1 " , ""' " iLnwmaL"' TifW" '""triwrwi jpjapd"lrWW' I Saturday Press. i rOUTiMKIIIfiUiMBBI 34. I., HONOLULU, H. SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1883. WHOLE NUMBER 138 final SATURDAY PR.2SS, doom j gates detonating ami shreiMng at tTuriiij. they burst from prton-hmrt- IJrofcooiomtl cOuoincflO cOuoincoo (Turbo. Ihcfr hot 1 the cpuoincoa Curb or. Snounmcc oticco. a atmosphere (General bbciitocmcuto. A Newspaper Published Wttlly. dark, turgid ami opprewhe; while cave an.I hollow, at the hot air swept alone XflLLlAM O. SMITH, 1UT S, ORINDAUM & their heatcsl wallt, threw back the unearthly Co. T H. LYNCH, QOSMOPOLITAN RESTAURANT, TRANS-ATLANTI- PIRB INSURANCE IONEER" $5.00 1 ,111, i und, In a mtriad of prolonged .1 Company of LINE uut srmirnim wive. echoes. Such rroitxKV .ir Mir, Makuk's Mlock, Qi mi Srsssr, J as Klnir street, .V. C.IM.ICIIO, I'refHtler, Hamburg, wai the scene as the fiery "p Foreign rebecnptKms cataract, leaping a 01 .UiKitsNT Sriiir, ItnNoii'U, jo rjti'oiiri:it.sAxi nnowiAr.i: Drttlrr In r.rrru of lloolt . ItACKFKLD & C., Aftnli. precipice of fifty feel, poured its flood upon the ukau, Itfrrlfllnn No. 6s llorri Street, Honolulu, II. I, SeV.cn rr lit Of r. unit .fiof. to $7 50, acctrlit to tbett destination. 1 inIf Capital and Reserve Relthsmatk from Liverpool ocean. he old line or coast, a maw of com- ,nm,oon R. CASTLE, Ladles and Gents' Fine Wear a Specialty. their Companies " iat,oso,csn pact, Indurated lava, whitened, cracked and yir S. GRINDAUM & Co. IV Jtealt at all hour; Ihe i.;.N-i- f fell. The waters recoiled, ami .trron.vKV .nr, M ami table lolal Reichimark 107,630,000 iivutxiscK.yvKi homii.via: sent lorth a .ir WfJi of tempt--H of And Nortrr PnWfe. Attends ell ihe Court, of th i!4 CuroisNU Sr. Sav Kb Ihe rr Ihe market aiTnntt. .pray j they foamed ami lathed wcivo, TTYMAN BROTHERS, The Agents of Ihe above Company, for the Hawaiian LXII. around Kingdom, r rotnr.ttttnyo ' ami over the melted rock 1 they boiled i.v commisvwx Iilands, are prepared 10 Insula llmldingt, Furniture, THEO. H. with the Jtrretitnt. S. Merchandise ami IVcslure, DAVIES&CO. On the ljrl of January, 1S59, the n.lcsno of heat, ami the roar of tlie conflicting No o Mskiisnt SntKrr, Honoliii, II I , O, THRUM, Machinery, etc , also Sugar agencies pDWAHD PRESTON, Sjcul facilities for ml narticuUr allcmion paUt to and Rice Mills, and vessels in Ihe harbor agalnrt lost grew fiercer and lousier. The report camignnunti or damage Mium Ijax broke ml with, ilmiblw, (he of IUml wtxluce i iJII'OHTKIIS Oi:Xi:itA l.MV.UOItAX- - IstrslRTINO AHD MANUPACTURINn by lite, on the most favorable lettns 1 OFFER TOR of the ettilod ing gases were distinctly heard M FosrSruKKT. (' SALE, Hosoluu. i gramlest - illtr from Fraiirr, HiiuIhiuI, eruption ettr ly inoital in cms- nines away, i ney w ere likened to 1 ox 1:11, xmrs vltnl .irron.w.y.t AX ECKART, Germinjr and the stat aof.xi; viiixtf.ii, ENGLAND MUTUALLIFE INSUR. From the careoea of eye. The new crater was ritttaletl on the of whole broadsides of heasy nwxsnr.utn at Mir. United Slates. t NEW ance Company