Service Centre Locations The department has offi ces throughout Queensland in four regions: Northern Region, Central Region, Southern Region, Brisbane and North Coast Region. Inset Redcliffe Chermside Thursday Island Northgate Bamaga Seisia Brisbane Mapoon Fortitude Valley Buranda Cannon Hill Weipa Alexandra Hills Napranum Lockhart River Rocklea Capalaba Aurukun Borallon Wacol Ipswich Inala Pormpuraaw Kowanyama Woodridge Hope Vale Cooktown Key Building and Asset Services - Service Centres Wujal Wujal Housing Service Centres Mornington Island Mareeba Cairns Department central office Atherton Malanda Jimaylya Topsy Harry Centre Normanton Herberton Ravenshoe Innisfail Bond Loan Statewide Services Team Mountt Garnett Doomadgee Palm Island Ingham Townsville Ayr Charters Towers Collinsville Mount Isa Mackay Longreach Rockhampton Barcaldine Emerald Gladstone Bundaberg Maryborough Gympie Noosa Kingaroy Charleville Maroochydore Roma Chinchilla Caboolture Brisbane (see inset) Gatton Ipswich Toowoomba Cunnamulla Beenleigh St George Robina Not to scale 50 Department of Housing and Public Works Annual Report 2015–16 Contacts DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING Charleville Depot Depots 46 Edward Street AND PUBLIC WORKS Alexandra Hills Depot Charleville Qld 4470 Central offi ce 69 MacArthur Street Phone: 07 4593 2200 80 George Street, Brisbane Qld 4000 Alexandra Hills Qld 4161 Post Phone: 07 3824 7517 Chinchilla Depot GPO Box 2457, Brisbane Qld 4001 Fax: 07 3820 2893 Leichardt Street Website Chinchilla Qld 4470 www.hpw.qld.gov.au Beenleigh Depot Phone/Fax: 07 4668 9884 George Street BUILDING AND ASSET SERVICES Beenleigh Qld 4207 Roma Depot OFFICE LOCATIONS (back of Beenleigh State High School) 62 Arthur Street Phone: 07 3807 6394 Roma Qld 4455 The regional offi ces are supported by a Fax: 07 3287 5788 Phone: 07 4578 4000 network of district offi ces and depots across the state. Borallon Depot WIDE BAY BURNETT Ivan Lane Wide Bay Burnett Regional Offi ce Building and Asset Services Borallon Qld 4306 44 Ariadne Street Level 4, 80 George Street Phone: 07 5464 3051 PO Box 299 Brisbane Qld 4000 Maryborough Qld 4650 GPO Box 2937 Northgate Depot Phone: 07 4123 9400 Brisbane Qld 4001 36 Fraser Road Fax: 07 4121 1948 Phone: 07 3008 3300 Northgate Qld 4013 Email: [email protected] Phone: 07 3406 9106 District Offi ces Internet: hpw.qld.gov.au Fax: 07 3256 6239 Bundaberg District Offi ce SOUTH EAST QUEENSLAND 85 Dr May’s Road Wacol Depot PO Box 3065 South East Queensland Regional Offi ce Old Moreton A Building Bundaberg Qld 4670 45 Barrack Road Wacol Station Road Phone: 07 4158 9700 PO Box 626 Wacol Qld 4076 Fax: 07 4131 5760 Cannon Hill Qld 4170 Phone: 07 3271 2918 Phone: 07 3008 2116 Fax: 07 3271 2886 Depots Fax: 07 3906 1722 Bundaberg Depot SOUTH WEST QUEENSLAND 85 Dr May’s Road District Offi ces South West Queensland Regional Offi ce Bundaberg Qld 4670 Ipswich 120-124 Mort Street Phone: 07 4158 9700 Level 4, 117 Brisbane Street PO Box 666 Fax: 07 4131 5760 PO Box 5 Toowoomba Qld 4350 Ipswich Qld 4305 Phone: 07 4614 2300 Gympie Depot Phone: 07 3432 2813 Fax: 07 4615 3529 8-10 King Street Gympie Qld 4570 South Coast District Offi ce District Offi ces Phone: 07 5482 1827 Level 3, Eastside Robina