YryA-- d-lnTtrm d[()enr"a Bank (A GOVERNMENT OF INDIA UNDERTAKING) Ref: AR M CR:|SHVAKOO:SA[E:2020 To, Date:01.01.2020 1.M/s@ Kegd. Office:- Mr. Xamal Radhu C-681,New C-68 Friends colony, 1,New Friends colony,,, New Delhi- 110065 New Delhi-110065 H-JO5,Connaught :- House No. W-65, f$,- Greatertlsol!! Lrrcus,New Delhi_1 IOOOT Kaflash part il, New Dethi- 11OO4B Al,tg :- H- 1 05,Connaught f Lrrcus,New . tshVakoo naOhu - Delhi- 1 1 0OO 1 C-681,New Friends colony, New Dethi-110065 C-68 1,New Friends cotony, New Dethi- 110065 Also A! :- House No. W-65, Greater.Kailash part il, Alsof\!:- House No. W-65, New Delhi- 110048 Greater Kailash part ll, New Delhi- 11OO4g H-los,connaught *+1,;g!g!, A!t+,; H' Ngylettri- r 1 000 1 Circus,New !05,connaught 5. Ms Affi;-mahu Detni-i r oOot o. trlr.lkhil C-681,New Friends cotony, Ra New Dethi-110065 C-681,New Friends colony, New Dethi-110065 Also At :- House No. W-65, Greater Kailash part ll, g:- House No. w-65, New Dethi- 11OO4A Greater Kailash part ll, New Dethi- 110048 AI,t+, H - connaught ; !os-, H- Circus,New Delni- t t Altl+,; OOOt los,connaughtqerni- lUqg1IgU r r ooo I Dear Sir/Madam, sub: Notice under section of the securitisation-and or securitv rnterest !$) "Rrjl'ir Reconstruction Act, zooi;J.; #; r s ;i il; of.financiar Assets and Enforcement ;";;il inr"r"r, (Enrorcement) Rures, As you 2002 are aware' the A-uthorized officer schedute of canara-Bank, Dethi have of sate Notice annexea r'er"ioln taken possession of the assets ie#s orsecti"i,l:ili oi.'tn'"'rroi".t described in Act in .onn"it-ion with outstandinp fl:fi B:',xT#JH.i?;;:IJ,t*1x'"rllfti*til:Ht.] 3lJl"";uentry tne ac.",,i-*',,.ee{gr(ro PisARur assETRECovERYMANAGEM"*',t*1imT3?#Jf ;$T#lloAD,KARoLr^"r,-"K$1il.1 Email:dr2365@canarabank]com \(t-6)tg tuqr-rr u.* €, canara Bank (A GOVERNMENT OF tNDtA UNDERTAKING) proposes to sett the assets (through Ili#.""'tned e-auction) more futty de:;cribed in the Schedute of sate ln furtherance of rt- l:f:'"r'" No Rer o* CR:lsHVAKoo:sALE:201e If;'i;?jJ Dated: il["n::., :,"*y.'Fid:;:',",i#n'Ir t'-rt"i",ii;;"":"-::ttt9'tt'u o'"'-uni'l;' of the provisions conditions of the sare. y:.i.d-"f' ti'"lti" ru"iit"' Iut't of the-sub;""'oli rn the sale No11.u !i;;;; t:::qi'g ff,ji::rj,,n" o.;n,;rifiriri'l;il$#Jr3frtt!:I;tltrifi$ii5i:q].'i.ll.*ffttflll.l}likl:l"n.1o-llare,rrereov rms and conditions set out ln tnu urrctoiui This is without preiudi<-J--',Je to any force. ' other rights ava,abte to the Bank under the subject Act/ or any other law Yours faithfully, in , qi.ti l,|Tr, 'iiti:,': :r' Authorised OfScgE?":j: .,, r''- ' ArY? SJrtli! :i!" canara- Bank ENCTOSURE - l.SAIE NOTICE 2.DETAIIED TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE SATE NOTTCE ASSEr RECovERy MANAGEMEN.T(ARM) BRANl?ii;:;#y_llloAD, KAR.L BAGH, NEw DEL,r_r1000s. E-ait : [email protected] tu--ril -* .rSA, canara Bank (A GOVERNMENT OF tNDtA uNDERTAKTNG) E-Auction sAtE NoTrcE sare Notice for Sate of r ffi :?::t:T;Iffil.J;r;rfu ;:,,::i[ll:",*,n"[:L,:ff ;:ilTiXil#]: i s h e re by - ]:1,... i":,1.