- 11466 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. FEBRUARY 3, ' CONFIRMATIONS. The motion was agreed to. Executive nominations confirmed by the Senate FebPuat·v 3, The Speaker announced the appointment of 1\fr, JENKINS, :Mr. 1908. LITTLEFIELD, and :Mr. HENRY of Texas, as conferees on the part COLLECTORS OF CUSTOMS. of the House. James Bl'ady, of Massachusetts, to be collector of customs for ADDITIONAL STENOGRAPHER TO COMMITTEE ON INVALID PENSIONS. the district of Fall River, in the State of Massachusetts. Mr. HUGHES of West Virginia. 1\fr. Speaker, I submit the Luke B. Colbert, of Massachusetts, to be collector of customs following privileged report from the Committee on, Accounts. for the district of Marblehead, in the State of Massachusetts. The Clerk read as follows : David 1\f. Little, of Massachusetts, to be collector of customs Resolution in lieu of House resolution 197. for the district of Salem and Beverly, in the State of Massa­ ResoZvea, That there shall be paid, out of the contingent fund of the chusetts. House, for the services of an additional stenographer to the Committee Obed G. Smith, of :Massachusetts, to be collector of customs on Invalid Pensions, for the session of the Sixtieth Congress, compensa­ for the district of Nantucket, in the State of Massachusetts. tion at the rate of $100 per month. The SPEAKER. The question is on agreeing to the resolu­ PROMOTIONS IN THE .A.BM:Y. tion. Coast A?'tillery Corps. Mr. WILLIAMS. Is this a unanimous report? Lieut. Col. John R. Williams, Coast Artillery Corps, to be Mr. HUGHES of West Virginia. Yes, sir. colonel from January 20, 1908. The question was taken, and the resolution was agreed to. Maj. William C. Rafferty, Coast Artillery Corps, to be lieu­ MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. tenant-colonel from January 20, 1908. A message, in writing, from the President of the United Capt. Henry D. Todd, jr., Coast Artillery Corps, to b~ major States was communicated to the House of Representatives by· - from January 20, 1008. l\Ir. LATTA., who also informed 'the House of Representatives Capt. Thomas W. 'Vinston, Coast Artillery Corps, to be major that the President had approved and signed bills and joint from January 21, 1008. resolution of the following titles: First Lieut. Richard C. :Marshall, jr., Coast Artillery Corps, to On January 31, 1908: be captain from January 20, 1908. H. J. Res. 88. Joint resolution to amend the act of March 4; First Lieut. John 0. Steger, Coast Artillery Corps, to be cap­ 1907, making appropriations for the Department of Agricul- tain from January 21, 19Q . ture .for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1908, so as to authorize Cavalrv ATm. the Secretary of Agriculture to use for rent an increased pro­ Second Lieut. Peter J. Hennessey, Fifth Cavalry, to be first portion of the appropriation made by said act for rent for the lieutenant from January 21, 1908. Bureau of Forestry. POSTMASTERS. On February -1, 1908: ARIZOXA. H. R. 7606. An act to amend an act entitled "An act permit­ ting the building of a dam acress the Mississippi River near Francis D. Crable to be postmaster at Tombstone, Cochise the village of Bemidji, in Beltrami County, Minn.," approved County, Ariz. CONNECTICUT. l\Iarch 3, 1905 ; H. R. 9121. An act to authorize a bridge across the Missouri Alfred E. Goddard to be postmaster at Essex, Middlesex River at or near Council Bluffs, Iowa; County, Conn. H. R.10368. An act to authorize Secretary of War to change­ William H. Kenyon to be postmas~er at Moosup, Windham name of Julius Flemming to his proper name of Jacob John County, Conn. "EW JERSEY. Locher; H. R. 11330. An act to authorize the Chicago, Indiana and James E. Jones to be postmaster at Florence, Burlington Southern Railroad Company to construct and maintain a bridge County, N. J. NEW YORK. across the Grand Calumet River in the town of Gary, Ind.; H. R.11331. An act to authorize the Baltimore and Ohio and E. A. Drew to be postmaster ·at Tupper Lake, Franklin Chicago Railroad Company to construct a bridge across the ·county, N. Y. )Ostmaster at Hammond, St. Law- Grand Calumet River at or near the town of Gary, Ind.; and Daniel D. Moyer to be I H. R.12412. An act to authorize the Missouri and North Ar- renee County, N. Y. kansas Railroad Company to construct a bridge across Cache ; River in Woodruff County, Ark. DEBT OF SANTO DOUINGO. The injunction of secrecy was removed February 3, 1908, MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE. from the report on the debt of Santo Domingo (Ex. Doc. No. 1, A .message from the Senate, by Mr. CROCKETT, its reading 59th Cong., 1st sess.) submitted to the President of the United clerk, announced that the Senate had passed bills and concur­ States by Jacob