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REPRESENTED Weather Interferes II Town Gains Victory St. Bernard's Lawn ItfWith Planting drops "CHARTER NIGHT" In the Bond Case REPORTS FROM SIXTY-FIVE WILL m Party Opens Tonight Large Growers and Syndicates Will AT ELLSWOR OF ROTARY CLUB Court Refuses Motion of the FALL OPENING Annual Three Nights Event of Haz­ Require At Least Another Week to Company Attorney For A GRADUATE FROM Plant Crops Whereas Ordinarily ardville Parish To Get Underway More Specific Statement in Three With Supper, Entertainment, Danc­ ASS'N MEETING They Would Have Completed Task. Out of Four Counts. ARE FAVORABLE ing As Outstanding Features. The continuous rainy weather is In a preliminary legal skirmish in THE HIGH SCHOOL seriously interfering with the crop Tonight is the opening night of the the Superior Court this week in the annual lawn party of St. Bernard's D. A. R. Chapter planting in the agricultural section of Exercises of Presenta­ suit of the town to recover on the the town. This is particularly true Bigelow-Hartford Offic­ Parish in Hazardville. This affair, surety bond of former Tax Collector which is one of the outstanding out­ Will Begin Commence­ Has Number of Mem­ of the tobacco crop. Many of the tion of Charter Will be Clark _ L. Hamilton, the town scored ials Highly Optimistic larger growers, including the syndi­ door social events in this section, will ment Program Monday bers at Meeting of the a distinct victory and one that is of be for three nights, closing Saturdav cate organizations would have com­ Held at Silhouette Inn considerable significance on the out­ Over Outlook As Based pleted setting out their plants by this evening. It will be attended by the and Continue for Near­ Memorial Ass'n Tues­ —Large Number of Ro- come of the suit. The Surety Com­ On Favorable Trend of usual lai-ge numbers from this part time were it not for the interference pany sought to compel the town to ly Entire Week—Grad­ day in Windsor. of the weather. As it is it will re­ of the town who have come to look tarians Expected. give more specific statements on the Opening This Week. forward to the affair as opportunity quire a week or ten days more be­ first four counts of the complaint. for an annual excursion to the east uation Thursday. fore they will be able to complete the The Court denied the motion on the QX Penelope Terry Abbey Chapter, D. Only the capacity of Silhouette Inn While no actual check up is pos­ part of the town. Many former res­ job. The cold damp condition of the will limit the number of visiting Ro- first three counts and allowed the mo­ idents of Hazardville and St. Bern­ * \A. R., was represented by a large ground will also hamper the plants The annual commencement exer­ tarians that will be in town on next tion on the fourth. This count mere­ sible yet, statements of the officials ard's Parish make it an occasion to 5 ' delegation at the annual meeting of in getting started. Under the pres­ cises of the Enfield High School will Wednesday evening when the local ly required an accounting of any of of the Bigelow-Hartford Carpet Com­ return to the village to the east and begin next Monday evening and will the Ellsworth Memorial Association ent conditions the growers are not Rotary Club will hold its charter the taxes of the period included in meet former friends. There will be optimistic over the outlook for the pany from New York this morning continue practically the entire week. at the Ellsworth homestead in Wind- night. Already the allotment of tick­ the suit that might have been col­ planty of opportunities for entertain The graduating class this year num- crop this year. A few days of sun­ ets for Springfield, Hartford, East lected during the past two years. The indicate that the fall opening which ment, including dancing each evening, bers 65 students, which is slightly is sor Tuesday. Although so unfavor­ light and warm weather, however, three counts on which the town was Hartford, Middletown and Pittsfield commenced at the New York head- An innovation this year that should more than the average number in re­ able a day, the attendance was cut would relieve the situation. have been exhausted and a call for given the decision deal with the vital quartei's of the company last Mon­ prove attractive is that arrangements cent years. Of the graduates, 31 down only about a third, nearly 200 more has been sent to Secretary L. aspects