Flying black swans into stress testing Geopolitical risks stress tested Dr. Andrea Burgtorf Head of Group Risk Operating Office Stress Test Europe Conference London, Oct 6th, 2016 Disclaimer • This document contains certain statements regarding methodology and approaches poten4ally applicable under future accoun4ng rules. • The informaon herein cannot be used to infer any impact of such future accoun4ng rules on Erste Group Bank AG. • The views expressed herein are the views of the author and may not reflect the official opinion of Erste Group Bank AG. • This document does not cons4tute an offer or invitaon to purchase or subscribe for any shares or other securi4es and neither it nor any part of it shall form the basis of or be relied upon in connec4on with any contract or commitment whatsoever. • The informaon contained herein and this presentaon shall not be further disseminated without wriCen consent of the author. 2 Agenda 1 Introduction 2 Black Swans impact and Stress testing environment 3 Modeling of Black swans 4 Integration in Risk Management Framework 3 Black Swans: an erup6on of financial risks ? 4 Fundamental shi>s in Risk Landscape are ongoing... “Known Companies iden4fy and plan for in an 1 Risks” effort to avoid or mi4gate them. uncertainty “Emerging Risks that have come onto radar, but 2 whose full extent and implicaons are Risks” not yet clear. “Black Events which are highly unlikely to 3 happen but would have severe Swans” consequences if they did. Thorough understanding and managing of risks puts companies in a better place to pursue their strategy with a confidence that they have the business resilience to manage known risks and respond to the unexpected 5 ….Black Swans - Management exposed to uncertainty ? Increased speed and Outdated risk Insufficient Protec4on impact of risk events mgmt. processes They feel the risk They are seeing rapid They are spending too frameworks and processes increases in both speed much me and money on that are currently in place with which risk events take running their current risk in their organizaons are place, and the extent to management processes, no longer giving them the which their impacts on the rather than moving quickly level of protec6on they business are “contagious”. and flexibly to tackle new need. risks. Source: PwC Large organizations may now have blind spots from which high-impact risks could emerge to damage or potentially destroy their business 6 Management awareness of external risks Awareness of Risk Total impact External risks originate from outside the Crime and terrorism 16,00% corporate organizaon—from disrup4ons in Internaonal trade and payments 20,70% Geopoli4cal 30,80% geopoli4cal, economic, regulatory, market, Energy and commodity costs / prices 39,30% Disrup4ve technologies 40,60% technological, or environmental condi4ons. Commercial market shi\s 54,20% Because these risks arise from outside of the Data privacy and security 56,30% Talent and labor 57,50% organizaon, management teams o\en have Financial market 59,90% Regulaons and government policies 62,10% not developed the exper4se to monitor and Compeon 62,80% manage them effec4vely Economic uncertainty 76,30% % of respondents who selected The worst-managed risks: "very poor" or "neither poor nor well" Geopoli4cal 59,80% Disrup4ve technologies 57,10% Talent and labor 55,40% Internaonal trade and payments 52,90% Energy and commodity costs / prices 49,30% Crime and terrorism 49,10% Commercial market shi\s 45,10% Data privacy and security 42,80% Regulaons and government policies 37,70% Compeon 35,90% Financial market 29,50% Source: PwC 7 What are Black Swan events ? A Black Swan event is characterized by the following: 1. Carries extreme impact: the dispropor4onate role of high-impact, hard-to-predict, and rare events that are beyond the realm of normal expectaons in history, science, finance and technology 2. An outlier: the non-computability of the probability of the consequen4al rare events using scien4fic methods (owing to the very nature of small probabili4es) 3. Produces explanaons only a>er the fact : the psychological biases that make people individually and collec4vely blind to Source: ??? uncertainty and unaware of the massive role of the rare event in historical affairs 8 Recent developments: Are black swans actually turning grey ? Recent experience suggests events that fit the defini4on of black swans are happening more and more frequently Chronology of black Swan events 9/11: Series of coordinated terrorist aacks by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda on the United States on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001 (damaged: at least $10 billion in property, $3 trillion in total costs) Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster was an energy accident at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant in Fukushima, ini4ated primarily by the tsunami following the Tōhoku earthquake on 11 March 2011 Number of events The dot-com bubble was a historic speculave bubble covering roughly 1995–2001 during which stock markets in industrialized naons saw their equity value rise rapidly from growth in the Internet sector and related fields 1900 2000 2015 2025 Are they now just part of a faster-changing and more uncertain world ? 