MAR CH 8, 1 9 5 4 25 ¢ Eggheads Through History John T. Flynn British Lion into Ostrich Freda Utley Articles and Book Reviews by Eugene Lyons, James Burnham~ Henry Hazlitt, Max Eastman, Samuel B. Pettengill, Asher Brynes, Henry C. Wolfe, Serge Fliegers This IS ow-erFlite Here's a no-clutch drive so good you won't believe It is the simplest automatic of all to use. No it till you feel it ... so advanced you should try it clutch pedal. Wonderfully simplified shift indicator before you invest in any new car today! As one positions. Extreme quiet and smoothness in up­ editor writes, ~~Chrysler Corp. has a winner in or down-shift. PowerFlite-smoothest and most simply constructed And it gives you pocketbook advantages, too. of fully automatic drives." Being so simple, it is rugged, light in weight, has Just try it, in a Plymouth, Dodge, De Soto, fewer parts. Long life is inherent in it. Service, if Chrysler or Imperial, and you'll agree! Its sheer needed, is reduced in time and cost. delivery of power, (torque, to an engineer) reaches ~~Wonderful things keep coming your way from 4.7 to 1. Breakaway and acceleration are superb. So Chrysler Corporation." Now it's the most wonderful is its ~~kick-down" surge of extra power. no-clutch drive of all. Won't you corne in? Wonderful things l<eep coming your way from PLYMOUTH • DODGE • DE SOTO • CHRYSLER • IMPERIAL ••• products of CHRYSLER CORPORATION THB A. Fortnightly Our Contributors For JOHN T. FLYNN has been one of the staunchest and most consistent opponents in the country rreeman Individualists to the "planned state" philosophy of the New and Fair Deals so loved by today's "liberal" Executive Director KURT LASSEN intellectuals, known also as "eggheads." In a disquisition (p. 407) meant not to condemn FLORENCE NORTON Managing Editor but to inform, Mr. Flynn points out on the basis of past experience and present reality what is likely to be the fate of this self­ appointed elite if their dreams are fully real­ / VOL. 4, No. 12 MARCH 8, 1954 ized. It is perhaps redundant to remind Contents FREEMAN readers that Mr. Flynn is a noted journalist, lecturer, radio commentator, author of more than a score of books on business and Editorials politics. The Fortnight 401 An Oriental Munich? 403 In his account (p. 410) of the unique Technical The Strike-Vote Issue 404 Assistance Program carried out under the aegis Party Strife Is Healthy 405 of the Economic Cooperation Administration, Bookkeeping and Butter 405 ASHER BRYNES is writing from firsthand in­ formation. As a consultant to the E.C.A., he The Planning Mentality 406 worked on this progranl intended to show foreign labor and manage,ment what n1akes American industry tick. l\fr. Brynes has con­ Articles tributed to Fortune and a number of other Eggheads Through History JOHN T. FLYNN 407 national magazines. ,Can Productivity Be Exported? ASHER BRYNES 410 As we go to press the morning's New York Lion into ,Ostrich FREDA UTLEY 413 Tinws quotes the distinguished British historian, Brazil's Boom Town ARTHUR R. PASTORE, JR. 415 D. W. Brogan, as saying: "The issue of Rusi Chose Freedom CONSTANTINE MICHAELS 417 'McCarthyism' is one of the most powerful Letter from Switzerland R. G. WALDECK 418 wedges being driven between the British and The Kremlin's Old "New Look" LEO DUDIN 419 American peoples." In her second report from The "Any" in Espionage SAMUEL B. PETTENGILL 421 England (p. 413) FREDA UTLEY describes the A Second Look EUGENE LYONS 422 state of n1ind of the British public favoring this latest Communist maneuver. Recently a group of American housewives went Books and the Arts to Sao Paulo to find out for themselves what Jefferson and La Follette MAX EASTMAN 423 had really happened to the Brazilian coffee A Yankee in Nehru's Cour1t JAMES BURNHAM 425 crop. ARTHUR R. PASTORE, JR.'S timely story Europe's Rotten Politics .' .. HENRY C. WOLFE 426 on that city gives a colorful description of Bloomsbury Politician ASHER BRYNES 426 the fabulous city they visited-a city that Dusk Over America? WILLIAM H. PETERSON 427 might well be called the wonder of the Western Liberal's Progress WALLACE MARKFIELD 427 world. Mr. Pastore, world-wide traveler, lin­ The FreeMan's Library HENRY HAZLITT 428 guist, journalist, has just returned from his third trip to South America. Americans A1broad SERGE FLIEGERS 429 We put the question to LEO DUDIN, analyst of Soviet affairs, "Is Malenkov really boss1" His answer (p. 419), based on a careful study of From Our Readers 400 news direct from Moscow, clarifies the much­ disputed subject of who is ruling Soviet Russia today. Mr. Dudin was an assistant pro­ fessor at Kiev University when World War Two broke out, escaped later to Germany, came THE FREEMAN is published fortnightly. Publication