ndex to Geophysical \bstracts 184-187 .961 JAMES W. CLARKE, DOROTHY B. VITALIANO, VIRGINIA S. NEUSCHEL, and others EOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN 1146-E 'bstracts of current literature ~rtaining to the physics of e solid earth and to !ophysical exploration ~ITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1962 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Thomas B. Nolan, Director For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C. Price 40 cents (single copy). Subscription price: $1.75 a year; 50 cents additional for forei~n mailing. Use of funds for printing this publication has been approved by the Director of the Bureau of the Budget (June 23, 1960). INDEX TO GEOPHYSICAL ABSTRACTS 184-187, 1961 By James W. Clarke and others AUTHOR INDEX A Abstract Abdullayev, R. N. See Afanas'yev, G. D 185-56 Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. First photographs of the reverse sic;le of the moon------------------------------------------------------------------ 186-111 Adachi, Ryuzo. On the magnification of the record of a vibration by an electro­ magnetic-type transducer and a galvanometer-----------------------------­ 186-279 Adadurov, G. A., Balashov, D. B., and Dremin, A. N. Research on volume compressibility of marble under high pressure----'1"-----------------------­ 186-595 Adamiya, Sh. A. Age of the "young" granites of the Khrami crystalline massif-­ 187-43 Adams, J. A. S., Osmond, J. K., Edwards, George, and Henle, W. Absolute dating of the Middle Ordovician------------------------------------------­ 184-29 Adams, W. M. , and Allen, D. C. Reading seismograms with digital computers - 186-203 Adams, W. M., Preston, R. G., Flanders, P. L., Sachs, D. C., and Perret,W. R. Summary report of strong-motion measurements, underground nuclear detonations------------------------------------------------------------- 184-258 See also Stauder, William. Adams, W. M., and Carder, D. S. Seismic decoupling for explosions in spher- ical cavities------------------------------------------------------------ 186-238 Adylov, F. T., and Mavlyanov, A. V. Geological-geophysical characteristics of productive strata of the Paleogene of the Zapadnyy Izbaskent field-----------­ 187-212 Aebersold, P. C. Radioisotopes-------------------------------------------­ 186-337 Afanas'yev, G. D. On application of the potassium-argon method for geological purposes in the light of results of investigations of rocks and minerals of the Caucasus -------------------------------------------------------------- 184-50 --Structure of the earth's crust and some problems in petrography ----------- 185-346 Afanas'yev, G. D., Abdullayev, R. N., Bagdasaryan, G. P., Knorre, K. G., Rubinshteyn, M. M., and Studenikova, Z. V. Results of geochronological in­ vestigations of magmatic rocks of the Caucasus---------------------------­ 185-56 Afanas'yev, G. D., Kozhina, T. K., and Starik, I. Ye. Results of age determi- nations of standard samples of muscovite, biotite and microcline by the argon method ---------------------------------------------------------------- 185-19 Afanas'yev, N. L. Interpretation of L!.g anomalies by a direct method----------- 184-380 - Smoothing of gravity anomalies ----------------------------------------­ 186-395 Afanas 'yeva, V. I., and Kalinin, Yu. D. Very great and great geomagnetic storms and certain problems of their theory------------------------------­ 187-435 Agaletsky, P. N., Yeforov, K: N., and Martsinyak, A. I. Results of absolute determinations of the acceleration due to gravity by three independent methods in the point "VNIIM" (Leningrad) ----------------------------------------­ 184-397 Agarwal, R. G. See Sawatzky, H. B. Agocs, W. B. Seismic field procedure-------------------------------------­ 187-561 Agocs, W. B., Hartman, R. R., and Curtis, C. E. Interpretation of airborne magnetometer and scintillation counter survey in four selected areas of Laos - 184-507 Agocs, W. B., Paton, J. R., and Alexander, J. B. Airborne magnetometer and scintillation counter survey over parts of Johore and Malacca (Area 5) ------­ 185-482 Agoshkov, M. I., and Yenikeyev, N. B. Kursk magnetic anomaly-------------­ 184-506 Ahmad, F. A brief comparative study of the geological formations of western Australia and peninsular India and its bearing on the drift hypothesis--------­ 187-262 - Glaciation and Gondwanaland-------------------------------------------­ 187-263 Ahrens, L. H. See Nicolaysen, L. 0. Aida, Yoko. See lida, Kumizi Airinei, ~tefan. Normal and reverse magnetization in the region of the Uroiu andesite volcano (Hunedoara region) -------------------------------------- 184-495 709 710 INDEX TO GEOPHYSICAL ABSTRACTS 184-187, 1961 Abstract Airinei, ~tefan. Study of the gravity effect of the outer limit of the