se,{uqrerurun5ry srmel fq pequosepser3ads ^\ou eql Jo qloq Jo '( 're^et frlpllsr eqt ot setqnop pessordxoo^llq derd uI) ]eleaqi[ pue (486I ) J.pue.l oH (o awryd d 'exEl 'D ruorl pctr8el8es qloq) DtuSusouDlarud ptrc saploa lrlJD J ,\\eu oN pue aqJlnd d 'osolnqtu,hoc a' :sorcedsrno; pezruSocerfeql snueSeql Jo tucussossrluJuuo e pepr^oJd(lS6l) '( sc,{uqreuurns? sr,re-l Inun t €6 1roupllrC'€681 rellanr'{'0691 uuerujjog 3 c) sroqlnutuenbesqns {q pe,rolloJ su,'vrldoruoc xq7'osopqtufuo: ,rreuuu eqt paqdduoq q3tl,tr o'l uoxct euo ,{1uoSutzruSoocr 'D(ltDrotltld 'n11ayc1nd jo uoqducsurncrc peorq e peldope (1981) ursq'tucg d qtl^\ f,Ultcdsuot 'z1aa15 'uox]4 cq ol ( I 96l se,{uq;erurungd) sr,tral 3 c) sJoqlneJelll ,{q peleprsuoi to[out d ,{\au€ ';' pu\l(o appd'.1 ot pcrlddesnu)rso1rrrTtir[ror :setcedso,lr] pazruSoJer ( gt8 I) zt"cls o aptlld d 'ser:rads '(6€81) pu? LlsolnqwttoJ 7 o,t1 pezruSoceroq^\ ,(e1pur1,4q pclJcJa st,t od.nnotltt4 uollBlllrrllap f,lJauaBpue,t.ro1s1q :rluouoxe; 'eleudordde parcprsuotcroJcrJql rr D.LtD)oIttdJo !rorsr^crorLuouoxel V 'snuc3 crp ur sourr,rtrouros.;o uoqt:rrlcldu cqt ot p.te8eJqlr,r su]elqord.teqpn;palccrpur osl? suq HJUgd lu suoDcellocurn rJcqJeq Jo uotlururrxg s:rFcr1.r;rur urn g ry sr nr r] {q lrquJ\ap rxU crl Josscuc^nJunsrp 'pc:crpc8 'aurrl cql pcpoJc olrq oscrl'lpun uccq aleq odtototpt4 lo suoDlcllor cJour funtu lcql '( acurS lllreletuuInurqioq petrtrlrl uo p?scqsc^\ qJrq^\ l S6J ) sc,{tqrcurrrrng4, sr,nc-llo lcql srsnucS oqlJO tlOIi^l^CJ Jltuotloxcl lSClDI oqJ rlll?llsnv UlolsoiAJo lr^a^\-qlnos oql ol oJLll.ltlor'\qnjqsqnsJo sq:cqlnruuc:cd.;o scroods o,r1.;o snua8 uurluJlsnV rruropu? uf, i^r (or?JuatsV) lpurl od.ro:tot1t111 uollJnpoJluI 'DC00l1ul suorlnqulsrprrcrll PUr pcluJti^nllr c.n rxul l|r put'popr^oJdst fc1 y tqcsdal( qicuruns T s-r^\a.ld) 'd oura't1soto4;tutt\',rt n aLpltd puli Dllatl)ltld Jp,^lpurlDlptpprl ,1'1pr,rr1osoyrEut.ro:t,1 .pazrc?o:tct 'pcsr^cr '1put1 or[ exq cJ.rrlfpue sr otlLocoLlttTsnuc8 ucrlv.rlsnyJrur?puc cqJ (6661) tL-19 : (l)€l D?r'1tr,?N(cccrluqduug :c[ccrJ?]sv) D(lrD)oLlttd Jo uorsr^erclurouoxul y tqcsdcl 1g lJeJlsqv '0091 I09Z {rqr.Ila.L lurdrJ urrtlrl]snv lrx.qunl rofl OdD 'qr.nr.s.I ,{rrsr.^rporg nrrld rol i.rtur:) tunr.reqrrH leoortnN unllllltsnV :ssarppt luaserd 'i]]r.J 'i0t tit69 Drtrl]snv ur.rsirli\ {r.^'tic ,{o0oag 3n{ po:,J.o'l 'lu.!(r.ieui:N 'unr.nrq.raH pue'l puo uortr^rrsuoJ Io tuaururdac urrFrtsnv L[a]:_?l rqrsdcl 1'g (aualluqduug :JeaJsralsV) d./DJoqtrd lo uo\slLJJJlruouoxBl V (006l.liL l9 )€l ,,rr/.frN Nryrr',aVol. 13, No. | (1999) Thegeneric delimitation of Pithocarpahas been largely stable, with mostauthors accepting it as a separatetaxon. However, Mueller (1893) suggested reducing Pithocarpa to sectionalrank within HumeaSm., a]d.dHeine ( 1967) relegatedPithocarpa to synonymyunder Calomeria Vent. Neither of theseapproaches have been adopted by otherworkers. Genericr€lationships The genericrelationships of Pithocarpdiue not clear,and earlier authors appear to haveplaced unduesignificance on the lack of a pappusin the genus,a featurewhich is now consideredto have evolvedindependently in a numberof generain the Asteraceae(Anderberg 1991). Lindley (1839) suggesteda relationship between Pilrocarpa andthe