Durban Reality Tour A collection of material about the ‘invisible’ side of the City Llywellyn Leonard, Sufian H Bukurura & Helen Poonen (Compilers) 2008 Durban Reality Tour A collection of material about the ‘invisible’ side of the City Llywellyn Leonard, Sufian H Bukurura & Helen Poonen (Compilers) Contents Maps Durban and surrounding areas Durban Metro South Durban Industries Introduction Part I. News clips 1.1 Street Traders Traders angry over arrests (Sunday Tribune, 24 June 2004) Police battle Durban street traders (Mail & Guardian, 18 June 2007) 1.2 South Durban: Pollution and Urban Health Crisis Struggles against ‘toxic’ petrochemical industries, (B Maguranyanga, 2001) Global day of action hits SHELL & BP (SAPREF) gates (Meindert Korevaar, SDCEA Newsletter, volume 8, November 2006) Health study proves that communities in South Durban face increased health problems due to industrial pollution (Rico Euripidou, groundWork, volume 8 number 3, September 2006) Will city authorities take action to enforce Engen’s permit? (Press Release, South Durban Community Environmental Alliance, 27 January 2006) Engen violates permit conditions, (groundWork Press Release, 7 July 2005) Africa: Shell and Its Neighbours, (groundWork Press Release 24 April 2004) Pipelines to be replaced in polluted areas, (The Mercury, 03 June 2005) Homes threatened by cleanup plans (Tony Carne, The Mercury, 19 June 2006) Aging refineries under fire (Southern Star, 3 November 2006) Multinationals ‘water down South Africa’s Constitution’ (Tony Carne, The Mercury, 20 April 2007) Pollution concern hots up (Sunday News, 31 May 2006) Residents satisfied with pollution findings (Southland’s Sun, 19 May 2006) 1.3 Chatsworth Anti-eviction actions in Chatsworth (accessed at www.libcom.org) The fear of umbrellas and the handcuffed homeless (Heinrich Bohmke, 15 September 2006) Crossmoor shack dwellers march on city demanding housing, water and toilets (Shannon Walsh, 20 June 2007) 1.4 Refugees Desperate seeking refugee status (Mail & Guardian, 3 April 2006) Asylum seekers encounter abuse (Human Rights Watch, 17 November 2005) Refugees, asylum seekers and migrants (Human Rights Watch Report 2007) Part II. History and Environmental Problems (Some Communities) Bluff Isipingo Merebank Umlazi Wentworth Part III. Essays Desai, A 2006 “‘Ways of (Sight) Seeing’ in KwaZulu-Natal, Part One” Capitalism Nature Socialism, 17(2): 26-43 Desai, A 2006 “‘Ways of (Sight) Seeing’, KwaZulu-Natal, Part Two, Mooi River” Capitalism Nature Socialism, 17(3): 9-23 Scott, D 2003 “‘Creative destruction’: Early modernist planning in the South Durban Industrial Zone, South Africa” Journal of South African Studies, 29(1): 235- 259 Nriagu, J et al 1999 “Prevalence of asthma and respiratory symptoms in South-Central Durban, South Africa” European Journal of Epidemiology, 15(8): 747-755 Bond, P & R Dada 2007 “A death in Durban: Capitalist patriarchy, global warming gimmickry and our responsibility for rubbish” Agenda: Biopolitics, 73: 46-56 Khumalo, D 2007 “The struggle for water: The river (Umngeni) we lost to the dam (Inanda)” Agenda: Biopolitics, 73: 70-77 Brochures (selected) South Durban Community Environmental Alliance Streetnet International and World Class Cities for All Centre for Civil Society Further Reading Barnett, C 2003 “Media transformation and new practices of citizenship: The example of environmental activism in post apartheid Durban” Transformation, 51: 1-24 Centre for Civil Society 2006 Yonk’Indawo Umzabalazo Uyasivumela: New work from Durban (Durban: Centre for Civil Society, Research Reports volume 1) Chari, C 2005 Political work: The Holy Spirit and the labours of activism in the shadows of Durban’s refineries. (Durban: CCS Research Report Number 30 of 2005) Freund B 2001 “Brown and Green in Durban: The evolution of environmental policy in a post apartheid city” International Journal of Urban & Regional Research, 25(4): 717-39 Godehart, S 2006 The transformation of townships in South Africa: The case of kwaMashu, Durban (Dortmund: Spring Research Series 49) Machen, P nd Durban: A paradise and its people (Durban: eThekwini Municipality) Maylam, P & I Edwards (eds.) 1997 The people’s city: African life in twentieth-century Durban (Pietermaritzburg: University of Natal Press) Pattman, R., S Khan (eds.) 2007 Undressing Durban (Durban: Madiba Publishers) Peek, S 2002 “Doublespeak in Durban: Mondi, waste management, and the struggles of the South Durban Community Environmental Alliance” pp 202-219 in DA McDonald (ed.) Environmental justice in South Africa (Athens: Ohio University Press) Pithouse, R 2006 “Struggle is a school: The rise of a shack dwellers’ movement in Durban, South Africa” Monthly Review, 57(9): 1-22 White, J 1991 “The teeth need sharpening: Law and environmental protection” pp 244-251 in