-\ ; - * ybe to the Record-Press, the areas best source for local news, call (800) 300-9321 -1>. 1! r•• *>' , } 1 ? t i i * 'i* i * % WESTFIELD SCOTCH PLAINS FAN WOOD Vol. 12, No. 40 Friday, October 10,1997 50 cents.-! Schools to take on desegregation Art to be displayed at Town Book Store Busing African-American children to other town schools a concern ByTMAQUAMNO special education placements. She said the neighborhood The Westfield Art has been mnde the gap persists Superintendent of Schools RECORD-PRESS The district's desegregation schools are important because and urged the board to close it. William J, Foley snid. Association will hold a practices have been • reported on the children can maintain friend- "A variety of strategies can "It frankly didn't come up "Autumn Art Thursday" 6-10 WESTFIELD — The Board of in the Record-Press as part of an ships, participate in afterschool and should be employed and you when we did tho redistricting but p.m.,Thursday, Oct. 23 at the Education's policy committee will exclusive series on race issues in enrichment programs and scout- should not rest until there is no the fnct that it didn't doesn't: Town Book Store, 255 E. Broad investigate the district's desegre- town. ing. Parents can network and gap," Mrs. Nixon said. mean that we can't look at ill St., Westfield. gation law to determine its valid- Mrs. Nixon acknowledged the impact their children's education, Mrs. Nixon said there needs to now," he snid. J On display will be the origi- ity in today's society. enormous responsibility of board "Finally, busing has become be a moratorium on additional "My recommendation wouldj nal works of several local Melba Nixon, the first elected members. She said the school pejorative," she said. "The chil- special education placements be that we do take a look at the artists using different media, African-American woman to the board's main objective is to pro- dren who are bused are seen as until the problem is figured out. future of this desegregation including watercolora, oils, and school board (1989-96) presented vide a superior education to all of not really belonging and they She suggested early interven- plan," Dr. Foley snid. ] drawings. The artists will be on three major concerns of the the children of Westfield. themselves feel that they nre out- tion in the preschool years and He suggested the policy com-{ hand to meet the public and Concerned African American "We urge you to discontinue siders." the use of volunteer tutors. inittee be tho committee irt answer questions. Framed and Parents of Westfield (CAAP) at busing our children away form "Busing to other schools is not "We need ft continuing dia- charge of it, i unframed works will be avail- Tuesday's meeting. their neighborhoods," Mrs, Nixon able for sale. in the best interests of our chil- logue. We must stop busing and "While I enn't say details ail First, the busing of African- said. "The concept of neighbor- dren," she added. return these children to their this point, we would be commit-l For more information, call American children from the hood schools is a bedrock value in Mrs. Nixon then addressed the neighborhood schools we need a ted to making a recommendation! 233-3535. Cacciola Place and Windsor Westfield. .achievement gap and auid eight moratorium on specinl ed place- about the same time we did tht Avenue area to schools outside "Some impassioned discus- years ago the Bonrd of Education ments and we must close the redistricting," he said. "So that Internet training their neighborhood. Second, the sions have taken place in this acknowledged the gap in achieve- achievement gap," she snid. any change that we did make gap in achievement of minority room about the importance of ment between African-American "It is evident over the past few assuming there was a change set at library vs. majority children. And third, maintaining neighborhood children and majority children. weeks that this ifc an issue that would be in effect for the fall ol the disproportionate number of She said although some progress Curious about the Internet schools." needs to be looked at," (Continued on page A-2) and all of those World Wide Web addresses that have been appearing in newspapers, mag- azines, and on television? Want to watch the movement of the Residents stockmarket at www.cnnfn.