■ '-f iNBT PBBSS HUN ATBRAGB DAILr GmOULATiON OF THB BVENlKa HBRALD for the month of December, 1926, 4,957 ‘----------------------- S- VOL. XLI.. NO. 80. CUT OVER A BILLION T FROM NATION’S DEBT | EVEN CONGRESS WETS dRL OFFICIAL --------- - . ! 2 MEN, HORSE LEOSLATlIIiFS Washington, Jan. 4.— ^The | Cleveland, .,0., Jan. 4.— “ If Judge Landis really wants to nation's public debt was reduced j SOBER, SAYS A DRY clean up baseball, let him send by 173,504,000 during 1926, ; 0FR.LT0WNAND ADRIFT J DAYS for. me., rL siye him the. details 1 9 2 7 SESSION the Treasury announced today. a . of how Louisville threw a batch The reduction left the total debt lUnderhill of Bay State Indignantly Denies of games in the league, the first on December 31 at 31®>9T4,- ONBALL GAMES year the circuit was / formed, 000,000, a decrease of $7,522,- O N A I^ E F L O E ON TOMORROW HEAD COP GONE Members Drink to Excess, as New 1876.” 1 000,000 from the high point This was the Information of­ , — . ’ reached on August 30, 1919. York Wet Declared fered here today by George She’s Treasurer, School Lake Superior Fishermen More Than Half of 38 Heu Strife, 70, federal court' bailiff, Work Begins Tonight With Washington, Jan. 4. — The»floor,” ,said Underhill. “ I have seen and star of hlg leaghe baseball Survive Grisley Experi­ chkrge yesterday of Rep. Celler, \ but four intoxicated in the cbrri- In IVho’s Who In Crook­ 50 years ago. the Organization Caucus­ Teacher andW. C. T.U. UQUOR ARRESTS Dei^crat of New York that many; dors or office building.. None of “ Jim Devlin, pitcher; George i cdngbessmen drank to excess was these is now a member. Hall,.fielder; Craber. catcher,.! light; Police Chief Has ence; Eat Raw Herring, calledx'an absolute and unquali. “ I don’t believe there Is a sim­ ed Baseball” In Chicago and Nichols, third baseman, g o t ! es; Parade. Inaugural BaD ARE FALLING OFF fled falsehood” In the Hou$e today ilar body of 435 men the world toftetber and threw a number of < byT.ep. Underhill, Republican of over who indulge less lu Intoxicar- games so that Louisville lost the Horse Eats Nothing at AO. Masshchusetts. Ing liquor, and that includes the t)r On Their Way There. pennant,” Stiiet declared. Bring Crowd to Hartford. Wife; Girl’s Books 0. K. members of the wet bloc In the “ In six years I have seen but “ The league officials found It one member intoJticated on this House.” out, though, and expelled ^ the Hartford, Jan. .4— Attracted by SEght Drop During Year, Lo­ Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., Jan. 4.— Chicago, Jan. 4.— The vanguard four for life.” ' West Greenwich, Jan. 4.— This tomorrow’s opening scenes of a leg­ Two men who with their horse of baseball players and managers, --- ---------------^-------------- ------------;----------- ^ ^ -----<J> town today ^as wondering over the islative session that is to continue spent three days and two nights active and retired, whose names disappearance of Miss Clara L. Mat- cal Court Records Show; SO N -IN -U W ADMITS “ BIG NAVY” CROWD for five months, by the parade and appear on “ Swede” Risberg’a teson, town treasurer, Nooseneck afloat on a huge cake of ice In panoply thaf atteqd the inaugura­ Lake Superior, told of their har-l “Who’s Who in Crooked Baseball” , School and Sunday School teacher 132 Cases Heard. U. S. MEN CLOSING tion of a governor, and by the bril­ rowing experiences here today aft­ TO KEEP were in Chicago today, prepared to and W. C. T. U. worker, and John CALLAWAY MURDER liant social event, the inaugural “Smoker" Potter, chief of police er having been rescued by a light­ face the m w who accuses, them, in ball, which climaxes a day of feasts and ex-New England horseshoe According to the record of the house keeper. the office o f . Commissioner Landis IN ON BEN RUDNER and functions, hundreds of visitors pitching champion. clerk of the court, 472 cases were During the long days and sleep­ tomorrow morning at ten o’clock. are arriving In Hartford today. Thirty-eight men, whose names Legislators, their wives and fam­ Miss Matteson’s town accounts brought before the Manchester less nights they had no protection Real Estate Man, Not Drug Naval Committees Disposed are in good order but a meeting of from the cold wind except that af­ have been conspicuous in baseball ilies, state • officials and their the town council has been called for Town court in 1926. Of this num­ forded by a sleigh box and nothing for years, have been summoned by Federal Agencies Have friends, those who have invitations Saturday. ber 132 were charged directly with to eat but raw frozen herring. Raider, Beat