HIILLETIN-, PIERCE COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY VOL. XXIX—No. 5 TACOMA, WASH. JANUARY - 1958 BULLETIN of the Pierce County M edical Society, Pierce County Medical Society 1 9 5 8 O FFICERS P resident...................... .................................................. Herman S. Judd President-Elect .........................................................J. W. Bowen, Jr. H ap - py b irth - day Vice-President.......................................................... Chris C. Reynolds Secretary-Treasurer.................... Arnold J. Herrmann Executive Secretary ................................................ Judy Gordon TRU STEES Paul E. Bondo Herman S. Judd Happy Birthday J. W. Bowen, Jr. George S. Kittredge Douglas Buttorff Philip C. Kyle Robert W. Florence Robert E. Lane January Hillis F. Griffin Chris C. Reynolds Arnold J. Herrmann Wayne W. Zimmerman D ELEGATES 1 GEORGE KUNZ Douglas Buttorff Louis P. Hoyer, Jr, Philip Grenley Charles E. Kemp 2 HILLIS GRIFFIN Arnold J. Herrmann Frank Maddison 3 BURTON BROWN ALTERNATE DELEGATES Robert W. Florence Frederick J. Selnvind RALPH HUFF Murray L. Johnson Don G. Willard Wendell G. Peterson Wayne W. Zimmerman 4 EDMUND KANAR COMMITTEES 5 NORMAN MAGNUSSEN E thics BERNARD OOTKIN Robert E. Lane, Chairman M. R. Hosie Richard T. Davis PAUL SMITH G rievance Hillis F. Griffin, Chairman 7 ROBERT FERGUSON Gerald C. Kohl Miles Parrott House and Attendance - GEORGE HESS John S. May, Chairman James E. Hazelrigg Dudley W. Houtz GEORGE RACE L ib rary 9 CARLISLE DIETRICH I. A. Drues, Chairman John M. Havlina Hugh A. Larkin 10 WILLIAM BURROW S Bernard R. Rowen Stanley W. Tuell Program D. MARLATT T. R. Haley, Chairman William P. Hauser David F. Dye 12 WILLIAM TODD Herbert C. Kennedy Public Health 16 ROBERT GIBSON Bernard A. Bader, Chairman Theodore Apa W. Roland Olson LEO SULKOSKEY Public Relations 18 R. A. NORTON W. W. Mattson, Jr., Chairman John J. Bonica James D. Lambing JAMES W A RD Robert Johnson M. E. Lawrence Thomas O. M urphy 19 THEODORE APA CiviJ Defense Richard F. Barronian, Chairman DON CUMMINGS WilliainE. Avery Richard B. Link David F. Dye Wayne W. Zimmerman 26 RAYMOND ELLIS D iabetes Joseph B. Harris, Chairman 27 JOHN HAVLINA Entertainment T _ George A. Tanbara, Chairman I W. Bowen, Jr. F. W. Hennings Kenneth Gross L. M. Rosenbladt G. M. W hitacre Geriatrics M. E. Lawrence, Chairman Ulenn H. Brokaw John F. Steele Legislative Douglas P. ButtorfF, Chairman NOTICE Arnold J. Herrmann Gerald C. Kohl Wayne W. Zimmerman Medical Education Check back page of Bulletin for calendar Robert Kallsen, Chairman John Comfort John M ay of special m eetings Schools rjiv. i . A’ Norton, Chairman Theodore Apa George S. Kittredge Orvis Harrelson Jack W. Mandeville W illiam E. H ill George Tanbara Traffic and Safety Harold D. Lueken, Chairman Mental Health ^Harold B. Johnston, Chairman T. R. Haley , Myron Kass William H. Todd Front Page Picture Bulletin Stuff Courtesy Editor ............. ~ ------- ! r- Richards Studio Business y g S Auxiliary News"Ed7t(w"” !Z Z ^"'.Z JZ j5rar"^“dyRobert Kallsen-° rdun BULLETIN of the P ie h c b C o u n t y M e d ic a l S o c ie t y when you encounter • respiratory infections • gastrointestinal infections • genitourinary infections • miscellaneous infections for all tetracycline-amenable infections, prescnbe superior SquibbSUM Tetracycline Phosphate Complex YCIN In your patients, s u m y c i n produces: 1. Superior initial tetracycline blood levels-faster and higher than ever before-assuring fast transport of adequate tetra­ cycline to the site of the infection. 2. High degree of freedom from annoying or therapy-inter­ S q u i b b rupting side effects. Tetracycline phosphate complex equiv. to S u p p ly : tetracycline HCI (mg.) Packaging: Sumycin Capsules (per Capsule) 260 Bottles of 16 and 100 Squibb Quality— Sumycin Suspension (per 5 cc.) 126 2 oz. bottles Sumycin Pediatric Drops 100 10 cc. dropper bottles the Priceless Ingredient (per cc.—20 drops) •iumyciv i* a «qui«» meiHMit BULLETIN of the Pierce County M edical Society, .. 0 | Tacoma Brace South Tacoma j & Limb Co. Lenart C. Ceder, owner Drug Co. ☆ Fred Ludwig I Expertly fitted— Orthopedic Appliances ★ * ★ : Artificial Limbs Surgical Belts PRESCRIPTIONS j Arch Supports Trusses DELIVERY SERVICE { ☆ * ★ * 1 723 South K Street 5401 South Tacoma Way f Phone MArket 7-2717 GReeniield 4-9419 I a - "H Fine funeral service is an inflexible rule at C. C. MELLINGER'S. Funerals purchased with Washington State Old Age Benefits receive the same careful consideration to all details that marks the most expensive C. C. MELINGER tribute. J. I. MELLINGER P resident OUR FUNERAL CREDIT TERMS BENEFIT IF INSURANCE PLAN SAVES YOU DESIRED MONEY TOO Underwritten by H om esteader's Liie Co. o! Des Moines, Iowa. Lowest rates-*- W e invite comparison. ages 1-85 NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION! BULLETIN of the P ie r c e C