KUVEMPU UNIVERSITY Revised Syllabus Semester scheme syllabus for B.Sc. Degree course of Microbiology (Effective from 2018-19 onwards) SCHEME OF THE COURSE (Three year course with two semesters in each year) First Semester Paper I: General Microbiology Practical I Second Semester Paper II: Microbiological techniques and instrumentation Part I Practical II Third Semester Paper III: Microbiological techniques and instrumentation Part II Practical III Fourth Semester Paper IV: Microbial physiology and Genetics Practical IV Fifth Semester: Paper V: Environmental Microbiology Paper VI: Agricultural Microbiology and Biotechnology Practical V Practical VI Sixth Semester: Paper VII: Food, Dairy and Industrial Microbiology Paper VIII: Immunology and Medical Microbiology Practical VII: Project/Dissertation Teaching Hours: a. 1st to 4th Semester Theory: 04 hrs/paper/week Practicals: 03 hrs/paper/week b. 5th & 6th Semester Theory: 03 hrs/paper/week Practicals: 03 hrs/paper/week Dissertation/Project work: 03 hrs/week B.Sc. syllabus file Doc. 1 SCHEME OF EXAMINATION First Semester Duration Marks Internal assessment Theory Paper I: 03 hrs. 50 10 (Two tests of 05 marks) Practical I 03 hrs 40 (Practical proper 30; Record 05; Viva 05) Total 100 Second Semester Theory Paper II: 03 hrs. 50 10 (Two tests of 05 marks) Practical II 03 hrs 40 (Practical proper 30; Record 05; Viva 05) Total 100 Third Semester Theory Paper III: 03 hrs. 50 10 (Two tests of 05 marks) Practical III 03 hrs 40 (Practical proper 30; Record 05; Viva 05) Total 100 Fourth Semester Theory Paper IV: 03 hrs. 50 10 (Two tests of 05 marks) Practical IV 03 hrs 40 (Practical proper 30; Record 05; Viva 05) Total 100 Fifth Semester: Theory Paper V: 03 hrs. 50 10 (Two tests of 05 marks) Theory Paper VI: 03 hrs. 50 10 (Two tests of 05 marks) Practical V 03 hrs 40 (Practical proper 30; Record 05; Viva 05) Practical VI 03 hrs 40 (Practical proper 30; Record 05; Viva 05) Total 200 Sixth Semester: Theory Paper VII: 03 hrs. 50 10(Two tests of 05 marks) Theory Paper VIII: 03 hrs. 50 10 (Two tests of 05 marks) Practical VII 03 hrs 40 (Practical proper 40; Record 05; Viva 05) Dissertation or Project 03 hrs 40 (Project/Dissertation 30 and Seminar 10) Total 200 Grand Total 800 Marks B.Sc. syllabus file Doc. 2 FIRST SEMESTER: Paper I: General Microbiology 60 hrs. 1. Introduction 20 hrs Definition and history of microbiology, Contribution of Anton Von Leeuwenhoek, Edward Jenner, Louis Pasteur, Robert Koch, Joseph Lister, Beijerinck, Elie Metchnikoff, Alexander Fleming, Iwanowsky to the development of Microbiology. Scope of microbiology as modern science. Branches of microbiology: Bacteriology, Virology, Phycology, Mycology, Protozoology, Food and dairy microbiology, aquatic microbiology, soil microbiology, air microbiology, agriculture microbiology, Industrial and Medical microbiology. 2. Microscopy 10 hrs Discovery of microscope, Detailed study of compound Microscope and its principles, Different types of microscope – Dark field, phase contrast, Stereomicroscope, Fluorescent Microscope, Electron microscope- scanning and transmission microscope and their applications. 3. General account of microorganisms 30 hrs a) Comparative study of typical cell of prokaryotes and Eukaryotes and their cellular organization. b) General principles of classification and nomenclature of microorganisms (kingdom, domain concepts). c) Study of the following (With reference to general characteristics, structure, classification and reproduction). i. Viruses : Plant, animal, bacterial viruses, prions and viroids ii. Bacteria: Classification (According to Bergey’s Manual) up to the levels of section : bacteria, Mycoplasmas, Rickettsias, Actinomycetes, Chlamydiae, Cyanobacteria. (Microcystis, Spirulina, Nostoc). iii. Algae : Chlorella, Diatoms iv. Fungi – Pythium, Saccharomyces, Aspergillus, Agaricus and Fusarium v. Protozoa: Entamoeba, Trichomonas, and Plasmodium B.Sc., I Semester Microbiology PRACTICAL – I: General Microbiology 1. Safety measures in microbiology laboratory 2. Study of micrometry 3. Contributions of microbiologists (Based on theory) 4. Study of different parts of compound microscope including oil immersion. 5. Study of different types of micro charts 6. Study of bacteria-bacilli, Cocci 7. Microscopic mounting techniques-wet mount, dry mount and scotch mount preparations 8. Study of fungi Pythium, Saccharomyces, Aspergillus, Agaricus, Fusarium 9. Study of algae Microcystis, Spirulina, Nostoc, Chlorella and Diatoms. 10. Study of protozoa Entamoeba, Trichomonas, Plamodium vivax B.Sc. syllabus file Doc. 3 Scheme of Practical Examination B.Sc. I Semester Microbiology Practical I: General Microbiology Time : 03 hours Max. Marks:40 1. Make a microscopic preparation of the given materials A, B and C with labeled diagrams and reasons (one specimen from bacteria, cyanobacteria, algae, fungi and protozoans mentioned in the syllabus.)