J Cock & E Koch (eds.) Going green: People, politics and the environment in South Africa (Cape Town: Oxford University Press) Wiley, D; C Root & S Peek 2002 “Contesting the urban industrial environment in south Durban in a period of democratisation and globalisation” pp 223-255 in B Freund & V Padayachee (D)urban Vortex: South African city in transition (Pietermaritzburg: University of Natal Press) Durban Maps Map 1: Map of Durban, South Africa. Map 2: South Durban View Cal tex Oil Recreational and Utility Grassland B e a c h e s Warwick (1930) B e a c Cal tex Oil h Durban CBD F Cal tex Oil r o (41 796) n t Cal tex Oil Cal tex Oil splanade Cl adwell E Clothing Schenk er Her mes L aundr y Downt own Wor ks Dr y Cle aner s Lever Cal tex Congella Brothers Alien Thicket Oil Dunl op (2110) Point Glenwood Africa Uni foo ds (5180) Y W Durban Harbour R F National BB N Sor ghum Cer eal s R Brewer i es E H T U O Kin g Edward S VIII Hospital Maydon Wharf (22) Umbilo C E (15670) Isl and View/Port net a n Ble ndcor E Isl and View/Port net l te g x e D Compl ex n S O Cave Rock Compl ex a il p W re f I N Premier Mi ll ing D S H R U Island View W m T T b U S A i O A L lo S O E R Genr ec S i C Engi neer in g Por tn et n v D e a R r Isl and View/Portnet Comple x t s Bayhead e r e Sea View o (4) F Alp ha St one & (6970) e c n Read ymix Fynnlands u (5720) D O Umhla tuzan Chemi cal a Riv Aunde Tap n er Speci ali t ies a Cal tex Oil i Transwerk na Tongaa t a H Mowat y d IG Secondary Grassland Quarries Hul let im GI Uni tr ans Natal nz am n N (0) a e Ocean View S m tr ON A S (6710) I H Grosvenor WY Bushclump and Grassland Mosaic (4080) Cal tex Oil Clairwood (4073) Y Montclair Yellowwood Park W (11020) R (4860) F F Ref iners 2 Mondi N Van Riebeeck City Bayview Royal Park Steam Swazi Paper kem Laundry (9) Albany Distil lers Defy Silverglen Bakeries Industr ies Drum Felt ex Ser vices Caltex Oil Wentworth Woodlands Tanker (4370) Havenside Ser vices Kenprint Is land (6980) Divpac View Industr ial Shave and Mobeni Gibson Quali ty Frame Everite Products Heights Suncrush Wentwor th Texti le Frame Premier Jacobs (4250) Non Hosp it al Texti le Mill ing Primary Grassland Fer rous(2390)Tanker Brighton Plascon t Metals Ser vices Beach s Sappi e Crosf ield SA Durban l y r Dunlop ia d (4650) o Bulbul Fibres c o F Alien Thicket Slazenger Revertex i b if r e Chemicals rt te n Beacon a u Durban A Sweets D Clothing W Blue Toyota Automati ve Wentworth Ambient Lamontville BHT Water Ribbon Components Colas Treatment Air Monitoring Bev Can Bul -Bul East Durban Sasko Flour Plascon Divpac Spr ingbok Station Umlaas River Landf il l Beacon Mill ing Cookson Paper Laundry Sweets Mobeni Chemicals Products Sibiya (9080) Reckitt Bayer Benckiser Austerville (232å60) Section F Section E Lacsa Y Engen Cargo Ill ovo W Treasure Section H Carriers Sugar R Beach Natal Saclo Pr oper ties F (1630) Section G Delta Gar dens Chris Hani RN Mondi Kingsdale E Paper Section J Steam H Simla Rd Laundry T Disturbed Industr y U Mondi Merewent O Paper Section C Floodplain S (23040) Engen Domo (va n Dyk) Southernworks Car pet s Ambient Air Umlazi Section A U Monitoring Station Section B m Section W la Mon di Mon di a Paper Section V s Settlers Ambient Ri Air Monitoring M (23090) Ulster ve Sewage Station A Car pet s r Works N å Section N G O Airport S Section K Section R U (19450) TH Section D Sasol å U Section L Fibr es H Sapr ef W b u Y Section S r Section CC c 2 S Section M 0 e I 1 n sip u in R D go Riv ry e Section P a r i m r P Section T Air por t Tanks Section AA Wayne Sapr ef Section Q Rubb er Section BB Va lley Vegetated Th Cray Val ley Non-woody cik Isipingo Rail Rai sins Wetland et/ Se (12660) Microsteel mi- Gui nness de Coat es Bros. cdi u Brewer y ou FF Ref in ers Bei er Robe rtson NCS Food s B us Wool Foods Pro duct s hve ld Javeli n Section Z Tru cking Section U SAB Toyot a 35 M Cor r useal Packag ing Orient Hills Robe rt sons Isipingo Beach Malukazi (3500) Foo ds (4040) (6330) M.B Glass Lotus Park T.S.A. Au tomat ive Section Y (7230) Compone nts D Envios r erv R ni IN Med i- Wast e e Mapodweni A Valley Thicket and w M Semi-deciduous Bushveld od (820) D k L bo O r ional/ nd M ve creatrassla Mkhazeni i Relit y G R Uti Eziko (3760) Amanzimtoti (17240) Ezi ko Ezi mbokodweni Umbogi nt wini Compl ex Umbogintwini (420) b cru S ne Kwa-Makhutha Y u W y D ar R m F ri 2 P Ezi mangweni N (3100) n M37 a ce Bhekulwandle O n ia Coastal Lowland Forest nd I M Baphehli a nz im to ti R iv er D Y R W b u N R r I c F Li A S tt 2 e M n le u M N D D a L n ry z O a im i m to r t P i R ive r Introduction Sometime in 2006, the Writing Initiative to Support Academics (WISA) published its first collection of essays entitled Undressing Durban (edited by Rob Pattman & Sultan Khan).
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