9 Conclusion: increasing number of Black Swans to impact financial sector § The structure of the world is fundamentally different that it was 20 years ago. § Contribu4ng factors: o increased interconnectedness & complexity o huge debt leverage o hyper-efficiency (just-in-4me supply chains) o lack of redundancy etc… We must build more resilient systems that are better able to withstand the shocks of Black Swan events because it appears they are going to keep coming at an increased pace 10 Was Brexit a Black Swan as well ? 11 … Brexit does indeed make the cut as a black swan 1. It was a surprise, or a “stascal outlier” “No country has ever le\ the European Union… and no opinion poll or beng market suggested it was possible. So the financial markets assumed a UK vote to leave to be impossible” 2. Must have an extreme impact “the impact was definitely outsized. No one knew at the 4me – or knows now – what the full impact of Brexit will be once all is said and done” 3. … and despite it being unpredictable, once it’s happened we spin a story that makes it seem completely predictable in hindsight “A\er the fact it became “obvious” that Brexit would happen because of the dissasfac4on of older, blue-collar Bri4sh voters, the rise of Donald Trump in America or any number of other reasons” 12 Agenda 1 Introduction 2 Black Swans impact and Stress testing environment 3 Modeling of Black swans 4 Integration in Risk Management Framework 13 Impact of the past events on Financial Markets (Equity) 1D 1W 1M 1Y 0% Dot.com bubble -5% Nasdaq -10% Dow Jones -15% FTSE -20% DAX -25% Nikkei -30% -35% 1D 1W 1M 1Y 09/11 0% Nasdaq -5% -10% Dow Jones -15% FTSE -20% DAX -25% Nikkei -30% -35% 1D 1W 1M 1Y Fukushima 10% Nasdaq 5% Dow Jones 0% FTSE -5% -10% DAX -15% Nikkei -20% 14 Impact of the past events on Financial Markets (Credit Spreads) 1D 1M 3M 20 DE5Y BREXIT 15 GB5Y 10 US5Y 5 AT5Y - FR5Y (5) (10) ES5Y (15) IT5Y (20) Banks EUR A (25) Banks USD A (30) 1D 1M 3M 60 DE5Y Fukushima GB5Y 40 US5Y 20 AT5Y FR5Y - ES5Y (20) IT5Y Banks EUR A (40) Banks USD A (60) 15 Type of stress test: selected examples Stress Tests Corresponding Material Risks Scenario Standard Encompasses all risk areas, such as adverse market events, Enterprise-Wide Stress Tests CP defaults, technology failure, operaonal events, ~150 bp - 250 bp on CET 1 Rao (EST) operaonal error/li4gaon Ideosyncrac Stress Tests Iden4fies en4ty- or LOB-specific vulnerabili4es ~100 bp - 150 bp on CET 1 Rao Fulfills Fed/DFAST requirements to withstand stressed Comprehensive Capital economic environment and obtain approval for capital ~300 bp on CET 1 Rao Analysis & Review (CCAR) ac4ons; leverages EST & RST Reverse Stress Tests (RST) Iden4fies scenarios that could "break the bank" >400 bp on CET 1 Rao Recovery Stress Tests Liquidity Stress Tesng Assesses liquidity posi4on aer deposit-run off % of LCR, SPA, etc. Technology Risk Table Top Explores emerging threats, such as cyber aacks wide range or outcomes Exercises Develops con4ngency plans for high-risk, high Playbook / Simulaons focus on mi4gang ac4on probability scenarios Whilst regulatory compliance is challenging, financial institutions should leverage the stress testing exercises to build long-term value, rather than treating it like a check-the-box exercise 16 ∆ CET 1 Ra6o 2018 (bps) - Adverse Scenario Or cover so Black Swans as well ? Do regulators overshoot in scenario seng? -1500 -1000 -500 0 EBA Stress Test 2016 – 3Y horizon Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena SpA Allied Irish Banks Plc The Royal Bank of Scotland Group Public Limited NRW.BANK Düsseldorf N.V. Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten Landesbank Baden-WürCemberg Bayerische Landesbank Commerzbank AG Banco Popular Español SA ABN AMRO Groep N.V. Bank of Ireland Deutsche Bank AG Coöperaeve Centrale Raiffeisen- Nykredit Realkredit Deka Bank Deutsche Girozentrale OP-Pohjola Group Belfius Banque SA Raiffeisen-Landesbanken-Holding GmbH NORD/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank OTP Bank Nyrt. Erste Group Bank AG Barclays Plc Banco Popolare Società Cooperava Banco Santander SA ING Groep N.V. BFA Tenedora De Acciones S.A. KBC Group NV Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA LandesbankHessen-Thüringen Girozentrale Banco de Sabadell SA La Banque Postale UniCredit SpA Société Générale SA Groupe BPCE Unione di Banche Italiane SCpA HSBC Holdings Plc Crédit Agricole Group Lloyds Banking Group Plc Intesa Sanpaolo SpA Criteria Caixa Holding S.A. Svenska Handelsbanken - group BNP Paribas SA VW Financial Services AG Source: ECB/EBA Website Nordea Bank - group Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken - group Danske Bank Jyske Bank Crédit Mutuel Group Swedbank - group Powszechna Kasa Oszczednosci Bank Polski SA DNB ASA 17 Black Swans qualify for various types of stress tes6ng § In order to capture the impact of so-called unexpected events, stress tes4ng could be 1.
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