VOLUME XLI, ISSUE 1 SEPTEMBER 24, 2013 Executive director Nemish hits 400 terminated from SA contract with the SA that would cussion about “certain things Lump sum negate any dispute or litigation which different staff members arising over her dismissal. are involved in” but would not The day after Morrison’s specify due to concerns about severance dismissal, the SA’s vice-pres- FRQ¿GHQWLDOLW\³6WXGHQWVKDYH idents, Sean Kell and Stepha- an idea of what was going on, nie Wallace, hosted a meeting they might just not know what package of society leaders where the staff member relates to or, you dismissal was more openly know, who is involved in that,” discussed. Members of the he continued. “I don’t entirely offered board of directors, as well as know what I can say and what the president, were present and I can not... it’s not that I don’t Giorgio Berbatiotis the various SA representatives want to tell students why it was The Chronicle argued over a number of issues done or why it wasn’t done... I surrounding the president, the would love to tell the students, he Student Association’s SA in general, and the dismiss- but you know, there were other executive director was al of Morrison. people involved in the deci- Tdismissed from the SA ³7KHUH¶VEHHQDVLJQL¿FDQW sion.” on Sept. 9. A Student Asso- change and, for lack of a bet- President Peter Chinweuba, ciation press release indicated ter word, loss [to] our organi- whose name is on the internal the executive director was “no zation” said interim VP of col- documents outlining the details longer with the organization.” lege affairs Stephanie Wallace. of Morrison’s severance pack- The initial press release did not When asked about the process age, was able to reveal little to mention the circumstances of that led to Morrison’s dismiss- students present at the meet- now former executive director DOVKHODLGWKH¿ULQJDWWKHIHHW ing, although he implied Mor- Kelly Morrison’s departure, of the board, saying: “I believe rison’s dismissal was part of an however it has since been con- that was a board of directors ongoing process. “I just want ¿UPHGWKDW0RUULVRQZDV³WHU- decision.” everyone to know that this has Al Fournier minated without cause”, and This was swiftly challenged been going on for three years, internal SA documents show by board of directors member even before we came in, so the RECORD NUMBER OF WINS: Durham Lords she was offered a severance Abdullah Khan. “It wasn’t en- situation has been there for ZRPHQ·VIDVWEDOOFRDFK-LP1HPLVKLVWKHZLQQLQJHVW package that included a lump tirely a board of directors de- three years... if you want proof coach in OCAA history. sump payment of just over cision. That is wrong. There \RX FDQ FRPH WR P\ RI¿FH , $58,000. In order to receive was a lot of things that fed have it,” said the president. See Jim on page 20 the lump sum payment Mor- into it.” When pressed for de- rison was required to return a tails Khan would only say that See SA on page 2 