Member Of The Published By The Intercollegiate Newspaper Assn. Students of Alfred University Associated Collegiate Press FIAT LUX Student Box Holder VOL. XXV FIAT LUX, NOVEMBER 23, 1937, ALFRED, N. Y. No. 9 Gold Footballs Alfred Girl Wins Praise As Singer Norton Will Call Anti-Syphilis Campaign Starts, To Grid Squad Paul Jones Dance Editors Work for Wasserman Tonight At Gym Voted By A.A. 'Honey A Paul Jones has been scheduled to Test in College Health Exams stait the evening's festivities tonight Miniature gold football's will be Martin* The Fiat Lux and 30 other college at the gym where the Y.W.C.A. and Dave Gold's Uncle, presented to the 26 members of Al- newspapers, members of the Intercol- is a blonde singer with; theA.U.C.A. will be hosts for their an- fred University's unbeaten, untied Meier Schutman, legiate Newspaper Association, today Andy Grillo's Velveteers, nual costume dance. began a concerted campaign against football team, the Athletic Govern- Fiddled For Czar new Hornell orchestra. "Charlie Norton from Eas: Valley, syphilis. ing Board voted Sunday afternoon in The editors will fight the social In private life she is one of the best callers in this local- David Gold, a Kappa Nu senior, a meeting at Kenyon Hall. disease by educating college students The Saxonian's Rose- ity, will have a fiddle and guitar is a nephew of Meier Schutman, The footballs will be in recognition against syphilis. Inclusion of the mary Hallenbeck and a team including Miss Beebe and Fred former fiddler for the Czar. of the greatest season in the 42-year Wasserman test in every student In the years before the revolu- junior in Alfred Univer- Benaway to do the honors at the health examination is the first main history of Alfred University gridiron tion, Dave's Uncle Meier was a sity. The nom de micro- "square dances". objective of the drive. competition, and will be presented by favorite of the Czar, who gave phone is Andy's idea, A lemon dance, number dance, and Passed unanimously at the fall the Athletic Association. The award him an estate in Moscow and one not Rosemary's. a grand march will be some of the in Petrograd. meeting of the I.N.A. at Lehigh Uni- is the first of its kind to Saxon grid- other specialities on the program. versity, November 13, the resolution In her debut last Fri- As official court violinist, Mr. ders. Prizes will be awarded to those who providing for the campaign of anti- day night "Honey Mar- Schutman instructed many mem- Sixteen varsity sweaters were voted have the most original costumes and bers of the nobility, until he con- syphilis education goes into effect tin" was the hit of the in varsity football, and eight varsity to the winners of the number dance. tracted tuberculosis and was sent this week. evening. She will be A's were voted in varsity cross Judges include Dr. and Mrs. Joseph to Switzerland to recover. Two committees, one made up of featured again Wednes- Seidlin, Dr. Willis C. Russell, Dr. and college editors and the other of pub- country. There he partly regained his day night at the Nut Mrs. Samuel R. Scholes, Chaplain and health but upon returning to Rus- lic health officers and community "Undefeated" Frosh Acclaimed Club dance in the Hotel Mrs. James C. MeLeod, and Coach sia, he suffered a relapse and leaders, are functioning to provide and Mrs. Alex Yunevich. died shortly before the war. His the educational material for publica- Nine freshman numerals will be Sherwood. tion. awarded in frosh cross country. To According to all traditions there is wife and children are now resi- dents of the United States. Burdick Backs Drive the five men who scored most of the no dating at this dance. Music will be supplied by the Palmer Sound "I am one hundred percent behind points in the frosh harriers' unde- System. All members of the faculty you in this movement and will fur- Photo Courtesy Hornell Tribune Pledging Tonight feated season will go special shingles have been invited to attend the dance. nish you with all the material in my marked "undefeated". John Kolstad, chairman, is assisted For Fraternities possession," Prof. H. O. Burdick, Al- Football letters will go to: Richard by Joe Proe, Walter Hedden, John Al- fred University professor of biology, Brownell, John Halpin, Bob Eschbach, Alfred Gets Practice Field bright, and Donald Faulkner. As Rushing Ends and a nationally-known research work- Richard Thomas, Bill Riley, Dick er in his field, told The Fiat editors; Callista, Harold Rouff, Harold Edle- this week. On Old Terra Cotta Site Five fraternities will pledge fresh- son, Bert Lynn, Jud Gustin, Bob "Your drive is a great step for- Wee Playhouse Club men and other eligible men at 7 Glynn, Walter Johnson, Larry