Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4 Volume 2 Number 9 September, 1961 Article 12 1-1-1961 Palatability of forage plants in North-west sheep pastures R H. Collett Follow this and additional works at: https://researchlibrary.agric.wa.gov.au/journal_agriculture4 Part of the Environmental Health and Protection Commons, Nutritional Epidemiology Commons, and the Plant Biology Commons Recommended Citation Collett, R H. (1961) "Palatability of forage plants in North-west sheep pastures," Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4: Vol. 2 : No. 9 , Article 12. Available at: https://researchlibrary.agric.wa.gov.au/journal_agriculture4/vol2/iss9/12 This article is brought to you for free and open access by Research Library. It has been accepted for inclusion in Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4 by an authorized administrator of Research Library. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Palatably of Forage Plants in North-West Sheep Pastures Continuous selective grazing has reduced the palatable woollybutt grass (Eragrostis eriopoda) to dead butts By R. H. COLLETT, Field Technician, Abydos ?#£££ Xtelf ^ leSS Palatable S°" SPtniteX k DECLINE in carrying capacity has occurred in large areas of the Pilbara district -^™- of the North-West, due to the decrease in palatable plants and the increase in unpalatable ones. The relative palatability of the various species to sheep is there­ fore a matter of considerable importance to pastoralists. Observations at Abydos Research Station most palatable species. Woollybutt grass near Port Hedland have shown that the is the third preference but it shares this sheep's grazing year can be divided into position with soft spinifex (Triodia pun- approximately four seasons or stages ac­ gens) in its first year of growth. cording to the condition of the native The duration of this period varies with grasses. They are:—(1) The growing the seasonal conditions and the condition stage; (2) the mature stage; (3) the of the paddock. drying-off stage; and (4) the dry stage. 1. The Growing Stage. 3. The Drying-off Stage. At Abydos this stage only lasts for about The four species named in the previous eight weeks, when the sheep's first prefer­ stage remain the most popular during the ence is for tender young grass shoots and drying-off stage, but with porcupine spini­ palatable young shrubs. fex becoming at least as palatable as wind Most of the native grasses are palatable grass. Soft spinifex may also become very at this stage but woollybutt grass (Erag­ palatable at this stage, depending on rostis eriopoda) is usually the most seasonal conditions and soil type. A num­ favoured by the sheep. ber of other species are also grazed at this time, the main criterion apparently being 2. The Mature Stage. the presence of green leaves. These are: Most grasses become rank and unpalat­ Weeping grass (Chrysopogon latifolius), able once the seed has matured. Generally silver top or curly spinifex (Plechtrachne the palatable shrubs are still the first pre­ Shinzii), hop-a-long (Neurachne spp.), ference of the sheep, while wind grass Aristida hygrometrica (a coarse and (Aristida arenaria) is easily the most stemmy type of wind grass), Eriachne palatable of the native grasses. In a dry obtusa, lemon scented grass (Cymbopogon year, however, porcupine spinifex (Triodia spp.), kangaroo grass (Themeda spp.), and secunda) may be preferred at this time. native sorghum (Sorghum timorense). Even in a normal year this is the second While these species are listed in the 733 Journal of Agriculture, Vol 2 No 9, 1961 approximate order of preference, varia­ two or three years. Thus, soft spinifex in tions may occur with the season and soil its first year of growth is equally as palat­ type. able as woollybutt grass in Stage 2 and decreases in palatability as it grows older. 4. The Dry Stage. The rate at which this decrease in palat­ The three palatable spinifex species pro­ ability proceeds depends on seasonal con­ vide the bulk of the sheep's diet during ditions, soil type, amount of competition this stage, the order of preference depend­ from other plants, the grazing treatment ing on the condition of soft spinifex. This and the topography of the country. varies from very palatable to quite un­ Dying-off plants and plants that have palatable. Feed is also provided by yarious previously been heavily grazed are also Acacias, such as A. pyrofilia (kangi) and favoured by sheep. This may be due to A. translucens (poverty bush.) young growth replacing the dead or grazed leaves. THE PALATABLE SPECIES Again, sheep grazing a pure soft spinifex Soft or Gummy Spinifex (Triodia pun- stand during the growing season, dif­ gens). ferentiate between the plants more by the This is the most common of all the degree