PMA Polonica Catalog PLACE OF AUTHOR TITLE PUBLISHER DATE DESCRIPTION CALL NR PUBLICATION Concerns the Soviet-Polish War of Eighteenth Decisive Battle Abernon, De London Hodder & Stoughton, Ltd. 1931 1920, also called the Miracle on the PE.PB-ab of the World-Warsaw 1920 Vistula. Illus., index, maps. Ackermann, And We Are Civilized New York Covici Friede Publ. 1936 Poland in World War I. PE.PB-ac Wolfgang Form letter to Polish-Americans asking for their help in book on Appeal: "To Polish Adamic, Louis New Jersey 1939 immigration author is planning to PE.PP-ad Americans" write. (Filed with PP-ad-1, another work by this author). Questionnaire regarding book Plymouth Rock and Ellis author is planning to write. (Filed Adamic, Louis New Jersey 1939 PE.PP-ad-1 Island with PE.PP-ad, another work by this author). A factual report affecting the lives Adamowski, and security of every citizen of the It Did Happen Here. Chicago unknown 1942 PA.A-ad Benjamin S. U.S. of America. United States in World War II New York Biography of Jan Kostanecki, PE.PC-kost- Adams , Dorothy We Stood Alone Longmans, Green & Co. 1944 Toronto diplomat and economist. ad Addinsell, Piano solo. Arranged from the Warsaw Concerto New York Chappell & Co. Inc. 1942 PE.PG-ad Richard original score by Henry Geehl. Great moments of Kosciuszko's life Ajdukiewicz, Kosciuszko--Hero of Two New York Cosmopolitan Art Company 1945 immortalized in 8 famous paintings PE.PG-aj Zygumunt Worlds by the celebrated Polish artist. Z roznymi ludzmi o roznych polsko- Ciekawe Gawedy Macieja amerykanskich sprawach. Brief Ajotes, pseud. Toledo Paryski 1911 PA.A-aj Grzedy. sketches of life in the U.S. (Copy 2 photocopied on acid-free paper). 1 Czyli uwagi starego emigranta nad stosunkami polsko-amerykanskimi. Ajotes, pseud. Sen na Jawie Toledo Paryski 1911 Reaction of the American Poles to PA.A-aj-1 A. Paryski's publications. (Copy 2 photocopied on acid-free paper). Amerykanskie Bajki Niecenzuralne. Tylko dla doroslych. Al, New York Polish Book Importing Co. 1937 PA.A-sys-10 Plugawe Poems. Post-War Europe-- Alan, Allan E. London F. Mildner and Sons 1944 Bibl. Map. PE.PB-ala Germany or Poland? Novena to the Jesuit missionary Albensia, M., Novena to St. Andrew Messenger of the Sacred Chicago 1939 and martyr. Translated by S. M. PA.A-al Sister Bobola. Heart Albensia. Illustrated. Drawings by M. Zulawski. Maps and Alcuin, Poland Harrow Atlantis 1943 PE.PA-alc cover by T.L. Illus., maps. Drawings by M. Zulawski. Maps and Alcuin, Poland 1944 cover by T.L. Illus., maps. Revised PE.PA-alc-a edition. Cyclopedia of History Alden's dictionary cyclopedia in two Alden, John B. New York John B. Alden 1892 PE.PA-al (Poland) volumes. Volume II. The Polish tragedy. Nazi theory has evolved the concept of "lebensraum' (living space). Nazi Aldor, Francis Germany's "Death Space" London Francis Aldor 1940 PE.PB-ald practice has realised the fact of "todesraum" (death space). Germany's rape of Poland in 1939. New York Poles in Chicago. With an Algren, Nelson Never Come Morning Harper & Bros. 1942 PE.PH-alg London introduction by Richard Wright. Reprinted from the New Review, Ali, S. R. Russia, Poland and India Bombay Maurice Frydman 1944 Calcutta. I.P.L. No. 23, Indo-Polish PE.PB-ali Library. Bibl. Reprinted from the English originals, with the author's corrections for this edition. History Alison, Archibald Miscellaneous Essays Boston Phillips, Sampson & Co. 1856 PE.PB-al of King Jan Sobieski's reign and a description of the Polish army. pp. 52-63. 