News Staff · CALLING it a "cowardly;, piece of legislation, outgoing Gov. I Froilan C. Tenorio vetoed Friday a bill that would increase the 11 annual salaries of the CNMI' s elected officials. il . Tenorio, whose four ·year term of office ends today, said the i. Legislature's "last minute" action on the bill was a "sneaky way of !' doing things."· 1. He said H.B. 10:303 should have been passed before the Nov. 1 elections when the voters could have been informed that the leaders they'll be putting into office wo1:1ld get a pay hike. "(These legislators) didn't even have the guts to pass it a week or so after the elections," Tenorio said. · "They have to wait until the last minute, probably thinking th~t it · would not create controversy," he added. "They're wrong." Variety sources, however, said Tenorio would have signed the bill if it only affects the governor's. salary. Most of the current legislators were reelected and will "benefit" from the measure, but Speaker Diego T. Benavente (R-Saipan), House.Majority Leader Pete. P. Reyes (R-Saipan) voted against it. U.S. Congressman George Miller (second from right) is joined by CNMI leaders at the Saipan International Airport lounge upon his arrival yesterday. From left are Lt. Gov.-elect Jesus R. Sablan, Gov.-elect Pedro P. Continued on page 7 Tenorio and Washington Representative Juan N. Babauta (right). Photo by Laila c. Younis 1 3 f P'. , -·1·--,-,,~=,,-==··=•.=e•,~--.. ==-;}=·.,-~=-.-".=4p:=u~-,,:,.=·,~';~.,=-,~:-:~;,i:_=~~.,·3-~,2~~~~r=:~=tp.-.1.:--,·--,--:a,,'=:i;~:~~,,=·'ir=,i1:~,.;:=p=,.i:~~:;;::;:1it;::1::&F'·®.~tt:$f/".!''1~,{·'R.nkc(Ji.;",G:,v".~~Nlil:a-~-:.r,t_;:rsr1?·i'ii'.wifflWrt.t.i1'hv£l.,t·t'~:g;p" '~"~,·: [1 Tenorio defends lobby for GOP support in Congress ~ . WEATHER- { , · By Zaldy Dandan past, exchanged barbs with the rJnk- trationofPresidentClinton would ' l k ; •·. VarietyNewsStaff · ingDemocratoftheU.S.HouseRe- haverecommendedafedcraltake- ;· OuT o· o OUTGOING Gov. Froilan C. sources Committee, "we have noth- over of local immigration and e Tenorio on Friday said he is "very ingtohideandheisalwayswelcome minimum wage policies, even glad" that the most vocal critic of the to have a first hand look at the condi- without the CNMI's lobbying CNMl'slaborandimmigrntionprac- lions here." campaign. tices is visiting the islands, adding Aggressive 'Toe (liberal U.S. Democrats) thattheredcarpetshouldberolledfor Tenorio,atthesametime,defended don't like my administr.ition be- U.S. Congressman GeorgeMiller(D- his administration's aggressive lob- cause we don't subscribe to their · California). byingcarnpaigninWashington,D.C., beliefs," said Tenorio, who has "I'mhappythatheishere,andl've whichinvolvedcourtingsuppo1tfrom earlier vowed to join the U.S. actually been inviting him to come the Republican members of Con- Republican Party when his te1m over for a long," Tenorio said. gress. ends. Partly Cloudy with Froilan C. Tenorio Headdedthatthoughhehas,inthe He said the Democratic adminis- Continued on page 7 Isolated Showers PAC NEWSPAPER STACKS MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 1998 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3. 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-MONDAY- JANUARY 12. 1998 1a11• recession• seen 'Acting officials' nallled INCOMING Governor Pedro Office; •Peter Barias - Director, Tan warned that people had to be have to explain this to the public through the next r.:w mo!llhs with­ SINGAPORE (Al') - Southc,Lst expense ol'ourkey objectiws. which P. Tenorio has anriounced the •Eloise Furey - Secretary, Coastal Resources Manage­ so that they will accept that tcm, out the layoffs and unemploy­ Asiacoukl be headed for a rc'ccssion ,u-c scrn1ity .md long-tcm1 prospc1ity ready for hard times. temporary appointment of 21 Dept. of Community and Cul­ ment-; "We need not be disheartened," porary pains, such as those we ment that arc forcc~sl for neigh­ J'rnm the cum:ncy crisis that contin­ for Singapore." he sai<l. department and divison heads tural Affairs; •Joseph Villagomez - Sec­ he said. "We have strong eco­ suffered in 1985 and 1986, will be boring Indonesia and Malaysia. .'! ucstoplaguc thctt:!,!ion. Deputy P1imc One of tl1c world's I Orichest coun­ in the CNMI government. •Benardita Palacios - Secre­ retary, Department of Public nomic fundamentals. which have compensated by stronger growth "In Singapore's casc, 1hc1cisnot Minister Tony T.u1 says. uies. with .u111ual per capita income . The appointments, which tary, Department of Com­ Health of $ 19.(XXJ. Singapore is being been built up by COITCCl govern- and hid1er standards of living in mucl1 higher vol umcof 1cu1:11chmenl But Tan promised that take effect today, were made merce; •Ross Bucholtz - Commis­ Singapore. which has not bcrn hit dr.iggc<l d0\\11 by tl1e problems of iL~ ment policies. · the co;ing years." ~ al tl1c p~cscnl moment," Lim w.L~ public in a news release from •Esther Calvo - Secretary of sioner, Department of Public as hard as its neighbors. will n:gional u·ading 1xuu1c1,. However, this does not mean Lim Boon Heng, another Cabi­ quoted as saying. "Of cou1,e, people Tenorio's Transition Commit­ Finance; Safety; emerge from the currclll troubles While not as weak :L~ other curn:n­ we can cany on without making net minister, was quoteu by The .u·e a little bit more cautious:! expect tee. •Jerry Kintol - Director: Di­ •John Cepeda - Secretary, in good shape it'it tightens its belt cics, the Singapore dollar has any adjustments. Sunday Times as saying a lower rate of job-hopping, ,Ulll the It was stressed they were vision of Customs; Department of Public Works; plunged 20 percent in recent "As party members, you will Singapore should manage to gel labor nuu·kct n-:mains tight." now. intended to provide for con­ •Antoinette Calvo - CNMI •Herman Sablan - Executive "The budget for 199~-99 will months. tinued essential services. Treasurer; Director, Division of Procure­ nc..:d to b:: mot\.! s\Jingcnt ,md we will The stock market has fallen 22 '\The appointments are very Joseph Villagomez Bertha C. Leon Gueffero •Gil San Nicholas - Secre­ ment have to watch our spending to make percent in just six trading days so temporary in nature," said tary, Department of Labor and •Frank S. Rosario - Public su1\.! that we do not nm a budget far this y.:ar, with analysts saying Committ~e Chairman Dr. Jose nations." cial Assistant for Management Immigration; Information and Protocol Of­ dclicit ... ll1e Sunday Ti111es quotcu furlh.:r losses are c.xpccte<l. T. Villagomez. Villagomez listed the new and Budget; •Herb Soll - concurrent Di­ ficer; The! last time that Singapore T~m {Lo,; s~1ying.
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