E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 144 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1998 No. 138 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was Lab Hagerman Field Station in Gooding 1 trillion 600 billion dollars in extra tax called to order by the Speaker pro tem- County, Idaho, to the University of Idaho. revenue that is coming to Washington. pore (Mr. BASS). f One thing the folks back home have often told me, and that is if we do not f MORNING HOUR DEBATES prevent them, those politicians in DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Washington will spend that extra TEMPORE ant to the order of the House of Janu- money on government spending and The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- ary 21, 1997, the Chair will now recog- new government programs, when it is fore the House the following commu- nize Members from lists submitted by really the hard-earned dollars of the nication from the Speaker: the majority and minority leaders for folks back home in Illinois that are the morning hour debates. The Chair will surplus tax revenue that we have here WASHINGTON, DC, October 6, 1998. alternate recognition between the par- in Washington. I hereby designate the Honorable CHARLES ties, with each party limited to 25 min- I am proud to say that this House in F. BASS to act as Speaker pro tempore on utes, and each Member, except the ma- the last 2 weeks has taken action to this day. jority leader, the minority leader, or preserve this extra tax revenue, this NEWT GINGRICH, the minority whip, limited to 5 min- extra tax surplus, and to use it to save Speaker of the House of Representatives. utes, but in no event shall debate con- Social Security and eliminate the mar- f tinue beyond 9:50 a.m. riage tax penalty and to help family The Chair recognizes the gentleman farmers and small businesspeople and MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE from Illinois (Mr. WELLER) for 5 min- those who want to send their kids off A message from the Senate by Mr. utes. to college. We adopted what is called the 90±10 Lundregan, one of its clerks, an- f nounced that the Senate had passed plan, and under the 90±10 plan we set with amendments in which the concur- SAVING SOCIAL SECURITY WHILE aside 90 percent of projected tax reve- rence of the House is requested, bills of PROVIDING THE AMERICAN PEO- nue surplus, which is $1.4 trillion, for the House of the following titles: PLE WITH TAX CUTS Social Security, priority number one. What is left we give back to the Amer- H.R. 8. An act to amend the Clean Air Act Mr. WELLER. Mr. Speaker, I thought ican people in tax relief, addressing to deny entry into the United States of cer- I would take a few minutes and talk what I consider to be the most unfair tain foreign motor vehicles that do not com- about an issue that is so important to ply with State laws governing motor vehicle provision and the consequence of our the folks back home on the south side Tax Code, which is the marriage tax emissions, and for other purposes. of Chicago in the south suburbs, that I H.R. 2675. An act to require that the Office penalty, eliminating it for the major- of Personnel Management submit proposed have the privilege of representing. ity of those who suffer it. legislation under which group universal life We have had a big achievement in the I think it is important to point out insurance and group variable universal life last few years, doing something that that we set aside $1.4 trillion in surplus insurance would be available under chapter Washington failed to do for 28 years, tax revenue to save Social Security, 87 of title 5, United States Code, and for and that is we balanced the budget, and the remainder we use to eliminate other purposes. something that families back home in the marriage tax penalty and other The message also announced that the Illinois do every day. consequences of our Tax Code. That is Senate has passed bills of the following As a result of that balanced budget, a big victory for the folks back home titles in which concurrence of the we have an opportunity, because for because when one thinks about it, back House is requested: the first time in 28 years we actually last January when the President gave S. 1021. An act to amend title 5, United have more tax revenue going into the his State of the Union speech, I was States Code, to provide that consideration Treasury than we are spending. It is one of those who stood up and ap- may not be denied to preference eligibles ap- something new, something new, a new plauded when the President said, let us plying for certain positions in the competi- experience in Washington, and I am take the surplus and use it to save So- tive service, and for other purposes. proud to be a part of this Congress cial Security, because at that time the S. 2432. An act to support programs of which balanced the budget for the first grants to States to address the assistive surplus was about $600 billion. technology needs of individuals with disabil- time in 28 years. Well, we have set aside, just 2 weeks ities, and for other purposes. It is projected by the Congressional ago, more than two times what the S. 2505. An act to direct the Secretary of Budget Office that this opportunity President asked for to save Social Se- the Interior to convey title to the Tunnison over the next 10 years is $1.6 trillion or curity, $1.4 trillion. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H9593 . H9594 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE October 6, 1998 Of course, the centerpiece of this ef- RECESS Senate bill be passed over without prej- fort to eliminate the marriage tax pen- The SPEAKER pro tempore. There udice. alty and to help family farmers and being no further requests for morning The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there small businesspeople was the effort to hour debates, pursuant to clause 12, objection to the request of the gen- eliminate the marriage tax penalty. I rule I, the House will stand in recess tleman from Wisconsin? have often raised the question here in until 10 a.m. There was no objection. the well of this House, is it right, is it Accordingly (at 9 o'clock and 7 min- f fair, that under our Tax Code, that av- utes a.m.) the House stood in recess MAI HOA ``JASMIN'' SALEHI erage married working couples with until 10 a.m. two incomes pay higher taxes than an The Clerk called the bill (H.R. 1794) f identical working couple with an iden- for the relief of Mai Hoa ``Jasmin'' tical income who lives together outside b 1000 Salehi. There being no objection, the Clerk of marriage? That is just wrong that AFTER RECESS under our Tax Code that married cou- read the bill as follows: ples pay more in taxes than couples The recess having expired, the House H.R. 1794 who live together outside of marriage. was called to order by the Speaker pro Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- That is wrong, and that is unfair. tempore (Mr. UPTON) at 10 a.m. resentatives of the United States of America in I am proud that the centerpiece of f Congress assembled, the tax cut provision of the 90±10 plan SECTION 1. PERMANENT RESIDENT STATUS FOR PRAYER eliminates the marriage tax penalty. In MAI HOA ``JASMIN'' SALEHI. fact, as I point out here in this work- The Chaplain, Reverend James David (a) IN GENERAL.ÐNotwithstanding sub- sections (a) and (b) of section 201 of the Im- sheet, for 28 million married working Ford, D.D., offered the following pray- er: migration and Nationality Act, Mai Hoa couples, they will see an extra $240 in ``Jasmin'' Salehi shall be eligible for higher take-home pay as a result of our As the ancient scriptures proclaim: issuance of an immigrant visa or for adjust- effort to save Social Security and ``For everything there is a season, and ment of status to that of an alien lawfully eliminate the marriage tax penalty. a time for every matter under heaven.'' admitted for permanent residence upon fil- Back home in Joliet, $240 is a car We know, O God, that we have our ing an application for issuance of an immi- payment; it is a month or two child moods and our moments, our highs and grant visa under section 204 of such Act or care at a local day care center, for par- lows. We have weariness and exal- for adjustment of status to lawful permanent ents who are working and struggling to tation. We pray this day, O loving God, resident. that at any time of great testing we (b) ADJUSTMENT OF STATUS.ÐIf Mai Hoa make ends meet. ``Jasmin'' Salehi enters the United States It is kind of interesting, though. The will see more clearly the responsibil- before the filing deadline specified in sub- President just the other day, he talks ities of doing justice, loving mercy and section (c), she shall be considered to have about the Republican efforts to elimi- walking humbly with You.
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