YOUNGER NISEI, SANSEI LAUNCH Per PIONEER PROJECT FOR ISSEI AGED spec LOS ANGELES - Pioneer A 8roup oC 32 hs.i, .ccom­ Project, a. lh. name sugge.t., panled by Pioneer Project I. an o.. ~al1i ..tion devoted to tnt-mbers, cmbnrkcd on n doy­ open It'll Une. of eommuniea­ long .xcltt.lon to the Port 'or lives Uon with 1... 1 elUo.ns h ...c. Los AnJ(~lcs on Nov. ::1O. Since its (ormation 1ut TI'nnspoI,tnllon And lunch :rur, the younr ,roup with welC provided by the City 1\.-,. JERRY ENOMOTO ...IIt-nc. of J.ffrey M.~­ Rnd II,. day's activilles W.I ' ~ NaUofill JACL Pruldent au1 of lb. JAOL offl•• , haa highlii{bted by n boat ride VOL. 68 NO.9 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1969 IUQteutull:r IPousored IfIV­ around thc hArbOl' Rn d sight. Edit-Bus, Office', ow A '"6986 TEN ............. Sacramento f"ral pro.ratna and events scelng nt the Port. oC Call. IUA .,.. ",.n40 In A (~W w(,eks the Exreu­ for th. enjoyment 01 1... 1 PtoJc~t ~:::::;~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijii iiiiiiiiliiiii ~~~iBii;;ii;;;;;:;;;;;;;;~;:;:;;~;;::::::~---------- ti,'e ommillce, which might ..sld. nla. their Neowmc Year'smben ,AveEve upto __________ -.J '~ mochl " be called Ihe "sleering eom­ "As the pionr:ers or our ml1ke In l)ropQ.rB­ communit,.)', the Issei hove ex­ Uon for A. rain New YeRr', n,it\"." ot the NationRi JA­ 1)(13' rc t~to Ke th or nod "0100- SEA nLE rCL ASKS CL, \\ III cQnvcne tor its scc­ periences, kllowlc:'!dltc and talents 10 imparl to all oC us. nl" fea,t tor tho pioneers. c>nd meeting ot thc 1968-70 They .,'" Ih. backbone of Tontntive plans 101' Ih. fu­ bicnniunl. Tht' fn-st conrab in WhRI we so pt'Oudlv reC." to hl1'e. says YUl\n~ltn. include a FOR MORI POLICE O<lobol' of 19t;8 was IArgcll' 8S our Japanc c community:' speuk('rs bun.luu. sheltered de\'oted to hAmmel'iog out An says WRIler Yanal{lta, onc oC workshop, hot lunch pro .. organizational s l rue 1 u r e the Project lcaders. g1'8ms, recreation center nnd The o\·ganl.. llon be,Rn It. clinic lacilltlcs. PROTECTION ambitious schedule oC even~ Funds and services h 0 v e Executive Committee on Nov. 23, wilhr.. ce motion becn donn ted 10 lhe organi­ pictUI.., showings At the Sho zlltion by: CitiKen. Re./dine in PI"OIZN!ul\'~ WC!!ltslde J ACL, Kit· around wInch we could oper­ Tokyo Thcatre. 0 pen 10 All Central "'rea Subjected Issei who wished to attend. ~~ RFe:~~)·'c~~:.:'SA PI~~'~n~~)"p~: ate. \Vc will now meaSllre the Subsequent showings were to ....nult, Vandali.m extent to which we are func­ ~~~~'t~~~'~A.11brienf~lo co~::;no held on Dec. 7. More Ihnn 200 C~nlcnary M.ethodlst Church and tioning and. if we 8r~ not, Issei Were in atlendance. La!' An.ele. Union Church. SEATTLE-The Seattle JACL wl\.v not, and what needs to board, in an open letter to be done EDITORI ... L: S,n Fr,ncisco Sun Reporter Mayor Dorm Braman, urged a The Commitl~ eonsist. of seven - point eommunity pro­ the three National Vice Pres­ gram to quell civil unrest es­ Idents, Kaz Horita (EnC) pecially in the Central ;"'a Henry Kanegae (PSW), Dr. No Hostilities toward Japanese wbere many Japanese Amer­ icans have been subjected to John Kanda (PNW), ~asur­ • • a ..ault, robbery and vandal­ er Yone Saloda (NCWN1, too simplistic, Anti-group Ism. Seerelan' Kay Nakag;ri Ceeling is a recognlzcd and The letter was submitted to (PSW) and me. We will b. toleraled phenomenon in our members 01 the City Council joined by Bill Marulani, Le­ eompetilive, capilallstic so­ and to the local newspapers. clely. In Car too m n n y in­ gal Counsel, and o'lr profes­ The letter was requested by stances the majority eondones Tom S. Iwata, past chapter sional slafC. Mas Satow, Jef­ ~nd. utilizes anti-group pre­ president. frey Matsui. Alan Kumamoto, The Time arllnle, "Blaok ludice as currency In IndIvid­ and Harry Honda. Versus Jew - a Tragic Con­ ual and group exploItation Text of LeHer frontation," is B treatise pre­ It is our job to use this pared for Time's millions of the prime modus operandi ot Dear Mayor Braman: nucleus to determine the pro­ leaders, bul its presentation is achieving success in 8 quan­ This letter is written by di­ titative, materialist society rection of the Board of Ibe gress or our national cotuit­ which measures a man by his Sea t t1 e Cbapter, Japan.... I.. s and projects, 10 "Jarify material possessions rnther American Citizens League, policy questions. recommend than by the content oC his which met last night (Jan.. changes in policy t or new character and his commitment 29). Consensus of the meet- policy, to the National Board, Only one Kasai of group advancement. , ing was