I BY TIMSHOULTS contract as a goodwill ges- The Chief ture, but later reconsidered, according to local union rep- Is returned to daycares resentative Deb Wilson. i Sweet singing by Sea to Sky But by the time the word : success imunity Services came to Squamish that day- ! Soprano shines in ;CS) yesterday - but care workers weren’t coming i hometown debut &# &b% caregivers are still with- back to work, STSCS had @? &,<img i recital ‘.1 .b% ! contract. already started phoning par- : 12 workers at Kids’ ents to invite them back, so :rs after-school program, the union decided to allow iy Times daycare, Happy local daycares to reopen :s preschool and the Monday. e Sound infant-toddler TQ Wilson’s knowledge, are went back to work Squamish is the only commu- xday as stalled nity in the province whose incewide talks between daycare workers are back on nunity social service the job. STSCS’ other work- ;ers and employers ers are still on strike andcon- ne today. tinued picketing outside the : breakthrough between downtown office yesterday. Community Social STSCS executive director ices Employers’ Lois Wynne was very pleased ciation (CSSEA), which with the announcement. :sents 140 community “We’re hoping people will 11 service agencies across come back” to the daycares, , and the four unions rep- she said. “We don’t know if iting 10,000 workers everybody can or will.” ened Thursday night. Said Wilson when asked if : community service the daycare workers might ers in daycares, group walk again if contract talks :s and other services fail: “It is a possibility, but :d their strike in March I’m going to do my best hot i Index made it provincewide to [do it]. We’re going to do Recreation Commission member Todd Pope cleans up, supervised by his daugh- Top Story 3 everything we can to keep :er Hannah (age seven months), during the commission’s clean-up along Hwy. 99 May 10 3. Opinion 10 er two weeks without from disrupting the child care 3s part of Pitch-In Week. Dozens of businesses, community groups and individuals came , the two sides agreed to again. mt for the cleanup. See pages 6 and 10 for more on Pitch-In Week. i Letters 11 : back to the table with “I’m really hopeful that it Valley Voice 13 ncially-appointed rnedi- will work, but on the other i sports 26 Don Munroe starting hand I was hopeful last time rday. we went back to the table. I’m MW against Baitannii~plan SBTV 15 :e talks were resched- guardedly optimistic. BY DARRENGALLAGHER slides. “TO see [residents’] ! Classifieds 29 the union originally “Hopefully the government The Chief water supply at risk is irre- led to send all daycare has some better news to give sponsible,” he said. back to work without a us.,’ MEA Ted Nebbeling is Instead of a privately-run -- landfill, Nebbeling wants the i dead-set against using a land- There’s IZOdoubt, provincial government to pay i fill to finance the Britannia : to be for the treatment plant imme- : there’s more Beach clean-up, while done. swmill solution soon? Squamish council has ques- diately and use tihe proceeds tions it wants answered of sales of Crown and provin- i COUN. SANDRABAUER BY TIM SHOULTS the sawmill situation was ready last week were false, before it supports the plan. cia1 land in the conidor to pay PAGE 3 The Chief for the plant’s long-term oper- i Lonsdale said, although the Copper Beach Estates Ltd. Ted Nebbeling opposes sawmill working group, wants to treat polluted water ation. announcement on a landfill at Britannia Council, on the other hand, ! ’or’s plans for the which includes the mayor and draining out of the mine into !B material would travel slower is ready to endorse the nish sawmill could be representatives from IWA- Howe Sound by building a Canada and the Chamber of treatment plant, funded by an than cars, drivers would be Copper Beach plan in princi- ig as early as this week, ple, subject to public con- ding to the mayor. Commerce, has met with industrial landfill in the Jane tempted to go around even Ministry of Forests staff three Basin mine openings. The without a passing lane, he cerns being addressed. To that inne Lonsdale made the end, council will send a letter nents at the So0 times since Minister David only toxic material accepted said. Zirnhelt came to Squamish by the landfill would be “I truly believe that Hwy. 99 to the Fraser Basin Council, tion for Sustainable which is facilitating the pub- ts’ annual general meet- for a public meeting April 1. heavy-metal contaminated does not have the capacity to handle that kind of truck,” he lic consultation on the