- com or check out the weather at www.weatherpost.com? seeking The Westfield Memorial Library will hold two hands-on training sessions on Thursday, Oct. 23 at 9 a.m. or Tuesday, Hobbie ' Oct. 28 at 7:30 p.m. using the library's personal computers. Seating is limited, advanced registration is required. Call as judge j 789-4090 or stop in person at •yTINAQUAWMO '.I the library at 550 E. Broad St. IlECORD-PHKSS ; WESTFIELD — Who will be; Internet use the judge? > Residents at Tuesday's Town to be meeting focus Council meeting requested for- The Central New Jersey mer municipnl Judge Edward SBT User Group will hold its Hobbie be returned to his posi- monthly meeting 5:30 p.m. tion. Thursday at LPS Consulting The comments come after the Co. Inc. in Fanwood. Sept. 18 resignation of Judge The topic of the meeting will Marion Mogielnicki. Ms. be "Beyond www.something- Mogielnicki was appointed in .com: Benefits of Using the January by Mayor Tom Jardim. Internet That Don't Require a She said she resigned because Web Page.' Dinner will be the judgeship was taking time served. For more information away from her family and her and directions, call Julie Mintz practice. at 889-6300. Resident Anthony Palumbo, g-' Republican candidate for Town; Council last year, said ho is con- Westfield recital cerned about the vacant judge- series announced Bhip in town. The public is invited to "I'm not criticizing Judge attend the Westfield recital Mogielnicki, who should certain- series, which will feature per- ly be free to reassign for whatevr formances of solo and chamber Good to the last lick er her own personal reasons music by students in the Members of the WettfltId T pratchool bid faravmll to lumintr by enjoying chilly trtats.The children are Emma Lytek, Matthew Kavtney and might be," Mr, Palumbo snid. "My 1 criticism is with the needless for- Westfield Schools. All recitals Juttln Qlock. The 'Y It on Clark Street. will be held at Westfield High (Continued on page A-2) School, Room 121, at 7:30 p.m. Recitals will be held on the following evenings: Tuesday, Oct. 14; Tuesday, Nov. 25; Council seeks more input on property maintenance plan Tuesday, Jan. 27; Tuesday, Feb. 1 10 (faculty recital); and ByTMAQUAMNO hearing of the Laws and Rules commercial shopping districts. nance on their own or whose con- is a violation of my constitutional Wednesday, March 18. For Committee will be held Oct. 21. "I personally believe an over- cepts of maintenance don't' stand rights." more information, call the RECORD-PKESS Mr. Goldman has made the draft whelming majority of residents up to the norm." Mr. Sullivan said, "TheBe laws Department of Fine Arts at WESTFIELD — The Town ordinance available to the public take pride in the property that Councilman Norman Greco are not government telling the 789-4417. Council decided no to let lan- at the town clerk's office and they own and unfortunately that said words in the document like people what to do, they are the guage get in the way of communi- library. A draft ordinance iB not pride is overshadowed by inci- "blighted" are very strong. He community creating a set of laws; cation. required to be made public. dents of abandoned houses, or said the wording should be kept laws are made at the behest of UNICO selling The first reading of the pro- "I think we have the concepts structures that are dilapidated or simple and not overbearing so the community for self-regula- Entertainment books posed exterior property mainte- correct, but we need to test the vacant lots that become uncon- people can't understand it. He tion." nance ordinance scheduled for language with the community to trollably overgrown with vegeta- said as it is written now, it takes Mr. Greco said he wants more Scotch Plaina-Fanwood Tuesday was postponed for two ensure that it is understandable, tion," he added. three or four readings before it is input from the people who deal UNICO is raising funds by weeks, The council has opted for and that it truly does achieve our Mr. Goldman said there are understandable. with property maintenance selling the Entertainment '98 more public input and fine tun- objectives," Councilman Neil safeguards in the ordinance. "It needs to be more specific in everyday —- building inspectors, book, Each book contains hun- ing of how the law is worded. Sullivan said, "From the very beginning, we its wording, stating emphatically Tiro chiefs and the Board of dreda of buy one, get one free that any government agency is Health. Ho said he supports a discounts for dining, movies, "This is a very tough ordi- Mr. Goldman said tho reason have been mindful of the concern nance and it is important to get the council has considered the that our good motives shouldn't not allowed to come into your pri- property maintenance code but sports activities, special attrac- vate home or property," Mr. Greco doesn't think u 20-pnge docu- tions and hotels. the input of the public," said code is because it promotes pub- unintentionally cause citations to Larry Goldman, who is Laws and lic anfety, aesthetics of the neigh- be issued to residents who might said.
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