CURRICULUM VITAE PISIER Gilles Jean Georges Born November 18 1950 in Noum´ea,New Caledonia. French Nationality 1966-67 Math´ematiquesEl´ementaires at Lyc´eeBuffon, Paris. 1967 Baccalaur´eat,section C. 1967-68 Math´ematiquesSup´erieuresand Math´ematiquesSp´eciales 1968-69 at Lyc´eeLouis-le Grand, Paris. 1969-72 Student at Ecole´ Polytechnique. 1971 Ma^ıtrisede math´ematiquesUniversit´ePARIS VII. 1972 D.E.A. de Math´ematiquespures Universit´ePARIS VI. Oct. 72 Stragiaire de Recherche at C.N.R.S. Oct. 74 Attach´ede Recherche at C.N.R.S. Nov. 77 Th`esede doctorat d'´etat `es-sciencesmath´ematiques, soutenue le 10 Novembre 1977 from Universit´ePARIS VII under the supervision of L. Schwartz. Oct. 79 Charg´ede Recherche at C.N.R.S. Oct. 81 Professor at the University of PARIS VI. Oct. 84-Jan.85 Visiting Professor at IHES (Bures s. Yvette). Sept. 85 Distinguished Professor (Owen Chair of Mathematics), Texas A&M University. Nov. 88 Short term Visitor, Institute of Advanced Study (Princeton). Feb. 90-Apr.90 Visiting Professor at IHES (Bures s. Yvette). Feb. 1991 Professeur de Classe Exceptionnelle (Universit´eParis 6) 1 VARIOUS DISTINCTIONS { Salem Prize 1979. { Cours Peccot at Coll`egede France 1981. { Prix Carri`erede l'Acad´emiedes Science de Paris 1982. { Invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians (Warsaw,1983). {Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics 1989. {Grands prix de l'Acad´emiedes Sciences de Paris: Prix Fond´epar l'Etat 1992 {Invited one hour address at A.M.S. meeting in College Station, october 93. {Faculty Distinguished Achievement Award in Research 1993, Texas A&M University (from the Association of Former Students) {Elected \Membre correspondant" by \Acad´emiedes Sciences de Paris", April 94. { Ostrowski Prize 1997. { Invited speaker (Plenary talk) at the International Congress of Mathematicians (Berlin,1998). {Invited one hour address at International AMS meeting (Joint Hong-Kong Math. Soc.- Amer. Math. Soc. Meeting in Hong-Kong, December 2000) {Stefan Banach medal awarded by the Polish Academy of Science (June 2001). {Elected \Acad´emicocorrespondiente" of \Real Academia de Zaragoza", Sept. 26, 2002. {Elected \Membre" of \Acad´emiedes Sciences de Paris", Nov. 5, 2002. {Elected Foreign member of Polish Academy of Science, May 2005. {Invited one hour address at A.M.S. meeting in Urbana-Champaign, March 2009. {Elected Fellow of Indian National Science Academy, 2010. {Fellow of the Amer. Math. Soc., 2012. VARIOUS ADMINISTRATIVE DUTIES Nominated member to the Comit´eNational of the CNRS (october 81 to 86). Member of the editorial board of the following journals: Ast´erisque(1985 -1990), Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincar´eProbabilit´es-Statistiques(84-89), Bulletin des Sciences Math´ematiques(89- ), Houston Journal of Mathematics (91-05), 2 Annals of Probability (91-93), Comptes Rendus de l'acad´emiedes Sciences de Paris (94- ) Duke Math. J. (98- ). Geometric and Functional Analysis (91- ), Journal of Functional Analysis (99-07), JIMJ (Journal de l'Institut Math´ematiquede Jussieu) (01-06 ) Journal of Operator Theory (97- ), Mathematische Annalen (92-99), Proceedings Edinburgh Math. Soc. (98-05), Analysis & PDE (07- ), Participation in the scientific commitee of the following conferences: Kent(1985), Banach Space Workshop in Iowa City (1986), Paul L´evyConference (1987), MSRI miniprogram on Banach Spaces (July 1988), Banach Space Conference in Straubl-Austria (1989), Harmonic Analysis in honor of J.L.Rubio De Francia at El Es- corial (1989), Ascona (Sept. 93), Mons (96), Vancouver (August 99), Operator algebras and applications (Chengde, August 2002), Workshop on Operator Spaces and Quantum Groups (Fields Inst. Toronto, Dec. 2007). Director of the Equipe d'Analyse (89-96) Co-Organizer of several conferences on \Operator Spaces" at Texas A&M University (Oc- tober 1993, August 1997, Summer 2002), and (with Z.J. Ruan) at Urbana (March 1999). Organizer of a one week meeting on \Espaces d'Op´erateurs"at CIRM (Luminy, France), June 98. Co-organizer (with P. Biane and D. Voiculescu) of a semester on \Free Probability and Operator Spaces" at Centre Emile´ Borel (IHP) in Paris, Sept 99-Feb 00. Organizer of a two day mini-conf´erenceon \Non Commutative Lp-Spaces" at IHP, Paris, Nov. 18-19, 99. Chairman of scientific committee of the conference on \Non Commutative Banach Spaces" at MSRI (Berkeley), Jan. 2001. Co-organizer (with S. Szarek) of a one week conference on Non-Commutative Phenomena and Random matrices (PIMS, Vancouver, August 2002). Co-organizer (with Ed. Effros) of a one week conference on Operator spaces (CIRM, Luminy, June 2003). Organizer of a two day mini-conf´erenceon \Noncommutative and matrix valued analysis" at IHP, Paris, June 2006. Co-organizer (with Q. Xu) of a one week conference on Non-Commutative Lp-spaces and Operator spaces (CIRM, Luminy, June 2007 and June 2009). Member of board of Soci´et´eMath´ematiquede France (95-98) Member of scientific advising council of Soci´et´eMath´ematiquede France (96-2001) 3 Member (at various occasions) of committees evaluating the