of the case. The decision in­ day, was most promising. The op­ have been made to serve supper each students have taken the academic " being present from the various chap­ B. Van Doren of the local club. It dicates that the Superior Court may enings has been visited by hundreds evening from 6 to 8 o'clock. |course and 34 the vocational. The ters in the state and a most delight­ WILL MEET AGAIN is not expected that there can be any hold that there is a coverage of $120,- of buyers for the past three days, I girls again outnumber the boys in the ful and inspirational event it proved additional tickets assigned to these 000 and that the town will recover and a large number of orders have ! number of graduates although not as ^ to be. The basket luncheon was serv­ places, however, as the number that the amount of the shortage, which is been booked. This morning the fourth 1 much so as in previous years, the ed in the large tent and was follow­ ON CELEBRATION can be accommodated is approximate­ approximately $60,000. day of the opening finds the attend­ DISTRICT FIRE number of girls being 36 to 29 boys. ed by the annual meeting. Of es- ly 250, and the distribution has reach­ ance just as large as on the first day. The class night exercises, which pecial interest to local members was ed that point now. _ The opening will end on Saturday will open the week's activities, will the presentation to the association by TOMORROW NIGHT The exercises will be in charge of night, and according to a statement LOSSES WILL BE take place in the high school auditor­ Mrs. George A. Douglass of exam­ the 30th district officers, and among WEAVING RATES given The Press today by Secretary ium, with the following program: ples of early Colonial needle work, those present will be President Allen James J. Delaney of the company, it Music, high school orchestra; address consisting of very beautiful hand-em­ Bagg of Pittsfield, who is the retir­ will require two or three days after SMALL AS USUAL of welcome. Celestino Tina; class his- broidered collars worked by her an­ Many Societies Unable ing president of this district. The ADJUSTED WITH the closing of the display to deter­ jtory, Dorothy Fuge; class prophecy, cestors and a canopy, spread and val- to Attend the Meeting local festivity will be practically the mine just how successful the opening n !• j j a j a • [George Baronian, Mary Carroll, How- ' ance for a four-post bedstead in blue last appearance of President Bagg as will be. The officials, however, ap­ rLStimated At Approxi- ard Bromage, Inez Stebbins; class crewel work on hand-woven linen, SELLING PRICES Held Tuesday Evening an official as he completes his term pear to be highly optimistic over the mnfplv nnn PVv 1?ici |jin£les> Ruth Cooley; music, class made by Miss Frances King of Suf- July 1st. He has proved to be one outcome. The local effect of the op­ llltlLCiy «pOjUl/U J1 OF 1? IS-|song, Senior Class; class statistics, field in 1730. These donations were To Consider Plans For ening will be first notid in the reduc­ of the most popular and efficient Ro­ Wage Scale in Axmin- /»ol Ypar Wflipll r^lnGArJ 'Donald Hibbard and Thelma Adams; received with the greatest apprecia­ Independence Day. tary officials that has ever been con­ tion of the large amount of manufac­ x /Sr., JI ,0Se(1i class presentations, Hazel Iskiyan, tion and enthusiasm by those pres­ nected with the movement in this dis­ ster Dept. Changed to tured stock which the company is Last Friday—Books to "Harold Thatcher;~ music, duet by ent. Penelope Terry Abbey Chap­ trict. It was largely through his ac­ carrying in the store house here at Howard Bromage and George Rem­ ter, which has been styled "the baby Ten organizations were represent­ tivity that the local club was organ­ Conform With Reduc­ the present time. Just how soon it Close the 10th. ington; advice to undergraduates, by chapter" since its organization, has will manifest itself in the increased ed at the meeting Tuesday evening ized. The principal speaker at the John Johnston; response by under­ lost its title, for a new chapter, Cop­ exercises next Wednesday night will tion in Prices of Rugs operation of the plant the officials graduates, Dominick Lepoi-e, presi­ per Hill of Westport, has recently in the Center School, which was call­ That the Thompsonville Fire and be Frank Barber of Middletown, for­ by Carpet Company.
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