iii 8746 N. Shermerfold - NIL ES Niles Illinois60714 . (08)966-3900 Edîtion . JAW 19 IECSS N O S-PERCOPY VOL. 39, NO. 28 THURSDAY, JANUAR 60714 lILlO IL ct63actions.- 1995.'96 Nues Township I_iu.w w -5. 5 schools pre-schoolscreening ilL?.o1distrietsinNile sreeping tsdoneinformullY 00dJ) horneo s.vflerS. deener.A - --, - de elopm ntal seentng dotingpr cr55 -.--- tbsoflanuaeyzod seeetg S hrur rern schools againraisetaxes. wnoare3aI1u.yuIsuid. ------- - tian to the levy wereboard ....be oreted If th Ge y st g he beg ntudyi g the The an ualSc ning Sheldtoag anft Nile and Mort m t members Dan Putluk andAnne ass nat matt rd was pe par d fo th aest bild s ge e al ng de Sift ed dents should pect a pr petty Maronllo. Voting to approvethe needs, sonseeS cee available in incrame following o cIernen- important voto. well as development and- to detect any. Dunng -earliernegottalions, levy worç Galvez as prdblems. or delays in vision,thetnwnshtp. toryschnnl District 63 hamd board members Joan Futlerman, Pie-school children screenedmember's phone in vote from a Ccnn had satd-he would vote in - - Joel hewing, motor, cgnitivó, social- - Holzman,und thts favor of:the levy onlyif the im Sheldon last year can be re-evaluated commercial jetliner on Decem- - èmotional- and/or speech -and ratherBlock. yiar creasowas held ai 1%, languagodovolopmeflt. -- ber 19. Besides paying increased All childrentivtng in any ofthe than the- 3.7 percentproposed. - -Membêrt: ofthe special Botad member Hilio Galvez incitase-property taxes as n- result of the - - said - dio 1% services teamwill be conductingfollowing Pities Towstststp called in her tie-breaking vote Cono vote, tnxpoyefs alip picked np - haveresulted -ioa the. seeeeitiisg and, will pcovtde.Districts are eligible There is no from a commercial jet during the would the tab for the phone catI from chargeforibisservice. Theschool board meeting. Her vole $62,000 shvingsfOr taxpayers. feedback iii parents - os to- their the airplane. - -- The Continued on Page 26 allows the Etat Maine school Voliog with Coon -in oppost - child'sperformance. .n _ _ distriot to increase the 1996-97 lTllIorns sf Nilpc i-touse f1,vvfrnm St6.7dllion in services RcvcIi - - Nam e chaiesstaff & y '"S' "''-' - . - -----I - - ------------- -: :- --- of NUes . andUSÄ - -exhibit-on - :iJezn&f5ffil remain at First National available telephone at 35,000 On January22, 1896,FirSt National Bciik st N tan(7100 W. CityLink Project display feet, the vete to approve the levy Oaktofl Street) wIlt change Its nomo toGrifird Fl.stlonal Bnk Foe 1996 the would not have re eivrd a 55m- Natlotlat e 0k at NilnO hon aeon port of The Village of Nues in hntng On Tuesday, Ian. 9, oser nia ynars, FIrst Village of PitIes inconjttncttOn pIe majority, thus canting dis Northern lilinoin FinancIalCpnratiafl (Fient Nat onal nanP. of inkr4 In Cyberspace withthe trict o9ioials to seek a lesser Nlfnn; Grand National Baflk.CraSIal l.ako,Grand National .Bafl9 USA wtth the SolidWaste Agency in ltttnn.5l BueN-Ganan). oho of USA CttyLtnk project. The Cook County levy increase WInch woaldtn South Chicago Heightn and Grand CityLinkpoaloctss nninnovative,Northern fha largnst locally-ownedholding osrmInOIntinola. mena (SWANCC), will make available approval ofthe board. prxokl'outstanding prodaCts, graphical service dint wttl show School board momber Donald banks hava worked together to nsorsthe Recylo House exhibtt.This banks In the Carporafion are the VillagetoInternet Uve Cono charged "conspiracy" fol- sarvices and convonience.NOW all aeouodthewarld. Users canputntexhibtt features many tnlora essamlngaCamman Identity. componentsthat105mmtn. lowing thevoto. He angosly lu to remain committed und click their waythrough the The primary reason for the name change coon ed knowledge onrecycling getlled offtoials during the meet- to beleg the best provider utlinenciel services. The bank will be VillagoofNiles. and waste ocdn non tssUOt. Stnce tng nodquesttoned Galvez uboot capable at being more elficient,create higher standards and Over 30 million people word- 1994 how she coald understand coot- bank teemvery strongly thethe exhibit's debut in Apul develop products moro effectively. The wtdo caerentlY have access to at the Rolling MeadowsPublic pttoaled tax tssoes while sitting about the Importance of meetingcsstomar's financial vends with backbone of the infoemation su-Works facility,it has vtsited te coach, eatherthan beieg seat- exceptional service and preducts. perhtghwuy known 55 theInter- and ed at the school board table. that established First NatIonal interna-nearly twenty other facilities The staff end annellest vernice net. The Internet is avant poblicoveols since then. In hee defense, Galveesaid Bank of Nifes as a loador inthe Ilnancial indcntry will nat HonnI system linking computer 'rl-vr.li d ta