Danny Kaye 1 92 � 1.9 92 ,

Danny Kaye 1 92 � 1.9 92 ,

O Q FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FREEDOM OF INFORMATION/PRIVACY ACTS SECTION COVER SHEET SUBJECT: DANNY KAYE 1 92 1.9 92 ,_.......l.i__...__ Q.-..,_-_ ,»_-~<&1.-.4-.~.@.¢¢.»&AJ-92nanQIl¢lh-l4-¢ .n_. ..e,_.,_..._.._ _, .-.~._~_..___.._ __ .__ 4. ',_e_- 4 ' . " . ~ _,__,_-.,.,__._..-.--_-_.92-.-....-e-.........H ~_ . __, .___;~/_ ;~-~,~A ;e < : ~*~,nr- --.,- ... .> .... .. .__ -..- . " " ' . _._ e-nuonosu|us'|n.le _ L T;;°nK Oili Mam. .....;@um,- UNITED Slzunc GQVERN 511- E. A. Tammi____ H so - -Call = " ~ am. 1=so_a| n. 3. um _b'ICl - . l>A'rB= uayio, . 1m,.m.-92~¢,.e..__.. i ' non = i X an MtTm,Ros. 11 ___.._.. 6 sus1sc'r= Dir. Mob: ........ _. ~16, Mr. Carson .-..... 4:145? Mr. Hcadou....-.-. .-1 Z?- @/ I2. Hnznfordm.-. ._.-_92_,,, llr. Jencs.-.-.. Q '5-Tcwas Quinn TaIun.. y oti'ic'5"o 5,, ______ __ '.;5"3§ was common.gcssi_p -As: :~~ 1.. - alsc stated that a certain Lieutenant colonel of the ' Army attached to National Headquarters of Belective 8errice was in New ._,.''92 York at the time Kaye took his physical examination and is supposed to ', - j_-Z;;+' have witnessed Kaye's vaudeville act five tines in an effort to convince himself whether or not Kaye had been putting on an act at the induction ~_ 1: center where he had just been classified 4-F _ . Iiand stated j§1_:8.1;; they one .41!-ticus Jzocssicn received _ inicrI1=____l_<3*1 Iron a, §91~92i%H@§9Q=12%J¥£99§9F.i& ' _iMeeffect - that the §e_v_r_ T__g;_§g1reccer oif8el_ecti'ge_§e1"[1,69_;1!8 _il,1.Y.cstigs.ting,_a.t_ip that Kaye had _fra.udulent1y'pbtain§d__a;ie1e_cticn. Iiand said that at ' _ 'F54?- thiT_*F[me, Ia'a>=a=1#"ea"r1=a out iliether this was true, he had called *1-13$. "=1T._T¥°1' our-.sz 1°11 .22.? .2£ °?Ti?3"1»iI 1!!" Yer? 'i"6'66Iv~3"~1i $=1¢¢§£" _§@.rv.1¢2 -ln°'=:'m<>9s.o°°.ew-s1;1.#qsfei.ezLe1n¢1.m;ns.§9:§qvsr3.er1..e9s_t.@_.1. =1.,.1z.i-.m..&b.~.=.* .: mt rs ~ -=1ghII*= =¥?'T=§¥éT'i'¢11é*éTé'=E§i;Zs Q16..§!!¢29..1Sq;.1.¥e.!!b2!=h@1;9.1zs<1 .<. Q within: Q11 315- I67-Il.'i2P~li°5 *=1".2.§&l2§i=.L*.L=. ,59.LY.iq.e 4h=dJ~1.a9ere¢a1ved Qv .;n:.;,-.:..-2. '. an 92g§§ t e.nd_ that he had inquired into the matter very thoroughly. Hejaid thatjtale _1§_ad*}geeAn gje__exenditbiat an*1_i_ng_§_h_e_!as <=<>n'1=<=.=$. .1=P.e§-$he...§.1.&s&23.£¬ J":¥.';*3...="'1_....°J i=*H1s_2.b;§in1n:1.3I.x;.¢JTB=-1- T r1estinn_1cas_mL1-su;e921rs32e,.eiA3. .11. ones. _ , _ _ Z -;;<_ nsp ,¢{»m1 ,;t__c4Qthe_interrisI1ng Agent mt Iestbroolp Pegler is interested in Damq _Ks.ye'_e _§electiy!ea__8_ergVi'9e status end presently 1*" hi!f_§>§i=¢M1'_1Pv5=*is=W=' <>1w<>.¥.1V=s.v .12.°..§'.99£#1i.!1,1=11e..£e9#2 .01. the =9- P~=.____a__1=r as t nIT if-.;*==>-1== - =-- 2:e_&.ar_.1n.=;1»v.m:we;>e;.pr;:e.1.=i-oi-ez.zz;2:.e=~- ' i t' -..' r ,a ' ' » ___.,~+ °i8A0Ig§.an_d advised that !gp.~.yiew 9_1f__1;,he above set ~°'utrut}, he qurtbsasj-9I;e!92l<>9r¢_l1=l.»