2 A drama founded upon the historic events of the War for American Washington, or The Chicago New Allen, Ethan F. Tennyson Neely 1895 Independence. Kosciuszko and PE.PH-al Revolution York Pulaski. In two parts. Each part, five acts. Illus., index, bibl. A description of Russian misrule in Poland, and an account of the Autocracy in Poland and surveillance of Russian spies at Allen, Julian New York John Wiley 1854 PA.H-A-all Russia home and abroad. Including the Experience of an Exile. (Copy 2 photocopied on acid-free paper). Geographical and industrial studies. Boston New Allen, Nellie B. New Europe Ginn & Co. 1920 Contents: The Country of Poland, PE.PB-all York Chicago pp. 255-273. Illus., index, maps. Poland and the origins of the Allen, W. E. D. Ukraine. A history. Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1941 Ukranian Question. Index, bibl., PE.PB-alle maps. Inside the Nazi-occupied countries. Introduction by Winston Churchill. Alliance Book Sixth Column New York Alliance Book Corp. 1942 Contents: Poland by Mme. Antonina PE.PB-alli Corp., Paderewska-Wilkonska and Stanislaw Stronski, pp. 29-68. Bezpieczny i Sukteczny Sposob Leczenia East Aurora, Przetlumaczyl Ks. Marjan Alsaker, Rasmus Sun-Diet Health Foundation 1939 PA.2A-wisn Pneumonji czyli zapalenia NY Wisniewski. Pneumonia treatment. pluc. Przekladu z angielskiego dokonal Czy Operacja Slepej Kiszki East Aurora, Ks. Marjan Wisniewski i Ks. Aleksy PA.2A-wisn- Alsaker, Rasmus Jest Blogoslawienstwem Sun-Diet Health Foundation 1939 NY S. Gorski. Appendectomy--A Boon 1 Czy Przeklenstwem? or a Curse? O przyczynie wszystkich chorob I naturalnym sposobie ich leczenia. East Aurora, PA.2A-wisn- Alsaker, Rasmus Samozatrucie Sun-Diet Health Foundation 1938 Przetlumaczyl Ks. Marjan NY 2 Wisniewski i Ks. Aleksy S. Gorski. Auntointoxication. Autoryzowanego przekladu z Do Zdrowia Dzieci Przez Washington, PA.2A-wisn- Alsaker, Rasmus Akcja Apostolska 1939 angielskiego dokonal Ks. Marjan Poprawne Odzywianie D.C. 3 Wisniewski 3 The story of American diplomacy Alsop Kintner, American White Paper New York Simon & Schuster 1940 and World War II, pp. 1, 31, 34-35, PE.PB-als Joseph Robert 37, 51-60, 85, 98, 100-102. Index. Altemus, Helena Modjeska New York J. S. Ogilvie & Co. 1883 With illustrations. PE.PC-mo-al Jameson Torr Czyli zbior modlitw rytualnych przy Amandyna, M., Drukiem Dziennika Dla chorych i konajacych oraz inne Badz Mi Przyjacielem Buffalo 1944 PA.2A-am Sister Wszystkich dodatkowe modlitwy, akty strzeliste I koronki dla chorych. Prayer book Wspolnie z Kaplanem albo Msza Sw. dialogowa opracowana na podstawie Amandyna, M., Mszalu Rzymskiego w Buffalo Wydawnictwo Felicjana 1947 Dialogue of the Holy Mass PA.2A-am-1 Sister skroceniu wydanego przez Ks. Biskupa Joszefa Gawline oraz Mszalu Ks. M. Kordela Kilka zebranych mysli pomocnych Amandyna, M., przy odmawianiu rozanca I Odmawiaj Rozaniec Buffalo Wydawnictwo Felicjana 1947 PA.3a-am Sister rozwazaniu tajemnic z zycia Jezusa i Maryi. Prayer book. Illustrated. A documentary outline of Papal pronouncements and relief efforts