l 1998 Gre-i L.J... Repon.I A.,.Jemio Ch.... pion.hip Ca.. W •• t.: .... R ..e ..... Uni..... iir Coll.,e T rivi.. CluL ROUND ONE ROUND 1 OPENING ROUND: TOSSUPS WITH RELATED BONUSES 1. The "Exon" volume, kept in the cathedral chapter of Exeter, gives a detailed account of Wilts, Dorset, Somerset, Devon, and Cornwall, while the "Exchequer" volume covers most of the rest of England. For l ten points, name this great book written by order of William the Conqueror. ANSWER: Domesday Book l BONUS: Identify these other English books for ten points each. a. It begins with the "handsome, clever, and rich" title character considering the marriage of Miss Taylor to Mr. Weston and ends with the wedding of Mr. Knightley and Miss Woodhouse. l ANSWER: Emma by Jane Austen b. She was an orphan living with her aunt-in-Iaw, Mrs. Reed. After becoming a teacher, she agrees become a governess at Thornfield Hall, and consents to marry Edward Rochester, only to find that he is already married ANSWER: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte 2. Dr. Reinhardt H. Schwimmer was just a visitor to 2122 North Clark Street, but he shared the fate of James Clark, AI Weinshank, John May, Pete and Frank Gusenberg and Adam Heyer as men disguised as cops lined them up against a wall and shot them. For ten points, name this event carried out by AI Capone's gang on February 14, 1929. ANSWER: St. Valentine's Day Massacre BONUS: For ten points each, name these people born on St. Valentine's Day. a. Sadie Marks played Mary Livingstone on the radio show of this comedian, who was actually a competent violinist. ANSWER: Jack Benny or Benjamin Kubelskv b. The son of an Indiana coal driller, he disappeared from a restaurant near Detroit, where he was said to , I have had an appointment with Detroit mobster Anthony Giacalone and Anthony Provenzano, a former Mafia figure and a New Jersey Teamster officiaL ANSWER: James Riddle (Jimmy) Hoffa 3. Called "compound E" by Edward Kendall and "substance F" by Tadeus Reichstein, this steroid is produced from a constituent of bile known as deoxycholic acid For ten points, name this hormone of the adrenal cortex, used as an anti-inflammatory drug. ANSWER: cortisone BONUS: Given the description ofa body part, identify the inflammation of that body part for ten points each. a. Small fluid-filled sacs which allow reduced friction between bony prominences and tendons or muscles. ANSWER: bursitis b. The membrane lining the. abdominal wall and enclosing the abdominal organs. ANSWER: peritonitis j ! \ ~j J J Round 1, pAge 1 Copyright 1998. CWRU College T riviA Clu1. All rights reserved. J l I 1998 Greet L..J.eo Rep on..J A~em.ic Cbam.pionabip Caoe Weot>crn Reoe.- U..mn ify CoUese T rivi. Clul. ROUND ONE 4. He quit his job as a librarian at the royal archives and rode out of town on a water buffalo. Yin Hsi, the gatekeeper, stopped him, asking him to write down his wisdom. This man responded by writing a two­ section book containing 81 poems. For ten points, who wrotethe Tao-te Ching? ANSWER: Lao-tzu or Master Lao or Tai-Shang Lao-Chun BONUS: Name the poems that these lines come from, for ten points each. a. "Where Alph, the sacred river rani Through caverns measureless to man! Down to a sunless sea" ANSWER: "Kubla Khan" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge b. "Thou still unravished bride of quietness, I Thou foster-child of silence and slow time" l ANSWER: "Ode on a Grecian Urn" by John Keats 5. First and last name required. One is a rehabilitation doctor at Chicago Veterans Hospital who is president of Physicians Against Land Mines. The second was a nursery owner and friend of the suffrage movement who founded a women's college that is half of The Colleges of the Seneca with Hobart College. For ten points, they share a form of the first name and a last name with what partner of Jeff Townes who had a critically successful role in Six Degrees a/Separation and played Captain Steven Hiller in Independence Day? ANSWER: William Smith [Do not accept or prompt on "The Fresh Prince"] I 1 BONUS: With DJ Jazzy Jeff, Will Smith was the Fresh Prince. For ten points each, identify these other princes who are not represented by a stupid symbol. a. After Prince Charles, he is next in the line of succession for the British crown. ANSWER: Prince William Arthur Philip Louis b. This son of Prince Pierre, Count de Polignac, is the 31st hereditary ruler of Monaco , I ANSWER: Rainier ill, Prince de Monaco (Rainier-Louis-Henri-Maxence-Bertrand de Grimaldi) 6. First exhibited as "Le Bain" Ibaahn/ at the 1864 Salon des Refuses /RAY fuse AY/, it features the artist's brother Eugene, his brother-in-law Ferdinand Leenhoff, and