35450 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE October 7, 1971 United States today. Professor Dobriansky the practice of leader worship. It was also PENAL REFORM clearly exposes the. true nruture of this ex­ characterized by an expanded bureaucracy pansionist menace with its roots deep in the and it followed a foreign policy of concessions dark soil of Tsarist times. He does not, as when expedient. Russian Communism has HON. MARGARET M.HECKLER no doubt some misguided critics will charge, proved to be just the third ideological ration­ minimize or deny the role of Communist ale for Russian imperialism, building upon OF MASSACHUSETTS ideology here. To the contrary, he points up the legacy established by the "Third Rome, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES how it is very ·effectively exploited for ex­ ideology and "Pan-Slavism." Communism, Wednesday, October 6, 1971 pansionist purposes by the Machiavellian writes Dr. Dobriansky, has only magnified power clique in the Kremlin. and refined the collectivist economic instru­ Mrs. HECKLER of Massachusetts. Mr. One other line of criticism (again mis­ ments for a more extensive- state political Speaker, in recent days, all Americans taken) may perhaps be anticipated: that the control. He notes that even Karl Marx had have come to h ave a deepened awareness author is possessed of a Russophobe bias referred t o Russian foreign policy as change­ of the urgency of penal reform, and the originating in his Ukrainian antecedents and less-a policy aimed towards world domina­ tragic loss of lives at Attica and the present organizational connections. An hon­ tion. growing unrest throughout other penal est and careful reading of USA and the The USSR is today a-s in Tzarist times a Soviet Myth sustains no such charge. Though multi-national state which incorporates in institutions within the country, attest to he clearly shows that the majority of the itself at least twelve separate national en­ the validity of this need. It was with a so-called "Russian" people in the USSR are tities. Lenin, prior to his successful coup had Tealization of the need for a thorough in reality non-Russia ns (Byelorussians, recognized this multi-national character and reevaluation of our penal codes and sys­ Georgians, Turkestan!, Ukrainians, etc.) and agitated for the independence of these na­ tem, as well as an intensive study of the very logically demonstra.tes that any effec­ tions. However, once in power, he quickly success with which the rehabilitative tive Free World policy must therefore con­ reestablished the Russian empire by recon­ procedures within our Federal and State template ultimate liberation not merely for quering these nations, some of which had satellite peoples like Czechs, Germans, Hun­ already been recognized by several western institutions have met, that I have intro­ garians. and Poles, but also political self­ powers as well as by his own government. duced legislation to establish a Commis­ determination within the USSR ttself. He It is these states that compose the Soviet sion on Penal Reform. throughout distinguishes the pernicious Union's greatest strength and also its great­ For if we truly believe that the genuine structure of the expansionist Oommunist est weakness. The peoples of the captive na­ worth of a man is as much in what he state from the Russian people. Indeed, one tions now comprise 60% of the Soviet Union's may become as in what he is, we must act might well wish thrut everyone who had total population. By language, history, cul­ to analyze what possible imperfections written about say Germany in the 1930's and ture and religion, these nations are as differ­ within our reformatories and correc..: 1940's had been so scrupulous about distinc­ ent from each other as, in Dr. Dobriansky's tions. tional institutions have contributed to­ words, "the French are from the Germans or ward the high rate of recidivism, which In conclusion, this is a truly indispensable the Spanish, or the Chinese from the J-apa­ book for anyone who would understand is, unfortunately, too predominant a nese." Dr. Dobriansky stresses that the key to characteristic of correctional institu­ world affairs and particularly us-USSR re­ the destruction of the Soviet empire is the lations today. The price of failure to under­ universal force of nationalism which, al­ tions. stand here will be much too high. As the Perhaps one worthwhile solution, of author himself expresses it: "In this struggle though presently held in check, is stlll felt in these captive nations as elsewhere. which there undoubtedly are many, far keeps, lest we delude ourselves, the only would be to emphasize the excellent work alternative to victory over Soviet Russian He notes that it is through the economic imperio-colonialism . is disastrous defeat exploitation of these captive areas that the that is being done by