America Press Pius XII and Poland New York America Press 1942 on behalf of Poland, since March, PE.PB-ameri 1939. Foreward by Francis X. Talbot, S.J. American and British Polish National Committee Official reports of the American and Jews in Poland Chicago 1921 PE.PB-am Investigating of America British Investigating Missions. Missions, Prepared in commemoration of the Appeal to Franklin Delano American seventh anniversary of the death of Roosevelt, President of the Citizens of New York unknown 1942 Joseph Pilsudski. Presented by a PA.A-ame United States of America Polilsh Origin, Delegation of American Citizens of on Behalf of Poland. Polish Origin at the White House. 4 A working day in the life of a Polish American American Friends of worker in occupied Warsaw. Friends of Polish Polish Worker's Day New York 1941 PE.PB-ame Democracy Forewards by Robert M. McIver and Democracy, Leo Krzycki. Illus. Physician, surgeon. Reprinted from American Wladyslaw Augustyn New York American Historical Co. 1939 The Encyclopedia of American PA.2A-kuf-1 Historical Co., Kuflewski, M.D., F.A.C.S. Biography. Illustrated. American Polish Chamber of American Polish Chamber Handbook of Poland New York 1923 Map. PE.PB-amer Commerce and of Commerce and Industry Industry, American Polish Chamber of PE.PB-amer- Handbook of Poland Warsaw 1929 Commerce and 1 Industry, American Polish Chamber of American Polish Chamber PE.PB-amer- Handbook of Poland New York 1923 Second edition. Map. Commerce and of Commerce and Industry a Industry, American Polish Upper Silesia in its Chamber of American Polish Chamber Economic Relation to New York 1920 With bibl., map. PE.PO-am Commerce and of Commerce and Industry Poland and Germany Industry, Czy wyprobowani patryoci, czy tez American nocni opryszki maja nas uczyc. Kto Moze Uczyc American Publishing Publishing Denver 1914 Who is qualified to teach American PA.2A-ame Amerykanizmu Society Society, publ. citizenship. (Copy 2 photocopied on acid-free paper). Report of the European American Relief American Relief Issued in two editions: English and PE.PB- Children's Fund Mission to Warsaw 1922 Administration, Administration Polish. Illus., maps. americ Poland 5 Contents: An Appeal to Civilized Nations, by H. Sienkiewicz; Poland for the Poles, by C. Richet; Polish National Hymn, tr. by Rev. J. P. Wachowski; Tragedy of the American-Polish Century, by Rev. T. Misicki; Relief American-Polish Relief Polish Memorial Book Detroit 1916 Evidence of Polish Culture; Poland PA.A-am Committee for Committee for Poland is Not Yet Lost, tr. by P. Poland, Sobolewski; The Will of Kosciuszko; Preparedness in Former Poland, by John S. Furrow; "I Am So Sad, O God," (poem) by Julius Slowacki. Illus. Zycie, prace I czyny, 1865-1935. Ameryka-Echo, Antoni A. Paryski Toledo Ameryka-Echo 1945 PA.2A-amer Biography. Illustrated. Mikolaj Kopernik i Jego PA.2A-amer- Ameryka-Echo, Toledo Ameryka-Echo 1945 Biography of Nicholas Copernicus Zasluga Naukowe 1 Przewodnik dla A guide for Polish emigrants to PA.2a-amer- Ameryka-Echo, Toledo Ameryka-Echo 1911 podrozujacych do Ameryki. America. 2 Translated by Mrs. E.V. Lucas and Andersen, Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales New York Grosset & Dunlap 1945 Mrs.
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