make when she realized she wouldbe ContInued on Pago26 lies netw cbs among n tv rs vatlabl tthe oat of tow for thDecember 19 s". rem nl agro dOS O htb t Vdlage Hall, wlstcn 55 tocusess os a ieandpnivateompvteru5ert. 7601 Milwaukee Ave ,Nibs. n Users will bave the oppontvnt- Annual TowerLighting ceremony :v:=:January 9, 1996 theonghJanvary throughout the gruphical Internet we1 ame to standard known as theWorld23, t996.Vtsttorsare come in and vtewthe dtsplay. WideWeb. the Web Anyqnostions about this oxhibtt Nibs ' homepage on should be directed toSharon includes ec000cdevelopment opportunities. lo al governmentDouglass u19$7-6lOO. services, htstOtlCOlinformation es area about the Villageand mach, Continued on Page 26 code: (847) Because of theunprecedented Village of Nues explosionof ommUOtcultOns ers . cellularphone , pgort. seeks volunteers modems, ax maca5,and addt- TIte Village ofNttesis seotang hanOI ltnes . the supply ufphone volunteers for the newlyre led nnmb rs in the 708 meacode is . free bus commtttne.The parpes nearly exh usled. As u rsuIt, the nube comaUttee is iobrainstorm subnrbs will be divid d totothree and implem at tdeas toin reme area cod n to1996: 147, 630 un first meeting bus ridershlp. The 70 wtll be coordinated Niles, . ... of In addulton to serving approximately the iHrd we k ea codo 147will ee those - .. the January, Iherea 1er, residents andbnslnesset tosnbur- . as cammiltee will meet vn no banCaOkCOuntY aolihofCc . .. ti, ti efleuel neededbasis. O5 ctty limits,most of Lake I you are mteeestedio joining Mdflevry contact Oda S.County, the podion of Curoleta in graden 5 through B llettdingCulver Middle School helped rnakr OlidaS' seaoort the cotaaxtiee, County cuereflhly in708, and the aneuulTowerLightlflgCeremOfl} YMCA located Murtorano, Adoso.Asststant to northern portion of KaneCountybrightbyOtttgiflga medleXoffentico conga atibe 10vtllageManoger a1967-6IOO, at6300 Touhy.Ave,,Nlle$ ContinuedOliPage 26 .ext. 359. PAGE 2 ThE BUGLE;TIIURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1996 1-HEBuGLE,'TEuusDAy;JANuARai4l996' PAGE 3 Beginners s.I.J. 55 PlusClub - - Christmas Party Bridge at s Prairie View s. ,,. -- ThE Morlo9 Grove park Dis-I si Niles.Park District'sbróchure wins - -Niles'Historkal Society - - Irict is looking for seniors who NILES SENIOR CENTER REGISTRATION - dont know a thing about the The Niles Senior Center is open to residents of.thn Village - Need a lift following the holi- ed at 2 p.m. by the Culver School gama ofBiidgo but would really t National-Award , days? Gol the winter deldrams?Chores - uuder the direction of Ç scalersof Niles age 62 and over and their younger spouses. Niles like-to learn. Two separate class- inobtainingaddilienalseniorcenler Mark your calendar and joinChristine Dwarak. Il is a great es are being offered beginning interested members of she Niles Historical information should cnll er visit the center and be placed on the time ta sec the new etihibit of Jaouary 12.mnfirst class will Socibly in their annaul 1216 Day "Brides of Yesteryear", tour Ihn mailing list, The certier is located at 8060 Oakton-Street, - canter on the basics ofthe game. ofChristmas on Sunday, Pm. 7. Amuseum, then join as in refresh- - TICKET SALES ! fun afternoon han been planned The second will teach the oppo- Tickets fer the following events will be on sale Priday, Jan, meets. The museum wilt be open Ilents entrance into the auction. If with special mesic being present-from I la 4p.m. - 5 at fr30 am. February 7 trip to Walt Disney's World en tee - this soands -confusing, why not - sign np and find cat what all this and Zum Deutchen Eck Restaurant for $27; Febreary 16 Luncheon "An Afternoon with Cupid', including Chinese - strategy, bidding and òard play- Luncheon and entertainment by John Boda, The Music Man Norwood Park Home is ingis all about. and Psychic Saren O'Hara for $6; February Lite Luncheon - These eight-week -classes are $40 forresidest.s and $44 for non- IFebruaty- 23, including soup and sandwich and the movie "Looking" foryour help "Strictly Baliruorn" for $1.75. The Blue Card is required -far - residents and will bu taught by ¿. Norwood Park Home, 6016 Ñ. Over the next couple fmonths ta John Krelle, a licensed teacher allpurchasesl. ' t - . Nina Avenue,islooking farassist those who can not afford YARN NEEDED and certified director. Alt classes - The Senier Chuter is requesting aoy left-over yaro er sceaps community members ta donatemany of the luxuries they desire. The highlight of our Christmas Party on December 3 at the are held at thcPrairie Viow Corn- of mutoriat (8" s8" or bigger). Lap rcbns and shawls are used eye glasses for the )lliuoisFar morn informadas, contact Chateau Ritz. Our Grand March led by (I-r) Irene Seifert. muntly eater, 6834
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