Charleville District Offi ce Fax: 07 5482 7681 232 Robina Town Centre Drive 46 Edward Street Robina Qld 4226 PO Box 177 Kingaroy Depot PO Box 3156 Charleville Qld 4470 51 Prince Street Phone: 07 4593 2200 Kingaroy Qld 4610 Robina Post Shop Fax: 07 4656 5069 Phone: 07 4162 2129 Robina Town Centre Qld 4230 Fax: 07 4162 5043 Phone: 07 5514 9400 Roma District Offi ce Fax: 07 5583 1943 62 Arthur Street Maryborough Depot South East Queensland Maintenance PO Box 1029 44 Ariadne Street Response Centre Roma Qld 4455 Maryborough Qld 4650 Level 1, 19 Corporate Drive Phone: 07 4578 4000 Phone: 07 4123 9400 Cannon Hill Qld 4170 Fax: 07 4624 3009 Fax: 07 4121 1948 Phone: 1300 650 917 Depots CENTRAL QUEENSLAND Sunshine Coast District Offi ce Toowoomba Depot Central Queensland Regional Offi ce 14-28 Lee Street 120-124 Mort Street 149 Bolsover Street PO Box 1680 Toowoomba Qld 4350 PO Box 247 Caboolture Qld 4510 Phone: 07 4614 2300 Rockhampton Qld 4700 Phone: 07 5432 0600 Phone: 07 4838 9600 Fax: 07 5420 2050 Fax: 07 4938 4831 Department of Housing and Public Works Annual Report 2015–16 51 District Offi ces Mornington Island Depot Kowanyama Depot Emerald District Offi ce Lardil Street Kunjun Street 14 McKenzie Street Gununa Kowanyama Qld 4876 Emerald Qld 4720 Mornington Island Qld 4871 Phone: 07 4988 1206 Phone/Fax: 07 4745 7381 Mareeba Depot Fax: 07 4983 7451 Wallace Drive Mount Isa Depot Mareeba Qld 4880 Gladstone District Offi ce 5 Traders Way Phone: 07 4092 4398 7 Soppa Street Sunset Qld 4825 Fax: 07 4092 4298 Gladstone Qld 4680 Phone: 07 4437 2520 Phone: 07 4977 7103 Fax: 07 4747 2777 Thursday Island Depot Fax: 07 4979 2155 44 Victoria Parade Normanton Depot PO Box 397 Mackay District Offi ce 7 Simpson Street Thursday Island Qld 4875 36 Tennyson Street Normanton Qld 4890 Phone: 07 4212 3390 Mackay Qld 4740 Phone/Fax: 07 4745 1019 Fax: 07 4069 1778 Phone: 07 4862 7500 Fax: 07 4957 2718 Palm Island Depot Weipa Depot Butler Bay 6 Tonkin Drive Depots Palm Island Qld 4816 PO Box 509 Emerald Depot Phone: 07 4770 1426 Weipa Qld 4874 14 McKenzie Street Fax: 07 4770 1468 Phone: 07 4069 7963 Emerald Qld 4720 Fax: 07 4069 9657 Phone: 07 4988 1206 Townsville Depot Fax: 07 4983 7451 9-15 Langton Street Garbutt Qld 4814 HOUSING SERVICE CENTRES Longreach Depot Phone: 07 4412 2300 For more detailed contact information, 91 Galah Street Fax: 07 4799 5401 visit qld.gov.au/housing Longreach Qld 4730 FAR NORTH QUEENSLAND Housing Service Centres are open Phone: 07 4658 3718 8:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday Far North Queensland Regional Offi ce NORTH QUEENSLAND unless stated otherwise. 31 Grove Street Email contact: ICCHousingEnquiries@ North Queensland Regional Offi ce PO Box 812 smartservice.qld.gov.au 9-15 Langton Street Cairns Qld 4870 Garbutt Qld 4814 Phone: 07 4232 4000 Housing and Homelessness Services PO Box 561 Fax: 07 4031 2560 Level 19, 41 George Street Townsville Qld 4810 Brisbane Qld 4000 Phone: 07 4412 2300 District Offi ce GPO Box 690 Fax: 07 4799 5401 Thursday Island District Offi ce Brisbane Qld 4001 District Offi ce 44 Victoria Parade Phone: 07 30074401 PO Box 397 Mount Isa District Offi ce Thursday Island Qld 4875 FAR NORTH QUEENSLAND 5 Traders Way Phone: 07 4212 3390 Offi ce of