J NET PRESS RUX Forecast by 17. ft Wentbor Rareaa. AVERAGE DAILY CIRCfl-ATIOX >ew Haven for the month of Febnir-ry, i028 , s u a e Fair tonigbt; SnncUiY increasing clbndiness probably followed by 5 » 1 0 S light snow. Slember of thr Audh of Ctri'uIntioiiM PRICE THREE CENTS MANCHESTER, CONN.. SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1928. {TWELVE PAGES) VOL. XLIL, NO. 143. Classified Advertising on Page 10. MURDER BLAMED ON JOHNSON, SMITH, GAME OF BRIDGE DORIS PALMER Cosgfave *s Message FOX IS ON WAY RECEIVE NEW CLUES Detroit, March 17.— Another thing Congress ought to do is MISS CHENEY TO pass a law prohibiting all ^ICKS COSTUME To Irish In America TO “BIG H O U Sr weapons from bridge parties. AS TO THE LOCATION Mrs. Rosa Lee Henderson and Mrs. Mary Lee Bishop were TO MEET FATE BE CANDIDATES partners at bridge. When Mrs. FOR l e DEATH BY WILLIAM T. COSGROVE A The reception which was given Henderson repeated a misplay President of Irish Free State ^me as Ireland’s messenger has but about which she had been cau­ added to our debt, for by courteous JF SINCLAIR ^ N D S tioned, Mrs. Bishop could re­ Dublin, March 17— I am pleased dignity and generous hospitality it Manacled to Welby Hunt,! To Run Again For General strain herself no longer and American Girl Who Will to take the opportunity so kindly was shown that the sentiments oft shot her partner. offered by The Herald through In­ our nation were reciprocated by | The bullet wound proved fa­ Hang Next Week Wants ternational News Service ol again your government and people. | Hickman Asks Guard If lOUR D. OF L. LODGE jsenate Proberis Hear That Assembly and Stale Sen­ tal. Mrs. Bishop was tried for addressing their Irish readers on In their self-reliant efforts to | murder and sentenced to life St. Patrick’s Day. build a state worthy of our race, the | Hays Got Small Amount a t e -A ll Hold Influential imprisonment. To Die in Pretty Frock,! I have this year had the oppor­ Irish people deeply appreciate the! Anyone Ever Escaped tunity of paying an official visit to sympathy *and encouragement of | HONORS BIRTHDAY the United States as a representa­ the people of the United States. i I r o m San Quentin. of $85,000 Refunded Positions at the Capital. She Tells Mother. tive of the Irish Free State. I want I have been asked how Irish men | ASKS FOR MILLION to convey to the American govern­ and women in America can help. | ment and the American people an My answer is: By encouraging our j Him By Oil Magnate; To­ Aboard Train Eiiroutj to San 25th Anniversary of Orange Miss Marjory Cheney and Judge Montreal, Que., March 17.— Doris expression of the gratitude and trade with their adopted country Raymond A. Johnson, i\Ianchester’s I’almcr, 20-year-old American girl i good will of the Irish people for and by giving their moral support ! Quentin, Cal., March 17.— Going day’s Developments in the FOR FLOOD RELIEF to whatever government may be W omens Organization i*e]iresentatives in the General As- who is scheduled to be hanged in their friendship and succour.in the over the road to the "Big House,” eeinbly, and nol)erl J. Smith, Sena­ dark days now past. elected .by the Irish people. Valleyfleld next Friday, wants to William Edward Hickmai. is won­ tor from tile Fourth district which dering about the fate that awaits Here Is Celebrated. Investigation. includes Manchester, will be candi­ die in a pretty frock of her own dates for re-election, it was an- Mayor of Losilngeles Says choosing and not in prison garb. him within the grim walls of San nonncjd today. i\Iiss Cheney, who She has asked her mother, Mrs. MAINE IS SILENT SHIP SENDS S 0 S; Quentin penitentiary. Chicago, March 17.— A series of- Daughters of Liberty, No. 125, is traveling in Europe, had given Hazel Greco, of Chicago, to buy a "Will I be taken directly to startling clues, that may take a her consent to run before leaving His City Needs No Help and the executive committee in par­ black silk dress of fashionable de­ death row?” he asked today as good deal of the mystery out of town. Judge Johnson and Senator ticular, received the congratula­ sign for her. ON PLANE REPORTS THEN DISAPPEARS the crack Southern Pacific train the Continental Trading Company’s Smith made their decisions this From Outside. The condemned girl wants to tions of their husbands and friends morning. speeded him on toward the state mysterious $3,080,000 “ slush have the dress delivered to the on the success of their twenty-fifth •\11 three of Manchester's mem­ women’s jail here before she de­ prison where he is condemned to fund,” were in the hands of .the bers of the State Legislature com­ Senate Public Lands sub committee Los Angeles, Cal., March 17.