o u n t y M e d ic a l S o c ie t y 5 PROGRAM PIERCE COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY TUESDAY, JANUARY 14 8:15 P.M. MEDICAL ARTS BUILDING AUDITORIUM “AVIATION PATHOLOGY” CHARLES P. LARSON, M.D. President, College of American Pathologists Consultant in Pathology to Armed Forces Institute, Washington, D.C. Assistant Clinical Professor of Pathology, University of Washington School of Medicine * # ft A no-host social hour and dinner will precede the meeting Social Hour: 6:00 Dinner: 6:45 Place: Honan’s Restaurant (across St. Helens Ave. from the Medical Arts Bldg.) minor chemical changes can mean major therapeutic improvements Now Medrol Medrol Lower dosage The most (K lower dosage than efficient of all prednisolone) Better tolerated anti-inflammatory (less sodium retention, less steroids gastric irritation) Supplied: Tablets of 4 m g., in bottles For complete information, consult of 30, 100 and 500. your Upjohn representative, •TRADEMARK FOR HETHYLPH EON I SO LON Cj UPJOHN or write the Medical Department, The Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, Michigan, U p jo h n BULLETIN of the Pierce County M edical Society 7 EDITORIALLY SPEAKING TISSUE COMMITTEES Considerable misunderstanding still exists among local physicians as to the functions of the Tissue Committee. Basically, the medical staff is responsible for estab­ lishing and maintaining professional standards. This is accomplished through five committees as required by the joint commission on accreditation of hospitals. The Tissue Committee is responsible for evaluating the need for surgery. This is its sole function; it takes no censor­ ing or disciplinary action. As a fact-finding body, it reports to the appropriate committee. The need for surgery, quite obviously is a clinical decision and, as such, a complete history, physical examination and pertinent laboratory data are required to make the decision. W. W. M attson, Jr., M.D. s BULLETIN of the Pierce County M edical Society RADIO DISPATCHED Taxicabs - Ambulances for your Patients OXYGEN EQUIPPED ELECTRIC COT WARMERS SPECIALLY-TRAINED ATTENDANTS Tacoma Yellow Cab Co. 1324 Market Street TAXI AMBULANCE MArket 7-1121 FUlton 3-2611 FO R P A IN _ prevalent symptom encountered in medical practice USE ‘Tabloid’ ‘EMPIRIN’ COMPOUND with Codeine Phosphate the most widely prescribed analgesic compound No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 BURROUGHS WELLCOME & CO. (U.S.A.) INC., Tuckahoe, New York BULLETIN of the Pierce County M edical Society 9 New Books in the Library Textbook of Endocrinology, Williams. Pathologic Physiology, Sodeman. Developmental Anatomy, Arey. Clinical Diagnosis by Laboratory Examination, PHARMACY Kolmer. The Cytologic Diagnosis of Cancer, Vincent Memorial Laboratory. Current Concepts in Digitalis Therapy, Lown & Levine. Prescription Fundamentals of Otolaryngology, Bois. Druggists Fractures in Children, Blount. Diagnostic Tests for Infants and Children, Behrendt. AAP Hospital Care of Newborn Infants, Am. Acad, of Ped. Pediatric X-Ray Diagonsis, Caffey. Asphyxia Neonatorum, Windle. We Carry a Complete Stock of Intercranial Tumors of Infancy and Childhood, Biologicals and Pharmaceuticals Bailey and others. Electrocardiographic Studies in Normal Infants and Children, Ziegler. "When Moments Count" BONNEVILLE HOTEL FUlton 3-2411 Board and Room Meals 7 days - Trays - Elevator PROMPT . FREE DELIVERY Room with bath, Board — $110 per month FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE Phone MA 7-9591 Stadium Hi District 101 North Tacoma Avenue Tacoma, Washington “PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS” 10 BULLETIN o f the Pierce County M edical Society CO*LYNN CO* 717-719 South Tacoma Avenue Phone MArket 7-7745 BRALEY'S, Inc. prescription d r u g g i s t s Catering to the Doctor and his patient f r e e d e l i v e r y 754 St. Helens 7 5 9 Market MArket 7-8116 FUlton 3-5339 BULLETIN of the Pierce County M edical Society 11 WOMAN’S AUXILIARY Vo-VUe Pierce CwM&ty M edical Society 1957-58 dren in mind, but which will gracefully accom­ Woman’s Auxiliary modate the fourth, and more. On the afternoon of December 11th, the Pierce County Medical Society downstairs study at the Murphy home rivaled Officers and Chairmen Arctic's showroom, with an overwhelming array President.. .......................... ............................. - Mrs. T. B. Murphy of mink. The occasion was Ruth Murphy’s President-elect ................................................. Mrs. Robert Florence open house heralding the holiday season, when 1st Vice-President ________ Mrs. Marshall Whitacre 2nd Vice-President ......................................... - Mrs. Herman Judd well over a hundred smartly dressed women 3rd Vice-President______________ .. Mrs. Robert Kraftstopped by for yuletide refreshments. The 4th Vice-President.. ....................
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