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I ~ \\ j ~ / I -L" . -- CT .....--------=-=::=-=~=-~ VOLUf·1E 13 K~JAJALEHI ATOLL, I1ARSHALL ISLAIWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1976 r~ur~BER 28366 UNESCO COMES UNDER RENEWED ATTACK Peace feelers Continue Despite fOR ALLEGED SUPPORT Of PRESS CURBS IMIROBI (UPI) -- The Unlted j\jatlOn EducatlOnal, SClentlflc and Heavy Machinegun fire In Beirut Cultural Jrganlzatlon (~~ESCO) came under renewed attack for ltS BEIRUT (UPI) -- Wlth Palestlnlan-leftlst forces aoparently alleged support of moves to curb press freeuolns. strengthenlng thelr posltlon ln sOJthern Lebanon, Presldent The I,lternatlOnal Press Instltute and the InternatlOnal Federa­ Ellas Sarkls sought further meetlngs wlth leftlst leaders today tlon of IJe\vspaper Publlshers cabled U,'J[SCO's general conference ln an effort to consolldate the cease-flre around the capltal. ttlat they "were deeply concerned" about the organlzatlOn's stand on Leftlsts and nghtlsts both had exchanged heavy machlnegun tile press. flre along the confrontatl0n llnes In downtown Belrut and ltS George Beebe, chalrman of tile .Jorld Press Freedom COl11mlttee, southern suburbs In clashes that contlnued late lnto Thursday salu In a stateillent It would be "traglc" lf what he descnbed as evrnlng, accordlng to radlo reports. antl-news measures were adopted by the conference To the south and the east of the capltal, leftlst forces were In a speech to delegates from r-.DrteJly on the move In three 140 natlons, the West German areas. Severe Earthquaie Guam Suspends State Secretary, Or. Peter Goth rlghtlst and leftlst Hermes, sald hlS country vlcwed sources sald that Palestlnlans Swine flu Program the torthcomlng debate on the were movlng freely through the Rocks New Guinea AGANA, Guam (UPI) -- PubllC mass Illedla vl1th "sor.e appre­ Syrlan-controlled Bekaa Valley BERKELEY (UPI) -- A severe health authorltles here today hensloll." southeast of Gplrut. and lnto earthquake rocked western New announced a two-week suspenslon Chlef U.S. delegate Peter the vies tern slopes of rlount Her­ GUlnea In almost exactly the of the SWlne Flu ln~unlzatlon Relnhardt was scheduled to mon, near the Synan border. same area where a tremor four program. SfJedk till:" weekend and 1s ex­ The1r unhlndered progress was months ago kllled nearly 500 Pedro Santos, dlrector of pected Lo '101 ce \iaslll nClton' s further lndlcatlon of a sWltC~ persons. publlC health, sald the suspen­ total Op~oJltlon to a contro­ of alleglance by Syrlan forces There Ivere no lmmedlate re­ Slon was called because of a verslal draft declaratlon on the from thf Chrlstlans to the ports of casualtles In the latest dlsapPolntlng turnout. Less mass Illedla. ~alestlnlans -- a move prompted, quake. than 5,000 fJersons have been The questlon of press freedom dlplomatlc sources sald, by The U,S. Geologlcal Survey ln lmmunlZed Ilere. The flgure has developed lnto the hottest Syrlan alarm at perslstent re­ Golden, Colorado, sald today the amounts to about SlX per cent of tOplC at the ~eetlng. ports of strong Israell support tremor, recorded at about 3:30 the total popu13tlon. In hlS key address to the of the Chrlstlan urlve to sweep (Kv/aJa 1el n tlnle) Pf! yesterday Santos blamed the poor turn­ conference Wednesday, UNESCO the Palestlnlans from the south. afternoon, reglstered 7.1 on the out on adverse publlClty from Dlrcctor GEI~ Amdou flahtar H'Sow A leftlst raulo statlon re­ open-ended Rlchter Scale. the U.S. Illalnland regardlng descn bed as "absurd" \vestern ported late yesterday that Bruce Jullan, a geophys1clst deaths al110ng persons who had fears U~ESCO was helplng foster Palestlnlan forces also were wlth the ~latlOnal Earthquake been lnoculated. The publlC antl-press resolutlons. WOVlnq south alono the coast Center, sald the ~uake was Slml- health offlclal sald the news Beebe, edltor of the ~la~l thrOUGh Sloon tov/ard t:w Israpll lar In rnaonltude and near the re~orts have created doubt In I1CI,,uLD, sald In hlS statement borde~. Th~ radlo sald the sa~e general area as an earth­ the 1:11 nds of tile people. that "ab5urd or not," there was Palestlnlan and l~ftlSt forces quake recorded on June 25, 1976. "vie are gOl ng to take two a Russlan-lnsplred draft before had begun movlng thelr forces, "They occurred \'/1 thl n 50 weeks off and flnd out why the the conference WhlCh In effect r'1"evlously statloned at Hlla­ mlles of each other, probably people are not comlng In. called for governll,ent control llyeh on the Jezzlne Road east closer than that," Jullan sald. Once we flnd out the cause, of the I,lass medl a, saYl n0 of Sldon, lnto othpr unspecl­ In Hawall, the Honolulu Obser­ tllen we' 11 try to fl nd ways of "states are responslble for the fled posltlons In the south. vatory sald the quake measured gettlng