This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project number: 511842-LLP-2010-RO-KA4-KA4MP; Grant Agreement No. 2010 – 3456/ 001- 001 Lifelong Active Seniors Learning Programme LEARN EDUCATE Towards a Better Communicate Participation of Seniors and TRANSMIT in Education and Culture Active Seniors Learn, Educate, Communicate and Transmit TOWARDS A BETTER PARTICIPATION OF SENIORS IN EDUCATION AND CULTURE 2012 Project Coordinator: 7, 19), Güldan Kalem (pp. 8, 16), Aneta Moyanova Contents: Center of Professional Training in Culture, Romania (pp. 10, 25), Veronica Ceruti (p. 29, 34), Alessandra Falconi (pp. 22, 26, 33) Partners: 1. Introduction 5 Integra Association, Bulgaria Amitié, Italy Education and Youth Studies Institute Association, 2. Good Practices 9 Turkey The Institute for Social Infrastructure, Germany International Institute for Managing Diversity, © CPPC 2012 3. Methodology 13 Austria This publication is copyrighted to the consortium constituted from ASLECT project partners. It’s 4. Workshops Results 17 Project‘s website: www.aslect.eu content can be used free of charge for educational purposes, entirely or in part, under the obligation Editor: Adina Dragu, Center of Professional that the sources and the atuhors are mentioned. 5. Programmes for and with Seniors 21 Training in Culture, Romania It’s use in other purposes is subject to an agreement with the authors. Text authors: 6. Recommendations 37 Vivian Guerrero Meneses, The Institute for Social The responsibility for the content of this Infrastructure, Germany publication belongs only to the authors. Güldan Kalem and Emin Bakay, Education and Youth Studies Institute, Turkey Aneta Moyanova, Asociaţia Integra, Bulgaria This project has been funded with support from Roberto Righi, Amitié, Italy the European Commission. Dagmar Kommer, Internationales Institut für This communication reflects only the author’s view, Managing Diversity, Austria and the Commission can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information Pictures authors: contained therein. Claudia Tănăsescu (covers, p. 8 right, pp. 20, 30), Cosmin Someşanu (pp. 18, 30, 38, 41, 42), Amalia Project number: 511842-LLP-2010-RO-KA4-KA4MP; Alexandru (pp. 14, 15), Andreea Romeghe (pp. 6, Grant Agreement No. 2010 – 3456/ 001- 001 INTROduction 5 We have started this project because we felt challenged to react against some very common prejudices that have somehow the power of a self- fulfilling prophecy. One of them is that people in later age do not learn any longer. Another one is that while people get older, their knowledge, skills and competences become obsolete due to the changes in the pro- cesses occurring in their society. One of the main objectives of this pro- ject is to fight the idea that elder persons lose their cultural and social relevance. Our goal is to promote a different attitude towards seniors, in terms of their capacity to learn and further transmit their expertise, and in terms of their relationships with the community in general and with cultural organizations in particular. http://www.aslect.eu 6 Seniors’ Empowerment and Participation 7 There is no doubt any longer about the demo- The results of our work are made available for cul- participants and we finally chose to present those graphic change that Europe is going through and tural professionals, adult educators, seniors and se- projects which can better illustrate the proposed about its future impact on all the aspects of the so- niors’ representatives from all over Europe. criteria. ciety. And the answer to any change is always learn- The project partners developed together a set of ing. Adult learning is a major factor of active ageing. criteria to identify those educational practices in- Selected projects show a diverse range of ap- Participation in cultural life is one way of keeping volving seniors which were relevant to our project proaches on how to support seniors to develop alive the relationships with the community. Making goal. The main criteria are represented by the con- new, practical ways to review their past experience cultural organisations more open to seniors and cepts of seniors’ empowerment and participation and personal skills, as well as to explore new and empowering seniors to contribute more to culture in the educational and cultural process. Our project potential opportunities for learning and commu- and education are the goals of Active Seniors Learn, work was oriented toward those practices which nity engagement. Their value lies not only in being Educate, Communicate and Transmit project. In our place active learning at their core, involving seniors a source of inspiration for cultural professionals, efforts to achieve them, we were guided by and in the decision-making process, determining them adult educators and seniors themselves, but also in a personal commitment to promote and sustain the aimed at making the best use of the existing prac- to take responsibilities in relation to the process, re- the fact that they are offering concrete educational seniors’ empowerment and participation. tices which have been lately developed by fellow sults and meaning of the action, within which their tools and information to those interested to multi- This is our way of inviting cultural professionals, professionals from the fields of education and cul- knowledge and expertise is recognized and used as ply the practice and transfer it into their own or- adult educators and seniors to engage themselves ture in the European Union. Active Seniors Learn, a valuable resource of learning. With these lenses, ganisation. in a new learning process, as a first step in the de- Educate, Communicate and Transmit is an exploita- we went over a series of European cooperation velopment of the learning dimension of cultural tion and valorization project that pursued the fol- projects – but not only - from the field of education, The educational methods and experiences from organisations and in the integration of seniors as lowing objectives: we analysed those projects in which seniors were the good practice examples were the basis of the active participants in the community’s cultural life. • to provide resources for strengthening the capa­ workshops for cultural and educational professio- city of cultural and educational organizations to nals, seniors, artists and volunteers. More than 100 offer a learning and communication environment persons from the partners’ countries participated in Adina Dragu favourable for specific groups like senior people; the workshops, the conceptual frame of which was Project Coordinator • to create opportunities for retired professionals flexible, adapted to the participants’ profile and in- and volunteers to use their experience/competen- terests. After the workshops, the project partners cies and become adult educators for their peers continued working with the participants, collabo- and other interested groups; rating with them and supporting them in their ef- • to establish partnerships between the involved forts to introduce new educational methods and educational and cultural organizations, seniors’ approaches in their organisation practices. The organisations and other cultural and social insti- examples presented in the fourth chapter of this tutions for the sustainability of practices once the publi cation are the results of the work of those peo- project is over. ple who responded positively to our call and made http://www.aslect.eu http://www.aslect.eu 8 Good PRACTICES from European Cooperation Projects 9 and Local Programmes The first step in the implementation of ASLECT focused on the identi- fication and valorization of the results from existing or previous Euro- pean educational projects, as well as from existing or previous national, regio nal or local projects. The 15 European educational projects addres- sing seniors which were selected by project partners had to meet cer- tain criteria: empowerment, participation, impact, and sustainability. A special emphasis was placed on the empowering character and the participatory approaches in the activities with seniors, as these were the kind of practices project partners wanted to promote and multiply. http://www.aslect.eu http://www.aslect.eu 10 Involving Seniors in Educational 11 and Cultural Activities The identification was conducted on the basis of a From the 15 examples, several focused on teaching ses, it brings together retired persons at the age of and SenEmpower. I2I aims at supporting already 43-question-catalogue of Good Practice Criteria fo- seniors competences with respect to information 55 and older, who are highly educated, and young existing initiatives and organisations, as well as cusing on the above-mentioned four areas. The re- and communication technologies. In the project people between 11 and 25 years who only have a networks among them. They promote cooperation search reviewed all the European projects compen- Doing2Learn* seniors were trained as teachers and low formal education. Both these categories can between the government and externally consulting dia between 2007 and 2010, as well as the respective encouraged to conduct their own courses. They de- profit from that cooperation in terms of their self- organi sations which elaborate guidelines for action project websites in order to collect examples
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