signed release and indemnity there had been an ongoing dis- DC student shot Courtney Williams Hewitt was assessed and sent +LW¶HPKDUG The Chronicle to the hospital in an ambu- lance shortly afterwards, where or most new students, he spent the night receiving WKH ¿UVW ZHHN RI FROOHJH stitches and giving the Durham Fis full of excitement, new Regional Police (DRPS) his experiences, and blossoming statement of what happened. IULHQGVKLSV EXW IRU ¿UVW\HDU A few days later, Hewitt Music Business Management returned to the hospital to student Taylor Hewitt, this was undergo plastic surgery to re- far from the case. Hewitt didn’t move the pellet, which was em- VSHQGKLV¿UVW)ULGD\QLJKWOLY- bedded close to his right eye. ing on his own at a party, out Sporting a large bandage and a with friends, or meeting new smile, Hewitt said he hopes the people in his residence build- police are able to track down ing – he spent it in the hospital. the person who did this so no Hewitt was walking to his one else gets hurt in the future. new room at South Village resi- He also said he isn’t sure exact- dence from visiting a friend on ly where the shot came from, Dalhousie Crescent on Sept. 6 but was able to narrow it down when he was randomly shot in WRDVSHFL¿FDUHDRQWKHPRVWO\ the face by a man with a pellet student-inhabited crescent and gun. report it to police. “I had no idea what hap- Durham Regional Police pened at the time,” Hewitt said. Sergeant Nancy van Rooy said “I remember pain, and then I the incident is currently under started running towards South investigation. Village for help.” Director of Campus Safety Ryan Verrydt Hewitt recalled security of- Tom Lynch said that the event ¿FHUVZRUNLQJWKHIURQWGHVNDW was an unfortunate case of be- OFF THE TOP: 1LFROH&DPSEHOORIWKH&HQWHQQLDO&ROWVKLWVWKHEDOORIIKHUKHDG South Village were surprised to ing in the wrong place at the ZKLOH/RUGV·9DQHVVD*XGJLQDQG&ROWV·0DLOHH7HREDWWOHIRUSRVVHVVLRQ. see him run into the building wrong time for Hewitt. covered in blood and immedi- See Ladies on page 20 ately called the Campus Emer- See Security on page 2 gency Response Team (CERT). 2 The Chronicle September 24, 2013 Campus Building new opportunities at DC Sinead Fegan FODVVHVZLOOEHSURGXFLQJDORWRIIRRGHDFK The Chronicle GD\ OLNH WKH UHVWDXUDQW WKH VWRUH ZLOO VHOO WKLVIRRGVRWKDWQRWKLQJZLOOJRWRZDVWH 7KHWKLUGDQG¿QDOVWDJHRIWKH:KLWE\ 7KH &HQWUH IRU )RRG EXLOGLQJ ZLOO DOVR FDPSXV&HQWUH)RU)RRGEXLOGLQJLV¿QDOO\ KDYH D SHUVRQ IRRG DQG EHYHUDJHSDLU FRPLQJWRDQHQG LQJ ODE +HUH VWXGHQWV ZLOO OHDUQ DOO DERXW 7KH VTXDUHIRRW EXLOGLQJ GLIIHUHQW W\SHV RI ZLQH DQG KRZ WKH\ ZLOO EURXJKWLQDERXWQHZVWXGHQWVIRUWKH WDVWHZLWKGLIIHUHQWIRRGV VWDUWRIWKHVFKRRO\HDU$FFRUG $VDPSOHKRWHOURRPLVDYDLODEOHIRUWKH LQJWR'DUULQ&DURQSULQFLSDORIWKH:KLWE\ KRVSLWDOLW\VWXGHQWV7KHURRPORRNVH[DFW FDPSXVRQFHWKHEXLOGLQJLV¿QLVKHGWKH\ O\OLNHDJHQHULFKRWHOURRPZKHUHVWXGHQWV H[SHFWDERXWQHZVWXGHQWV FDQOHDUQDERXWSURSHUKRXVHNHHSLQJSUR $ ELJ SDUW RI WKH H[SDQVLRQ LV WKH QHZ FHGXUHVWRJHWKDQGVRQH[SHULHQFH +RUWLFXOWXUH)RRGDQG)DUPLQJSURJUDP ³7KH EXLOGLQJ UHDOO\ DGGV D ULFKQHVV WR -XVW RXWVLGH WKH EXLOGLQJ FRQVWUXFWLRQ WKH FDPSXV´ VDLG &DURQ ³,W¶V D QLFH PL[ ZRUNHUV DUH ZRUNLQJ WR FOHDU WKH ODQG WR ZLWKDOOGLIIHUHQWNLQGVRIVWXGHQWVDQGSUR PDNHZD\IRUFURSV7KLVLVZKHUHVWXGHQWV JUDPV,WUHDOO\HQKDQFHVWKHVWXGHQWH[SH ZLOO UHFHLYH KDQGVRQ H[SHULHQFH OHDUQ ULHQFH´ LQJDERXWGLIIHUHQWIRRGVDQGWKHQDFWXDOO\ 6WXGHQWV DUH WKH PDLQ IRFXV IRU WKH JURZLQJWKHP EXLOGLQJ KRZHYHU DFFRUGLQJ WR *ULHYH LW +RZHYHUWKHFURSVZLOOQRWMXVWEHDYDLO ZDV DOVR GHVLJQHG WR EH D JUHDW YHQXH WR DEOH WR WKH +RUWLFXOWXUH DQG $JULFXOWXUH EULQJWKHFRPPXQLW\LQWRWKHEXLOGLQJIRU SURJUDPV,QFRQMXQFWLRQZLWKWKHQHZFX VSHFLDO HYHQWV 2Q WKH VHFRQG ÀRRU WKUHH OLQDU\FRXUVHVVWXGHQWVZLOOXVHDOOWKHIRRG FODVVURRPV KDYH ZDOOV WKDW SXOO EDFN FUH JURZQLQWKHVH¿HOGVZKHWKHULW¶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³*URZLQJ)RU2XU)XWXUH´7KH ,QVLGH WKH &HQWUH )RU )RRG EXLOGLQJ FDPSDLJQUHDFKHGRXWWRWKHFRPPXQLW\IRU WKHUH LV D IXOOVHUYLFH VHDW UHVWDXUDQW GRQDWLRQV IURP EXVLQHVVHV VWDII VWXGHQWV RSHQWRWKHSXEOLF7KLVUHVWDXUDQWLVUXQE\ DQGFRPPXQLW\PHPEHUV WKHVWXGHQWVDQGJUHHQFHUWL¿HGXQGHUWKH ³,W¶V VWLOO YHU\ QHZ LQ WHUPV RI KRZ ZH *UHHQ5HVWDXUDQW$VVRFLDWLRQ7KLVPHDQV IHHODERXWLW´H[SODLQHG*ULHYH³,¶PORRN WKH FROOHJH KDV WR IROORZ VWULQJHQW UXOHV LQJIRUZDUGWRJHWWLQJEDFNWRQRUPDOLW¶V RQKRZWKH\ZRUNWKHFKHPLFDOVWKH\XVH EHHQDFUD]\VXPPHUDQG¿UVWIHZZHHNV ZKHUHWKH\JHWWKHLUIRRGIURP$FFRUGLQJ EXWQRZWKDWWKHVWXGHQWVDUHEDFNLWZLOO WR 5RE *ULHYH D SURJUDP FRRUGLQDWRU DW EHQLFHRQFHWKHIRFXVLVRIIWKHQHZEXLOG Rob Grieve WKHFROOHJHWKHVFKRROLVLQYROYHGEHFDXVH LQJDQGEDFNZKHUHLWEHORQJVZKLFKLVWKH WKH\EHOLHYHWKLVZLOOEHWKHIXWXUHRIEXVL VWXGHQWV´ DC SERVING UP: Durham College students Megan Higdon QHVV 7KH RI¿FLDO RSHQLQJ IRU WKH &HQWUH IRU and Jeremy Wong prepare desserts at one of three new culi- 2QWKHVHFRQGÀRRURIWKHEXLOGLQJWKHUH )RRGEXLOGLQJZLOOEHKHOGLQWKHPDLQDWUL nary labs in the new Centre for Food at the Whitby campus. ZLOOEHDVPDOOUHWDLOVWRUH6LQFHWKHFXOLQDU\ XPRQ2FW SA former VP disputes Security urges all students to stay safe Morrison’s dismissal Continued from page 1 ³7KHYLFWLPZDVGRLQJQRWKLQJZURQJDQGZDVVLPSO\ZDONLQJ $W RQH SRLQW WKH SUHVLGHQW DU\ZDVWRRPXFKPRQH\+H Continued from page 1 KRPHWRKLVUHVLGHQFHLQDSXEOLFUHVLGHQWLDOVHWWLQJ´/\QFKVDLG EODVWHGKLVFULWLFVVD\LQJWKH\ SUHVHQWHG WKLV WR WKH ERDUG ³+HXQIRUWXQDWHO\IHOOLQWRWKHVLJKWVRIDQLQGLYLGXDOZKRGHP 7KH FODLP ZDV YHKHPHQW IDLOHGWRGRWKHLUUHVHDUFK$W ZKLFKPDNHVLWDQLQFDPHUD RQVWUDWHGDFRPSOHWHGLVUHJDUGIRUWKHKHDOWKDQGZHOOEHLQJRID O\ GHQLHG E\ IRUPHU 93 DQG WKLV SRLQW %LFNOH FOHDUO\ XQ LWHP DQG WKXV ZRXOG EH LQ IHOORZPHPEHURIWKHFRPPXQLW\´ ERDUG RI GLUHFWRUV PHPEHU KDSS\ ZLWK WKH SUHVLGHQW¶V WKHLUPLQXWHV´$UJXLQJWKDW /\QFKDVNVVWXGHQWVZLWKLQIRUPDWLRQWRFRQWDFWWKH'536 -RVK %LFNOH ZKR H[FODLPHG FRPPHQW VWRRG XS WR OHDYH WKHUH LV QR OHJLWLPDWH UHD ³,KRSHWKDW'XUKDP5HJLRQDO3ROLFHDUHDEOHWRLGHQWLI\WKH ³$VWKH93WZR\HDUVDJRDQG
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