Scientific Journals Zeszyty Naukowe Maritime University of Szczecin Akademia Morska w Szczecinie 2010, 23(95) pp. 50–56 2010, 23(95) s. 50–56 EU measures protecting the marine environment implemented in Euroregion Baltic Działania Unii Europejskiej na rzecz ekologicznej ochrony środowiska morskiego realizowane w Euroregionie Bałtyk Marianna Greta, Teresa Kostrzewa-Zielińska, Jacek Otto Technical University of Łódź, Faculty of Organisation and Management Department of European Integration and International Marketing Politechnika Łódzka, Wydział Organizacji i Zarządzania, Katedra Integracji Europejskiej i Marketingu Międzynarodowego 90-924 Łódź, ul. Wólczańska 215, e-mail: [email protected] Key words: European Union, regional policy, Euroregion, structural funds, ecology Abstract The objective of the paper is to present ecological measures for marine environment protection financed by the EU within Euroregional structures. For this purpose the paper is divided into two parts. The first part concerns the Euroregions’ position and mission based on the origin of Euroregion Baltic and its special features. The second part concerns selected measures aimed to protect marine environment financed from the EU assistance funds. The primary conclusion is as follows: Euroregional structures were crucial as regards the acquisition of development funds while the EU’s involvement in ecological development and the specific features of Euroregions have led to the implementation of ecological measures. They have directly or indirectly contributed to marine environment protection. Słowa kluczowe: Unia Europejska, polityka regionalna, euroregion, fundusze strukturalne, ekologia Abstrakt Celem opracowania było przedstawienie działań ekologicznych na rzecz ochrony środowiska morskiego fi- nansowanych z UE w strukturach euroregionalnych. Dla jego realizacji przyjęto konstrukcję opracowania składającego się z dwóch części. Pierwsza z nich dotyczyła istoty i misji euroregionów z uwzględnieniem ge- nezy Euroregionu Bałtyk i specyfiki jego funkcjonowania u wybrzeży wód Bałtyku. Druga część dotyczyła opisu wybranych przedsięwzięć mających na celu ochronę środowiska morskiego, a realizowanych ze środ- ków pomocowych UE. Zasadniczy wniosek, który nasuwa się przy realizacji powyższego tematu, jest nastę- pujący: struktura euroregionalna odegrała istotną rolę w pozyskiwaniu funduszy rozwojowych. Natomiast za- angażowanie UE w rozwój ekologiczny i specyfika obszarów euroregionalnych powodowały, iż były reali- zowane przedsięwzięcia ekologiczne. Służyły one bądź bezpośrednio, bądź pośrednio ochronie środowiska morskiego. Introduction derably broader, which is reflected in the first pillar, i.e. the economic and monetary union Since its foundation, the European Union (pre- harmonising the economies and monetary systems viously the European Community) has been extend- of the member states. Sectoral policies include ing the scope of its activities, which is reflected in environmental policy, which just like other policies community policies. In the 1960s its primary tasks of this type have its rules, priorities, programmes included common trade and agricultural policies and financial instruments. In this way the EU and short-term assistance measures in the regions, becomes involved in environmental protection and while nowadays the scope of EU activity is consi- participates in international cooperation in this 50 Scientific Journals 23(95) EU measures protecting the marine environment implemented in Euroregion Baltic respect. This engagement involves direct, indirect, Poland, Denmark, Lithuania, Russia and Sweden. organisational, legal and institutional measures as Euroregion Baltic is one of the largest in Europe in well as support from assistance funds. terms of area, population and the number of partici- The authors address ecological measures im- pating parties, as it has the total area of 87 000 km2, plemented in Euroregion Baltic with support from a population of 5.6 million, and, before Latvia structural funds whose “inflow” allowed for estab- withdrew in 2006, it had been called a “Small lishment of this Euroregion. Thus, attention should European Union of the Baltic Sea”, due to the large be first paid to Euroregions and the basis of their number of its member countries. Euroregion Baltic establishment and then to Euroregion Baltic. Final- comprises the following borderlands: ly, the authors discuss selected measures in Euro- • in Denmark – the County of Bornholm; region Baltic supported by the structural funds and • in Lithuania – Klaipeda and the Klaipeda designed for marine environment protection. In this District; manner, from a different perspective, the authors • in Russia – the Kaliningrad Region; want to present marine environment protection in • in Sweden – the Regions of Kronoberg, Kalmar the EU, enhanced by Euroregions established with and Blekinge; the EU’s involvement and support, being a German • in Poland – in the Pomerania Province: the idea for “effective” integration. subregions of Gdańsk, Słupsk and the cities of Gdańsk, Gdynia and Sopot, in the Warmian- The nature of Euroregions, the origin and -Masurian Province: the subregions of Elbląg, characteristic features of Euroregion Baltic Ełk and Olsztyn [2, pp. 135–137]. Pursuant to the Euroregion’s Statutes, its mem- Nowadays, Euroregions are very popular in the bership and area are open. European Union and with its support they pursue Euroregions are generally established to accom- various goals and tasks in different fields. Euro- plish the following objectives: regions are considered a German idea for seeking instruments for tightening integration bonds and for improve the living conditions of the cross- the development of an effective integration-oriented border population; group of countries in a Europe destroyed by World facilitate and develop mutual contacts and inter- War II. They were intended to change the nature of personal ties; state boundaries and develop various forms of co- enhance friendly relationships between local operation through ties within transborder societies. communities and eliminate historical barriers They have turned out to be successful, as for over and prejudices; fifty years after the first German-Dutch Euroregion enhance cooperation between local and regional was established, their number has been constantly authorities growing, which demonstrates their popularity and protect the environment; significance. The measures implemented within develop the trans-border infrastructure; Euroregions include primarily environmental pro- prepare joint spatial and development plans; tection, as pollution and ecological degradation cooperate in preventing and combating natural do not recognise borders. Moreover, Euroregions, disasters; being supported by Germany, enjoy a special status develop SMEs; and may benefit from assistance funds. cooperate in terms of tourism, culture and na- Euroregions are the result of a higher form of tional heritage [2, pp. 46–56]. cross-border cooperation. Cross-border cooperation is found world-wide (not only in Europe and not The above objectives and at the same time the only in integration groupings) and consists in tasks set for Euroregions are implemented with developing good neighbourhood relationships be- various intensity depending on their character, i.e. tween the communities and local authorities of whether a given Euroregion is more tourism, agri- at least two countries. This is the first step in estab- culture, entrepreneurship or innovation oriented. lishing a Euroregion, which is further institutio- However, notwithstanding these general rules, each nalised by setting up institutions consolidating and Euroregion adopts tasks related to protection of the directing the cooperation of local units and com- environment and the prevention of its degradation, munities [1, pp. 47–51]. This also concerns Euro- as borderlands are often places where poisonous region Baltic, established in 1998, consisting of industries are located to keep them as far as pos- the borderlands of the Baltic countries including sible from national development centres. A number Zeszyty Naukowe 23(95) 51 Marianna Greta, Teresa Kostrzewa-Zielińska, Jacek Otto of Euroregions consider environmental protection Euroregion Baltic in the programmes as their priority task, as they encompass areas of designed for marine environment great environmental and tourist value. Euroregion protection Baltic is a typical example in this respect, as being Since the beginning (1998) Euroregion Baltic “in the possession of” the Baltic Sea, it is responsi- has “attracted” EU assistance funds. Initially, those ble for marine environment protection. The envi- were pre-accession interventions (1998–2003), ronmental protection with a particular stress on the which provided the basis for the Small Euro- Baltic Sea was one of the primary ideas providing regional Projects Fund covering primarily cultural the basis for international cooperation between the and social projects. In 2002 and 2003, the Fund countries, cities and regions in this area. Further- provided financing for so-called Baltic Sea Region more, the member countries of this Euroregion are projects. Under this Baltic programme, the project the signatories of the Helsinki Baltic Sea Conven- included spatial planning, planning and develop- tion, which obliges them to “undertake individual ment studies as well as marine environment protec- or joint adequate legal, administrative or other tion. Then, an interesting
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