MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library http://legislature.maine.gov/lawlib Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) LEGISLATIVE RECORD OF THE One Hundred And Fifteenth Legislature OF THE State Of Maine VOLUME VII SECOND REGULAR SESSION Senate March 10, 1992 to March 31, 1992 Index SECOND CONFIRMATION SESSION May 20,1992 Index THIRD CONFIRMATION SESSION August 19, 1992 Index THIRD SPECIAL SESSION October 1, 1992 to October 6, 1992 Index FOURTH SPECIAL SESSION October 16, 1992 Index FOURTH CONFIRMATION SESSION November 19, 1992 Index HOUSE AND SENATE LEGISLATIVE SENTIMENTS December 5, 1990 to December 1, 1992 LEGISLATIVE SENTIMENTS OF THE One Hundred And Fifteenth Legislature OF THE Senate SENATE SENTIMENTS INDEX Mildred Bunker, of Jay, and in extending our best wi shes on the occas i on of her 80th bi rthday, APPENDIX TO THE LEGISLATIVE RECORD January 14, 1991; (SLS 17) FIRST REGULAR SESSION Bri an Wi erci nski, of Brunswi ck, who has been 115TH MAINE LEGISLATURE named Division III second team All-American by the National Soccer Association of America, 1~90. A starting midfielder for the Colby College Mules, he The following expressions of Senate Legislative was earlier named All-New England and All-Maine; Sentiment appeared on the 1st Regular Session Senate (SLS 18) Calendars of December 5, 1990 to July 10, 1991, Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Howe, of Brunswick, who pursuant to Joint Rule 34: celebrated the 50th anniversary of their marriage on November 8, 1990; (SLS 19) Ernold Goodwin, of Portland, for his dedicated Raynor Brown, of Waterford, recipient of a service on the Harbor Commission from October 18, 1982 Community Service Award presented by the Oxford to October 18, 1990; (SLS 1) Hills Chamber of Commerce, whose tireless efforts Gladys Pitcher, of Belfast, and in extending our and many years of dedicated service have contributed best wi shes on the occas i on of her 100th Bi rthday, to the betterment of his community; (SLS 20) December 11, 1990; (SLS 2) Father Don McAllister, of Norway, recipient of George Denney, of Freeport, recipient of the 1990 a Communi ty Servi ce Award presented by the Oxford Distinguished Member Award from the Freeport Merchants Hills Chamber of Commerce, whose tireless efforts Association; (SLS 3) and years of dedicated service have made his the members of the 01 d Orchard Beach Hi gh School community a better place in which to live; (SLS 21) football team; winners of the State Class C Football Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Marston, of Freeport, Championship; (SLS 4) who celebrated the 50th anniversary of their the Girls Cross Country Team of Caribou High marriage on November 28, 1990; (SLS 22) School, winners of the Class A State Championship; James Roland Mitchell, upon hi s retirement (SLS 5) after 39 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Glenys P. Lovett, of Scarborough, for 18 years of Eastport Post Office and members of his community; service as a member of the Maine Highway Safety (SLS 23) Commission, 3 years of which she served as co-chair; Mr. and Mrs. Merle Frost, of Mariaville, who (SLS 6) celebrated the 70th anniversary of their marriage on Mildred Jackson, of Belfast, and in extending our December 25, 1990; (SLS 24) warmest wishes on her 90th birthday, January 23, Clyde G. Cushing, II, of Ellsworth, who has 1990; (SLS 7) attained the high rank and distinction of Eagle Harl an J. Choate, on the occasion of hi s Scout; (SLS 25) ret i rement after 22 years of dedi cated servi ce to the Rodney C. Lynch, upon hi s retirement after U.S. Small Business Administration, and in nearly 6 years of outstanding service as Town acknowledging his invaluable assistance to small Manager to Bethel; (SLS 26) businesses throughout Maine; (SLS 8) Derek Boutin, of Boy Scout Troop #2 in Bangor, Aaron McDonald, a senior forward for the Minutemen who has attained the high rank and distinction of of Stearns High School in Millinocket, who Eagle Scout; (SLS 27) impressively scored his 1000th career point during a Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Cleveland, of Brunswick, Big East Conference basketball game; (SLS 9) who ce 1ebrated the 60th anni versary of thei r Robert Berry III, of Boy Scout Troop #496 in marriage on January 1, 1991. Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Embden, who has attained the high rank and distinction were married on New Year's Eve at midnight, January of Eagle Scout; (SLS 10) 1,1931; (SLS 28) Fred B. Knight, of Orono, upon his retirement as Robert Turner, Nat i ona 1 Commander of the Dean of the College of Forest Resources of the American Legion, and in extending a warm welcome and University of Maine. As teacher, researcher, and our best wi shes as he vi sits Ameri can Legi on posts administrator for 18 years, Mr. Knight has made throughout Maine; (SLS 29) immeasurable contributions to the betterment of the members of the Boothbay Ci vi c Associ at ion, forestry and wildlife education in Maine; (SLS 11) whose compl et i on of a four-year fundrai si n9 project Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Johnson, of Greene, and in to purchase property for the site of a new municipal extendi ng our best wi shes on the honored occas i on of bui 1di ng at the town common and whose dream of a their 50th wedding anniversary, January 17, 1991; "better Boothbay for Tomorrow" have been realized (SLS 12) through the tremendous efforts and the generous Nicole Hupper, of Camden, winner of Runner-up Team donations of time and energy of so many in the Honors in her age group of the Athletic Congress community; (SLS 30) Junior Olympics held on December 8, 1990, in Omaha, Robert Brooks, of Boy Scout Troop #500 in Nebraska; (SLS l3) Strong, who has attained the high rank and Perley McLaughlin, of Mattawamkeag, and in distinction of Eagle Scout; (SLS 31) extendi ng our warmest wi shes on the honored occasi on Dion A. Warren II, of Readfield, who was named of his 100th birthday, January 11,1991; (SLS 14) Captain of the Maranacook Black Bears All Star Jen Pel1eriti, an outstanding athlete at Orono Pee-Wee Division Basketball Team; (SLS 32) High School who, for the second consecutive year, has Cora Cochran, of Woodland, for her outstanding been named nationally as a Penn Monto High School foreign mission work and for furthering Christian Field Hockey All-American by the U.S. Field Hockey sauses for over 40 years; (SLS 33) Association; (SLS 15) Richard A. Mathieu and Stephanie C. Mathieu. George Storer, of Augusta, on the occasion of his well-known and respected residents of Readfield, retirement after 34 years of dedicated service as whose tragic deaths have saddened family, friends Di rector of the Dri ver Li cens i ng and Control Di vi si on and this community; (SLS 34) (in Memoriam) of Motor Vehicles; and in acknowledging his invaluable assistance to members of the Maine State Legislature; (SLS 16) SENATE SENTIMENTS INDEX Lawrence L. Moses, of Belfast, beloved family the Lady Shi retowners of Houlton Hi gh School, member whose death has saddened many in the greater winners of the 1991 Eastern Maine Class B Girls Belfast area. Mr. Moses was a member of the Timothy Basketball Championship; (SLS 53) Chase Lodge of Masons, and a United States Navy Harvey L. Wiley, a distinguished citizen of veteran of World War II; {SLS 35} {in Memoriam} Norway, well known for hi s work at the Oxford Hi 11 s Maple J. Christie, of Gardiner, and in extending Chamber of Commerce and the Oxford Hills Area our best wishes upon her retirement after more than 3 Development Corporation and as a member of many decades of outstanding and dedicated service as an civic and fraternal organizations; (SLS 54) (in employee of the State of Maine {SLS 36} Memoriam) Claudia Morton, of Standish, recipient of the Eva Bearce, of Norway, and in extending our Jefferson Award for her outstanding and generous warmest wi shes on the honored occas i on of her 110th service to the homeless and needy people of Maine; birthday, March 14, 1991; (SLS 55) (SLS 37) Herbert W. Chalmer, of Bridgton, a devoted Hannah Robinson, a senior at Brunswick High family member, respected citizen and prominent local School, who was honored at a Bl ai ne House reception businessman, considered by many as a real estate for her meritorious achievement on the Maine expert and pioneer in the insurance industry; (SLS Educational Assessment; {SLS 38} 56) (in Memoriam) Donald E. Spear, Jr., of Belfast, beloved husband, Bertha E. Barrett, of Mexico, and in extending father, and grandfather; a lifetime member of the our best wishes upon her retirement after 9 years of Bel-Rock Chapter of the Telephone Pioneers of America outstanding and dedicated service as a Municipal and well-known trumpet player for the Blue Goose Officer of Mexico; (SLS 57) Orchestra for over 30 years; {SLS 39} {i n Memori am} Coach Dennis Grover, Assistant Coaches Rick George W. Patterson, Jr., of Belfast whose Amero and Rachel Bernier, and the following members lifetime of work for the Republican Journal helped of the Monmouth Academy "Mustangs": Bree Mi tche 11 , steer the course of its success and won him the Stacey McLean, Tracy Seaward, Jenny McDonald, Jessie respect and admiration of this community; {SLS 40} Hotham, Penny Whittier, Jay Brayley, Jennifer {in Memoriam} Barnaby, Jenny Heckman, Ami Huggett, Addi e the Brunswick High School Boys Track Team, winners Thibodeau, Jenny Ellis, Jackie Welch, Kara Burgess of the 1991 Central Maine Indoor Track League and Nicole Maclntire, winners of the the 1991 Championship for the second consecutive year; {SLS 41} Western Maine Class D Girls Basketball Championship the Brunswick High School Dragons, winners of the and runners-up in the 1991 Maine State Class D Girls 1991 Class A Indoor State Track Championship; {SLS 42} Basketball Championship; (SLS 58) the Yarmouth High School Boys Ski Team, winners of the members of the Bucksport Hi gh School the 1991 Class C State Championship for the fourth Wrestling Team and their coach, Michael Carter, consecutive year; {SLS 43} winners of the 1991 Eastern Maine Class B Wrestling Moncenia S.
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