the Teacher Corps, for ourselves." USSR has been able to build an economy which was authorized by the Higher Edu­ second only to the U.S. The Ukraine, the cation Act of 1965, as amended in 1970, (From the New Guard, September 1971] largest non-Russian nation both in Eastern to undertake programs and projects of a Europe and in the Soviet Union, is a world remedial educational and literacy nature A VIEW ON THE NATURE OF BOLSHEVISM leader in iron-ore and wheat. With a popu­ as a means of enriching the skills and (By Royal M. Wharton) lation of over 40 million people and a mili­ meeting the intellectual needs of of­ At the time that Senator Muskie was tour­ tantly anti-Russian history, Dr. Dobriansky fenders. This present year, the Teacher ing the Soviet Union in a quest for mutual looks to this captive nation as the primer for Corps is conducting five such programs, understanding, Professor Lev Dobriansky's the nationalistic break-up of the Soviet em­ in different localities throughout the USA And the Soviet Myth (Devin-Adair, 1971) pire. With its strategic location within the United States, two of which are located was being published. The Senator would USSR, its importance would skyrocket with in New England, for juvenile offenders. have been better advised to stay home and any direct conflict between the US and the Teacher Corps personnel work with read Dr. Dobriansky's latest book rather than Soviet Union. youngsters, with correctional difficulties, continue his well publicized tour. in the public school systems, encourag.. Dr. Lev E. Dobriansky, YAF national ad­ THE SOVIET WORLD STRATEGY visor and head of Captive Nations Committee, Dr. Dobriansky views the policy of the ing their progress and success in civil with this book continues his efforts to en­ Soviet Union as a global "troika strategy." life, and some teachers assist in the lighten the American people as to the real Its three essential components are the con­ county jails in providing services. nature of the Soviet Union, its ultimate goals tinuance of a deceptive "peaceful coexist­ The extension of this program to adult and its fatal weaknesses. ence" policy towards the West, allowing time offenders in State and other correctional The history of Russia he writes, is largely for material, especially The Vulnerable Rus~ institutions would be an impressive step the history of the Russian empire. Even from sians (Pageant, N.Y., 1967), It presents a forward in our joint commitment to im­ the time of Muscovy, its rulers held the no­ strong case for a new policy directed towards proving the rehabilitative features of tion of state greatness, and followed a mes­ the Soviet Union. USA And The Soviet Myth penal life, from which will flow its con­ sianic mission of world redemption through is a refreshing change from the literature of comitant, a more peaceful and stable world domination. Throughout its history the detente and should be on the reading list prison setting, with the attendant bene­ Russian rule was typified by totalitarian of all those who seek a more realistic view fit to inmates, prison administrators and despotism and tyranny, and even included o! Soviet-American relations. staff, and the general community as well. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Thursday, October 7, 1971 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. who minister to tbis Nation. Clothe them We pray that our hands may Rabbi Alvan D. Rubin, Temple Israel, mightily with wisdom of mind and love strengthen this Nation and we pray that St. Louis, Mo., offered the follo·wing of heart. Grant unto them patience, love, our hands may receive of Thy blessings. prayer: strength, and faith in their service to Amen. our people so that all of our citizens may Almighty God and Father, we make realize a unity where there is discord, THE JOURNAL supplication to Thee this day to bless hope where there is despair, plenty where the labor of our hands, "May the words there is poverty, love where there is bit­ The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam­ of our mouti.s and the meditations of our terness, light where it is dark, righteous- ined the Journal of the last day's pro- hearts be acceptable before Thee." ness where there is injustice. The hand ceedings and announces to the House his Place Thy hand upon these servants that gives is the hand that receives. appr<)Val thereof. · October 7, 1971 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 35451 Without objection, the Journal stands DISPENSING WITH BUSINESS IN of asking the distinguished majority approved. ORDER UNDER THE CALENDAR leader the program for today and the rest There was no objection. WEDNESDAY RULE ON WEDNES­ of the week, if any, and the schedule for DAY NEXT next week. Mr. BOGGS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani­ Mr. BOGGS. Mr.
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