the UI.I.OCK and other tK.nl artillery. M ltoohhtmlert rte., of Boston. sesstts, ihe followlni Tor many No. 111 IIovolulv, north iMe of the mountain, at an deration successive weeks the RUSSELL, FosrSrT, And o( C.4STLK A disgorged an JOHN TJYMAN BROTHERS, puWiiher Ihe Ssti rdav Press, and amilt. COOXK, AGF.XTS uninterrupted burning tide, irATcrutAKKH, .ir.n'Kr.KH. kxoiia. Deal- above the sea of some 10,000 feel, whence the J aiAtt.t.ua.IAiMl, Merchant street. INCOHruEATED I Si with scarcely any dimunitkm, into the ocean. ArronsKr r.A ir, rrr, mul Dlnmotnl Srtier. er in fine Stationery, I loo In, Music, Toys and fancy J. Dry Goods and Clothing: liqui. lara llowej at loch a rapM that It at All orders faithfully eseeuted. tioANnsiSCALIrnsiiit Stikt, S. F., Goods, tuce On either side, for miles, the sea tiecamc No. 11 M(KMAIT StrT, Hovou'U', II. I. 3, Fort street, near Hotel, Honolulu. The oldest Purely Mutual Life Insurance Prlnli j of the latest siiles, fast colors: reached niHUay heated, and with Itt-y- I". irnoi.nsA the tea at Wairvanalii, aliout such rapidity that on the INeildoortoK lliclerlon't .: oitocKiis. Company In llliie Denims, Drown Linen second day of the junction AWRENCB A FRBETH, B.WISEMAN the United States. Drills, lietureen Kawalhae ami Kailua, ami tome forty fishes came ashore f t'arltcuUr attention paid to filling and shipping It. JOSEPH IVillelre on hue Cms don Sheetlnj, dead in great numbers." RS. CUMMINGS A and orders. , I"iir,t the, unit FarorahteTrrnii llMrocVa long Clolhs, tVatetproof miles frmn the MARTIN Honolulu, II I,, Treli. source, in the space of eight D coxTiiAvrons. RXAtirLR OP loel, and Tosielmj, Ulast lowtl,, These descriptions which have U-e- HAN e quoted Omc IlixxTSYiaSrs., Plant and F.sllmnles furnished U'oikt Con- Cloths, Tall Naplins, days. At first the people of I CIto were appte-hensir- coins Foutaso for of r WILLIAMS A Co. IIKAI.J:sTATK llltOKF.H AXII KMFI.ttr. Insured age 35 years -- ordinary life plan I lUe abotc were written of the appearance of this struction, Civil Knineerinf and Surveying. Office, men! Iliirtaii, of n repetition of the danger that had Afiw.'M.v.s.i.vi nojriKVATirw rnr-- comer of HaleVauwiU Annual premium continues Policy 1 years, 3 days and Kilauea streets, next door tor and 104 Fort Street, Renlt Annual premlnms womlcrful eruption In February, shortly alter 10 WlJenunn's brick warehouse. Rjms Collages Houses, and sells and leases continue Policy 4 years, ' Pnro Lliir.it, Shrstvla, & threatened them In 1S55, at the new crater Real r.stat In all Annual premiums Policy 6 DrM Ooodi, loutt-Un- P. 1,6-l- I'llOTOIIIlAVtllC AIIT1STS. pant of the Kingdom KinplotnwM 3 continue years, 17 " its outbreak. In the OUke I til o A. St., anj from and 6:jo-- J O. Itox tot. r (ircnadines, While month of July following, r.u. PlttttltX of tilt nnti n .I round for those seeling work In all the 4 Annual premiums continue Policy 8 years. 10 ' and Colored Silks, was apparently not far from the one of that ft In ltn.li nt.L .!.. " various branches ffrstilsnAA ni 1l I Annual premiums Colored Satin,, Uraia Cloths, the present writer (low Valna-nali- - on of buitness connected with these (lands. Legal dosti. 