Bizet, ward over what might have been Alfred University's football team Athletes will be able to dress in the o'clock this evening. Walt Gardner, .John Albright, varsity Plans Spanish Play done a year ago," declared Dr. Gil- will have a practice field next year for The Greek letter men held their manager, and Al Nutt, frosh man- gymnasium and reach the practice bert W. Campbell, professor of philos- the first time in Saxon grid history, last rush parties of the year Friday ager. field through the rear exit. Monday, Dec. 6 ophy and psychology, who teaches if present plans materialize. evening and mailed lists of bids to sociology courses at Alfred Univer- Gold footballs will go to those var- Athletic Director James A. McLane Miss Lelia Tupper, clerk of the inter- Contributions by Alfred townspeople sity. sity athletes and Manager Albright, and Harry Greene, Superintendent of The Wee Playhouse, Alfred's little fraternity Council, Saturday. and also to the following squad and merchants are helping to allay the Grounds and Buildings, have played theater group, is planning to present Eligible men mailed preferential Within six hours after the resolu- members: Charles Spiro, Ken Tracey, cost of the new field, which is located the Spanish play 'The Women Have cards to Miss Tupper before 6 o'clock tion had been passed by the I.N.A. Angelo Bosco, John Ryan, Stan on the old Terra Cotta property be- an important part in bringing the new Their Way," in Alumni Hall Monday Saturday evening. delegates at the convention, tele- Gutheinz, Phil Greenman, Ad Scholes, hind the gymnasium. field here. evening, Dec. 6, at 8:15 o'clock. This After the comparing of the lists, grams had been received from five Fred Schmidt, Marcello Rollery, Win- William Collins of Hornell has the The old Ludowice-Celadon Company, will be the first entertainment after fraternities were notified of the men prominent men in the field of syphilo- ton Green, Sam Fossaceca, George contract for leveling the property, and manufacturers of brick, was located on Thanksgiving vacation. they had pledged, and tapping will be logy who offered their services on the Batley. work already has been started in cut- advisory committee. the site of the new field. Idle for 30 It is said that the English trans-, tonight at 7. Varsity letters in cross country go ting out brush and trees on the area. years, the site of the plant is honey- lation is almost as laugh-provoking as A closed season begins Wednesday Philip S. Broughton, information to:, Captain Bob Hughes, Eugene If the field can be leveled and filled the original Spanish, iand that stu- and lasts until Thursday, December representative of the division of ven- combed with kilns and tunnels which Keofe, Lyle Perkins, Russ Barreca, with dirt and sod before next fall, it dents will derive much pleasure from 2, at 6 p. m., after which fraternities eral diseases of the U. S. Public Cliff Snow, Lennie Dauenhauer, Var- will lessen the strain on Merrill Field. must be filled in. seeing many of the better-known facul- may pledge at any time. Health Service, addressed the general sity Manager Martin Dykeman, Frosh In the past, the necessity of practicing ty members and townspeople taking session of the convention. He point- Manager Carl Swanson. on Merrill Field has left the gridiron the parts of simple Andalusian vil- ed out the present campaign through- The "undefeated" frosh cross coun- in muddy condition for athletic con- St. Pat's Festival lagers. Student's Poem out the country by various organiza- try shingles will go to Ed Lagasse, tests. tions, and said he considered college The scene is laid in a secluded Gene Burgess, Milt Tuttle, Frank March 17 And 18 newspapers as vital in the drive Andalusian town where women out- Wins Contest Cronyn, and Cliff Leahy. Frosh num- against venereal disease, although. erals also will go to Peter Keenan, Repsher Elected number men five to one. Many of the The fifth annual St. Patrick's Fes- "The rate of syphilis in colleges is Jim Hollingsworth, Stewart Cole, and women are still young and attractive. An Alfred senior, Edward F. Creagh, tival will be held by the New York small, perhaps the smallest of any Myron Shiverick. Math Club Prexy A distinctly eligible young man comes won first prize last week in a contest group surveyed to date." State College of Ceramics at Alfred to town to help settle the affairs of a sponsored by the Cuba Poetry Society, The solution came from Howard '• Co-Managers of Football University, Thursday and Friday, recently widowed aunt, and— well, the secretary of the society announced More than forty students and mem- March 17 and 18, 1938, Jud A.
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