people ~ack lnto the actlvltles In the lnternatlonal RlghtlSt leader Camllle Cha­ 6.8 on the Rlchter Scale and was prograr,l," Santos sal d. sphere of all medla under thelr rnoun charged that iPalestlnlans preceded by a smaller one. Junsdlctlon." were alded by Iraql troops as "We thlnk It \~ould be traglc they occupled and attacked Spanish Strike Leaders lf tilese antl-news medla pro­ three vlllages In the Chouf DOD Denied Korean posals are adopted," ~eebe reglon south of 8el nit about Arrested Last Night sald. 25 mlles. Price fixing Charge MADRID (UPI) -- Pollce last \JASHIrJGTO~1 (UPI) -- The De­ nlght arrested 2J leaders of an fense Department sald yesterday llle<jal stnke by 8,000 em­ that lt had not condoned a ployees of tile 'Iadnd Ilunlclpal MARCOS IS IN NO HURRY sltuatlon lnvolvlng prlce flxlnc Bus Company, pollce sources f1A,JIL,'\ (UPI) -- Armed wlth another decl s 1ve vote of confl dence by South Korean contractors to Sdld. In hlS martlal law rule, PhlllPPlne Presldent Fredlnand E. Marcos the U.S. Army but decllned to Tile governillent countered the lS In no hurry to change the dlrectlOn of hlS four-year regme. cOIllMent on v/hether the)'e \ 'CIS e wlldcat strlke by rnountlng a Marcos bllled the mld-October referendum-pleblSclte as a test eVl dence that contract [,1 Is il , : IJartl a 1 bus serVl ce manned by of the natlon's ablllty to conduct orderly electlons, ostenslbly been controlled by the K0rn~n soldlers, paranl111tary pollce In preparatlOn for future parllalilentary electlOns. governmenL ina mlnlstry chauffeurs. ,jot surpnslngly, results of the mandatory votlng announced on A Defense Departl1lent ~,,)OkC'Sllliltl The strlkers, who are push­ October 27 showed 90 per cent of the 23,000,000 ballots cast nad sald that lrregulilntles 1,1 U,r lng for hlgher wages and lnl­ favored contlnuatlon of martlal law. Only Sllghtly less than 90 provlslon of goods and serV1C0~ to medlate labor unlOn freedom, per cent agreed to constltutlOnal amendments grantlng :1arcos Vlr­ the U.S. Army "were predomlnan­ sald they would meet thlS w2ek­ tually dlctatonal powers even tly on the part of Korean con­ end to declde whether to con­ after martlal laws were llfted. I'/heell ng "old pOll tl cs." tractors wlth some posslble In­ tlnue the work stoppage for a western dlplomatlc sources The day dfter the polllng re­ stances of U.S. personnel In­ second dayc here concede there lS llttle sul ts were announced, f1arcos volved, both Clvlllan and mlll­ ,he government salJ lts alm 11 kell hood flarcos 1'1111 rell n­ pOlnte" to renewed flghtlng tary. " for provlslondl bus serVlce for qUlsh any of hlS powers ln the between government troops and The spokesman decllned to the weekend was to have functlon­ near future. Moslem seceSSlonlst forces In make further statements about lng 38 of tile regular 80 bus "He 1s more concerned Wl th the southern PhlllPPlnes as an types of lrregularltles or the 11 ne s c consolldatlng hlS rule than example of why he had to re­ posslblllty of charges agdlnst Trll-' arrests last nlght were wlth returnlng to representatlve ta I h ell er'Jenc Y pO\~ers even Wl th Unltej States personnel, but made at tile offlce of a left­ government 1n whatever form," the llftlng of martlal law. Pentagon sources sald that brlbes Wl ng 1abor 1awyer where a meet­ observed one polltlcal analjst. "We have been reduced to thlS to Amerlcans were lncluded ln the ln9 of strlkers was belng held. It was also pOlnted out that mechanlsm (martlal la\v) to charges agalnst the Korean * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ballots are not secret In the meet CrlS1S sltuatlon," the contrdctors. PhllltJPlnes and also tilat It Presldent sald. The ~oslem * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SURF & SUN * * * l~ aqalnst tile law not to vote, SeSS10nlsts "are an enemy that : FINANCIAL REPORT : * (S~T~~[AY) * Wlth penaltles ranglng up to 1'12 underestlmate:l," he sald. * Lo Tlde 0527 2.1' 1741 2.6'* s 1X 1110 nth s 1n J all for fa 111 n9 The f1os1em seCeSSlOnlst lS * DOl! JOf1ES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGES * * Hl Tlue 1201 3.5' 7- to comply. concentrated on the large * 30 Indus. up 12.30 at 964.93 * * (SU,WAY) * Ilarcos, too, elllpha317ed tilat southerr lsland of rllndanao and * 20 Trans. up 2.56 at 210.37 * * Hl Tloe. 0002 4.0' 1318 3.9'* "remark sheets" rast wlth the the nel\]:l~Orlns] Sulu Archlpel- * 15 Utlts. up 0.61 at 98.03 * * La Tlde: 0651 1.9' 1910 2.2'* ballots showed Flllplnos wanted ago. r·1111tary offlClals belleve* 65 Stocks u~ 3.51 at 303.60 * * SUNRISE 0638 SUdSET 1827 * s t n cter lmp 1enl2nta t lOn of th0 rpbels dre stlll recelvlng * Volume 17,030,000 Shares * * Yesterday's ralnfa11· .04" * i,lartla 1 1aw and a purge of 1oca 1 some ald from for21gn sources.
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