=,the,,.tr!1e_,.£!91=.*!.J»!!,$h6.-9l!>In,D&i§&9£; is1rgoing to,._perso:ie1l;r'i"eccnte-oiIajcr'I011;_ciL_.Sq1ectire,_$eryi9_e_n_11,q,¢1.. pick»-t1b1 ,/ Iisnd said he would keep the Bureau notified cl any further develc n _ '. 1 ism; j§..2517 . ' - 111133 /,1 3] F 18 92@944 u.»-H . __,__, ___A_*____4,92_ ____.,__,* _,-.-"_ l4¢l< ._. _ ,_._~.i»-~.....92,...» , __*4!.'.._.~ . 1 _. E ... __ .._ 5-. A4 . 0' 0' 92 L92 4 L» . FEDERAL BUREAU OFJNVESTIGATION - /"lbrm No. 1 "- . T Tr-5|:cu: oauccuntm A1 G mg! 1 ._. ...-. 7 _ ny-q=~=~_ ;zs-40294 1-*=z~.'_-*<" . I _ ,r 7 ' _ 1 ..__,|_ _ i 1 _. 1 E . - . _ . 313:5;- "~ ¬$'IIAXA1"'-.:~ I Q 0' E.' m 01% 0/. " ':]1s.a4-:1/Zr C- .1 '~D J; 1: V E 7 Q _ .. 0 ,_ V. v, ,-__V_ . -"5' crud -1 -»- ; . .~..__ _- . _ » mil! v'1¬hi'mini.-~ Vs:-zza 1 /'44.°'""..l-"'f .~-V'*!'é£- .+.' -8*-1 =::.11-.17. .7 Danie I. mm ~ ~/ ~'w/. E ;_~<-jmmxu ' anus: , I';:_¢»... ~, _ >=a ' "'_z..,'_-2_:_'~ L_,' :..2"*7 '_ - ....~ __ -. ~ , . - V- 1 J :'<.V _ v~. Y k 92 - I-rs;-_-"K9-3,...» *1 ..£.._92: - I;NOP3iSOFFA'C'I8:MfQ1"lQfI,Qlfro! II:lotlrcoc Dunnu. '1' kv. ¢ n11-hon ntago oolodian,|inJ.at0d? REQ Q7 ':_:~1»-~ ooa&ition ma cmsgd his to I tujoctod' J 7 3 I 1 -1 j-'_"."' . , ~ n awn» am». xnqw-1a¢y»1¢p¢ .,:;;_=s ta., E . H-,1 - -E . ..,. --v__, -at-31 >._92.. Y ._ 5 ,- ..._ .,-*1 ' 2/7-. _ .7-1.; "t _;¢.. _-_ '=. ,1? Q:/#7 ;_% fr _v>..,~"' _..~. ....__.. '1: K I",r4 E .» 92' _/1 -' 1*.~ .<' 0';/._ ~ 1 ~' 192 ' 92_ "4 _- .-<~.-.$-4 »~_. .. 5~ée1vJ1'°5I'8 _£-104* ,_ _ ¢." $49 2 9?; ,°.s"_ . _ K; ."-- 9 , ._ 1».-<-.~._~.»__<r92>>1 ---- .. ..--¢.__4 -_...-. Q SIMIS / »~ E i'°sPccm;Am-imnou '-.1 .». 0 ; E Invutigatioa in thin can in proeiicistoi tint, ipon ' ' 92 . infatuation obtained tron first Limtnmnt J. L _ _ :. .x:_,._;.__ 1 E GUIOIISIII, lntoiiigonoe Officer, at tho Gram! Untrd._ ., E -i Indnétion Station.In York City, vhorcin tha_I|ien.t_la.ag ' ; glviuoithat Qhnit as poanibig £q_:.f,_g,;I.'b98|-,l§g_llIlt - -5' E .=" .-"» 1'4.' ~.~'-.-V-2' "'-" -'" ¢ 0'9 "*?.¢'==-'~¬.i--"~{=3E:,'"3-""5 I '* ~ E V ~ ' EI » ~ = E. #1» i.%@,-L :5 Q 1Q _ ";»"°'T"*""""""Z-2'1E ii,,1 V ~% c%;§*,;-;1,,,,',g,,,,,|-/Fit E39,7 O? Ié"/'22/P E=- » E 4! <% b--I iii 11 @. 3 Burgdo . __ ! *- R. q/I ii"-?'é§5EP:E§E,}§§§E %1-"§*- 1 E 12:4E Aur 1 1* / * w . -'" 1 ::"=~£> ; '1 Ff 7 1-nu "-"IKE E _l_ _ E ' V ' ' T ' :_, ,,»____..- ;'":.:'J- emu.-1,-,,_»..-=-.,._n__ _____,, _ -~P 1. i 1 -4 _.,, '9 92 I . .. If le lo . 85-4029 " a < *.;--ii not he soon be to the van <~ ls '-:1 ,...-_.~- .'-._,.-..%»=" _......,,.-....£,,-v.--*92.f~='; 2 ; " " "1 ="?-, ,1, ff: * "1. - ms am1a"¢;1+11m ~-r. 1' --< .» tntereet of 1:1: bomb um mid. dude iii Bie'Ir"i'avey ,-. 3- , .r..-<'-. en& on Broadway, Ion "York ity ?;a-,'-*-<-5'45.-@§,.'§;;.=3" that it 1e oonon ee in I|1nd,7'e end on Iroodvey '41! 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