that murder of such and \0 serve as a · ~ trouble Anti-Semitism is a deadly a person as Edwin T. Pratt is shooting" body djsease which must be stamp­ a tragic reminder that civil ed out wherever 0 u n d in unrest is the greatest public U " 'e function as we should, memorial award r Am e r j c a. Anti·Semitism problem facing our govern­ the Inlerim meeting of the whether practiced by whiles' ment and community, National Board in July will blacks. yellows or browns i~ (pratt was murdered "ah. •. in 'eL Scholarship Re was Seattle Urban Leap. be ab1e to hear concise pro­ a handmaiden of a society' in­ dJreetor and helped ~velop m. gress reports. and be Lree to Cested witb racism. CHERRY BLOSSOM QUEEN-Fifteen candidates for Ishii 19, .Charlotte Kato 18, April Tanaka 20, Alice 'ACL buman nlatloD.J eommtt­ tee project to enable NiseI poa­ discuss the kind. of non- SAN FRANCiSCO - There While a Jew might be a Miss Cherry Blossom 1969 were introduced aboard Takahashi 19, Cheryl Yukimoto 20' back-Ann Kino­ tal worken pus .upervllo,.,. hou~e-keeping and creative is only one Kenji Kasai Me­ symbol of oppression in one the Matson's Monterey in Honolulu. The queen will shita 20, Sharon Kojima 20, Irene 'Nagata 20, Sandra examlDattons. Be a.lJo e.o1ll1Jeled cIty, Italian in another, Ori­ JACL "'~n the Nisei - Black Ideas that J ACL should eJ<- morial scholarship in the be chosen at a pageant Mar. 29 at International Cen­ Odo 23, Amy Fukuda 18, Nancy Hirota 21 Diane dlalorun were lD1tlated.) peel from its leadership, and amount of $500 being admin­ ental 10 some other ghetto Kitagawa 21, and Lynn Kondo 20. ' Numerous instances of fire must get to impro,'e iLsell. iswed from this year by the area, the n ..d for oppressed ter's Concert Hall and be crowned April 5 at the Royal National JACL, it was an- peoples to rationalize their Hawaiian Hotel. The contestants (from left) are: front b 0 m bin g, rock throwing, I invite any JACLer read- nounced thu week in recti­ suCCering by the projection -Jo Ann Komori 20, Carolyn Miyasato 18, Gayle -Honolulu Star.Bulietin Photo by Jack Titchen. threats, disorders and other Ing this column, who has tying a previous announce­ of racism must be recognIzed harassment of smaJJ mer- Ideas, gripes, suggestions. to ment that two were being and eondemned. chants have occurred. People. usuaJJy men and women of eontact me beCore March 14. ollered. advanced age. have been rob­ because we welcome member- The chapters have until ship Ceedback _ something April 15 to nominate one can- We lake special Issue with Cherry Blossom fete dons trade emphasis bed, beaten and abused. AU " didate who is a high school the sentence in the Time of them are innocent vict:im8 we rarev· gel senior planning to continue in article which states that the who have paid the price of ~ef~r "fJVj~c\t ~"nd~~: visible symbol oC oppression HONOLULU - For the first Festival insures Its economic The annual Festival is many 2-Financial support for out- unrest and dissatisfaction. 1'-'1 EI RESEARCH PROJECT 'rrte In San Francisco is frequent­ time In Its 17-year hislory, the success. This means a bealth­ things. It is a viable demon­ ~~e~ young educaton and We ask that you use the po- The recently formed group ~aduate scholarships. Can­ ly the Japanese-American Cherry Blossom Festival this ier budget to attract betler stration of the interracial har­ 3-Conducting ChrIstmas abop- wer and authority of your of­ community. Thls is the Cig­ is ~::I~ees for under-prtvUeged fice coupled with the prestige In San Francisco, wbose aim didat~ must be a. Japanese year will center around an In- entertainment which is still a mony that so unique in Ha­ J ment-of·imagination conclu­ waii. It is an opportunity to is to "stimulate the 10 c a I Amencan or a family mem- ternational Trade Mart, an part of the Festival. 4-AssIstlng the "Get Out Tlte and leadership of your per- N' . ber of JACLers. sion of an unidenUfied Time extended version of the prc- In addition, the new change preserve and showcase the Vote" drive. sonal position in the commu- I~el commuruty to become The chapters this wee.k re- correspondent who has not vious Japanese Trade and in emphasis will better illus­ J apanese culture that is a p",~~lng • Citizenship Day nity for: more aware ot the social ceived the sch~lanhip papers properly researched San Fran· Cultural Show, on Mar. 20-23. trate the purpose of the Cher- large part of Hawaii's heri­ S-Runnlng • Cancer r4ucau"n l-Police protectioo againlt p~ problems of to<by" is a wel- - the nomination blank to be cisco.
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