16566 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 152, Pt. 12 July 31, 2006 SENATE—Monday, July 31, 2006 The Senate met at 2:01 p.m. and was will be a period for the transaction of Moving toward that energy independ- called to order by the Honorable JOHN morning business for up to 1 hour of ence is not only possible, but it is the CORNYN, a Senator from the State of time equally divided between the ma- key to reducing the energy prices that Texas. jority and the minority. people feel every day when they fill up f their cars with gas, when they cool PRAYER their homes, or other times of the year RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- when they heat their homes. The high LEADER fered the following prayer: energy prices affect people in their ev- Let us pray. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- eryday lives. Almighty God, holy, powerful, lov- pore. The majority leader is recog- I believe energy independence can be ing, and good, we thank You for Your- nized. achieved, but a first and very impor- self, whom we have come to know and f tant major starting point will be to love. Let Your presence be felt today SCHEDULE make sure we bring more of America’s on Capitol Hill. Where there is discord, energy to American consumers. That is Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, today we let there be peace. Where there is ha- what the bill does by allowing deep sea will start a period of morning business tred, let there be love. Where there is exploration in the Gulf of Mexico. until 3 p.m. Following that time, we sadness, let there be joy. Where there As I mentioned, we have a cloture will return to the debate on the Gulf of is sickness, let there be health. Where vote this afternoon, and I expect the Mexico energy security bill. We have a there is poverty, let there be true final vote on the Energy Security Act wealth. cloture vote scheduled for 5:30 on this bipartisan bill. I hope cloture will be hopefully sometime tomorrow. Use our lawmakers for Your pur- There are a number of different poses. Give them peaceful satisfaction invoked and that we can then work to- gether to bring that bill to a close at issues before us as we continue to move in doing Your will. Teach them the and produce meaningful solutions to wisdom of confession without coercion the earliest opportunity. This is our final week of business the problems facing Americans—and and conciliation without compromise. prior to the August adjournment, and that is what we will continue to do. We pray in Your powerful Name. we have some extraordinarily impor- ORDER OF PROCEDURE Amen. tant measures to consider before we I ask unanimous consent that fol- f leave. lowing the remarks by myself and Sen- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE We now have a freestanding pensions ator REID, Senator HAGEL be recog- bill that has arrived from the House The Honorable JOHN CORNYN led the nized for 30 minutes. Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: which we will need to consider before The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- the close of the week. We also have a I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the pore. Without objection, it is so or- United States of America, and to the Repub- bill that relates to an increase in the dered. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, minimum wage, death tax reform, and f indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. some other very important tax provi- RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY f sions. I expect to schedule that bill at the earliest time, and I hope we can get LEADER APPOINTMENT OF ACTING cooperation from all Senators. The The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE Senate will address that package be- pore. The Democratic leader is recog- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The fore we adjourn for the recess. Chair- nized. man STEVENS is ready to bring the De- clerk will please read a communication f to the Senate from the President pro partment of Defense appropriations bill tempore (Mr. STEVENS). to the floor, and we will look for a win- 109TH CONGRESS The legislative clerk read the fol- dow to have that bill debated and voted Mr. REID. Thank you very much, Mr. lowing letter: on as well. There are a number of President. U.S. SENATE, nominations—judicial and otherwise— Very difficult thing to get anything out of PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, that I hope we can consider this week. this . Congress. They don’t want to do Washington, DC, July 31, 2006. We have a very aggressive agenda anything for the people. They are awful anx- To the Senate: this week that has been laid out before ious to do things to the people, and they Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, us—a very important one because I be- have done a lot of things to the people . of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby lieve the importance and weight of and it’s beginning to hurt. appoint the Honorable JOHN CORNYN, a Sen- each of these bills demands that we ad- ator from the State of Texas, to perform the That is a quote of Harry Truman. duties of the Chair. dress them this week. Again: TED STEVENS, We have acted on a number of issues Very difficult thing, to get anything out of President pro tempore. over the past several weeks, and most this . Congress. They don’t want to do Mr. CORNYN thereupon assumed the of the recent debate has been on the anything for the people. They are awful anx- chair as Acting President pro tempore. issue we will consider later today, the ious to do things to the people, and they Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act. have done a lot of things to the people . f Today we are scheduled to conclude and it’s beginning to hurt. RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME that debate on this important piece of Those are the words of Harry Truman The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- legislation. It fundamentally is a bill in 1948. He was referring to the 80th pore. Under the previous order, the which will substantially reduce over- Congress, but those remarks are di- leadership time is reserved. whelming dependence on foreign rectly in tune with the 109th Congress. f sources of oil. It would move us toward Like the ‘‘do-nothing Congress’’ of energy independence. It strengthens 1948, it is ‘‘very difficult’’ to get any- MORNING BUSINESS our national security, and it helps re- thing out of this Republican Congress. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- duce the cost of living for American The things they are doing are ‘‘begin- pore. Under the previous order, there families and businesses. ning to hurt.’’ ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:15 May 08, 2017 Jkt 049102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BR31JY06.REC BR31JY06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD July 31, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 152, Pt. 12 16567 Look at national security. The ma- He went on to say: ment that does not work, equipment jority’s rubberstamping of President As for beating the 1948 Congress’ record for that is in need of repair. As Senator Bush in Iraq has made America less lethargy, he joked, ‘‘Most Americans will be JACK REED has said for months and safe and emboldened our enemies such pretty happy with that.’’ months, we have a military infrastruc- as Iran, North Korea, and al-Qaida. For I don’t know what his congressional ture that is failing. The soldiers are the third week in a row, Iraq and the district is like and how people feel fighting valiantly. The Washington Middle East are plunging further into there, but in the rest of the country, Times reports our military is showing crisis, and what is the response of this that is not how they feel. Americans the wear of 5 years of war. Republican Congress? The estate tax, aren’t ‘‘happy’’ that they are paying Rather than doing the Defense appro- repeal of the estate tax. hundreds of dollars more for gasoline— priations bill, we are going to work on Look at our economy. The majority’s sometimes every month—because this the estate tax repeal. Think about reckless fiscal policies have created a Republican Congress refuses to pass re- that. The Defense appropriations bill $9 trillion debt, placing a birth tax on lief measures and won’t investigate the should take a few days. Readiness lev- our children and our children’s chil- surging profits of big oil. Exxon is els for the Army are at lows not seen dren. In recent years, the poor have going to make $40 billion net profit since Vietnam as virtually no active gotten poorer and the rich have gotten this year—$40 billion; British Petro- nondeployed combat brigade is pre- richer, and the middle class have been leum, the best year they have ever had. pared to perform its wartime mission. squeezed. They will not be investigating the The Army has asked for $17 billion in What is the response of the Repub- emergency funds, but the President has licans? Repeal the estate tax—hun- surging profits of big oil because this not submitted that. His military lead- dreds of billions of dollars to go to a administration is the most oil-friendly ers in the field have said $17 billion is small group of Americans, a very small administration in the history of the group of Americans, a country with 300 country.
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