Cretaceous flysch of eastern Muntenia (between the valleys of the Prahova and Teleajen- Drajna)---------------------------------------------------------------- 187-330 See also :;;tefanescu, S. S. A.J.G.N. Eruption of Mount Cameroon in 1959 ------------------------------ 187-617 Akamatu, Kei. On microseisms in frequency range of 1 c/s to 200 c/s --------- 186-534 Akasofu, Syun-Ichi, and Chapman, Sydney. A study of magnetic storms and auroras---------------------------------------------------------------- 187-437 -- The ring current, geomagnetic disturbance, and the Van Allen radiation belts ------------------------------------------------------------------ 185-432 -- The sudden commencement of geomagnetic storms------------------------ 187-436 Aki, Keiiti. Crustal structure in Japan from the phase velocity of Rayleigh waves. Part 1. Use of the network of seismological stations operated by the Japan Meteorological Agency -------------------------------------------- 187-363 -- Further study of the mechanism of circum-Pacific earthquakes from Rayleigh waves ----------------------------------------------------------------- 184-172 Aki, Keiiti, and Nordquist, J. M. Automatic computation of impulse response seismograms of Rayleigh waves for mixed paths --------------------------- 186-201 Akimov, A. T. Results of permafrost-geophysical investigations in the eastern part of the Bol'shaya Zemlya tundra-------------------------------------- 185-193 Aksel'rod, S. M. Performance analysis of induction logging sounding device when the receiver and generator coil circuits are tuned in resonance-------------- 187-206 Alberta Society of Petroleum Geologists. A new instrument for recording earth- quakes----------------------------------------------------------------- 186-207 - Discussion-Perspectivities in the solar system -------------------------- 186-371 Aldrich, L. T., Asada, T., Bass, M. N., Hales, A. L., Tuve, Merle, and Wetherill, G. W. The earth's crust-------------------------------------- 185-350 Aldrich, L. T., Bass, M. N., Tuve, M. A., and Wetherill, G. W. The earth's crust. Seismic studies-------------------------------------------------- 184-427 Aldrich, L. T., Wetherill, G. W., Bass, M. N., Compston, W., Davis, G. L., and Tilton, G. R. Mineral age measurements----------------------------- 184-27 Aldrich, L. T., Wetherill, G. W., Bass, M. N., Tilton, G. R., and Davis, G. L. Mineral age measurements and earth history -------------------------- 185-2 See also Davis, G. L. , and Tilton, G. R. Aleksandruk, V. M. Determination of absolute geologic age by the rhenium method ---------------------------------------------------------------- 187-13 Aleksin, A. G. Outline in principle of the method of exploration for oil and gas deposits --------------------------------------------------------------- 185-239 Aleva, G. J. J. Geochemical and geophysical exploitation of the Nigadoo base metal deposit, N. B., Canada-------------------------------------------- 184-290 Alexander, J. B. See Agocs, W. B. Alexander, W. M., McCracken, C. W., and LaGow, H. E. Interplanetary dust particles of micro-size probably associated with the Leonid meteor stream--- 187-68 See also McCracken, C. W. Alfano, Luigi. The influence of surface formations on the apparent resistivity values in electrical prospecting. Pt. 1 ----------------------------------- 184-279 --The influence of surface formations on the apparent resistivity values in elec- trical prospecting. Pt. 2 ------------------------------.,----------------- 186-291 Alford, J. L. See Hudson, D. E. Alger, R. P. Modern logging programs and interpretation methods ------------ 186-343 See also Tixier, M. P. Algermissen, S. T. Underground and surface gravity survey, Leadwood, Missouri -------------------------------------------------------------- 185-317 Aliyev, A. G., Minzberg, L. V., and Nikolayeva, L. A. Reservoir properties of the Apsheron Peninsula----------------------------------------------- 187-214 Aliyev, V. I See Kashkay, M. A. Allan, T. D. A magnetic survey in the western English Channel --------------- 186-521 See also Laughton, A. S. Alldredge, L. R., and Van Voorhis, G. D. Depth to sources of magnetic anoma- lies ------------------------------------------------------------------- 187-491 Allen, Adrian. Seismic refraction investigations of the preglacial valley of the River Teifi near Cardigan ----------------------------------------------- 184-572 Allen, C. R., Kamb, W. B., Meier, M. F., and Sharp, R. P. Structure of the lower Blue Glacier, Washington------------------------------------------ 185-296 Allen, D. C. See Adams, W. M. Allsopp, H. L. Rb-Sr age measurements on total rock and separated-mineral fractions from the Old Granite of the Central
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