Office, Orange, Conn. Editorial and General Offices, 240 Madison Avenue, New York 16, N. Y. Copyrighted in the United to the United States in 1951. States, 1954, by the Freeman Magazine, Inc. Henry Hazlitt, Chairman of the Board; Leo Wolman, President; Kurt Lassen, Executive Vice President; Claude Robinson, Secretary; Lawrence Fertig, Treasurer. Correction Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at Orange, Conn. Rates: Twenty-five cents the copy; five dollars a year in the United States; nine dollars for two years' We regret a typographical error that slipped six dollars a year elsewhere. ' into Freda Utley's "England After Austerity" The editors cannot be responsible for unsolicited manuscripts unless return postage or better, a stamped, sel£i-addressed envelope is enclosed. Manuscripts mUst be typed (February 22 issue). Page 375, column 1, para­ double-spaced. graph 3, line 12: "reduced to sixpence" should Articles signed with a name, pseudonym, or initials do not necessarily represent the opinion of the editors, either as to substance or style. read "reduced by sixpence." As is evident, this ~ 11 Printed in U.S.A., by· Wilson H. Lee Co., Orange, Contlecticut small word makes a world of difference. II FROM OUR READERS II Why Don't The Bricker Amendment I have been reviewing in my mind You the more or less unanimity of the deans of law schools in being opposed to the Bricker Amendment. I wonder if Restore these men are mostly United World Federalists. Here is a quotation from Dean Erwin N. Griswold of Harva,rd: Faith in ... I feel that it is a mistake to attempt to guard against the result of electing some future unwise President and unwise Senate by a Promises constitutional limitation' restricting their powers. The national safe­ guards against mistakes in foreign policy should remain where they by returning to the were placed in 1789. The faith of our fathers in this area may well GOLD COIN STANDARD? serve us as a sound example. I regard this as so much twaddle. The fact of the matter is that with the present wording in the Constitu­ tion, a United Nations treaty is su­ perior to the Constitution and to all laws ,that may have been enacted or may be enacted, even though the treaty governs internal affairs of the United States. Notwithstanding this wide-open door to fundamental changes in the law of our land, Dean Griswold wants us to depend upon electing a wise President AMERICA'S envied standard of living policy, can redeem currency for gold has been built by faith in promises­ coin. Such action automatically halts and wise Senators to safeguard our faith in performance by the buyer ... issuance of inflationary currency which country. We have just had an example faith in payment by the seller. shrinks the dollar's purchasing power. of a wise Senate in the vote for a When the government in 1933 abro­ Fortunately, during the last twenty foreign treaty whereby our military gated the citizen's right to convert his years, American industry has helped men are thrown upon the' tender paper money into gold-faith in prom­ to mitigate the effect of the dollar's mercies of foreign courts if they com­ ises began to fade. Since then there has shrinking value through greater pro­ mit a domestic offense abroad. .. been a flood of fiat currency. Value of ductivity. For example, Kennametal; the dollar has declined about 60%. as a tool rpaterial, has tripled the output Davenport, Iowa JOSEPH S. KIMMEL Contracts have "escalator" clauses; of metal-cutting machinery, and sped future planning is guesswork. extraction of coal and other minerals. A few weeks ago I read that Bertrand Faith In contracts, and in human re­ But-industry's contribution is not Russell, in a report on the prevailing lationships, can best be restored by enough. The President, important Cabi­ conditions in ,the United States, had returning to it sound money system­ net members, Senators, and Congress­ told his English readers that "nobody and the only sound money system that men have recognized the need for the ventures to pass a political opinion has ever been successful is the Gold Gold Coin Standard. Why, then, should Coin Standard.* It puts control of the legislative action on it be delayed? without looking behind the door. If public purse in the hands of the people, by some misfortune you were to quote who, if displeased with government We must lead, not follow, the world back to morality in money matters. with approval some remark by Jeffer­ • Registered Trade·Mark Restoration of the Gold Coin Standard son you would probably find yourself will anchor the value of currency to behind bars." Excerpt from Republican the m.etal of historically stable worth.
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