plan. Saturday at the Best A meeting between Interfor soil - similar to but less pol- added, referring to the expec- The letter includes ques- :m Sea to Sky Hotel. and the Ministry of Forests is luted than the mine leavings. set ‘for this week and “There must be other ways tation the loads would be larg- tions on the landfill materials‘ an update . on the toxic life, the implications nish sawmill situation, Lonsdale said she was hope- of finding the financing for a er than logging trucks. ful a solution could come treatment plant,” said Nebbeling said geo-techni- under free trade and seismic jale said “Things are risk. It also asked for more the same as they were a from the meeting. Nebbeling May 13. cal engineers told him the The So0 Coalition’s forest The West Vancouver- mine’s rock, being shale public input and reconfirma- h ago,” with Interfor tion that mercury-contaminat- nuing to look at a industry working group, Garibaldi Liberal is against rather than granite, is unstable which called on Zirnhelt to the landfill because of the .and prone to landslides. In an ed soils will not be accepted. cturing plan for all its “It won’t even be our gener- wood mill operations in look at pulling Interfor’s tree resultant truck traffic, the earthquake, landfill material farm licence unless it takes unstable landmass around the could be released into the ation that suffers the conse- Ower Mainland area, not quences if we don’t know the one in Squamish steps to re-open the sawmill, landfill and possible water environment. contamination. Over the long term, the what we’re doing down in e I closed last July, throw- is waiting for the announce- ment before deciding what to Hwy. 99 is heavily used, and landfill may imperil the water Britannia,” said Coun. Sandra Wndermere 35 people out of work. Bauer. nors that a resolution to do next. as trucks carrying landfill sources through leaching or ’. Tuesday, May 18, 1999 The Chief ISquamish, B.C. Bits 8t Pieces Weather Watch B Squ U P E-, Upcoming issues for the May 18 council meeting set for 7 p.m. in council chambers at Municipal Hall: -c- Council will hear from John Lowe and Mike Wallace of the Log Handling Group and from Allan Barr of West1 3.; Contracting regarding the Squamish Estuary Management Plan. !)it I Tbesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Administrator Grant McRadu will give council updates on the airport leases issue, the Unsightly Premises bylaw a Mw Few showers. Chance of Chance of Chance of ore showers. showers. showers. the university project. Ye Low 7. Low 7. Low 7. Low 6. tic d High 16. High 16. Council will vote on giving first two madings to a zoning amendment bylaw for Oakview Holdings’ constructi High 16. High 15. project for the Railwoods development off Mamquam Road. 1 Jul “Tu The Moon 1 un iica 1,300 sign soccer fiel.dspetitior veer k an I Wf BY kNJACQUES still have a few more weeks “Our goal is to make a pre- drawings of the area that h; The Chief to collect names on their peti- sentation to council at the end already been done by the ( expc tion. The group has been cir- of the month,” Smith said. trict, get an exact breakdo 9 tr The debate on the feasibili- culating a petition since their “We’ve been going around of the construction costs i udir New Moon First Quarter Full Moon Last Quarter ty of new sports fields in initial meeting in April. town to all the slo-pitch begin to talk to businesses June 13 May 22 May 30 June 7 Squamish continued Friday The petition calls on the games at all the elementary town who might be interesi ing night. District to hold a referendum schools and getting as many in doing the constructi fro A committee of field users during this fall’s municipal names as we can. work. 1 Ju The Tides from several Squamish sports election asking taxpayers to “These fields are going to “It’s been done before a 2 Tt organizations held their sec- pay a one-time levy of be for everyone to use, so we can do it again,” Sm ‘YS ond meeting at the Brennan between $25 and $35 to help everyone has to take some said referring to w.hen 1! lorn Park Leisure Centre and it’s fund two new all-weather initiative to make this hap- Centennial Fields were bu ean clear there is still a lot of fields with lights south of pen.” in 1971 with donated equi lute work to be done. Centennial Fields. Besides the petition, the ment, grants and lots of VI lay 1 Date Low Tide (feet) High Tide (feet) Committee chair Bob Smith said they have just group decided at the meeting unteer work.
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