August 1, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H9811 we are all anxious to complete our Mr. SOLOMON. Mr. Speaker, as I un- gust recess tomorrow. Further, the re- work to make our departures for our derstand it, the next item of business port has been available in committee August recess work period. will be the rule on the defense author- offices so Members and staff have had At this time I can only advise Mem- ization conference report. It is my in- ample time to review it. bers, to the best of my knowledge, we tention to only use 2 or 3 minutes and Mr. Speaker, this is a fair rule that should expect additional votes this then, when the manager on the Demo- provides for expeditious consideration evening within the hour. At any point crat side has done the same, we would of this critically important legislation. during the evening, when I find infor- then yield back our time and expedite I urge support of the rule. I will not mation by which I can advise other- this rule without a vote. bother to get into the details of the wise, I will ask for time to do so. But Mr. FROST. Mr. Speaker, will the bill. It has been debated at consider- my best advice at this point is we must gentleman yield? able length. We all know the contents. be prepared to stay for additional votes Mr. SOLOMON. I yield to the gen- Mr. Speaker, I urge prompt action on tonight, and I will keep Members in- tleman from Texas. the rule, and I reserve the balance of formed. Mr. FROST. Mr. Speaker, I cannot my time. I want to also express my apprecia- assure the gentleman that it will only Mr. FROST. Mr. Speaker, I yield 4 tion to the Members on both sides of be 2 or 3 minutes. It will not be the full minutes to the gentleman from New the aisle for your patience with these time. We do have a request by the gen- Mexico [Mr. RICHARDSON], our ambas- times being as they are. tleman from New Mexico for a col- sador at large, for the purposes of en- f loquy. We also have a request by the gaging in a colloquy. Mr. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, I ranking member on the Committee on PERMISSION TO ENTERTAIN MO- rise for the purpose of entering into a Commerce for the opportunity to TIONS TO SUSPEND THE RULES colloquy with the gentleman from Col- ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, speak. But we will move along as orado [Mr. SCHAEFER], the chairman of 1996 quickly as we can. the Subcommittee on Energy and Mr. ARMEY. Mr. Speaker, I ask Mr. SOLOMON. Mr. Speaker, a mini- Power. unanimous consent that notwithstand- mum amount of time on both sides. As the gentleman knows, the Waste ing clause 1 of rule XXVII, the Speaker f Isolation Pilot Plant in New Mexico may entertain motions to suspend the will have a direct impact on many of rules on Wednesday, September 4, 1996. CONFERENCE REPORT ON H.R. 3230, our constituents in that State. While I The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZA- support amending the land withdrawal objection to the request of the gen- TION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1997 act, I would like to clarify some as- tleman from Texas? Mr. SOLOMON. Mr. Speaker, by di- pects of this amending language. Mr. FROST. Mr. Speaker, reserving rection of the Committee on Rules, I First, I have concerns about des- the right to object, I do not intend to call up House Resolution 498 and ask ignating November 1997 as the opening object. I would, however, like to clarify for its immediate consideration. date for the facility. If new health and with the distinguished majority leader The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- safety problems arise prior to start-up, our understanding of what the proce- lows: I want to be assured that resolving dure will be on Wednesday, September H. RES. 498 these concerns will take precedence 4, with regard to suspensions. over the opening date. It is our understanding that his office Resolved, That upon adoption of this reso- lution it shall be in order to consider the Secondly, the issue of proper over- will supply us with the final list of sus- sight is an important one. I want to en- pensions he intends to consider on Sep- conference report to accompany the bill (H.R. 3230) to authorize appropriations for sure that the EPA will have a full ca- tember 4 by noon on August 21st. We fiscal year 1997 for military activities of the pability to provide for the safe oper- have requested this information from Department of Defense, to prescribe military ation and regulation of WIPP. him in order to notify our Members in personnel strengths for fiscal year 1997, and Finally, I am concerned about the ex- advance just what bill will be under for other purposes. All points of order emption from RCRA no-migration consideration so that our Members who against the conference report and against its standards. As the gentleman knows, I consideration are waived. The conference re- are interested in debating the bills have advocated for the implementation could arrange to be here. It is our un- port shall be considered as read. of an independent review of EPA's deci- derstanding that no additional bills The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- sion to strike the RCRA no-migration will be added to this list without the ant to the rule, the gentleman from rules, possibly by the National Acad- unanimous consent of the minority. New York [Mr. SOLOMON] is recognized Mr. ARMEY. Mr. Speaker, will the emy of Sciences. I want to be assured for one hour. that the deletion of RCRA no-migra- gentleman yield? (Mr. SOLOMON asked and was given Mr. FROST. I yield to the gentleman tion standards will not result in a deg- permission to revise and extend his re- radation of environmental standards at from Texas. marks.) Mr. ARMEY. Mr. Speaker, the gen- WIPP. Mr. SOLOMON. Mr. Speaker, for the Let me say that I appreciate the tleman is absolutely correct in the way purposes of debate only, I yield the cus- he has stated it. We will supply that work of the gentleman. The work of tomary 30 minutes to the gentleman the gentleman from New Mexico [Mr. list by the 21st of August noon, and from Texas [Mr. FROST], pending which that indeed no other suspension would SKEEN] in responsibly moving this lan- I yield myself such time as I might guage forward. I do support the provi- be brought up except by additional consume. During consideration of this unanimous consent. And I would, sions affecting WIPP, but would appre- resolution, all time yielded is for the ciate any comment he has on these again, like to express my appreciation purpose of debate only. for the leadership on the minority side matters. Mr. Speaker, House Resolution 498 Mr. SCHAEFER. Mr. Speaker, will of the aisle for their cooperation in provides for the consideration of the working with us on this. the gentleman yield? conference report to accompany H.R. Mr. FROST. Mr. Speaker, I thank the Mr. RICHARDSON. I yield to the 3230, the National Defense Authoriza- majority leader, and I withdraw my gentleman from Colorado. reservation of objection. tion Act for fiscal year 1997. Mr. SCHAEFER. Mr. Speaker, I truly The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there The rule waives all points of order thank the gentleman from New Mexico, objection to the request of the gen- against the conference report and and it has been a great pleasure work- tleman from Texas? against its consideration. It further ing with him on this particular situa- There was no objection. provides that the conference report tion. I do appreciate his concerns. A f shall be considered as read. timely opening of WIPP is very impor- The waiver includes a waiver of the 3- tant. It is equally critical that the fa- ORDER OF BUSINESS day layout rule, as the report was filed cility opens and operates in a very safe (Mr. SOLOMON asked and was given only Tuesday. This was necessary so manner. permission to address the House for 1 that the House could complete consid- First, the 1997 opening date is not a minute.) eration of this measure before the Au- hard, statutory requirement, but is H9812 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE August 1, 1996 contained in a sense of Congress state- ity will comply with the disposal regulations EPA, exercising her independent judgment, ment. Both EPA and DOE feel that this in accordance with public rule-making pro- determined the contents of the final criteria. date is achievable. Obviously the cedures. We believe EPA's criteria are sound and will You specifically expressed concern about effectively protect public health and the en- health and safety issues are very, very the impact of the proposed legislation on the vironment. important, and language has been in- WIPP certification process. In particular, I want to assure you that EPA will keep cluded to reflect that the site should that review of individual chapters of the De- communication lines open as it undertakes meet all applicable health and safety partment of Energy's (DOE) compliance ap- the public rulemaking proceeding to certify standards before disposal operations plication by EPA would require the Agency whether the WIPP facility will comply with commence. to commit to a position on the sufficiency of the final disposal regulations. We recognize This subtitle closely mirrors legisla- each chapter without public input.
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