THE BELFAST GAZETTE, FEBRUARY 6, 1931. the »acome thereon to the Reverend Mr. named Robiua Mitchell Gallaher, late of Bally- McFadden, Senior Minister, during his life, and goland House, Greencastle. County Antrim,. after his death to pay the income to the Minister Widow, deceased, by her Will, dated the 17th for the time heing of said Badoney Presbyterian of March, 1924, bequeathed to the Royal Victoria Church to augment the stipend payable to him, Hospital, Belfast, the sum of Ten Thousand said bequest to be acknowledged in the financial Pounds for the purpose of endowing a Ward in reports of the congregation as the " Alexander said Hospital, to be called " The Ruby Gallaher Hamilton Endowment." Ward," in memory of Testratrix's deceased Probate of the Will of the said deceased was daughter Ruby. And Testratrix directed that the on the 9th day of January, 1931, granted forth Receipt of the Treasurer for the time being of of the District Registry at Londonderry of the said Hospital should be a good discharge to her High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland, King's Executors for said Legacy. Bench Division (Probate) to the Reverend 'William The said Testratrix died on the 30th of October, Ramsay, of The Manse, Glenarm, Co. Antrim, and 1930, and Probate of her said Will was on the Joshua Hatrick, of Creggan County, Londonderry., 30th of January, 1931, granted forth of the the Executors named in the said Will. Principal Registry of the King's Bench Division Dated this 28th day of January, 1931. (Probate) of the High Court of Justice in CALDWELL & ROBINSON, Solicitors for Northern Ireland to Jemima Edith Mitchell, wife the Executors, 2 Arthur Street. Belfast; of Robert A. Mitchell, of Marmont, Strandtown, and 11 Castle Street, Londonderry. Belfast, William Thomas Unsworth, John Gallaher Michaels and William Paget Bell, all of York To the Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Northern Street, Belfast, Tobacco Manufacturers, and Ireland, and all others concerned. Robert A. Mitchell, junior, of Marmont. Strand- town, Belfast, Tobacco Manufacturer, the sur- viving Executors therein named. Dated this 4th clay of February, 1931. NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS. ROBERT WALLACE, Solicitor for said In the Estate of JAMES WHITESIDE, otherwise Executors, Saxone House, Donegall Place, James Hill Whiteside, late of 40 Cromwell Road, Belfast. Belfast, B.A., Retired National School Teacher! To the Ministry of Finance for Northern Ireland : deceased. and all others concerned. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Statute 30 & 31, Victoria chapter 54, Section 19, that the above-named deceased, by his Will, dated the 10th day of February, 1930, bequeathed £100 to Drum- NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUEST. lough Presbyterian Church, £100 to Dr. Barnardo's Homes. £100 to the Presbyterian Orphan Society, In the Goods of EDWARD BAILEY, late of Carragh- £50 to'the Belfast City Mission. £50 to the Gro's- darragh, Windsor Avenue, in the City of Belfast, venor Hall Mission, £50 to the Old Age Fund in Chartered Accountant, deceased. connection, with the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute ;£50 to Shankill Road Mission, and £50 to the 30 and 31 Vic., Cap. 54, that the above-named Railway Mission, Donegal! Road, Belfast. Edward Bailey, late of Carraghdarragh, Windsor ' The said Testator died on the 15th day of Avenue, in "the City of Belfast, Chartered .November, 1930, and Probate of his Will and one Accountant, deceased, by his Will, dated the 21st Codicil was granted to John Mitchell, of December, 1928, bequeathed to The Royal Victoria 28 Ferguson Drive, Belfast, Detective-Constable, Hospital. Belfast, the sum of £250. And Testator Royal Ulster Constabulary, and Norman Wilson, directed that the Receipt of the Treasurer for of 34 & 36 Arthur Street, Belfast, Solicitor, the the time being of said Hospital should be a good Executors named in the said Will, forth of the discharge to his Trustees for said Legacy. Principal Registry of the King's Bench Division The said Testator died on the 25th day of July, (Probate) of the High. Court of Justice in 1930, and Probate of his said Will was on the Northern Ireland, on the 9th day of January, 26th day of January, 1931, granted forth of the 1931. Principal Registry of the King's Bench Division Dated this 4th day of February, 1931. (Probate) of the High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland to Edward William Bailey, NORMAN WILSON. Solicitor for the of Carraghdarragh, Windsor Avenue, in the Executors, 34 & 36 Arthur Street, City of Belfast, aforesaid, Solicitor, John Belfast. Bailey, of Melcombe, Chlorine Gardens, in the To the Ministry of Finance for Northern Ireland City of Belfast, aforesaid, Chartered Accountant, and all others whom it may concern. and Cecil Maurice Bailey, of Upway. Malone Avenue, in the City of Belfast, aforesaid, Accountant, the Executors named in the said Will. NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUEST. Dated this 3rd day of February, 1931. In the Goods of ROBINA MITCHELL GALLAHER, ROBERT WALLACE. Solicitor for said late of Ballygoland House. Greencastle, County Executors, Saxone House, Donegall Place, A-ntrim Widow, deceased. Belfast. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute To the Ministry of Finance for Northern Ireland •30 & 31 Victoria, Chapter 54, that the above- and all others concerned. BELFAST: PRINTED BY W. & G. BATED, LTD., ROYAL AVENUE, BELFAST. UNDER THE AUTHORITY OP THE CONTROLLER OF H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE, BEING THE OFFICES APPOINTED TO PRINT THE ACTS OF THE PARLIAMENT OF NORTHERN IRELAND. To be purchased directly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE, at the following addresses : 15, DONEGALL SQUARE WEST, BELFAST. 120, George Street, Edinburgh; York Street, Manchester; 1, St. Andrew's Crescent, Cardiff, or Adastral House, Eingsway, London, W.C.2. or through any Bookseller. Friday, February 6, 1931. Price One Shilling net..
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