About the Contributors Rebecca Aldworth is director, Catherine Fabio earned her bache- Andrea Gavinelli is a veterinarian Canadian Wildlife Issues, for The lors degree in human development and a policy official with the Euro- Humane Society of the United and family studies from Colorado pean Commission in charge of States (HSUS). She is based in State University and a masters developing European Community Toronto, Canada. degree in education from Harvard legislation on farm animal welfare University. She is currently work- within the framework of the Direc- Larry Cunningham is an assistant ing on her doctoral degree in child torate General for Health and Con- district attorney in the Bronx, New development and developmental sumer Protection. He serves as the York, district attorney's office. He psychopathology. Commission's head of sector for previously taught law at Texas Tech Animal Welfare and Identification, University, in Lubbock, Texas. He Jennifer Fearing is director, Eco- as well as deputy head of the Ani- earned his J.D. at Georgetown Uni- nomic Research, for The HSUS. mal Health and Welfare Unit. He is versity in Washington, D.C. She was a senior consultant with also a member of the Permanent Econ One Research for eight years, Working Group on animal welfare Brian Czech is a certified wildlife then served as president and CEO of the OIE and vice chairman of biologist and an adjunct professor of United Animal Nations. She the Standing Committee of the at Virginia Polytechnic Institute holds a bachelors degree in eco- European Convention for the Pro- and State University, where he nomics and political science from tection of Animals Kept for Farm- teaches ecological economics. He the University of California, Davis, ing Purposes of the Council of is the founding president of and a master's degree in public pol- Europe. The famed Eurobarometer the Center for the Advancement icy from Harvard University. was his brainchild, as is the devel- of the Steady State Economy oping Action Plan being promoted (www.steadystate.org). Czech is throughout Europe currently. the author of Shoveling Fuel for a Runaway Train and coauthor (with Paul R. Krausman) of The Endangered Species Act: History, Conservation Biology, and Public Policy. He is a conservation biolo- gist in the national office of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 207 Ché Green is founder and executive Stephen Harris is chairman of the Jennifer Jackman is a program director of the Humane Research Mammal Society and professor of manager for Humane Society Uni- Council, a nonprofit organization environmental sciences at the Uni- versity (HSU) and teaches Animal that seeks to improve access to reli- versity of Bristol (England). In Protection as a Social Movement able information for animal advo- addition to his well-known work on for the HSU/Duquesne University cates. He is a former research ana- foxes in the United Kingdom (he is Humane Leadership Program. She lyst and investment banker and considered a world expert on fox received her doctorate in social previously worked for the Microsoft populations), he has been involved policy from Brandeis University in Corporation as research manager of in the seal campaign for a number 1994 and a masters degree in ani- the enterprise software group. He of years. mals in public policy from Tufts also previously directed the Mar- He observed the seal hunt in University School of Veterinary garet Kyros Foundation for Animals, 2001 and has subsequently written Medicine in 2005. From 1990 to a Seattle-area foundation focused several articles on the sustainabil- 2004, she was the director of pol- exclusively on animal protection. ity and cruelty aspects of the icy and research for the Feminist slaughter. A prominent biologist, Majority Foundation, where she led Michael Greger is director of pub- he has been closely involved in the campaigns on both domestic and lic health and animal agriculture in campaign to stop the seal hunt. global issues. She also served as the Farm Animal Welfare section of the research and policy advisor for The HSUS. He is a graduate of the Jason G. Matheny is enrolled in the Afghan Independent Human Cornell University School of Agri- the doctoral program in agricul- Rights Commission in Kabul, Af- culture and the Tufts University tural economics at the University ghanistan in 2004. Wildlife issues, School of Medicine. He has pre- of Maryland. He received a masters particularly attitudes towards coy- sented papers at the 2004 Confer- degree in public health from the otes on Cape Cod, have been the ence on World Affairs, the National Bloomberg School of Public focus of her recent research. Institutes of Health (2005), and Health, Johns Hopkins University, the 2006 Bird Flu Summit and was in 2004, and a masters degree in Emily Kilby, currently