his favorite model Victorine Meurend IMURR ohnl repeating the theme of Giorgione's "Concert Champetre" Icon-CAIR SHAHM-pet-rah/. For t ten points, identify this painting of a naked woman with two fully dressed men picnicking while a woman bathes in the background, by Edouard Manet. ~ J ANSWER: "Luncheon on the Grass" or "Le De;euner sur l'herbe" BONUS: Identify these foods, for ten points each. a. This spicy, Korean side dish served cold generally contains fermented wombuk, Chinese cabbage, chili, and garlic. ANSWER: kim chee b. Minced lamb roasted vertically on a spit, this Greek dish is usually served in a pita with a cucumber- yogurt sauce. ANSWER: 2!!!! ITI-roh, JEER-oh, ZHEER-oh, or YEE-roh/ 7. It called for avoiding the export of bullion, encouraging domestic manufacturing, and preserving or encouraging a "favorable" trade balance. For ten points, name this economic policy linked with colonialism. ANSWER: mercantilism BONUS: Since mercantilism is identified with colonies, identify these former colonies for ten points each. a. Formerly the New He-brid-es, this former Anglo-French joint colony has its capital at Port Vila. ANSWER: Vanuatu b. This former British colony once established a confederation uniting military and monetary systems and a Parliament with its neighbor on three sides, Senegal. J ANSWER: Republic of the Gambia J Round 1, pAge 2 Copyright 1998. CWRU College T riviA CluJ,. All rights reserved. J 1998 Great L.J.e. Repoll.J A-demio Cb..... pioll.bip C ..e Weoiern Reoe"" Ulliv.,...ity Collese Trivia Club ROUND ONE 8. Montgomery Ward, Watkins Products, Vardaman, Wallstreet Panic, Saint Elmo, Admiral Dewey, Bilbo, Byron, Isaac, Abner, Eckrum, Oreses, Yettie, Mink. For ten points, 1.0. and FIem are also members of what fictional Faulkner family. l ANSWER: Snopes [prompt on Faulkner] BONUS: Give the last names of these other families for ten points each. a. Joseph was an ambassador to Great Britain, Joseph Jr. died in World War II, Robert was a senator from New York. ANSWER: Kennedv • b. Pietro created a "Madonna and Child" altarpiece for the Pieve de Santa Maria in Arezzo while his younger brother Ambrogio painted "Good and Bad Government" on the walls of the Palazzo Publico. ANSWER: Lorenzetti 9. In 1600, Sir William Gilber proposed that the Earth was a huge one of these, an effect possibly explained by a dynamo effect from the minerals in a liquid state contained in the outer core. Considering the Earth as one, its moment is 8.0 times 10 to the 22ndjoules per tesla [8.0E22 Jff]. For ten points, name this type of material most often identified with iron. l ANSWER: magnet BONUS: Besides iron, two other elements are ferromagnetic, that is, capable of being permanently magnetized. For ten points each, name those two elements. ANSWER: cobalt and nickel [READER: Allow opposing team the opportunity to steal unless BOTH ANSWERS are correct. Do not II prompt or indicate correct answers on the steal opportunity. Scoring: The maximum number ofpoints available to BOTH teams is 20 points. Hence, if team one says "cobalt and gold, " and on the steal, team two says "cobalt and nickel, " team one gets the 10 points since it gave a correct answer on its opportunity. Team two gets only 10 pOints because it answered "nickel" correctly, even ifthey gave both answers correctly. Ifteam two says "cobalt and silver," they get NO points as team one already got "cobalt" correct.} 10. The mandible found at the Mauer sandpit in Germany is considered a European example of this species, which had thought to have been specifically Asian after finds such as that at the caves of Chou­ k'ou-tien near Peking. The:first fossils attributed to it were found by Eugene Dubois at Trinil on the island of Java. For ten points, name this hominid who walked upright. ANSWER: homo erectus [prompt on Peking Man or Java Man] BONUS: For ten points each, answer these questions about another fossil find. a. Also called Dawson's Dawn Man, this human cranium paired with an orangutan jaw was considered an alternative to homo erectus as a human ancestor, but was later shown to be a forgery. ANSWER: PiltdoWD man J b. Sometimes suspected of playing a role in the hoax that was Piltdown Man was this author of such colorful short stories as "The Five Orange Pips", "The Blue Carbuncle", "Black Peter", "Silver Blaze", and "The Red-Headed League". J ANSWER: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle .. J Round 1, pAge 3 Copyright 1998. CWRU College Trivill Cluh. All rights reserved. J 1998 G..,..t L.J.e. Reponel A.,..lemio Ch.unP;OD.h;p Ceoe WelteI'D Re.erve UD;~ ..;ty Colle«e T rivi.
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