^ y :-;;il ;;;;r;,;;; ;;,i, ::i:,,,[, j.i;il,*,,;tT#il,:,,,1ffi will be sold on "As is where is", ;;, of Rs' ,;'*tr'.',r,, ,nJ ,rir.;;;J;;,;.re ::ll#g*:t,;:lj 36,07,31,361.13.{Rrp"", i;;;ff;rores ;,;i;rj,;i;r#ffiis,, basis .iri.ii.ro2, one and paisa seren;;il;, forrecovery 13 onrv) as L, one rhousa;;;;"" as per ir.ir.J*i pir, Hundred sixty demand notice minus rrom 01.01.r;r; ,irl" ,r,llr".;";;"r".riil,"ppri.Jil;;;":l ;;;, other expenses ,, due ;;:',Lffil_*r,,, . ,r"'!.c.rrra Bank from ffiifll:H:. ffli rvr,.i,n,lioo-,*.0,,u,"ny ,,a,.vi,"r iff;, nlon,, ,, Anjana Reserve price and Earnest M Sr No. , Reserve-piE-------.--.--.--.--.--.--.- I EMD 1., ' I vysr LY l\o C-b8L,NeW FriendJ E;-;^--^---J,yu,UU,U00.00 .:l_olI, New Det hi_1 10065 rrf r,5y,U0,000.00 - 475 Sq yard. ".rrrine 'r Property aOOril i::r:':r Measuring _ 475 yard. 110055 Sq Boundaries of the a. and conditions of the sate please ff:,^l::ii:1 T:r, refer the link "E-Auction,, Lro' provided rn s813887e31ffior,ur,cr-ffiil:!i,,';, contact person Mr vinodVinod "rr,,,Grteguot#;::: chauhanChauhan - MoB:MOB: .o:lu r, *,-' i. r.rrr*. :: : :I :, .ffi i',.il; *il*i, "l: $ ffiL ff _'l Line 3:"11 f#l;#: i ss6ooo236s/etssrzaoii;r;;":";#::d::'jt r;ffi No. 011. ilt ffi s on any working ,Xp.,i?$7.?o1'3?r',, Authorised C)ffi Asset. Rscovory lvlanaoenrenttBr. Date; 01.01.2020 Arya Sonraj lrd., t(arol lag,r.tr, )r 5 Place: New Delhi Authorised Officer ASSETRECOVERYMANAGEMENT(ARM)BRANCH CANARA BANK KAR,L BAGH, NEw ur-r,,-rri#il ;Hfl ,^oo"' DELH r-1 r000s. Email : cb236S@canarabanklcom tuorsrdm <\,canara Bank (A GOVERNMENT OF tND|A uNDERTAKTNG) NameandAddresffi Canara Bank, Asset Recovery Management Branch,'-"' Arya Samaj Road, Karol Bagh, New ?. and Address Delhi-110005 f!,ale of the Borrower & Guarantors 1.ysffi : Regd. Office:_ Z. ,tlr. Gmat RaEfru C-68 C-681,New Friends colony, 1,New Friends colony, New Delhi-110065 New Dethi-110065 H-105,Connaught +so]!!:- House No. W-65, H.:-Lrrcus, Greater Kailash part New Delhi- 1 1 OOOT ll, New Delhi- 11OO4B Ali:o: At :- H- 1 05, Connaught gggilryDelhi-1 loooJ C-681,New Friends colony, New Delhi-110065 C-681,New Friends colony, New Delhi-110065 A! :- House No. W-65, ,Also At Greater Kailash part ll, +lso :- House No. W-65, New Delhi- 11OO4B Greater Kailash part ll, New Delhi- 11OO4B g,; tt-los-,connaught Circus,New AIs:1 At, H- Detni- t t OOOt ; !O5,Connaught lusgilgllq-.lhi- 1 1o0o 1 C-68 1,New Friends colony, New Delhi-110065 C-681,New Friends colony, New Delhi-110065 Also A! :- House No. W-65, Also At Greater Kailash part ll, :- House No. W-65, New Dethi- 11OO4B Greater Kailash part ll, New Dethi- 11OO4B Also A! :- H-105,Connaught Circus,New Also i! H-105,Connaught Oetni- t 1 OOOl L.rcg!,New:. Delhi_ 1 