Foreign p^ Fr. Donnolly Colobratos Dan Solon Wrllos Hit Fiftiofh Yoar From lur»po As Toachor— Pago 3 Pag* 5 ol.3l FORDHAM COLLEGE, NEW YORK, SEPTEMBER 27, 1951 No. 1 The Late Capt. Hopf and One of His Great Bands Faculty Changes During Vacation; New Men Added By BILL SHAFER As thousands of Fordham University students returned to Rose Hill after the summer holidays, they realized that many changes beside the near completion of the new dormitory had been made on the campui. Many appointments, promotions, and changes were made among both the — @" Jesuit and lay faculty. Rev. Terence J. Boyle, SJ., for- merly a teacher of freshman religioq; Ram Honor Group is now spiritual Father for the sen*- lastics in Spellman Hall. Rev. Leo Monaghan, S.J., formerly of Loyola Arrives in France College in Baltimore, has assumed Fr. Boyle's former duties. For Year's Study Rev. Francis M. O'Byrne, S.J., for- merly the Minister of the Commu- The nine Fordham students who nity at Fordham, and Mr, Thomai B. are studying in France this year un- Bermingham, are teaching Latin and der the "Junior Year in Paris" pro- Greek. Rev. Thomas J. Doyle, Sj£ gram of Fordham College, have fin- is now in the Business School teacby' ished their summer school studies of ing junior year philosophy. the French language at the Univer- Rev. Philip X. Walsh, S.J. former- sity of Grenoble. When they reach ly the Dean of St. Peter's College Paris, November 1, for classes at the for six years, is teaching senior psy- Sorbonne, they will have made a chology. Mr. Avery Dulles, SJ., an- All Fordham Mourns Capt. Hopf month's tour through France, Italy, other newcomer to Fordham,' & Switzerland, Austria and Germany. teaching junior philosophy. • > t ent r three ear The nine juniors are: J. Roger Mr. Stuart H. Degginger of the th, *5SS« nSU? ? ' » S°l * 5 " y s has been director of DAILY MASS Cornellier, Robert Courtney, Ru- the Fordham University Band, died on Sunday evening, September 23 at Classics Department, has gone to Rev. Theodore T. Farley, S. J., dolph Engel, Raymond McNally, Europe for further study. Mr. Thom- Jersey City Medical Center, N. J. Captain Hopf, together with Rev. Harold Robert Mockler, Daniel O'Connell, Mulqueen, S.J, moderator of the Band, was instrumental in making the Director of Spiritual Activities of as J. Fitzmorris of the English De- |Fordham University Band-one of the outstanding college groups in the Fordham University, announced Luke O'Neill, Daniel Solon and partment has taken a military leattfe. that a student Mass will be said Richard Whalen. of absence, and Mr. Paul Memo, alto ^metropolitan area. daily at 7:30 a.m. in the Univer- Last spring Rev. Thurston N. Da- of the English Department, is pur- I&IAI*M»J.A- D~UL Captain Hopf supplemented his sity Church. vis, S.J., Dean of Fordham College, suing further study. accepted nine students from the Lenninger Returns duties with the band wuh Father Farley also stated that Two Scholastics Leave |mcnninyer Keturns activities for the benefit of Fordham stu- sophomore Honor Course for Ford- dents, confessions will be heard ham's first "Junior Year in Paris" Mr. Joseph Landy, SJ., an Eng- ranging from being an expert ride program. In an official statement, the lish teacher, and Mr. William Ho- From French Tour jhot to a wild animal trainer. At one every class day from 12 noon to 2 p.m. in the University Church. Dean said, "During the academic gan, S.J., industrial economics teach- time during his career, while pro- It is also common knowledge that year, 1951-1952, these Fordham jun- er, have both returned to Woodstock The strength of Communism in fessor of military science at a Lex- confessions may be heard any iors are studying, with the sanction Seminary for theological studies. France is an expression of the jngton, Missouri, military academy, time during the day,, either in Fa- of the Fordham authorities, at the Mr. Philip Scharper, formerly- of J people's discontent with their living ther Farley's Student Counselor University of Paris." Rev. Eugene Xavier University in Cincinnati, - Captain Hopf had fifteen bands un- Culhane, S.J., Asistant Dean, han- conditions, says Ed Mennlnger. Ed der his direction. office or in the Sacred Heart Ohio, will teach English in the Col- Chapel, both in Dealy Hall. dled the many details and tested lege. Mr. Chester G. Anderson is a has just returned, after spending During World War I, Captain Hopf the students on their knowledge 0* new lecturer on the campus. two months in France, on an all- .raveled from camp to camp as an French. Dr. Mario A. Fontanolla of the expense trip, granted by the New instructor in