— parts next Wednesday for .he scene Another Mystery of the Sea pay with his life on the gallows for mand influential positions in the of the execution. Rumor That Hinchcliffe Ma­ the kidnaping and murder of 12- today as it prepared to close Its Assembly. Miss Cheney was clerk of The task of restoring Santa Clara Losing Hope year-old Marion Parker. Chicago inquiry. the committee on constitutional river valley to the economic stabili­ The new clues may lead to the "My poor child is losing hope of chine Was Heard Proves Puzzles Boston; Schooner His bravado left him a;, he con­ location of some more of the bonds amendn.nts. Judge Johnson is an ty which prevailed before the break­ clemency and she Is preparing for templated what Is In store for him Important memlier of the judiciary used by Harry F. Sinclair to pay ing of the giant St. Francis dam the worst,” her mother said today. at the end of this, probably his off the Republican national commii- committee and is floor leader. Doris attends church services in To Have No Foundation. Carried Crew of 23. last ride. He was In a thoughtful Senator Smitli h.as been chairman last Monday night, rested squarely tee's 192‘) campaign deficit. They the jail every day and Is frequent­ mood at times. were of such a startling nature th‘vt of tlie cities and boroughs commit­ upon the sbouiders of the City of ly in communication with Father Boston, Mass., March 17.— An­ Thinks of Escaim committee members asked newspa tee for two terms and is considered Los Angeles toiTay. Greenville, Maine, March 17.— Officials of the Chamber of Branlt, the prison chaplain. When The great silence of the Maine other mystery of the sea was writ­ "Did anyone ever swim San permen not to speculate upon them. the l)est posted man in tlie Assem­ her thoughts are not occupied with ten today with the complete dIsap- Francisco bay to escape from San Many WHiiesses bly on city cliarlers. Commerce' here will go before the North Woods remained unbroken City Council today and ask for an spiritual things she becomes hys­ today for news of an airplane heard pearance of the Boston fishing Quentin?” he asked A wide array of witnesses, most Sniilli’s Support I immediate appropriation of $1,- terical and confldes to the Good above here on Thursday morning schooner Morning Star after being Welby Hunt, mancled to Hick- j of them “ millionaire angels” of the I Senator Smith has been assured ! 000,000 for rehabilitation work, Shepherd nuns that she is terrified and thought for a time possibly to reported In distress 20 miles south­ man, looks forward with a tinge of Republican Party, have given th-: of strong support in nearly every i Announcement to this effect follow- by the vision of dying on the scaf­ be that of Captain Walter Hlnch- east of Chatham. bitterness to a life spent in the { committee some sensational revel­ town in the Fourth district in seek­ j ed the refusal by Mayor George E. fold. cliffe and Hon. Elsie Mackay in Coast Guard cutters combed the same prison for his participation in ations. These developments includ­ ing re-election. His election as a I Cryer of an offer, preferred by the She brightened somewhat after a'their trans-Atlantic flight. district and wireless messages went the murder of C. Ivy Toms, Loo ed evidence that: State Senator and liis position as ! Red Cross to broadcast a national conversation at the bars of her cell Moosehead lake is covered by a out to ships in the vicinity but no Angeles druggist. 1. Will H. Hays, former Repub­ chairman of the cities and boroughs appeal for funds to rebuild the area with Attorney W. E. Crebari of Mt. hard smooth surface of ice and for sign was found of the schooner. "Do you get a kick out of send­ lican national chairman, received committee will be of immense im­ made desolate by the onrush of wa­ Vernon, N. Y., who, with R. L. a time it was thought possible that The Morning Star, known as the ing a man up for life," the 17- only a small part of the $85,000 portance it Mancliester seeks a new ter that swept more than 200 per­ Calder and J. A. Legault, her trial the plane landed on the ice. How­ “ Hard Luck” vessel of the Boston yeur-old bandit-killer asked his refunded him by Harry F. Sinclair, charter from the Legislature dur­ sons to death.
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