1 OO01 3' Total Liabilities : Rs' 36'07'31,361'13 (Rupees Thirty Three six crores seven Lakh Hundred sixty one and Thirty one Thousanrj ,"lt tg only) as on 3r.t2.iois ptu, 0;'0.1'2020 plus other appricabre interest from "*p"n'"' f"-, a",,.na notice minJ, paid/recovered "' ",,ornt thereafter, if 4. a) Mode of Auction : E_auction b) Details of Auction service provider : M/s cl rndia [td.,Mr MOB : 9813887931, Vinod chauhan tandline No.0124-43 OkOZO/2L|22/23/24 ASSET RECovERy MANacEMu*.,*rrl#. KAROL BAGH, NEW PH -on-2s7 517 zs, zi iiitt Email : [email protected] tuorsr -* -qA canara rtank [[ [0Utltl[rrNT or rruore uNDERTAK,NG) c) Date & Time of Auction: 22.01..2020 betwe 11:3oAM to d) Place (with unrimite;.;r,::' 12:3oPNt of Auction: rns of 5 minutes E_auCtiOn duration eaclr) 5. Reserve price: S.No Propertv Add; 1. EMp (Rs) _ ___ ,,,uqcurnt _ _ 4/5 Sq yard. +ffiffim 1.,59,00,000o0 5. Other terms and conditioF b. Aur c J::il,ff:,,;il *1,n Au,horised fffjil;:ffi;;;ffiJ:_,:lJ', orricer, ARM d rhe property wi, be sord ,., il..I,Ilil:Jlr,lJ:I:^::Tft::rve participating bidders price may improve their and the e' EMD ofrer ruitr,er during amount of 7o% of auction process. the R"'.,r. Price is to be deposited by way orii"', t-.-nrra Bank, of Demand draft in liffill:tli'*"1 onr, ,r*.h, Karor saeh, wew oerhi, oR sha, ,T;i,"*ffi HUlm;,ro f'.il,Ji[#i:t#I].,T:Iiif lntending Hxtr;f bidders shall hold t digitar signature certificate details with regard "iio and e-mair address. to digital signature please For Mr contact the service provider Vinod Chauhan. MOB: Mrs crndia 9g13gg7931 email: [email protected]. [td. g' After payment of the EMD .rornr, the intendin, orr.r, fo'owing documents/detairs should ,rori, a copy on or before of the Branch, ,o.or.riiri,o ,,oo pM, Karol Bagh, New Delhi, to canara Bank ARM ') bV hanO or by email ([email protected]). f{U',;:#,::::;'."^:*:ii#,uount,r paid through RrGs/NEFr ii) photocopiei of pAN iard, proof rD ,rjooar"ss proof. bidder would However, successfur have to produce these iocuments time of making in original to the Bank pavment of barance a;;;;; at the iii) Bidders wame, of 25%of bid amount. Con,..a,Vo, Address, iv) Bidder,s E_ Mail ld. a/c aetails io-r ontine h' The intendins,,!rao1s;hil'ilgister refund of EMD. their namel'.i ,on., www,bankeauctions.conr ;;;; ;;,,ective bidder mav avai, on,in,: ffif,?i:'xJil'l,:J*gerseeiggl r:'lj:ll'::-"f rndia MoB: emair:;,;il;ff [::ff:#:cl rtd. Mr ,,,o0 chauhan. ASSEr RECo\ERY MANAGEME*r,*1, fffiT,1?*i;:;#rt{ioAD, KARoL BAGH, NE Email : cb2:05@canarabanklcom d;'irer a* -<A canara Bank (A GOVERNMENT OF INDtA uNDERTAKING) i' EMD deposited by the unsuccessful bidder shail carry any interest' be refunded to them. Auction would commence The EMD ,r,.rr nol sha' impro'" at Reserve price, as mentioned offers ,, ,rr.ir,., or above.
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