marksmanship. While Traveled on "Georgle" Biology Department is now a Major York City Board of Education, under in the army, he rose from the rank Frosh, Parents On June 27, the juniors left from in the Air Force. Mr. Thomas J. the program of the Experiment in of private to that of captain. Three the North River pier on the M. V. Hickman, formerly of the History months after the outbreak of the Georgic, a one-class ship of thr Department of the College, is now International Living. Are Welcomed Lieut. Hickman of the Air Science war,. Captain Hopf was sent over- Cunard-White Star Lines, and afte The purpose of this trip was to Department of the College. Mr. Lewis seas where he received shrapnel This year's freshmen were greeted a ten-day vacation on the Atlantic correct the unfavorable impression docked at Le Havre, took the boat S. Marks has been appointed in Dr. wounds in the neck. by a welcoming committee headed Fontanella's position as biology lec- of Americans, imbedded in the minds train.to Paris and installed them In 1917, Captain Hopf gained fame by Frank Young, Student Council selves in a hotel directly across turer. of many Frenchmen by Hollywood, as a marksman in his own right by president. This committee, composed Boulevard Saint-Michel from the I Rev. Gustave Dumas, S.J., former American soldiers, and tourists. This entering and winning the United of twenty seniors including members j Dean of the Graduate School, is now of the football squad, greeted the Sorbonne. Five days were spent in tour enabled them to see an example States Eifle Championship. In 1939 Paris searching for rooms and set the Minister of the Community. Rev. he again competed against 6,000 ex- freshmen upon their arrival and as- Edwin Quain, S.J., is the new Dean of the true young American. sisted them by carrying luggage up ting up courses for the winter: perts and won the Hungarian Rifle Then the group took the train fo: of the Graduate School. Rev. Wil- Ed spent July, tne first month of Championship. He was at that time to their rooms in Dealy Hall, liam Griffith, S.J., is Treasurer of the trip, living with a Catholic Grenoble, a city of 100,000, situate* considered one of the top marksmen Parents and students were given in the French Alps below Switzer the University, succeeding the Rev. family in Belfort, France. This part in the world. Even in his later years, a reception in Dealy Lounge under land and west across the mountains Kevin O'Brien, S.J. Rev. Michael of his trip was occupied with meet- Captain Hopf was an expert with a the direction of Mrs. Lamm, Director from Italy. Here they found their McPhelin, S.J., is now the Dean of ing French public officials, such as: .30-.08 Springfield rifle. of Student Activities. At this recep (Continued on page 8) (Continued on page 8) the Chamber of Deputies, a local One of the hobbies that attracted (Continued on page 5) school principal, the Mayor of Bel- the attention of this active man was fort, and even local communist and carpentry. In his home he enjoyed socialist leaders. In general, he was Her Prayers Answered: able to observe social conditions, as exhibiting furniture that he had they exist in post-war France. made. Came to Fordham in 1928 The first three -weeks of August After coming to Fordham in 1928, Mrs. Lamm Named First Social Director were spent on a camping trip through Captain Hopf was one of the staunch- France. Twelve American students est supporters in school activities. In "Bringing something of a woman's* tween Fordham men and women's 1 and. an equal number of young 1929 the Captain collaborated with touch to Fordham" is the task of the' colleges in the New York area. Frenchmen composed this party. Fr. Mulqueen in reorganizing the In explaining how she came to the first Director of Social Activities on campus, Mrs. Lamm said she made school orchestra. Since that time; the Fordham campus. In these words, with the exception of the war years. a novena to St. Francis Xavier peti- Captain Hopf was engaged in pro- Mrs. Aletta Lamm, in her office on tioning ' him for work that was New ROTC Options moting the Band. His greatest tri the first floor of Keating Hall, de- "something really new and differ- Two new options, in addition umphs were the annual St. Patrick scribed her objective during the ap- ent" and her thoughts turned to Fordham. After working during the to the Administration Logistics, Day parades up Fifth Avenue. Mem- proaching school social season. summer in the office of the Dean of are now available to students in orable, too, were the John Philij Appointed by the Rev.
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