ge\!s llaaea Srn.,presumably because of the lack of a pappusin both taxa.The typeof Humeais now consideredto be synonymouswith the monotypicCalomeia, a genuswith which Pithocarpawolold, not appear to haveany closerelationship (Anderberg1991). The lack ofa pappuswas also considered to beofsignificance by Hemsley( 1905), whosuggested that P ithocarpamay be rclated.to ThiseltoniaHemsl., although recent work (Anderberg 1991,Wilson 1992a)points to HyalospermaSteetz or AcomisF. Muell. asthe closestrelatives of Thiseltonia. Anderberg(1991) included Pithocarpa in his studyof the phylogenyof the Gnaphalieae,and suggestedthat it was probablyclosest to taxawithin the broadlydeftned, 'lnwrencel/a complex' (genericlimits ofthe taxawithin thisgroup have since been redefined by Wilson(1992b-e)). These findingswere supported by a preliminaryphylogenetic an alysis of Pithocarpaand a selectionof six of its putativerelatives (infened from Anderberg'swork) undertakenby Lepschi(1997). In that ^nalysis,Pithocarpa appears as sister to Argentipallium niveam (Steetz) Paul G. Wilson,included by 'lawrencella Anderberg(1991) in the complex'las Helichrysum obtusifoliumF. Muell. ex Sond.l. However,as this analysis dealt with only a selectionof thepossible relatives ofPithocarpa, the'true' sistertaxon to this genusmay have been excluded. Materialsand methods This studyis basedon examinationof herbariumcollections from AD, CANB, MEL, NSW and PERTH,as well asselected material from CGE (photographs) andK, along with obseruationsmade on liveplantsof all recognizedtaxa. All measurementswere made from herbarium material (reconstituted wherenecessary). Conservation codes used are those adopted by theDepartment ofConservation and LandManagement (see the end of thisissue for definitionsof consewationcodes). Taxonomictreatment PithocarpaLindl., Edwards's Bot. Reg. Appendix vols l-23: xxiii (1839).Type: P- pulchellaLindl., lectotype,ldeLewis & Summerhayes( l95l). Perennialherbs or subshrubs,vegetative parts covered with whitish,cobwebbed indumentum. Leavesaltemzl.s, sessile, entire, usually withered by anthesis;clustered towards the base of themain (reproductive)stems and becoming progressively more distant and smaller up thestems, grading into the outerinvolucral bracts; also densely clustered on very short,lateral vegetatiye seasonal growth lnits. Capitulaeither solitary or in opento moreor lesscompact corymbs, inserted terminally on the .............. ".'"" ElerlsnYuretsel\\ 2.... 'esJoJlu? t Iuelsa,\\-qlnosuI p€eJdseplld sJltq xeldnp el€Aclc qll^dElesd,{t t pue .(mlo :uor8erSuue,tou eql uqlr.,|\ seqJuEJq[erelel uo dre111osse 'ElntId€J 'uodo t IIe,t se 9-Z Jo squ,&ot esool uI EInlIdeJ:ecuJlns IEIXEqP eql uo uoor€u-qsrppal {J€p qll{ pe{lElu slaEJqIl?]JnloAuI stuos lstel lv I """""'quedJo esoFqur,{Jo d ls€e eBueu SuIIJ€d snotqulSelasd,(c pu€ ,{ftAo :uoISeJSuua,\\oU eql u[0l./r\ 'slnlld€t seqJuEJql€Jelel uo ,{rl?1tlos,{larer I I-z Jo squlfuo3paulJsp-lle^\ 'tJuduot sselJo elout ut elnltdec :lueruSldlJep lnoqll^\ slJeJqlDlcnlo^ul I sallalJs^ PUBsalJads ol faY 'snua8 'uou€lelfualulsnu oql ,{q pelrqrqxofSoloueqd l€nsnun eql Jo llnsor u ,{lqtrqord 'slunuue '(r861 e ,(Fue1csr srqtq8noqlls sEExsl ll€ pelEeJl^lluolslsuot