5 continue Policy 10 years, " tx: crossed the at l, vi nii uct,ii)nitjusJ..l..i Ia iontt,tnii)- iianil, i j Artificial Mowers and year, and the flow teemed to running pa TNO. A. IIASSINGBR, pRANK GERTZ, Coral. SlielU .ml CuritWiiet of the Pacific, a mentt drawn, llil!, Collected, Hooks and Accounts kept 0, leathers. ' - $f:f,-,0O,OO- Cotton on foot, and found it still slowly ilit. and general office vrork transacted. Patronage solicited. .Isicls, llandkerthlefs. Silk HamlVmMefs, rallel with the former one. Hut It ssat soon 1 al.le Covers, svooUb; Colored Salterns charging into the sea. Ihtiiiior Orric, Honolulu, No. 114 Fot Sr.,orrosiT Pamiiisos SfABLi-j- , Commissions moderate. ,, ami Crams, apparent that the numerous streams into which The surface had con- A LLEH A ROBINSON, Losses paid through llnotuolu Agency, $40,000 I ancy Mlstur and llliie an.I Gray I lannels, gealed, although .iK.vr ro taki: ACK.mrr.i:naK- - HOOT AXII .silOKMAKKIt. HOOTS AXII t ictoria 1 jivns, llrooki' StmxA Cm tun, yet quite hot, and there were W. MACFARLANB A Co. the lara branched out, were all tending to the incut In Coiitnirtifor l,nbnr. 3 .short mmlc to onlrr. Honolulu, II, l Q HE ...uv n,,u ,.,,,,d WIIVSR 1.IHSU01, numerous crevices in which the fire was seen Ileatem In t.umher ami all kliult IlulUI. west of north, following the slope, between Of best material at reasonable prices, and for cash. 9 of Cor. Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu, ANC Y still glow ing red. And as late as December of TNO. S. Me GREW, M. D. ina JlalerlaU, Faint; Ollt, .Valla, etc., T r DRESS OOODI, the two mountains, Mauiu Kea and Mauna Agents of schooners (l)t.tttr BImIi.) Fancy I'Uids, Regalia Shlrm Wool Shirts, that )ear, elcsen months after the outbreak on J TTOLLISTER A Co., Haleakala, ImporterM ami LONDON AND PROVINCIAL hue and Colored Colt on Shirts, Loa, ami to the westward of Hualalai. 1'irrnrcTAX ami striwKos, Kulamanu, Kekauluohl, Mary Ellen, Cnminliilnn Jlerehantt. Fancy Scarfs. Pilot Mauna Loa, steam could be seen Hotel streel, between Fort ami .Uvlc.i sttecls. Agents lor Hr.n On receipt of the news of the eruption, at issuing from WlloLUSLK AND KltTAIL Uilama, Pauahl and Leahl. Fire Insurance Co, Jln While n.l Drawn Cotton Half Hose, , The Glasgow and Honolulu Ready-mad- various points along the flow. Kor real grand, orrici hovksi At Robinson's Wharf. Line of Packets Indies Hose, Men's e Clothing, Honolulu, parties of excursionists embarking rillVlKIIHT.H AXII TOIIACCOXIST.S. JS.hn,!W Liverpool Line (Limited.) Men 1 Hals, From j to to a. m.; 1 to 4, and 6 to 8 p. m. Co' of Packets cur and beauty, it it doubtful if any previous Warkapu Plantation fancy for the scene were hurriedly made up, cheer- No. 59 Nuuanu street. Honolulu, II, I, 1 T YONS A LEVEY, 'J?" ""'", ll"1' "' straw), oei Telephone No. 1&4. The Spencer Plantation, Hllo Suliserlbeil Capital S.1,000,000 India Rubber Coals, Capes and laggings.
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