Long Idand To Ignore President’s Landis. More than halt of them to attend the inaugural and ball, The girl town treasurer— she is intoxication. Compared with the Went After Nets. are already In the city or enroute and those just frankly curious and anxious to view the pomp and cere­ twenty-two year's old— vanished year previous this shows a slight Aleck McLean and C. R. Draper, Woman to Deadi. Program of Economy. here, according to word from the Every Move of H’Dennott following a W. C. T. U. meeting professional flshermen of Dollar commissioner’s office. The men mony are among the visitors. last Thursday evening. She left falling off. The number during 1925 Settlement, near here, left last summoned Include players, man­ Caucuses Tonight word that she was going to visit a /was 145. However for 1926 the Tuesday with a horse and sleigh agers and one umpire. In MeHett Murder. \ Unofficially the session of the cousin in the neighboring town of number of arrests for driving auto­ over the ice to bring in their nets, Hempstead, L. I., Jan. 4.—-Har­ Washington! Jan. 4.— Definitely One of the 38 will be. Charles 1927 General Assembly will begin Washington, but never appeared mobiles while under the influence which were stationed near Round old B. Webster, 27, real estate disregarding the mandate of Presi-. (Swedei Risberg, former member tonight, when legislative caucuses of liquor showed a decided gain, will choose presiding officers for there. Island. salesman of Miami, Fla., confessed dent Coolldge, the “ big navy” clan of the Chicago White Sox who was Cleveland, Ohio, Jan. 4.— Every over that of 1925, Last year t ^ ^ While busy with the nets they the respective houses, a president Just “Going Away” today that it was he who yesterday In Congress today launched forth banished from organized baseball move of Patrick McDermott, con­ A note addressed to her mother were 39 such cases before the Mm - didn’t notice that the ice had for alleged dishonesty during the pro tempore' for the Senate and a anew on its campaign to make the victed on Christmas eve of the speaker for the House of Repre- was found, stating that she was go­ chester town court while in 1924 broken away from the main body beat to death Mrs. Catherine Cal­ world series of 1919. The other the number was only 22. and they were afloat on a floe half laway, wealthy 45-year-old widow, American navy “ equal to that of 37 were named by Risberg in bis murder of Don R. Mellett, publish­ sentatl'ves, besides perfecting coun­ ing away and requesting that cer­ ty organizations. tain books and articles borrowed be Aeeping Liquor a mile square until too late to his mother-in-law. Great Britain.” sensational charges that the Chi­ er of the Canton Daily News, has jump the gap. The wind drove them The first formal session, how­ returned. The charge of keeping liquor Webster killed his mother-in-law With the administration’s pro­ cago. White Sox “ bought” , a. four- been traced from the time of the w;Ith Intent to sell was recorded rapidly into the expanse of Whlte- because she had threatened to in­ gram of naval economy. placed h^ game series from the Detroit Ti­ ever, will be at 11 a. m., tomorrow, Chief Potter, who has also vanish­ murder to the day of his arrest, by when the houses meet separately against 18 persons last year; in flsh bay. duce her daughter, Mrs. Blanche fore Congress in all its details, the gers during- the latter part of the ed, was proprietor of a garage in After three days and two nights agencies seeking to clear up the for organization and later in joint the Nooseneck section of the town. 1925 the number was 22. Webster, to start divorce proceeds House Naval Affairs Committee 1917 season. Of course the motor vehicle viola­ adrift they were blown ashore on ings, he told the authorities. met to consider new mehsures for mystery, it was learned today. session to be formally declared "m He Is married and told his wife Isle Parisien, where they were giv­ Commissioner Landis will call session,” to receive the governor Thursday afternoon that he would tions make up the greater portion Mrs. Gallaway was found cloit- enlargement of the nation’s sea on the accused players to answer This information was given out of the police court work, and en assistance by Lighthouse Keep, forces. ‘Authorization of the ex­ by Howell Leuck, assistant United and listen to his inaugdral mes­ be home for supper. She has not bed to death at the home of anoth­ Risbeig’s charges. If they say sage. causes indirectly due to the use of er Douglas.
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