ArklowArklow ApApplegplegreenreen Ar Arklow,klow We, Wexxfordfor Rd oRaoad, dA, rkArklow,low C, oCo. W. Wiicklcoklwow AshbourneAshbourne ApApplegplegreenreen A sAhbourshboune,rne, The The R atRhath, A, shAshbobourne,urne Co, Co. M. eMaethath AthleagueAthleague N6N633 Ath Atleague,hleague, Co. CoR.Roscosommocommno n AthloneAthlone ApApplegplegreenreen Arcadia Arcadi ,a A , rcadArcaiad iaR etaiRetal Pkil Pk..,Co,Cosoosana Rn dR.,d At., Athlohnloe,n e,C oC. oW. Wesetmeatstmehat h AthyAthy RaRthathstestwewartart S erSvericevic Se tSation,tatio nA, tAthhy, yC, oC. oK. ildarKildaere BaldoyleBaldoyle ApApplegplegreenreen Baldo Baldoyleyl, e,G rangGraneg Roe Rad,oa d,B alBdalodoyyle,l e,D uDbliubnli 1n3 13 BallinagarBallinagar BaBallllinainagar,gar, Co. Co. Offa Offally y BallinasloeBallinasloe BrBracackerkneagh,rnagh, Ballina Ballinsalose,loe Co, C.Gao.Glwaalwyay BallincolligBallincollig ApApplegplegreenreen Ballincol Ballincloigllig,, Cla Csseslasse Las Lkeake R eRtaileta Cil enCentre,tr e,O vOenvens, sB, alliBallinconcollig,llig, Co Co. Cor. Cork k BallinteerBallinteer ApApplegplegreenreen Ballintee Ballinter,er, Balli Banlltinteeeer Ar veAvnenueu, eDub, Dulinbl in16 16 BallybrackBallybrack ApApplegplegreenreen Ball Ballybracybrakc, kM, ilitMialirtary Ry oadRoa, dBa, Ballybrllybacrak,c k,Co Co. Dub. Dublinl in BallyfermotBallyfermot ApApplegplegreenreen S arSsarfieldsfie lS/Sd S/,S, 25 2050/25/252 S2 arSsarfisefildel Rod Roadad, Ba, Ballyfellyrfemormot, Dut, Dublinbli 1n0 10 BallymahonBallymahon MoMsotrimstri mR oadRoad , Ball , Balymlyamahohon, nC, oCo.Lo.Longforngfdord BaBnadondon Hn eHernornon'sn 'sService Servic Stae StatiotnionClCloughoughmamcacsimonsimon B yBy Pass Pass, B, aBandondon, nCo, Co. C. oCrork k BirdhillBirdhill BiBirdhrdhill Sill erSvericevice Area Area,, M7 M -7 Ju - Jncuncttionion 27, 27, Lac Lackakananavea,ve a,Bird Birdhilhl, ilCol, Co. T.i pTpippereraryary BirrBirr BrBroosnasna S /SS/,S R, ailwaRailwyay Ro Rad,oa d,B irBirrr, Co, C. o.O fOfalffyal y BlackBlack Quarry Quarry Service Service Station Station BlBlacack Qk uQuarrarry Sy /SS/,S Be, Bnennetnetsbrisbdrgidgee R d.,Rd K., ilKkilennkenny, y,C oC. o.K ilKkienlkennyny BooBootersterstotwnown ApApplegplegreenreen S /SS/,S M, eMerriorrion Rn oRoad,ad, Boot Booertestrown,stown Du, Dublinbl in4 4 BorrisokaneBorrisokane MaMinain S tStreet,reet, Borri Borrisoskoaknanee, Co, C.To.Tipipperaperyary BunclodyBunclody RylRyandland S t,S Bunclodt, Bunclody, yC, oCo..WexfWeoxrford d BuncranaBuncrana ApApplegplegreenreen Buncran Buncraan, a,Ludda Luddna, n,B uncrBuncanarana, Co., Co Do. Doneganegal l CaraghCaragh ApApplegplegreenreen Caragh, Caragh M, aMinai Sn tStreereett, Ca, Cragaragh, h,Co C Kio lKidarldear e CarlowCarlow CaCarlowrlow S erSvericevice S tatiStaotnion,, Tull Tuolwlow R oad,Roa dCo., Co. Carl Carowlow CarlowCarlow Killeshin Killeshin KilKillleshesinhin R oad,Road, Carl Carlowow Town, Tow nC, oCo.. Car Claorwlow CavanCavan ApApplegplegreenreen N3 N3 Ca Cavavan, n,D ubliDubln iRon Rad,oa d,P olPesoles, C, oCo.C.Cavavanan CelbridgeCelbridge ApApplegplegreenreen Celbrid Celbrigde,ge, M aMyanynootoothh R d.R dR. oRuondabundaobout,ut Ce, Celbridlbridge,g e,Co. Co. K ildKiladreare CelbridgeCelbridge