a freelance an expert witness in defense of tel- business administration from writer and editor, retired in 2004 evision personality Oprah Winfrey Fuqua School of Business, Duke from a twenty-year career with at her food-defamation trial in University in 2003. He has been at EQUUS magazine, during which Texas in 1998. He is the author of the Bloomberg School of Public she reported on the state of Amer- Bird Flu: A Virus of Our Own Health, serving as research direc- ican horses as staff writer, senior Hatching (Lantern Books, 2006); tor with the Pew Commission, editor, and executive editor. She Heart Failure: Diary of a Third Year since 2005. earned a masters in English and Medical Student; and Carbophobia: masters of Fine Arts in creative The Scary Truth Behind America's writing at Bowling Green State Low Carb Craze. University in Bowling Green, Ohio. 208 The State of the Animals IV: 2007 Miyun Park is vice president, Farm Animal Welfare, of The HSUS. She is co-founder and former president of Compassion Over Killing, a Washington-D.C.-based animal- advocacy group. Andrew Rowan is executive vice president, Operations, for The HSUS. He is coeditor of The State of the Animals: 2001; The State of the Animals II: 2003; The State of the Animals III: 2005; and The State of the Animals IV: 2007. About the Contributors 209 Index Page numbers in italics refer to tables or figures A AKC. See American Kennel Club AARF. See Abaco Animals Require Friends Alexander, R. AARP. See American Association of Retired Persons “Single-Species versus Multiple-Species Models: Abaco The Economic Implications,” 13 owners’ attitudes toward neutering young dogs, 72 Allegheny County, Pa. Project Potcake, 69, 70, 71, 72 study of dog bites, 32 spay/neuter incentive (SNIP) program, 69 American Association of Equine Practitioners Abaco Animals Require Friends natural disasters and, 203 Project Potcake, 69, 70, 71, 72 American Association of Retired Persons ABC programs. See Animal Birth Control (ABC) Civic Involvement Survey, 14 programs in India American Association of Swine Veterinarians Academic research. See also specific authors emerging livestock production systems as a and studies main reason for zoonotic diseases, 116 emotions and cognitive abilities of animals, 6 American Calan farmed animals, 9 cost of mechanical harvesting methods for Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome chickens, 135 mortality rate, 114 American Dog Owners Association Africa. See also specific countries opposition to breed-specific legislation, 37 deforestation effect on the emergence American Dog Owners Association, Inc. v. City of Lynn of hemorrhagic fever viruses, 113 Supreme Judicial Court findings, 27–28, 35 guard function of dogs, 57, 72 American Fisheries Society number of farm animals raised, 129 economic growth position, 150 rabies mortality rates, 59, 60 American Horse Council rabies prevalence, 62 commercial horse breeders, 188 targeted mass dog rabies vaccination campaigns, 63 Economic Impact Study, 188 traditional farming methods, 130 economic purpose of survey, 176, 185 transnational timber corporations and, 113–114 Horse Industry Directory, 180 AgEcon Search survey description, 176–177 description, 171 use patterns, 193, 197 Agricultural Marketing Service American Horse Council Foundation farmed animal data, 10 top ten states in horse populations, 185 AHC. See American Horse Council U.S. horse population estimate, 175 AHCF. See American Horse Council Foundation use patterns, 193–198 AIDS. See Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome American Humane Association Airlines opposition to breed-specific legislation, 37 breed discrimination, 29 211 American Kennel Club humane treatment of horses, 203–204 breed determination criteria, 34 push and pull strategies and, 167–168 breed-specific legislation and, 36 research category description, 4 registration data used for dog-bite study, 32, 33, 34 research priorities for organizations, 15–16 support for dangerous-dog control, 36–37 research priorities for the movement, 17–18 American Miniature Horse Association seal hunting and, 94–96, 101–103 registration numbers, 184 sensitivity and proprietary nature of research American Paint Horse Association done by animal advocates, 15 registry tallies, 182, 183 targeted public education campaigns and, 168 American Pet Products Manufacturers Association typical focus of research, 15 National Pet Owners Survey, 6, 8 Animal Balance American Quarter Horse Association introduction of capture, neuter, and return registry tallies, 181–182, 183 programs to the Galapagos, 70 show sponsorship, 197 Animal Birth Control (ABC) programs in India American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty animal elimination programs and, 66 to Animals challenges
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