Received October 3, 2019, accepted October 20, 2019, date of publication November 4, 2019, date of current version November 21, 2019. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2950955 ``Digital Twins'' for Highly Customized Electronic Devices – Case Study on a Rework Operation RAFAŁ CUPEK 1, MAREK DREWNIAK2, ADAM ZIEBINSKI 1, AND MARCIN FOJCIK3 1Institute of Informatics, Silesian University of Technology, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland 2Automation Department, AIUT Sp. Z o.o., 44-109 Gliwice, Poland 3Department of Electrical Engineering, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, 6812 Førde, Norway Corresponding author: Rafaª Cupek (rcupek@polsl.pl) This work was supported in part by the Polish National Centre of Research and Development from the Project (Knowledge integrating shop floor management system supporting preventive and predictive maintenance services for automotive polymorphic production framework) under Agreement POIR.01.02.00-00-0307/16-00, and in part by the BCR sector programmes of Intelligent Development operational programme from 2014–2020 through the European Regional Development Fund. ABSTRACT The ongoing changes in manufacturing require that new information models for industrial computer systems be developed and applied. This paper describes a concept for the material model as a ``digital twin'' for producing highly customised, smart electronic devices. The scope of the research is the transformation of the models that are typical for the currently used automation pyramid approach to Reference Architecture Models for Industry 4.0 (RAMI4.0). The ISA95 standard is used as the modelling tool and Open Production Connectivity Unified Architecture (OPC UA) as the communication middleware. The presented use case focuses on a rework operation that is performed during the short series production of highly customised electronic devices that are produced by the Aiut company. The paper focuses on the transformation from the static architecture of Manufacturing Execution Systems to flexible and dynamic information models. INDEX TERMS Common information model (computing), computer integrated manufacturing, flexible manufacturing systems, intelligent manufacturing systems. I. INTRODUCTION The fourth industrial revolution can be symbolised by a The fourth industrial revolution is associated with agile machine that is connected to the market that is able to per- and collective manufacturing [1], whose enabling technolo- form one-piece flow production that fits into the individual gies are the digitalisation and common use of individu- requirements connected with a given production step. This alised ICT (Information and Communication Technology) approach includes the idea of a ``digital twin'' [5] – a digital services that can easily and automatically be adjusted to representation of the physical items that are necessary for the fit a specific product and production needs [2]. The next new generation of manufacturing in which physical produc- generation of smart manufacturing systems will benefit from tion systems, virtual factories, ICT services and digital data the transparent information models and universal commu- are merged. nication middleware that are enabling factors for flexible Unfortunately, the vast majority of contemporary IT solu- manufacturing [3]. tions that are used in manufacturing are based on a cen- By increasing the amount of automation at multiple lev- tralised architecture [6], which forces the information models els within a factory and across the enterprise, the concept for individual applications to meet the paradigm of vertical of cyber-physical systems, in which computation and net- communication. The data exchange services, communication working technologies interact with physical systems, have interfaces and information formats are rigidly determined made strides into manufacturing systems. The cyber-physical when the system is created. Moreover, information models manufacturing systems enable higher productivity and higher and communication interfaces do not fit together at different quality as well as lower costs [4]. levels of the manufacturing system. Such an architectural model is characterised by a lack of flexibility. Each change The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and in the scope of the business model or the production technol- approving it for publication was Okyay Kaynak . ogy forces subsequent changes in the system's architecture. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ VOLUME 7, 2019 164127 R. Cupek et al.: ``Digital Twins'' for Highly Customized Electronic Devices – Case Study on a Rework Operation On the one hand, the cost of making these changes is high, production of electronic devices [11]. In many kinds of dis- while on the other hand, there is a significant risk of a loss crete manufacturing, a rework operation that is dedicated for of information coherence as well as the risk of functional fixing product errors is still an important part of the produc- errors. Moreover, the dependencies between the data and the tion process. The presented use case focuses on a rework services that are implemented by the system are sewn into the operation that utilises information about the errors that were application software. detected during production. In the case of the many different Resource virtualisation or the creation of digital twins is a devices and different device versions that are processed by a key enabling technology in the generic smart factory archi- rework station, only clear and unambiguous information can tecture. In [7], a test-driven resource virtualisation process be the basis for efficient rework services. On the other hand, was proposed as a recommendation for industry to adopt transparent data models are necessary for product improve- in order to create digital twins for their smart factory solu- ment and/or production optimisation. tions, especially with the assistance of a developed web The main contribution of this paper is the case-based pre- interface, thereby making the entire process a virtualisation. sentation of a new approach for information modelling that is Cyber-Physical Systems and Digital Twin technologies can dedicated for the new generation of manufacturing systems. be used to build the interconnection and interoperability of a Since the new models that are presented were applied in an physical shop floor and the corresponding cybershop floor [8] existing manufacturing system of smart electronic devices and will form the basis for shop floors to march towards smart production, its implementation will focus on a number of manufacturing. Therefore, contemporary manufacturing sys- constraints that are typical in the case of the previous gen- tems are based on engineering knowledge that is hidden and eration of industrial computer systems. The presented solu- is unavailable to other production systems. tion fully supports the new flexible materials models, which In order to make information more transparent and to can be used in the case of the shorts series production reduce the complexity during the engineering process an of advanced electronic devices, but is also proposed as a ontology-based approach can be used [9], which allows pro- bridge between classical Manufacturing Execution Systems cess engineers to deal with fewer technical details so that they and the classical Enterprise Resource Management approach can predominantly focus on the design of the actual product and the new modelling approach that was developed under that is to be produced. Another approach can be based on RAMI4.0 models and two parts that follow the OPC UA and knowledge discovery methods such as the application of a ISA95 standards. training approach that is based on a hidden Markov model The rest of this paper is organised as follows: the sec- that is based on historical data in order to allocate them ond section presents main features of Reference Architec- autonomously for manufacturing tasks [10]. ture for Industry4.0 (RAMI4.0) and two of its components: This research is focused on a transparent material model the ISA95 (IEC 62264) standard that defines the ontol- that can support the interoperable ICT services that are used ogy for MES (Manufacturing Execution Systems) and the in the new generation of discrete manufacturing systems. object-oriented communication middleware OPC UA (IEC One of the most important ICT operations in manufactur- 62541). Section three presents the use case – the production ing is material tracking, which should be performed from of smart gas meters with a focus on the information that is the beginning of a material's life cycle (as raw materials) used during the rework operation. The practical design for through the semi-products to the end products that will be the flexible material model is presented in the fourth section used by customers. The authors focus on the production of and the conclusions are presented in section five. The authors electronic devices, particularly on the components of smart believe that the most important contribution of the paper is gas meters. A material model should be flexible enough to (i) a use case-based analysis to create a material model that be adjusted easily at every step of production as well as is compatible with RAMI4.0, ISA95 and OPC UA. Since later during product maintenance or recycling. The analysis ISA 95 is defined as the general model described in UML, starts from a very generic
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