mathematical research groups of the universities of Bordeaux, Toulouse, Grenoble, Orl´eans,Cergy-Pontoise, Metz. Member of scientific research board of ARCC (American Institute of Mathematics Research Center) in Palo Alto, California (2002-2005). Chairman of Panel for Operator Algebras and Functional Analysis (ICM 2006) Member of Jury for the Salem prize (2008- ) Member of the BIRS scientific advisory board (2008- ) Member of Scientific Advisory committee for Istanbul Center for Math. Sciences (2008- ) Co-organization (with Marius Junge and Jesse Peterson) of Concentration Week on Ap- proximation Properties of Discrete Groups and Operator Spaces, Texas A&M, Aug. 2009 Member of review committee for Math.Dept of University of Vienna (June 2010) Co-organizer (with M. Junge and Q. Xu) of a one week conference on Noncommutative Lp spaces, Operator spaces and Applications (BIRS, Banff, June 2010). 4 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF G. PISIER 1. \Type" des espaces norm´es.C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris, S´erieA. 276 (1973) 1673-1676. 2. Un th´eor`eme d'extrapolation et ses cons´equences.(Joint work with B. Maurey). C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris, s´erieA, 277 (1973) 39-42. 3. Caract´erisationsd'une classe d'espaces de Banach par des propi´et´esde s´eriesal´eatoires vectorielles. (Joint work with B. Maurey) C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris, S´erieA, 277 (1973) 687-680. 1 4. Sur les espaces de Banach qui ne contiennent pas uniform´ement `n. C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris, s´erieA, 277 (1973) 991-994. 5. S´eriesde variables al´eatoiresvectorielles ind´ependantes et propri´et´es g´eom´etriquesdes espaces de Banach. (Joint work with B. Maurey) Studia Math. 58 (1976) 45-90. 6. S´eriesal´eatoiresdans les espaces uniform´ement convexes ou uniform´ement lisses.(Joint work with T. Figiel) C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris, s´erieA, 279 (1974) 611-614 . 7. Martingales `avaleurs dans les espaces uniform´ement convexes. C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris, s´erieA, 279 (1974) 647-649. 8. Martingales with values in uniformly convex spaces. Israel J. Math. 20 (1975) 326-350. 9. B-convexity, super-reflexivity and the three space problem. Proceedings of the con- ference on random series, convex sets, and the geometry of Banach spaces. Aarhus University, Various publications series, 1975. 10. Sur la composition des op´erateurs sommants, C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris, s´erieA 280 (1975) 1681-1684. 11. On the \three space problem". (Joint work with Per Enflo et Joram Lindenstrauss) Math. Scand. 36 (1975) 199-210. 12. Un exemple concernant la super-r´eflexivit´e.S´eminaireMaurey-Schwartz 74-75, annexe 1. Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau. 13. Remarques sur l'expos´ed'Assouad. (Joint work with B. Maurey) S´eminaireMaurey-Schwartz 74-75,annexe 2. Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau. 5 14. The law of large numbers and the central limit theorem in Banach spaces. (Joint work with Jørgen Hoffman-Jørgenson), Annals of Probability 4 (1976) 587-599. 15. Sur la loi du logarithme it´er´edans les espaces de Banach. Probability in Banach spaces. Oberwolfach 1975, Lecture Notes in Math´ematics,Springer-Verlag, n◦526, 203-210. 16. Le th´eor`eme de la limite centrale et la loi du logarithme it´er´edans les espaces de Banach, S´eminaireMaurey-Schwartz, ann´ee75/76. Expos´es3 et 4 + corrections et additions `al'expos´e3. 17. Some results on Banach spaces without local unconditional structure. Compositio Math. 37 (1978) 3-19. 18. Une nouvelle classe d'espaces de Banach v´erifiant le th´eor`emede Grothendieck. An- nales de l'Inst. Fourier 28 (1978) 69-90. 19. Grothendieck's theorem for non commutative C∗-algebras with an appendix on - Grothendieck's constants. J. of Functional Anal. 29 (1978) 397-415. 20. Topics on Grothendieck's theorem. Proceedings International Conference, Leipzig, Sept. 77, Teubner Text in Math (1978) 44-57. 21. Un nouveau th´eor`emede factorisation. C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris, S´erieA, 185 (1977) 715-718. 22. On the limit theorems with values in the spaces Lp (p > 2). (Joint work with J. Zinn). Z.F. Wahrschein, und verw. Gebiete 41 91978) 289-304. 23. Ensembles de Sidon et processus gaussiens. C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris, t. A 286 (1978) 671-674. 24. Lacunarit´eet processus gaussiens. C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris, t. A 286 (1978) 1003-1006. 25. Une propri´et´ede stabilit´ede la classe des espaces ne contenant pas `1. C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris, t. A 286 (1978) 747-749. 26. Les inegalit´esde Khintchine-Kahane, d'apr´esC.Borell. S´eminairesur la G´eom´etriedes Espaces de Banach 1977-78, exp. 7, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau. 27. Ensembles de Sidon et espaces de cotype 2. S´eminairesur la G´eom´etriedes Espaces de Banach 1977-78, exp.
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