of grazing applied to each plant palatable native species in the North-West than by grazing some plants and ignoring and probably the most important. How­ others as they normally do. Thus, during ever, its palatability to sheep varies from the growing season, only the growing tips plant to plant and sheep rarely graze more of the leaves of most plants are grazed, than one plant in three. The main reason while plants of the type mentioned above for this is that sheep prefer young growth, are grazed heavily. and whereas the young growth of native The soft spinifex plant usually grows grasses may only last for two or three outwards round the edges and dies off from months, that of soft spinifex may last for the centre, so that older spinifex plants A good mixture of soft spinifex (the larger clumps) and perennial grasses, particularly woollybutt grass (Eragrostis eriopoda) and "hop-a-long" (Neurachne clementtt) 734 Journal of Agriculture, Vol 2 No 9, 1961 are sometimes grazed on the edges—which remain palatable through a prolonged are younger than the remainder of the drought. However, on creek banks and plant. However, some plants appear to other damp areas it appears to be un­ become inactive and cease either to spread palatable. outwards or die off from the centre. Such plants are invariably unpalatable. They Curly Spinifex (Plechtrachne Shinzii). were observed at Abydos by mapping a This species will grow on the same types particular area at regular intervals for of soil as soft spinifex or even buck spinifex three years. In spite of heavy stocking of (Triodia lanigera). It is not as palatable up to one sheep to two acres, these were as soft spinifex at its best, but because the never grazed. Such plants are probably quite common in old stands of soft spinifex. palatibility of that species varies so much, The most palatable of all soft spinifex Plechtrachne Shinzii is often preferred to plants are those that have a wilting it. appearance, and are brown in colour, with Wind Grass (Aristida arenaria). a green tinge. They are usually found on the heavier soils in a dry time, their wilt­ The soft fine leaves of this grass make ing appearance presumably being due to it the most palatable of all the native lack of soil moisture. These plants remain grasses when mature. Moreover, the palatable only as long as they have gum mature leaves green up after rain and it on the leaves. If this gum is removed due continually produces fresh flowering heads to natural conditions in the paddock, or when the soil is moist. artificially with acetone, they rapidly dry off and become quite unpalatable. Woollybutt Grass (Eragrostis eriopoda). Like wind grass, woollybutt produces In a very dry time, particularly if there fresh flowering heads when the soil is has been only light summer rain, fairly moist, but the mature leaves do not green dense populations of soft spinifex may dry- up after rain. In the mature stage it is off completely (due to excessive competi­ tion for soil moisture), and become un­ palatable. On the other hand, isolated plants which do not have to compete with other plants for the limited supply of soil moisture may have the wilting, brown appearance described above, and be heavily grazed. Since sheep select young growth (which is usually very gummy), and the brown wilting leaves which are also covered with gum, but will not graze the dry spinifex from which the gum has been removed, it appears that the presence of gum does not deter sheep from grazing soft spinifex, but its absence does. Porcupine Spinifex (Triodia secunda). There may be several species which are called porcupine spinifex, but Triodia secunda is the only palatable one. It can be recognised by the fact that the leaves break very easily and are extremely soft and succulent. It normally grows on well drained slopes of fairly heavy soil, when it is the most palatable of all the spinifex Perennial weeping grass (Chrysopogon latifolius), a species. It is also the one most likely to palatable sDecies Journal of Agriculture, Vol 2 No 9, 1961 approximately as palatable as soft spinifex SUMMARY in its first year. It is more subject to Sheep usually prefer shrubs and the damage by uprooting in the seedling stage tender young shoots of grasses as long as than most grasses. they are available. Weeping Grass (Chrysopogon latifolius). Most of the palatable species may be The mature leaves of this grass are grazed during the growing stage which, in generally unpalatable until the drying-off this district, only lasts for about two stage. However, the germinating seeds and months. heavily grazed root butts produce long For the remaining ten months of the tender shoots that are very palatable to year, wind grass and woollybutt grass are sheep.
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