(Identification-1 mark, labeled with diagram-1 mark and reasons 1-mark) 3x3=9 marks 2. Demonstration/calculation ‘D’ write the principle and applications of micrometry (calibration - 2m, principle-2m and applications/results-2m). 06 marks 3. Write critical notes E and F ( Pictures of scientists, different types and parts of microscopes, path of light in microscope) (Identification-1/2 mark, diagram-1/2 mark, critical notes-2 mark). 2x3=06 marks 4. Identify the microslides G, H and I giving reasons with labeled diagrams (Identification – 1 mark, Labeled diagram with reason – 2 marks). Each slide from bacteria, cyanobacteria, Algae, fungi and Protozoa) 3x3=09 marks 5. Class record 05 marks 6. Viva voce 05 marks Note; The candidate must submit the duly certified class record at the time of first appearance, without which he/she will not be permitted to take the practical examination. References: • Microbiology: Pelczar, Chan and Kreig; Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Co. Ltd • Microbiology, an introduction: Tortora, Funk and Case; Benjamin-Cummings Pub. Co. • General Microbiology: RY Stanier; McMillan Press • General Microbiology: Hans G Schiegel; Cambridge University Press • A Textbook of Microbiology: R C, Dubey and D.K. Maheshwari; S. Chand Co Ltd. • Cell Biology: CB Powar; Himalaya Publishing House • College Microbiology Volume 1: Sundararajan S; Vardhana Publications. • Microbiology, Presscott Lansing M, Harley John P. and Klein’s Donald A., WCB McGraw-Hill, New York. • Microbiology- Sullia and Shantharam • Microbiology- Aneja. B.Sc. syllabus file Doc. 4 SECOND SEMESTER: Paper II: Microbiological techniques and instrumentation Part I 60 hrs. 1. Microbiological techniques a) Sterilization: Principles and methods of sterilization 18 hrs i) Physical methods; Heat-dry, Incineration and moist heat, Tyndallization, Autoclave, Pressure cooker, Hot air oven, Laminar air flow, filtration-Seitz filter, Membrane filter. ii) Radiation methods: Ionizing and non-ionizing radiations (UV Rays, Gamma Rays and cathode rays). iii) Chemical methods: Disinfectants (Phenol/Alcohol), Antiseptic (Iodine,/ hydrogen peroxide), Sanitizer (chlorine), Germicidal (Glutaraldehyde/octenidene), Microbicidal (Silver nitrate/streptomycin), Microbiostatic agents (Sodium azide/ penicillin), Gaseous agents, Heavy metals and detergents. b) Stains and staining technique 12 hrs i) Principles of staining. Types of stains, physical and chemical properties of stains, staining techniques-Simple staining. Differential staining-(Gram staining & acid fast staining), structural staining- (capsule, flagella and endospore). ii) Motility in bacteria, fungi and protozoa 05 hrs 2. Instruments: Inoculation chamber, Inoculation loop & needle, centrifuge, pH meter, Colony counter, Incubator (Principles, components and use) 05 hrs 3. Nutritional requirements and their up take by microorganisms (passive, active and facilitative absorption). Macro nutrients and micronutrients, their physiological role. Nutritional classification of microorganisms. 10 hrs. 4. Culture media: Definition, classification and types- solid, semisolid, broth, Natural, semisynthetic, synthetic, enrichment, enriched, differential and selective media, transport media, anaerobic media, Nutrient agar (NA), nutrient broth, Potato dextrose agar (PDA), Yeast extract mannitol agar (YEMA), Sabourud’s dextrose agar (SDA), Mac Conkey’s agar (MA), Blood agar (BA), Chocolate agar (CA), Cary Blairs media, Robertson cooked meat broth (RCM). 10 hrs. B.Sc. II Semester Microbiology PRACTICAL –II: Microbiological techniques and instrumentation Part 1 1. Preparation and use of chromic acid. 2. Preparation of glassware for sterilization. 3. Use of antiseptics and disinfectants : Phenol, ethyl alcohol, formaldehyde, iodine, Detergents, hydrogen peroxide, mercuric chloride and sodium hypochlorite. 4. Demonstration of laboratory equipments: Autoclave, Hot air oven, incubator, laminar air flow, Inoculation needle, Inoculation loop, Membrane filter, Seitz filter, pH meter and centrifuge. 5. Preparation of staining reagents : Saffranin, Crystal violet, Nigrosine, cotton blue, Malachite green, Methylene blue, Carbol fuchsin, Acid alcohol mixture, Grams iodine, 95% alcohol. 6. Staining techniques: Staining of bacteria and fungi. a) Direct staining b) Negative staining c)Grams staining d) Endospore staining e) Fungal staining 7. Preparation of media- nutrient broth, nutrient agar, MacConkey’s agar, Potato dextrose agar, Sabouraud’s Dextrose agar, Blood agar, Chocolate agar, EMB and Transport media. 8. Study of bacterial motility by hanging drop method. B.Sc. syllabus file Doc. 5 B.Sc.. II Semester Microbiology
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