FEBRUARY 24, 2019 seventh SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASS SCHEDULE Weekdays 7:05 a.m. and 12:05 p.m. Saturday 7:05 a.m. Saturday Vigil English—4:30 p.m. Spanish—7:00 p.m. Sunday 6:45 a.m.- Latin English Sankt Matthaeus Kirke Copenhagen 8:30 a.m. Altarpiece - "Sermon on the Mount" - 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Detail By Henrik Olrik September 29, 2007 7:30 p.m. Spanish 1:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. 721 CHEMEKETA STREET N.E. 10:00 a.m. at the East Salem Community Center SALEM, OREGON 97301 Vietnamese 3:45 p.m. Visit us at www.stjosephchurch.com Women’s Holy Hour - 1st Wednesdays 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Rectory: Religious Education: School: Men’s Holy Hour 503-581-1623 503-581-1623 503-581-2147 3rd Wednesdays Fax: 503-581-7271 Fax: 503-399-7045 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The rectory business office is located directly behind the Church on the CONFESSIONS corner of Chemeketa and Cottage Streets. Mon.-Fri. 30 minutes before the We are open: 12:05 p.m. Mass MONDAY - FRIDAY SATURDAY CLOSED Saturday 8:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. SUNDAY CLOSED - English - 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. - Spanish - 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Our mission, in service of Jesus and the universal church, is to make our parish Sunday - English - ‘A Center of Catholic Life in the Valley’ 8 a.m. to 8:20 a.m. thus bringing forth God’s Love, Light, and Life in order that 9:30 a.m. to 9:50 a.m. 7 p.m. to 7:20 p.m. all might be invited to know and be known by Him. Vietnamese -3:15 p.m. to 3:40 p.m. Parish Staff St. Joseph Catholic Parish Pastor: Rev. Msgr. MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Please continue praying for our men and women serving in the military: Richard Huneger Sunday February 24, 2019 Michael E. Nielsen Parochial Vicar: 6:45 a.m. Intentions of Renee Shearer Major Paul Lushenko Capt. Kenneth Strawn Rev. Jonah Lynch 8:30 a.m. Rebecca Fullerton † 10:00 a.m. St. Joseph Parish Joseph Fuller Rev. Paolo Dayto Taylor McCammon 12:00 p.m. Intentions of Elaine Wruck Tom McGovern Kevin Halfman Deacons: 7:30 p.m. Helen Volz † Shawn Stanford Rev. Mr. Allen Frank (Hank) Wasson III Monday February 25, 2019 Maj. Michael Cooper Vandecoevering 7:05 a.m. Rebecca Fullerton † Sgt. Kevin Blair Rev. Mr. Leo Rasca 12:05 p.m. Juan & Moises Guerrero † David Gonzalez Mark Ramirez Tuesday February 26, 2019 Gary Nash Travis Brossard Faith Formation/ Capt. Jacob Howard Youth & Young Adult 7:05 a.m. Rebecca Fullerton † Daniel Sheffield Ministry Coordinator: 12:05 p.m. Intentions of Crisanto & Tasha Beltran Lt. Cmdr. Jon Lushenko Wednesday February 27, 2019 Gabriel Marrel Philip Candello Sister Raquel De Michael Candello Jason Adams Leon, HMRF 7:05 a.m. Mary Lois Redden † Michael Odgers 8:30 a.m. Intentions of Miguel Ramirez Sgt. Luis E. Granizo Faith Formation 12:05 p.m. Intentions of Crisanto & Tasha Beltran CW4 Erik Anderson Assistant: Thursday February 28, 2019 Paul Teters Chris Teters Sr. Marta Valdes, Brian P. Baranek Ron B. Atalig 7:05 a.m. Rebecca Fullerton † Lawrence Concepcion HMRF 12:05 p.m. Intentions of Crisanto & Tasha Beltran David Martinmaas Pastoral Associate Friday March 1, 2019 Sgt. Lisa Marie Nunez 7:05 a.m. Rebecca Fullerton † Lt. Col. Peter Derouin for Hispanic Ministry: Johnny Lugo Billy Cooper Maria Elena Ruiz 12:05 p.m. Intentions of Crisanto & Tasha Beltran Kris Kochen PFC. Brooke Rader Saturday March 2, 2019 Lt. Col. Gilbert Shaw Sacristan/Liturgy 7:05 a.m. Intentions of Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Beyer E4 Jacob Cravinho Capt. Luke Jaeger Coordinator: 4:30 p.m. Dyer Family † Jason Markowski Michael Buckley Daniel Sheffield Edward C. Barcenas Music Director: Capt. John Tuttle Gabriel A. Estes, USAF Doug Schneider Sgt. Zachary Millsap Maintenance Director: PFC Nathan Millsap Major David Wendell Leigh Smith Capt. Carlos Ortiz Assistants- 1st Lt. Ashley Messoline Daniel Hoagland CONTRIBUTIONS: Lt. Cmdr. Matthew Messoline Sgt. Patrick Deleon Guerrero Merritt Brumbach Spec 4, Brian Vergith February 10, 2019 Col. Esther C. Sablan Development Director: Regular Collection $ 14,817.46 Sgt. Major Joseph Kumagai Teri Martinez Sgt. Jacob Meisenheimer Thank you for your ongoing support and generosity! PV2, Rebecca Flinchbaugh Principal, St. Joseph If you would like to contribute on line please visit our website: Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Walker School: Deb Dewar www.stjosephchurch.com and click on the donate button at the top of the page. Registration Form/ADDRESS & PHONE UPDATE Welcome to St. Joseph Parish. If you wish to register as a new parishioner, please fill-out the form and mail or drop in the collection basket. If you are currently a parishioner and have an address or phone change please fill out and drop in the collection. Name_________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ City: ____________________ Zip: ____________ Phone: _____________________ If you would like to receive e-mailed information from the parish please provide your e-mail. Please print legibly. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ (1) Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 24, 2019 First Reading: 1 Samuel 26: 2, 7-9, 12-13, 22-23 The Pastor’s Keyboard—Msgr. Richard Huneger Responsorial: (3) Ordained and Lay Roles at Mass. Last week we noted that Baptism and Confir- 103: 1-2, 3-4, 8, 10, 12-13 mation (originally), and then Penance-Reconciliation (subsequently) prepare one or Second Reading: "deputize" one (Aquinas) for Christian worship, that is, participation in the Eucha- 1 Corinthians 15: 45-49 rist, including receiving sacramental Holy Communion as part of reaffirming one's Gospel: ecclesial Hierarchical Communion in the Catholic Church, which in its turn is one Luke 6: 27-38 part, the Church Militant [on earth], of the three-dimensional communion of saints that includes also the Church Suffering [in purgatory] and the Church Triumphant [in “I give you a new com- heaven]. The Church, then, includes not only humans, but also all creatures, angels mandment, says the too, under the "headship" of Christ in the comprehensive victorious fullness of his Lord: love one another Risen Body (Eph 1:10,22; 1Cor 15:27, 28; 2Cor 5:15, 19, 21; 2Cor 6:16; 7:1; Eph 2:22; 4:1, 13; Col 1:15-20). God's plan is for everything to enter into a communion as I have loved you.” that is universal, expanding, irreversible. Those who cooperate are part of it with joy (heaven) or anguish (hell): everyone's at the party, but it's "hell" if you don't want to be there. Thus the "character" imprinted on our souls at Baptism, Confirmation, and In Our Parish Holy Orders is there forever unto our "glory" or unto our "shame." God's self-communication of his "essence" (the content of his trinitarian being), Funeral—Rite of Christian is the "indwelling" reality known as sanctifying grace, which carries forward the Burial "dwelling" of God in the midst of his people in the Exodus, in its fullest sense: we are Helen Corey the tabernacle, the temple, the dwelling, the abode of God's presence in the world (Eph1, 2; 1Cor 12; 2Cor 6:16), and organizing center for its complete fulfillment (Eph 4). The world lives by God's "incarnation" of himself into it, and the corre- Archbishop’s sponding growth in its vivid, radiant, beauty, drawing us to the everlasting Beauty that is God, and this is the "sacramental" side of God's gracious self-gift. The seven Catholic Appeal sacraments (and all that they mean if we live them out well) form the Church as sac- February 23 & 24, 2019 rament itself ("Grundsakrament" as the Germans like to say) rooted in Christ the sac- rament of encounter with God ("Ursakrament" as the Germans like to say). The sac- This weekend is raments of the "dead" inaugurate or restore the "state of grace" (Baptism and Pen- Commitment Weekend for ance); the sacraments of the "living" presuppose it (Confirmation and Anointing, the 2019 Archbishop’s Eucharist, and Orders and Matrimony). The Eucharist is the "central" sacrament of Appeal. Our parish goal is "unity" (or communion) within the Church as sacrament of "unity" (LG 1, SC 26), $109,837.77. If you have anticipating the wedding supper of the Lamb (with his Bride) in risen glory as the not already done so consummation of Adam and Eve's "likeness" to God, and beyond that toward the in- please complete your ner-trintarian communion that is the eternal infinite essence of God: one sole God, pledge card, indicating constituted from two eternal processions (Word and Spirit) into three divine your gift or pledge to our "persons." Catholic Church in At Mass the Penitential Rite and Liturgy of Word echo Baptism and Penance, ending with renewal of baptismal Profession of Faith, ready for Communion. Con- Western Oregon. firmation and Anointing show what leads from Communion — the Church's life resolutely on Mission before every danger, including sickness and death. At Mass we It is important for all of us "gather" (Collect), then "scatter" ("Ite, missa est ..." or "Go, [the congregation] is to participated in order to sent on mission ..."). The Priest says "Let us pray"; the Deacon, "The Mass is ended, support our universal go ..." — the yin and yang of our existence is to "gather" for "communion" and church here in western "scatter" for "mission" (CL 31). Holy Orders and Matrimony are "person sacra- ments," in which a "state of life" has sacramental significance.
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