e^uq're^3,\\oq Jepue-I'l56l 'St8I t se,(eqraurung4r sraro'l aeats 3 e) sJoqlnnsnol^oJd Icluuejed3rE ser)ads DdJDJoq d'saPN t t '(966I rrBqS) I 'so{lrdlaelD '[Solowttg e1esd,{c eqlSo edqs aql ol oJueleJeJuI !I n4P,'sodtD) puv'JulauLt e eqluroJJ 'l?lltJlSnv uJolser^Aujels3,t-qlnos ol clulapuaself,ads o,,\\l Jo snueSv 'luesqcsnddvd :xo^uoJouEld 'Xade ol xe^uoaoucld-paua11ugsuopol,(loc :suopol^loJ aql ol sJuoJsJsJ41,Tr peCUld,{1p:e1u1 eql (Jo^o Surssrdlou 1nq)Sutqcner ro alesd,4Jaql Jo qt8uel eq] sp:Iql-o,^\t I Sutuunrpuurls :c1ncsu,r 'u,rorq-qslppal'snooantJoJ 'luesqDJo luesordsqu1s,{:c ,{1utqt'dructredtu04 eoq tlsel :suopel^loJ 'paos 'pasoddo 'o^\1 ol aJueJeJeJqt1,r pccvld tr11n:etr:1 oql Jo ql8uol orrluo aql Suluunr ,{llEculeurulp 'snoJqEIS'qloouls 'snoa30uo, spuErlsJqncse^ :sllE,r psueltrql qll^\ slloc'sselJnoloc ^lulql dJt?Juod '0 ']l?JnuuE 'lPoupulI^a :Jeleuerpultu g I , urnlpododJot:sJIEq xrldnp clueSox.(uFuouqll.^^ Jo snoJqBIS 'saqcuvrq '3uo1 sselro arorualasr,/f3 srreqSurdae,ts esnlqo 'Uoqs qll,{\ cguru8qsueql.repeorq ,{pq8lls 'olBlurul-pepunoJ (uru l 0-90 0 xeds el,(ts :x3dE ol^ls ol snonulluoc uorleua^ luonuuos ,{lplpeul 'pa,uncar 'e^oqe lou'(prxcpe) 1uur8:uusecngns cqcut8tls o1 Sulpee;dssoqcuEJq :eeuq fpdnrqu 'esEq '(elcJpEnb Suruioceq aqt lE uello,$s altrJS slp,t pauo{ctql lnoqll\ ssal Jo eJoruPus leuoqs xadEoql tc puEsulSJELU aql uo esoql)8uo1qo ,(1,to::eu s1loc luenlllsuoc :,{lluIxuqD€^llJuo, ,{l,,!\olluqs 'Irrql '3uol 'uonJod 'salnf,ol IIeJ-auo rutu Z 0 1u:1uecut luauild qsqfund qlr,,nJo pelueu-I8ldun sB 'Suoyqo epr,\\sE Jo Ja,roJJtu,{pq8rls o1rqdrllo-3uo1qo e8epuodde leqluE :pezuclod sll3f,lulseqlopue 'luerutlrJ eqt sE cpr,r sr?Jo ueqt Jo,^\oJJeu,(pq8rls ru1loc lueurEIIJ :JElloJ lueutllJ Suolqo Il,,',roJleu 'snooctrtltJquleru eql uEqlJe8uol FIlqBrl--ot ragoqs ,{pqBIIs'Jepuals pue elPlllap slrul JeqluE:s?lntol eql Suoluatauuoc'alupnna 'olcJeclEco svaryiay snorqclSecP,Jns plxepu'3uo1 ruur I 0 J ol sJlgq 'lElnlleclllnu;o l?lnJrse^ Sutra,rocesuep E qlL4\eclljns IeIxeqE:saaldo eqol o] SuIpualxelou solluuo^ 'E 'poxaueJol pe^Jn3ortrpq8qs :o Surpeards'reln8uetrl papuno:ol relnBuerg seqolelloJoJ :flPlxEpe sno:qe13'(eqnt€ql Jo ued lururxo:d eql ut {psorl) ecE]lns IEIxtqu eql uo 3uo1ultu I 0 r ol sjl€q 'perelluts ',\\ollef ftln]rsa^ 'Julnllecrtlnru euros iqstld:nd peqsnu uotuod IElsIp -qsluaerSo1 ,tlol1e,{ 'xede eql spJe,\\otpol?U ,{llqBITSSuItuoceq tnq ,{llurulxordlecupull^c oqnl BlloJoJ:alrPolqdELulaq llc 'crqdroruourlct 'snolqElE'xe^uoJ s/a;olJ otEalude apptdarar lonnlotul snotqrel8slJeJq IIUJo uullllPl :slceJqreuur aql uo sjleq lElnlloJnlnul etuos se llo,{\ sEunluaunpul paqqa^\qoJ tlsutqm qtt,r, ,{:req 'pe8ur,^^,{I.{\orJEu 01 {y,,nor:eu,fue,1 lcuJq eIIJo qt8ual eql spJlql-o,^\lol -euo J'papl^Ipun eruoelels '{lultuel :rururEl Surlulp€J'pernoloJ qll \ sltslq Jeuul lnoqll^\ slcPlq ]elno :snoeJxuEqJol snollllJs '.SIJOq,\\ JOSnOeC€qJ3q 'SlCErq reuul eql ol slJeJqlelno aql luo{ oIqELIE ,4lSnOnUqUOC SnOleUnUUI 'elelnuedruuc 'aruoxqo 'saqJu€Jq spolq lDnnlo^ul ,{lpuorqJo podeqs-dnJ uznp^ul snouuSolxoq 'Iqtsdo_l ndtDoqltd Jo uorsr^ar .ruiouoxpl V Ig Nrtrrid Vol. ll. No. I (1999) 2 Style branchesyellowish-brown
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