H. Hollander, special commissioner, on Octo­ rent re olution of the following titles, in which the concurrence ber 1, 1905. of the House of Representatives was requested: I ~ S. 4098. An act for the construction of a steam vessel for the, Revenue-Cutter Service for duty on the coast of Oregon; CODES OF INTERNATIONAL LAW. S. 4380. An act for the construction of a steam vessel for the The injunction of secrecy was removed February 3, 1908, Revenue-Cutter Service for anchorage duty at the port of New from a convention signed at Rio de Janeiro on August 23, 1906, York; · by the degelates of the Governments represented at the Third S. 533. An act for the relief of A. A. Noon; and International Conference of American States, looking to the Senate concurrent resolution 28. establishing of an international commission of jurists for the Resolved 7Jy the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), purpose of preparing draft C'odes of private and public inter­ That there be printed 2,500 copies. of Senate Document No. 189, Fifty­ national law regulating the relations between the nations of eighth Congress, third session, being the report of the Public Lands Commission, with appendix, 1,500 copies for the use of the Public Lands America. Commission, 500 for the use of the Senate, and 500 for the use of the House of Representatives. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. INCREASE OF PENSIONS OF WIDOWS AND MINOR C~DREN. 1\fr. SULLOWAY. 1\Ir. Speaker, I move to take up the bill ~1oNDAY, February 3, 1908. H. R. 15653, suspend the rules, and pass the bill. The House met at 12 o'clock m. The bill was read, as follows : Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. HENRY N. CoUDEN, D. D. A bill (H. R. 15653) to increase the pension of widows, minor children, The Journal of the proceedings of Friday last was read and and so forth, of deceased soldiers and sailors of the late civil war, approyed. the war with Mexico, the various Indian wars, and so forth, and to grant a pension to certain widows of the deceased soldiers and sailors NORTHERN JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF TEXAS. of the late civil war. Mr. JENKINS. Mr. Speaker, I can up from the Speaker's Be it onactea, eto., That from and after the passage of this act tho table the bill S. 485, with House amendments disagreed to by rate of pension for widows, minor children under the age of 16 year~, the Senate. and helpless minors, as defined by existing laws, now on the roll or hereafter to be placed on the pension roll and entitled to receive a less The Clerk read as follows: rate than hereinafter provided, shall be $12 per month; and nothing A bill (S. 485) to create, a new division of the northern judicial herein shall be construed to a.J:!ect the existing allowance of $2 per' district of Texas and to provide for terms of court at Amarillo, Tex., month for each child under the age of 16 years and for each helpless ' ·, and for a clerk for said district, and for other purposes. child; and ·a!l acts or parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions ot this act ar"e· hereby repealed : Provided, howcvet·~ That this act shall Mr. JENKINS. lUr. Speaker, I moye that the House insist not be so construed as to reduce any pension unum· any act. public or on the House amendments and agree to' the conference asked. · private. .-, ·~· J. --- .. - -· - -· -- - - -··- ~ ·- ~· . ·--· ~---- .. -~-- - 1908. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE. 1467 SEC. 2. That if any officer or enlisted man who served ninety days Mr. YOUNG. Will. the gentleman tell the House bow much or more in the Army or Navy of the United States during the late civil war and who has been honorably discharged therefrom has died money this bill will cost 1 or hall hereafter die, leaving. a widow, such widow shall, upon due Mr. SULLOWAY . It is estimated in the report of the com­ proof of her husband's death, without proving his death to be the result mittee that it will take some $12,000,000. of his army or navy service, be placed on the pension roll from the date of t he application therefor under this act at the rate of $12 per Mr. KEIFER. If the gentleman will allow me, I think the month during her widowhood, provided that said widow shall have estimate made by the Commissioner of Pensions is that this married said soldier or sailor prior to June 27, 1890; and the benefits bill, by increasing the pensions of widows who are now receiv­ of t his section shall include those widows whose husbands are given a pensionable -s tatus under the act of February 15, 1895, and the joint ing pensions, would only add tci the pension rolls a little over re olutions of July 1, Hl02, and June 28, 1906.
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