the Regional Director, Far North Sunset Qld 4825 Fax: 07 4069 1778 Queensland Region PO Box 1659 Depots Level 13, William Place Mount Isa Qld 4825 5B Sheridan Street Phone: 07 4437 2520 Atherton Depot Cairns Qld 4870 Fax: 07 4747 2777 20 Albrecht Street Phone: 07 4036 5538 PO Box 845 Depots Tolga Qld 4882 Cairns Regional Housing Service Centre Ayr Depot Phone: 07 4095 5901 Level 3, 5B Sheridan Street 203 Edward Street (cnr Churchill St) Fax: 07 4095 5905 William McCormack Place 1 Ayr Qld 4807 PO Box 471 Phone: 07 4783 5367 Bamaga Depot Cairns Qld 4870 Fax: 07 4783 5179 Lui Street Phone: 07 4036 5460 or PO Box 91 Toll free: 1800 623 208 (within area) Charters Towers Depot Bamaga Qld 4876 Hodgkinson Street Phone/Fax: 07 4069 3272 Queensland Government Agent Program Charters Towers Qld 4820 – Herberton Phone: 07 4787 2367 Cairns Depot Open 9:00am to 1:00pm and 1:30pm to Fax: 07 4787 7415 31 Grove Street 3:30pm Thursday only PO Box 812 56 Grace Street Doomadgee Depot Cairns Qld 4870 Herberton Qld 4887 Goodeedawa Road Phone: 07 4232 4000 PO Box 43 Doomadgee Qld 4830 Fax: 07 4031 2560 Ravenshoe Qld 4888 Phone: 07 4745 8086 Phone: 07 4097 6660 Fax: 07 4745 8043 Innisfail Depot 6 Laurie Street Ingham Depot Innisfail Qld 4860 Palm Terrace Phone/Fax: 07 4061 2175 Ingham Qld 4850 Phone: 07 4437 2520 Fax: 07 4776 3193 52 Department of Housing and Public Works Annual Report 2015–16 Queensland Government Agent Program Remote Area Housing Service Centre – NORTH QUEENSLAND REGION – Malanda Mapoon Community Offi ce Offi ce of the Regional Director, North Open 9:00am to 4:00pm Friday only Red Beach Road Queensland Region Echo Building, 3 English Street Land and Sea Building 143 Walker Street Malanda Qld 4886 Mapoon Qld 4874 PO Box 953 PO Box 43 PO Box 1330 Townsville Qld 4810 Ravenshoe Qld 4888 Weipa Qld 4874 Phone: 07 4724 8571 Phone: 07 4097 6660 Phone: 07 4090 9012 Collinsville Queensland Government Queensland Government Agent Program Remote Area Housing Service Centre – Agent Program – Mount Garnet Napranum Community Offi ce Open 9.00 am to 12:30pm and 2.00pm Open 10:00am to 3:30pm Monday and 3201 Wa-Tyne Street to 4:30pm Monday to Friday Wednesday only Napranum Civic Centre 64 Sonoma Street Police Station, Garnet Street Napranum Qld 4874 PO Box 58 Mount Garnet Qld 4872 PO Box 1330 Collinsville Qld 4804 PO Box 43 Weipa Qld 4874 Phone: 07 4097 6660 Ravenshoe Qld 4888 Phone: 07 4097 6660 Remote Area Housing Service Centre – Mackay Housing Service Centre Pormpuraaw Community Offi ce 22-30 Wood Street Queensland Government Agent Program Shop 1, 19 Pormpuraaw Street PO Box 978 – Ravenshoe Pormpuraaw Qld 4871 Mackay Qld 4740 Open 9:00am to 1.00pm and 1.30pm to PO Box 471 Phone: 07 4862 9500 or 4:00pm Monday to Friday Cairns Qld 4870 Toll free: 1800 069 237 (within area) 27-29 Grigg Street PO Box 43 Mount Isa Housing Service Centre Ravenshoe Qld 4888 Remote Area Housing Service Centre – 19 West Street Phone: 07 4097 6660 Weipa Hub PO Box 1866 2 Commercial Avenue Mount Isa Qld 4825 Remote Area Housing Service Centre PO Box 1330 Phone: 07 4437 2700 or Level 3, 5B Sheridan Street Weipa Qld 4874 Toll free: 1800 620 466 (within area) William McCormack Place 1 Phone:
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