ApApplegplegreenreen Celbrid Celbrigdege S tSt Wo Wlsotlasn'tasn,' s,Du Dublinbl inR oaRoad, d,C eClbrielbridgedge, Co., Co. Ki lKidaldarre e CherryCherry Orchard Orchard ApApplegplegreenreen Cherr Cherry Oy rcOrchhardard , Up , Urp Bar Bllalyflermoyfermt otRo Roaad, d, Dub Dublinl in10 10 Arklow Applegreen Arklow, Wexford Road, Arklow, Co. Wicklow ClondalkinClondalkin ThThee Lau Larelurels Ss /SS/,S M, onMoastnaerstey ryRo Raoad,d, Clon Clondaldkalin,ki n,D ubDublinli 2n2 22 Ashbourne Applegreen Ashbourne, The Rath, Ashbourne, Co. Meath ClonesClones ApApplegplegreenreen Clone Clones Ss /SS,/S M, onMoanghaghaan Rn oRoaad, d,Clon Cloesnes, Co., C o.M onaMonaghaghan n Athleague N63 Athleague, Co.Roscommon ClonmelClonmel ClClonmeonmel, Dungarl, Dungarvanva Rn dR, d,G reGereeneenaane,n e,C loCnlomel,nmel Co, Co. Ti. pTiperapperaryry Athlone Applegreen Arcadia , Arcadia Retail Pk.,Coosan Rd., Athlone, Co. Westmeath ClonmelClonmel Moangarrif Moangarrif MoMaoangangarrifr rifR oundabRoundaobutout,, Clo Clnomenmell, Co, C. o.Ti pperTippearrayry Athy Rathstewart Service Station, Athy, Co. Kildare ClonsillaClonsilla ApApplegplegreenreen Clon Clonsillasil,l a,C lonClosnilslailla R d.,Rd C., lConslonsillail laD uDblinubli 1n5 15 Baldoyle Applegreen Baldoyle, Grange Road, Baldoyle, Dublin 13 ClonskeaghClonskeagh ApApplegplegreenreen S /SS/,S Cl, Conlonskskeeaghag Rh oRaoad, dC, lClononskskeageahgh, D, ublDuibln i6n 6 Ballinagar Ballinagar, Co. Offaly ClontarfClontarf ClClontaontarf rSf erSvericevice S taSttiationon, 54, 5-546-56 H owtHowh tRh oRaod,ad C, lClonontarfta, rfDub, Dublinl in3 3 Ballinasloe Brackernagh, Ballinasloe, Co.Galway CobhCobh CoCobhbh S /S/SS, Ti, kTinocknock, k,Co Cobbh, hC, oC. o.C orCok r k Ballincollig Applegreen Ballincollig, Classes Lake Retail Centre, Ovens, Ballincollig, Co. Cork CorballyCorbally ApApplegplegreenreen Corball Corbally, ySh, Sannonhanno Bn aBannksks,, C oCrborballaly,l y,Lim Limeriecrikck Ballinteer Applegreen Ballinteer, Ballinteer Avenue, Dublin 16 CorkCork North North Ring Ring NoNorthrth C iCitty Liny Link Rk d,R dB, aBallllyvyvoolanlane,e, Co. C oCor. Cork k Ballybrack Applegreen Ballybrack, Military Road, Ballybrack, Co. Dublin CreesloughCreeslough VivVoiv Sho Sellhell Ltd, Ltd, Cree Creeslosugh,loug hL,e Letttterkeerknennyn, yCo., C o.D onDonegaegl al Ballyfermot Applegreen Sarsfield S/S, 250/252 Sarsfield Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10 CrossmolinaCrossmolina MuMlhernulher'sn 'Ss erSvericevice S tSattatioion, nB, aBallillinan Sta Sretreet,e Crt, Cossmrossmoolinlia,n a,C oC. oM. aMyaoyo Ballymahon Mostrim Road , Ballymahon, Co.Longford CrumlinCrumlin ApApplegplegreenreen Crumlin Crumli Sn /SS/,S, S tSt Ag Agnneses Ro Roadad, Cru, Crmumlinli, n,D uDblinublin 12 12 Bandon Hernon's Service Station Cloughmacsimon By Pass, Bandon, Co. Cork CullenmoreCullenmore ApApplegplegreenreen Wic Wicklowklo wS eSrvericevic Are Areea, aC, uCullellnmorenmoe,re As, Ashfohfrd,ord, C o.CWo.Wickiclokwlow Birdhill Birdhill Service Area, M7 - Junction 27, Lackanavea, Birdhill, Co. Tipperary DroghedaDrogheda Rathmullen Rathmullen WaWaterfterfrorntont S /SS/,S R, athRamthmullullene Rdn R.,d., Drogh Droghedaeda, Co., Co Lou. Louthth Birr Brosna S/S, Railway Road, Birr, Co. Offaly DroghedaDrogheda Ballymackenny Ballymackenny BeBeechgechgrovroev Se /SS/,S H, aHardmrdmaansns Ga Grdardeensns, B, alBlyalmaclymakckennenny Rdy Rd., D., rDogrogheda,heda, Co Co. Lout. Louth h Black Quarry Service Station Black Quarry S/S, Bennetsbridge Rd., Kilkenny, Co. Kilkenny DundalkDundalk ApApplegplegreenreen Dundal Dundalk, kN, eNewrwy rRy oaRoadd, Du, Dnundadalk,lk C, oCo Lo Lutouhth Booterstown Applegreen S/S, Merrion Road, Booterstown, Dublin 4 EnfieldEnfield ApApplegplegreenreen Enfield, Enfield M, aMinain S t.St, E., nfielEnfide,ld, C oC. o.M eMeaathth Borrisokane Main Street, Borrisokane, Co.Tipperary EnnisEnnis ApApplegplegreen,reen, Limeric Limerikck Ro Rad,oa dE, nEnninis, s,Co C. oCl. Clareare Bunclody Ryland St, Bunclody, Co.Wexford FernsFerns ApApplegplegreenreen F ernFerns S/Ss S/,S M, ainMai Sn tSreet,treet F, eFrnesrns, C, o.C o.Wex Wexforfdord Buncrana Applegreen Buncrana, Luddan, Buncrana, Co. Donegal DrumbaraghDrumbaragh DrDrumbaumbaraghragh H ouHouse,se K, eKellls,ls, C oCo.. M eatMehath Caragh Applegreen Caragh, Main Street, Caragh, Co Kildare Carlow Carlow Service Station, Tullow Road, Co. Carlow FoxfordFoxford BallinaBallina R oRaoadd, F, oxford,Foxford, Co. CMo.aMyaoyo FrenchparkFrenchpark FrenchparFrenchpark Sk erSviercevice S tatiStaton,ion, Fr Freenchparnchpark, k,C oCo.. R oRosscommocommon n GalwayGalway Tuam Tuam Road Road ApplegreenApplegreen S /SS/,S, Tuam Tuam Ro Roadad,, Co. Co G. aGlwaalway y GlanmireGlanmire BrooBrokolodgeklodge S /SS/,S, G lanmirGlanmeir, eCo., Co. Cor Ckork GoreyGorey DiDiscountscount F uFuel elDeal Desal, sM, illMialndlands, sG, orGoeyre, yCo., Co W. Wexforexford d GormanstownGormanstown ApplegreenApplegreen G ormanGormanstownstow Sn /SS/,S S, arSarssfieldfieldstostwown,n, Go Gorrmanmanstoswn,tow nC, oCo.. M eMeathath HollyhillHollyhill DiDiscountscount F uFuel elDeal Desal Hs ollHoyhllyillhill S /SS/,S H, arbourHarbo urVi ewView R oRoad,ad, H olHlyolhilllyhill,, C o.C o.Cor Cork k InchicoreInchicore ApplegreenApplegreen Inchicore Inchicore S /S/S,S, 90 90 Ty Trcyonnellrconnell R oRoadad,, Inchic Inchoicore,re, D ublinDublin 8 8 JobstownJobstown FortuneFortunestownstow Rn oRoad,ad, Job Jostbown,stown, Ta Tallaght,llaght Du, Dublinblin 24 2 4 JulianstownJulianstown ApplegreenApplegreen Julian Juliasntownstown S /S/SS, Keen, Keeongougue,e, Juli Jualinanstownstown, Co., Co. M eMaethath KilcullenKilcullen MainMa iSn treetStree, Kilcullen,t, Kilcullen, Co. Co K. ildaKildreare KillarneKillarney y ApplegreenApplegreen S erSvericevice S tatStiatonion M ecMekckrossross R oRoaad Kd illarneKillarney Coy Co Ker Krerry y KilleKilslesteter r ApplegreenApplegreen S erSvericevice S tatStiatonion 121 12-11-21233 H owthHowt Rh oadRoad Kille Killesterste Dr uDublinblin 3 3 KilternanKilternan ScalpSca lpS /SS/,S Enni, Enniskskerrerry Ry dR.,d Kiltern., Kiltearnan,n, Co. Co Du. Dubliblin n KimmageKimmage DiDiscountscount F uFuel elDeal Desal, sKim, Kimamgagee Kimm Kimamgeage R oadRoa Lod Lower,wer, Kimm Kimmage,age, Dublin Dublin 6W 6W KinsalebegKinsalebeg DiDiscountscount F uFuel elDeal Desal, sP, illtPiollwn,town, Kin Ksinalebeg,salebe
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